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Patreon VS Alternatives?

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Patreon VS Alternatives? 2023-12-03 15:05:11

Hey, I was wondering what people's experiences for these types of services.

  • Would you recommend them?
  • When you should use them?
  • How you should run them?
  • What platforms are fair to artist?
  • What platforms do supporters actually use?

This stuff seems to change year to year, so I figure it's the sort of thing worth asking for people's direct experiences with. Bonus points if you have info specifically on Patreons centered around game-dev, illustration and/or comics.

BBS Signature

Response to Patreon VS Alternatives? 2023-12-03 20:48:32

I know absolutely nothing about Patreon, never used it.

But I'm using ko-fi at the moment and I haven't had any problem with it so far.


BBS Signature

Response to Patreon VS Alternatives? 2023-12-04 05:19:11

I have Patreon, SubscribeStar and Ko-fi.

Of the three, Patreon is the only one that anyone has actually subscribed to me on. I've had, I think, 11 or 12 different patrons over the course of the last year that I've been using it. That definitely remains the most popular site for supporters.

SubscribeStar is my personal favorite, just because I like the site layout better. It also seems to be the most NSFW-friendly, if that's a concern. Patreon allows it, but requires any NSFW content to be hidden from public (even if your entire account is already marked as NSFW...), and I know of some artists who have had their Patreon accounts shut down completely for apparently violating their obscure rules on what kind of NSFW content is allowed and what isn't. They don't seem to be too good about letting people fix their mistakes either, from what I've heard. Just shut down, done. Though I haven't had any trouble with that, fortunately.

Ko-fi doesn't allow anything NSFW at all. If that's not a concern, it seems like a nice site otherwise. I've never received any payment through there, but someone I know has, and he said that the cut that Ko-fi takes from your payments is significantly higher than what Patreon or SS takes. I don't have any hard numbers on that, though.