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Game Dev looking for a Composer

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Greetings comrades.

I, D-ray, am a freelance programmer, artist, animator and writer, primarily focused on making games (I'm also very good looking and intelligent, but I don't think it matters in this context).

As you probably noticed, "composer" is not on the list, as the closest thing to me "producing music" is when I'm in dire need to release a flatulence.

To cut things short, technically I do already have a trusted composer, but he's currently occupied with studies.

So I'm looking for another one who wants to make music for a small project of mine. Keep in mind that I'd prefer someone who doesn't currently make music PROFESSIONALLY, but someone who's just looking for a place to make experiences and, eventually, get better.

Professionals are fine too of course, but if I find someone as good as you, and it's a freelancer instead of a professional, I'll be more prone in choosing him/her.

I don't think I need to tell you, but this game project is for Newgrounds, so you won't earn anything but experience points from this (which is still pretty cool I guess).

So, if you think you've got the time, guts and the requirements to work with the undersigned, hit me up with a private message here on Newgrounds.

You can answer me or post stuff here too if you want to show off, but if we get in touch, I'll share you informations ONLY privately.

Have a good one comrades.
