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How often are References used in your Artworks?

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To many artists, this question may seem trivial. But as a small beginning artist who USED to absolutely HATE references for some reason, its still a question im curious about for many more artists out there, beginning and/or otherwise.

How often are References TRULY used in your Drawings?

(By References, im refering to images and stuff that you use as a BASIS for your Drawings).

Drawing whatever Original Ideas i have on my mind! Most of the time, at least...

My Art Thread!

Every time. Any time I don't use them, I want to use them. I use them when I don't even need them; you never know when you might see and learn something about something you've drawn 100 times before. It's just a good habit to keep up.

At 10/18/23 07:47 PM, NecroNovaNG wrote: (By References, im refering to images and stuff that you use as a BASIS for your Drawings).

This part I don't get. Like how often do I just copy a photo, 1 for 1? I did a lot of that while focusing on training, but not often for a piece. I usually have several refs per piece so I can make something new.

At 10/18/23 09:56 PM, Skoops wrote: Every time. Any time I don't use them, I want to use them. I use them when I don't even need them; you never know when you might see and learn something about something you've drawn 100 times before. It's just a good habit to keep up.

At 10/18/23 07:47 PM, NecroNovaNG wrote: (By References, im refering to images and stuff that you use as a BASIS for your Drawings).
This part I don't get. Like how often do I just copy a photo, 1 for 1? I did a lot of that while focusing on training, but not often for a piece. I usually have several refs per piece so I can make something new.

This definition should help you in what i meant to truly say.


I didnt mean this as "did you copy stuff for your artwork", moreso "how many things do you use as GROUNDWORKS for your pieces".

(Also, its great to know that you use references as a known good habbit! I wish i couldve done that sooner🥲)

Drawing whatever Original Ideas i have on my mind! Most of the time, at least...

My Art Thread!

I have yet to see a good and creative artist that does not use any reference. Sure those, who do same character 100th time for their stream may eventually not need one, but that's not very creative either, now isn't it ? A reference can be something simple or something complex, but use of them will improve your work. Seen plenty... a lot of beginner artists, who start lecturing others how use of references means you are bad or something. I am not even going to type down what I think of such statements.

I see some artists use it as badge of honor, "I used no references at all" - I often am tempted to respond with, "and it shows"

I use them - I.e use often unreal mannequin in blender to pose for me and stuff like that. I think quite few beginner artists think that reference means copying an object. No, no a reference often is something else like how material acts, how a pose is, how perspective is, how light may be, how a flora looks like and so on.

At 10/18/23 10:05 PM, NecroNovaNG wrote: This definition should help you in what i meant to truly say.

Gotcha. So instead of "basis" meaning the reference is the subject that the piece revolves around, e.g. a photo of Brad Pitt is used to make a drawing of Brad Pitt, they simply inform the visual elements of a piece, e.g. a photo of Brad Pitt used to make a drawing of a fantasy character in a similar pose.

Yeah, that's the thing I do all the time.

At 10/18/23 10:32 PM, Tenebrare wrote: I see some artists use it as badge of honor, "I used no references at all" - I often am tempted to respond with, "and it shows"

That's genuinely the worst, because it's such an uphill battle getting through to people that think like that. I was like that as a silly little boy, and the worst part is, given the interactions I've had with people who are their own worst enemy, I know that even if I went back in time to talk some sense into an earlier version of myself, younger me would probably still ignore it.

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-19 01:07:07

At 10/18/23 10:05 PM, NecroNovaNG wrote: This definition should help you in what i meant to truly say.

I didnt mean this as "did you copy stuff for your artwork", moreso "how many things do you use as GROUNDWORKS for your pieces".

(Also, its great to know that you use references as a known good habbit! I wish i couldve done that sooner🥲)

By that definition: all the time.

Like the user above me, all the time

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-19 01:45:47

I rarely use references on the first attempt, but after I completely fuck up the first attempt I find a reference and it helps a lot. Use references, and use them frequently.

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-19 05:53:49

I use reference when I cannot get something to look right or have seen a cool pose that I wanna draw. I try to not base my art too much on the reference so it will feel unque still.

Look at him spin

BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-19 06:43:30

I use references in every piece I create, both digital and traditional.

Colour palletes, perspectives, outfits, backgrounds, even faces or poses. Also inspiration sources. I rely on both Internet or physical books to create.

It's almost a mandatory resource to create accurate-looking drawings and when you work full-time in any sort of creative industry hahaha... I can also draw with no reference but the use of references improves the final work a lot. So I prefer it.

At 10/18/23 07:47 PM, NecroNovaNG wrote: To many artists, this question may seem trivial. But as a small beginning artist who USED to absolutely HATE references for some reason, its still a question im curious about for many more artists out there, beginning and/or otherwise.

How often are References TRULY used in your Drawings?

(By References, im refering to images and stuff that you use as a BASIS for your Drawings).

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-19 16:25:19

I use them as I need to, though usually I start from scratch since I'm too lazy to find refs.

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-20 11:32:16

Pretty much every time I draw a human character.

BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-20 14:17:45

Using references is absolutely invaluable and I should do it more myself. It's important to remember that using a reference isn't about copying something 1 to 1. It's about using it to inform how you will make your own thing. I've been stockpiling a whole mess of images I find valuable to refer back to.

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-20 15:09:03

Ngl, theres times where i dont use any references at all because of motivation and times where i use A LOT of them (a nice example could be reference sheets if im being honest). So yeah, at least for me it kinds depends on what im drawing 🤷‍♂️

Im that one bitch of the backflips

BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-20 18:30:20

I only use references when I’m drawing something I’m not familiar with, like objects and stuff. Otherwise, I usually just eyeball it when I draw characters and perspectives.

Wacky characters and groovy patterns

BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-20 19:36:22

It depends on what I'm drawing, but sometimes


BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-20 20:01:06

I only use references in my drawings if I'm going off an existing character, to make sure I don't miss crucial details.

But if we're talking anatomy, perspective reference and whatnot, never.

If reference is involved, it's a study, where I try to analyze and incorporate what I analyze into methods I can use to then draw from imagination without those references.

BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-20 23:23:48

All the time, like stuff that i really dont now to draw or sonething i,m Stuck on.

And i think its not Bad tu use reference,s All the big Artist,s Uses them to. :)

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-21 04:00:09

Every single drawing i ever draw has a reference being used

BBS Signature

Response to How often are References used in your Artworks? 2023-10-21 13:54:34

At 10/18/23 07:47 PM, NecroNovaNG wrote: To many artists, this question may seem trivial. But as a small beginning artist who USED to absolutely HATE references for some reason, its still a question im curious about for many more artists out there, beginning and/or otherwise.

How often are References TRULY used in your Drawings?

(By References, im refering to images and stuff that you use as a BASIS for your Drawings).

When working for other people or doing anything professional that I want to show to the world when I'm done, references are a MUST--triply so when I am working on a 3D model, software like Blender are made for implementing 2D drawings into animation-friendly 3D models, experimenting with character design or shape language is just too difficult outside of good ol' pencil and paper combined with useful reference.

When I'm just casually scribbling in my sketchbook after a long, rough day, and just want to relax and make stuff that no one except me ever gets to see, though, reference is unnecessary and it would make my casual scribbling feel too much like work. Otherwise, reference is absolutely crucial if you want to show your work to literally anyone in the entire world--even your easily-impressed mother.

I use them anytime I'm trying to make something look good. They're the most effective means of problemsolving tricky parts of a piece, they're like artistic cheatcodes for real.

Any time I don't use refs, I'm just doing something quick and fun and resigning myself to it kind of looking like shit :V Which I do still do more than I probably should.