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Should you do a daily drawing?

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Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-04 18:33:14

I've been doing a daily drawing for 666 days now, and I've talked to a lot of people about it.

Short answer? Absolutely, do it, you won't regret it and your art ego will be satiated more often than not.

Is it hard? Absolutely, but don't have a high bar, a little 5 min scribble is enough.

If you want to improve fast, just do it, a little bit every day, 5 mins to 5 hours, whatever you want it to be. Don't have an idea? Just pick a character you like, and a pose reference from somewhere. It does suck sometimes though, you'll be busy all day and you'll get home at 2am and realise you haven't done it. But it becomes like brushing your teeth, a little action to do regularly you barely even thing about anymore (I mean, if it's 2am, what's another 10-20 mins, we'd probably be on our phones for that time anyway let's be honest hahaha).

The worst of it is the fluctuating ego though, one day you'll draw something great and and feel good all day. But the next might not be as great and you'll feel down in the dumps... But it only last for that day, when usually it lasts days/weeks since you only feel as good as your last drawing.

So idk, just want to encourage people to draw more, make it fun, make it a habit. If your ideal job is to draw for a living, get the jump on it and begin the workflow now! You can do it!

And if anyone else here does daily drawings, I'd love to hear about it!

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-04 20:52:16

I’ve been hoping to start daily sketches/doodles for the month of December, so that I can get used to sketching freely and stop relying on AI for quick one-off images.

I do have some roadblocks - my primary art method being on my phone, which at times feels too cramped; my schedule having been as busy as it is for the beginning of the month; other projects, and so on.

Do you have any advice?

(Lol, I feel like I’m writing to an advice column the way I’ve worded this.)

Someone please help me revive my clubs

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Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-04 21:06:31

At 12/4/23 08:52 PM, Thetageist wrote: I’ve been hoping to start daily sketches/doodles for the month of December, so that I can get used to sketching freely and stop relying on AI for quick one-off images.

I do have some roadblocks - my primary art method being on my phone, which at times feels too cramped; my schedule having been as busy as it is for the beginning of the month; other projects, and so on.

Do you have any advice?

(Lol, I feel like I’m writing to an advice column the way I’ve worded this.)

Hmm, if you're drawing on your phone, silly as it sounds... draw while on the toilet hahaha

I mean, we're on the phone scrolling anyway if we're honest with ourselves, might as well make it productive. I've personally used the time to write little ideas that have since gone on to become scripts.

But biggest piece of advice, just don't be hard on yourself, draw a little thing, don't strive to make it great or perfect. I've taken to posting to Instagram to keep myself in check (As crap as Insta is), and if it's a shit drawing I just take a crappy photo and put it on my story so it disappears but I'm still held accountable.

The one thing I've learnt is that we're always "Busy". I'm super busy myself, and it was my excuse to not draw for so long. I suddenly realised I hadn't properly drawn for almost a year (which prompted the daily drawings) just because I was always busy and convinced myself I was still drawing technically (I wasn't, I was animating, which was basically pushing pixels hahaha)

Trust me, as someone who's constantly busy, once you take stock of your day you'll find little moments of time to spare.

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-04 21:18:22

gotta commend you for sticking to it for around 2 years!

daily drawing does seem fun and productive. i just gotta find an opportunity at beginning that haha, i've always been very slow and infrequent in my art, so something like this should help me keep busy and productive with something i'm passionate about :D also, pewdiepie's recent video of him drawing daily for a whole month was pretty inspiring :3

- wamy :3

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Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-04 21:46:20

At 12/4/23 09:18 PM, wamyremy wrote: gotta commend you for sticking to it for around 2 years!

daily drawing does seem fun and productive. i just gotta find an opportunity at beginning that haha, i've always been very slow and infrequent in my art, so something like this should help me keep busy and productive with something i'm passionate about :D also, pewdiepie's recent video of him drawing daily for a whole month was pretty inspiring :3

No time like today, sit down after dinner or something and just have fun. I mean Wapeach has been leaked and that's gotta make all of us wanna draw (It'll be today's daily drawing for me that's for sure hahaha). I used to do them in the morning to warm up until they god bloated and began to interrupt my work time, honestly trying to figure out a better routine as we speak haha.

That's greatly commendable of Pewdiepie, to just draw for the sake of it, and from what I've seen he really has improved!

I was inspired by an artist called Seansketches on Instagram. I was following him and I notice a little "ddXXXX" under every drawing. I sat there like "No way that means Daily Drawing, that's over 2000 days (at the time). So I scrolled through his gallery for about 5 mins and I found the first, it was 5 years prior and the drawing.. It was alright, about the level of skill I had at the time as well... But he has since run LAPS around me skill wise, and now I know it was purely by virtue of volume. He did it, he just drew. Some drawings were complex and detailed, and some were little chibi versions himself that would have taken 5 mins tops, but there was always something.

Don't stress about it, relax and draw something you enjoy, whether it's reference practice, fanart, tig biddies, a dragon, whatever makes you want to draw. Doesn't have to be good, just has to be. See what you can do in 20mins, you'll be surprised!

It'll be hard, but eventually the ego will take you further. The thing that keeps me going is that I don't want to have to put an asterix every time I talk about daily drawing, like "oh yeah, I've drawn daily... *instead of this one time I was like, suuuper tired and just got home late and night and wasn't feeling it".

Been pen sketching for 83 Days, Trying to get at least 100. I can safely say, It is rewarding but takes up time and sometimes feels like a chore I have to do whenever I'm not in the mood or just not feeling like making a sketch. If you do wanna do it everyday, stick to a schedule and try to accomplish small goals at first like reaching a month or so. the fluctuating ego is very relatable tho I must say but for me, its mostly just a minor annoyance, just keep going at it. Not really a love hate relationship since I love sketching and drawing myself though, I know it will be worth it when I'll get to 100 days.

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-04 23:07:18

I did something similar in the past and I agree about the satisfaction part, but the challenge was to do a new character everyday during 50 days. I managed to do it with very interesting results. You can see every character in my IG right here

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

BBS Signature

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-04 23:29:11

Can barely do a monthly drawing.

At this rate it's like a yearly drawing

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

BBS Signature

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 01:50:10

I've been on a daily streak since the middle of November and I already have another one planned! It is fairly fun, especially with the influx of new characters I made along those lines while also drawing some favorites. It's pretty neat.

BBS Signature

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 02:01:52

I sketched almost everyday this summer and I can say it definitely helped me improved, plus I saw it as a way to help relax me. Unfortunately when fall came around I got super busy with work and projects, so my daily sketches went on the back burner for now. But as soon as the holiday season is over I do plan to sketch more frequently again.

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 04:04:21

At 12/5/23 01:50 AM, Billy-SuperSkullz wrote: I've been on a daily streak since the middle of November and I already have another one planned! It is fairly fun, especially with the influx of new characters I made along those lines while also drawing some favorites. It's pretty neat.

Right!? If you're just drawing anything, you can come up with some fun stuff along the way! Keep up the good work!

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 04:06:48

At 12/4/23 11:29 PM, Drazah wrote: Can barely do a monthly drawing.

At this rate it's like a yearly drawing

Ahh, It's fine if you don't really want to draw much and see it as more of a hobby. I respect hobbyists a lot!

Daily drawings I feel are more of a thing for people trying to "go pro" with art. I mean, the pros draw everyday, it's why they're pro (and an ouroboros because now they have to due to it being their job haha)

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 04:10:25

At 12/4/23 11:07 PM, EmsDeLaRoZ wrote: I did something similar in the past and I agree about the satisfaction part, but the challenge was to do a new character everyday during 50 days. I managed to do it with very interesting results. You can see every character in my IG right here

That's awesome to hear, you did a great job! I can see your sense of 3 dimensionality improved in that time too!

Daily drawings make the art challenges super easy.. actually the challenges make the daily drawings easier because you don't need to think of what to draw haha. Inktober for example is a breeze because you just need to worry about lineart (Though I make it hard for myself for whatever reason hahaha)

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 04:11:07

At 12/5/23 04:04 AM, SirJakobos wrote:
At 12/5/23 01:50 AM, Billy-SuperSkullz wrote: I've been on a daily streak since the middle of November and I already have another one planned! It is fairly fun, especially with the influx of new characters I made along those lines while also drawing some favorites. It's pretty neat.
Right!? If you're just drawing anything, you can come up with some fun stuff along the way! Keep up the good work!

Thanks! Currently drawing something as I'm typing!

BBS Signature

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 04:15:45

At 12/4/23 10:29 PM, SpongBoy775 wrote: Been pen sketching for 83 Days, Trying to get at least 100. I can safely say, It is rewarding but takes up time and sometimes feels like a chore I have to do whenever I'm not in the mood or just not feeling like making a sketch. If you do wanna do it everyday, stick to a schedule and try to accomplish small goals at first like reaching a month or so. the fluctuating ego is very relatable tho I must say but for me, its mostly just a minor annoyance, just keep going at it. Not really a love hate relationship since I love sketching and drawing myself though, I know it will be worth it when I'll get to 100 days.

Hell yeah! Keep up the good work!

To me, it being a chore is kind of part of it. It's like a work out, you don't want to do it sometimes, but it feels good once it's done and you eventually see results. But the habit is what makes it work. If I did only what I wanted, I'd draw like, once a month or so, and just play MMOs all day hahahaha

Yeup, the ego sucks, but like, we're artists, it's going to be there anyway! hahaha

Draw something extra fun once you get to that hundo, savour it!

My hundo was actually part of Mermay so I couldn't make it as special as I would have since I was also writing a story along with it, it was a whole thing. Though I managed to somehow fit in the tradition of redrawing the first daily drawing in haha

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 09:16:22

Did one before out of boredom:

I gotta say, it's satisfying to get these daily things done knowing that it's all over and you have a big canvas of all your hard work over so many days. Might plan on doing another one for a certain occasion like an anniversary for a game series I enjoy

Just a nerd and a Kirby.

Hope you have a good day! <3

(Kirby says hi!) [Sig art by @soundskies]

BBS Signature

Response to Should you do a daily drawing? 2023-12-05 22:46:41

At 12/5/23 09:16 AM, M-kirbs wrote: Did one before out of boredom:
I gotta say, it's satisfying to get these daily things done knowing that it's all over and you have a big canvas of all your hard work over so many days. Might plan on doing another one for a certain occasion like an anniversary for a game series I enjoy

Looks great! Boredom is a good motivator haha

Do what ever motivates you!