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question 2023-11-03 22:09:14

Are FL Cloud Samples allowed? I wanna use this DnB drum loop.


Response to question 2023-11-05 00:46:05

At 11/3/23 10:09 PM, you wrote: Are FL Cloud Samples allowed? I wanna use this DnB drum loop.

From the pinned Sample Pack usage thread:

Pre-made drums, pre-made bass, pre-made progression, pre-made misc sounds, original melodies.
Nope, that's a no go.

Pre-made drums, pre-made bass, pre-made misc. sounds, original progression, original melodies.
Almost there, but still it's a no go.

Pre-made bass, pre-made misc sounds, original drums, original progression, original melodies.
Now we are talking. A big part of your track it's original. That's good.

Pre-made drums, Original everything else.
That's great ! A minimum of sampling, mostly original work. You Sir, are serious about your music.

pfp: BellieQwQ | website: jaypedia.xyz | bandcamp: thejayjay.bandcamp.com

thanq yuo