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Do you like drawing fanart

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Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 09:01:07

Do you like drawing fanart? and if so,

which character do you like to draw the most?

I usually don't because I feel like I'm just baiting easy follows, and that cheapens the experience. When I do it, it's usually for something I think is underrepresented or I just really, really love the property. The less people I think share my love for it, the more valuable I feel it is.

he he he he he hehe *almost chokes on laughter* He he he...

Who? Me ? Of course not. Why would you suggest that I'd spam every imaginable corner of NG with the same old-character and make moderators already eyeroll with snort and make half people block me for playing the same broken record on every single thread.

Nooooo... noooo... no. I am not obsessed with any fandoms. No. What? I decline any and all such accusations.

I mean ... what ... no, this link is random and is not referring to anything and my avatar is just pure coincidence. I do not know how it ended up being my avatar.

And absolutely do not click on my signature as otherwise would reveal this post being a complete fake news. And fake news are bad mmmmkey. I think I should cut down with the caffeine consumption.

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 09:33:30

Drawing fan art is weird. Whenever I'd do it in the past I'd usually end up poorly copying that art style or obsess over trying to convert it to my own (again, poorly). It just ends up stressing me out more than anything.

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I would only draw fanart of games i truely enjoy with the characters in it. I dont like drawing fanart thats trending just to get easy follows, its gonna hurt your mental health in the long run, coming from experience. So i tend to make fanart when i really want to show my love for the game/character i enjoy, if i feel like doing it.

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 10:15:01

At 11/18/23 10:07 AM, StevSteelEn wrote: I would only draw fanart of games i truely enjoy with the characters in it. I dont like drawing fanart thats trending just to get easy follows, its a stressfest. So i tend to make fanart when i really want to show my love for the game/character i enjoy, if i feel like doing it.

" I dont like drawing fanart thats trending just to get easy follows" yeah thats rigth it,s not the point of drawing fanart just to Catcher followers. :)

Yes. I doodle characters from games/medias that I like all the time. Maybe too much, actually.

I will now out myself by saying that I objectively suck at making my own designs lol

Every now and then I might doodle something like these, but like 90% of my art is other people's characters iu_1115792_18478846.webpiu_1115793_18478846.png

Art Dump

I like to yap incoherently about my art sometimes

God bless you.

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 11:34:19

I dont like drawing at all

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 14:24:36

I used to do a lot of fan art or something deeply inspired by other materials .. but I've been trying to veer away more and more from that because part of the pride I have with art is making something more special to me or to others.

I don't mind fanart .. but I really think ti shouldn't be everything and artist puts their effort into either.

I’ve done quite a bit of fanart this past year, mainly involving my Pokémon OC, Polly (a ditto who can transform into cartoon characters and stuff, lol).

Out of all the fanart I’ve done this year though, I think this one was the most fun. Garfield and Hello Kitty enjoying a picnic together. I’m not the biggest fan of the way Kitty turned out (or some of the shading). I absolutely could’ve done better there, but everything else looks alright to my eye.

I’m a huge fan of these characters and I grew up with them, I feel like they would be buddies.


Edit: Realized I didn’t even technically answer your original question, oops. LOL. Yes, I love drawing fanart, however, I mostly just draw my own OCs. Especially (this year) my truesona.

Fuck the cynicism, let the colors fly!

Don’t care you think it’s cringe, because it’s not your life!

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 14:39:36

At 11/18/23 02:28 PM, bappledilk wrote: I’ve done quite a bit of fanart this past year, mainly involving my Pokémon OC, Polly (a ditto who can transform into cartoon characters and stuff, lol).

Out of all the fanart I’ve done this year though, I think this one was the most fun. Garfield and Hello Kitty enjoying a picnic together. I’m not the biggest fan of the way Kitty turned out (or some of the shading). I absolutely could’ve done better there, but everything else looks alright to my eye.

I’m a huge fan of these characters and I grew up with them, I feel like they would be buddies.

Edit: Realized I didn’t even technically answer your original question, oops. LOL. Yes, I love drawing fanart, however, I mostly just draw my own OCs. Especially (this year) my truesona.

what a cute Fanart!

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 14:42:10

At 11/18/23 02:39 PM, Kinoki wrote:
At 11/18/23 02:28 PM, bappledilk wrote: I’ve done quite a bit of fanart this past year, mainly involving my Pokémon OC, Polly (a ditto who can transform into cartoon characters and stuff, lol).

Out of all the fanart I’ve done this year though, I think this one was the most fun. Garfield and Hello Kitty enjoying a picnic together. I’m not the biggest fan of the way Kitty turned out (or some of the shading). I absolutely could’ve done better there, but everything else looks alright to my eye.

I’m a huge fan of these characters and I grew up with them, I feel like they would be buddies.

Edit: Realized I didn’t even technically answer your original question, oops. LOL. Yes, I love drawing fanart, however, I mostly just draw my own OCs. Especially (this year) my truesona.
what a cute Fanart!

Thank you so much! I’m really glad you think so! c: <3

Fuck the cynicism, let the colors fly!

Don’t care you think it’s cringe, because it’s not your life!

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 14:58:01

At 11/18/23 02:24 PM, Alenicia wrote: I used to do a lot of fan art or something deeply inspired by other materials .. but I've been trying to veer away more and more from that because part of the pride I have with art is making something more special to me or to others.

I don't mind fanart .. but I really think ti shouldn't be everything and artist puts their effort into either.

i see that in the same way than you

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 15:54:47

Yeah. It's alright.

I mainly draw the hitman.

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 16:19:41

I like it, but I just enjoy drawing my OCs more

Join the Death Note Collab!!!...If you wanna...○ × ○

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-18 21:38:41


Quite a lot!

Check current mood, cool music!

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 02:14:32

I used to do a lot of fan art as a kid - whenever I was drawing it was either Pokémon or X-men, and this later grew into making fan-fiction as well. But nowadays, I'm not that into doing it to be honest. A character or property would really have to leave a lasting impression and deeply resonate with some part of myself for me to do fan art of it. I'm much more interested in creating my own characters and telling their stories. This isn't some expert opinion or anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if more artists felt the same way as they grow older. At some point it just hits you that your time is very limited, and that it would be better spent developing and expressing your own ideas (because no one else will do it for you) instead of making work based on someone else's.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 02:56:00

I love drawing fanart!

I may not be the brightest in the box full of light-bulbs, but that doesn't mean I can't light the way in this dark world.

(you can call me wilson or mawi if you want, I'm also the one who made skibidi club.)


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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 03:52:42

Yes. Seeing how established characters would look in my personal style has always been a favorite drawing exercise of mine.

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 04:03:55

Yes. i do enjoy it alot. While yes i coud establish more of my own OCs but i enjoy drawing prexisting characters. Somrtimes you just want to draw a character you saw in a movie, show, book or game. I do also enjoy drawing fanart of OCs belonging to others beacoue they can be very unique. And i like to draw unique looking characters.

The october chalange was just preexisting characters.

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 17:15:25

yes and honestly i wish i drew more! it can come off as clout chase-y at times, especially if you draw for big franchises, but everyone should draw what they like/what makes them happy yknow? if something inspires you or evokes a strong emotional response why not pay tribute to it somehow?

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 17:35:03

At 11/18/23 09:01 AM, Kinoki wrote: Do you like drawing fanart? and if so,

which character do you like to draw the most?

Most of my art is fanart, it being Undertale/Deltarune

Right now, it's Kris from Deltarune. I used to draw Asriel Dreemurr a lot beforehand, it was the thing that got me to actually try to become an artist.

Artist in training suffering from art block at your service

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 17:56:28

I do the occasional fan art every now and then, but my main focus is just making random character designs that I’ll never draw again (and drawing my original characters). Drawing pre-existing characters is a good way of cementing the look of my art style by figuring out how I would draw certain features, but it’s definitely not my number one priority.

Wacky characters and groovy patterns

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 19:44:13

Hell yeah i do! And welp, to anwser that question, yeah, i love doing fanarts of my favorite characters, but specially Sonic and Kirby series. Unfortunely i haven't drew many Sonic fanart this year, so yeah.

Cool, wild and Groovy beat.

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-11-19 20:21:52

At 11/18/23 09:01 AM, Kinoki wrote: Do you like drawing fanart? and if so,

which character do you like to draw the most?

I like drawing fan art and I don't have one specific character I focus on. I can get attached to a character for a week and then forget about them entirely. My brain is just weird like that. My current hyper fixation is a mix of Dante the sheezyart mascot and Sheemz the mascot for the new sheezy.art website so yeah. For now though here are some recent fanart things I got.

Ayo, my name is Dorfde. I do things on the internet.

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-12-26 07:54:46

Depends on my mood. But mostly I like drawing Luis Castañon's characters

Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-12-26 10:58:55

I just do fanarts when i feel like it, personally i enjoy them, specially if we are talking about Sonic, it's so fun to draw him for me, still got some examples of another things sooo check them out!

The goofy ahh penguin, creator of Deep Sea Prisoner! ;D

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Fan Art is complicated for me since this account is meant for business and the original IP surrounding said business, so sharing fan art like say from Mario doesn’t feel right. I have participated in an Art Fight last year and posted some works based on other OCs, but that was more to join a month-long game than it being “fan” works: I also got permission from the original owner of the OC to share it here as well.

The only thing I’ve posted here that might be considered true “fan”-art is a Vinesauce version of a monster I’ve invented so many years ago.

OviVixen Master Demo (18+)

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-12-27 00:16:42

If I feel some emotional/nostalgic connection with the source material then yes, but I much much prefer drawing original characters. :3

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Response to Do you like drawing fanart 2023-12-27 02:27:50

Just a little bit.