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What are you reading?

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-01-20 00:41:38

At 10/18/23 08:55 AM, 9Hammer wrote: I've taken up an affinity for books for a good while now and I find it to be very therapeutic to silence all distractions and just focus on reading. I have a wide variety of books in my room spanning from plain literature to music theory to art books. I wonder: What are you guys reading?

Some of the books I've been and currently indulge in are these:

'Light for Visual Artists' by Richard Yot - [Light's effect on life and art]

'Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants' by Garret Ryan (Toldinstone) - [Greek & Roman History/Mythology]

'Atomic Habits' by James Clear - [Building productive life habits]

'Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East' by Dennis Paulson - [Field guide for Odonates]

I do not read, but! I do write. Though very recently I read the book “Night” by Elie Wiesel. It’s such a tragic story of the holocaust.

Do you like ghosts? Then Join Me!

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-01-20 04:21:50

i just finished Life of a useless man by maxim gorky. its about a snitch during a rising in russia.

don't take revolution for granted chaps especially if you're in favor.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-01-21 00:37:57

Dad's Nuke by Marc Laidlaw. Good book

Ever had to knock on wood? 'Cuz I know someone who had.

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-01-23 15:34:27

Im reading this forum

I'm the best for a reason.

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-01-29 11:29:13 (edited 2024-01-29 11:29:34)

I love reading, right now I read Todesfuge (Deathfugue) by Paul Celan and I am reading Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) by Günter Grass in German and English to compare both languages and appreciate this milestone of post WWII German literature.

I plan to read other books and poems this year.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-05 13:12:03

I've been helping out with a novel a now-friend and longtime idol has been working on. She sends me each chapter and I provide my thoughts and correct certain mistakes. A creative consultant.

Talking about a book that is for the moment obscure and which I probably cannot reveal too much of, I will just leave you with the last three sentences I reread.

"Sure, the government spooks were mostly gone. But the helicopter's pilot and Spherical Globe managed to find me. The next thing I knew, he jumped out of the plane and turned into a large cannonball of flesh. I just barely swam out of the way, as he left a large crater below."

I'm just one of those people still on the path of getting themselves out there in the world. If you're confused by my mug below you haven't read my profile. I point you to it.

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-05 20:09:24

The Prince of Niccolo Machiavelli

Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-07 05:35:50

here's a small list of what i've read through the year of 2023:


(Nietzsche's): Beyond Good and evil, Thus Spoke Zarathusra, The birth of tragedy, The Gay science and Genealogy of morals.

(Spinoza's): Political treatise and Ethics.

(Schopenhauer's): The fourthfold root of the principle of sufficient reason and the world as will and representation.

(Marx's): Gotha's program critique, Value, profit and price, Poverty of philosophy and capital vol. 1.

that's pretty much every book i've read throughout the last year lmao


Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-10 08:07:25

Walt Disney: The Biography – Neal Gabler

A Gentleman in Moscow – Amor Towles

Hands of Time: A Watchmaker's History of Time – Rebecca Struthers

Currently working my way through these three. The Disney biography is dense but includes so many stories and bits of information you feel like you're there with Walt. A must read for anyone interested in the history of animation and early cinema. A Gentleman in Moscow is like comfort food. Every chapter I get through I'm just left appreciating the beautiful wording and narrative. A really interesting slice of life. I've just started Hands of Time so don't have much to add yet.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-13 11:54:53

At 10/20/23 01:02 AM, MetalSlayer69 wrote: 1984 by George Orwell currently

1984 is genuinely one of the scarcest books I think I've ever r̶e̶a̶d̶ listened too, very good but I find the themes terrifying. Hope you enjoy.

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-13 12:02:43

So I'm dyslexic and reading books takes me ages so I've moved to more listening to books on audible, and reading graphic novels, and maybe short stories.

Currently I'm listening to the Necronomicon (Short stories by HP Lovecraft if your not familiar) on Audible, about the start the final story, “Under the Pyramids”. And my current graphic novel is Forged, a more light hearted fantasy story about a Dwarf trying to find his way in the world and moving to the big city.

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-14 02:30:24

Breve Historia de Gengis Khan y el Imperio Mongol (Brief History of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire)

A very nice recap of the mongol nomads and/or their ancestors, right now im on chapter seven from it.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-16 17:04:53

I'm not big on reading, but I make it a point to get through at least 5 new books every year. Right now, I'm on Atomic Habits by James Clear. Decided to go for something not story-based and that could really benefit me. It's awesome when I find a book that grabs me, especially when there's an audio version or a fan voice-over. Reading books I like is a joy, but when it's something I'm not into, it's a whole different ballgame. And don't get me started on the university- they make you read a ton of books and dull papers. If only I could just download all the boring stuff straight into my brain and get to the good stuff... if only...

Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-22 15:08:33

Man I did not know this thread existed until now.

I haven't had the time to read a couple of planned books for this month, but last month was a crazy ride for me as I finished five books in that short span of time. The books were various in topics including the biography of Gustav Klimt, an obscure dystopian book titled Anthem, a cool adventure story that made me think titled The Alchemist, learned some philosophy with Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), and finally a book about motivation titled Make Your Bed.

So far, been enjoying the spare time I get when reading books than I did many many years ago. The next few books that I have on my current queue include Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain), The Catcher in the Rye, The Handmaid's Tale, and from the top of my head (since I have many more in my personal library) a book titled House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski).

For now though, gotta grind my way out of the semester first before I treat myself haha...

Sic semper tyrannis.

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-02-26 16:23:32 (edited 2024-02-26 16:26:42)

Reading's become my thing, and I typically finish a book a month. Sometimes, though, work gets too crazy and I just can't find the time. Right now, I'm reading Flowers for Algernon - fantastic book, by the way. For me college was also tough though, I love reading but the stuff they had us read was straight-up snooze-fest! Every now and then we'd get to read something cool, but that was pretty rare. Because of this, I had problems in literature classes, so I often used https://ca.edubirdie.com/write-my-essay-for-me to avoid failing the whole subject It bums me out to see so many people, kids and adults, choosing movies over books. The thing is, there are so many books out there that could be someone's personal masterpiece, but their authors don't have the dough to turn them into top-notch movies. That's why I don't just stick to popular books, I also give unknown authors a shot. You never know, you might just find a hidden gem amongst them. After all, we love something not because it's popular but because we genuinely enjoy it.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-08 22:12:33

uzumaki. i made it a new years resolution to read more manga and im finally getting around to doing just that. gonna try and read more japanese folk horror stuff.

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Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-11 06:57:35

At 10/20/23 01:02 AM, MetalSlayer69 wrote: 1984 by George Orwell currently

the last book I read was Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
this year I've also read (among others) Blood Meridian, American Psycho, and a few Lovecraft stories

I may only know you as an online name & nothing else, but I like your taste in literature.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-11 07:00:43


The Influence of Sea-Power Upon History - Alfred T. Mahan

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-11 07:01:33

At 3/11/24 06:57 AM, ShadeUncut wrote:
At 10/20/23 01:02 AM, MetalSlayer69 wrote: 1984 by George Orwell currently

the last book I read was Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
this year I've also read (among others) Blood Meridian, American Psycho, and a few Lovecraft stories
I may only know you as an online name & nothing else, but I like your taste in literature.

since making that post I've also read The Crying of Lot 49, Suttree, and I'm now 1/3 of the way through Infinite Jest

tries too hard to be edgy and is blocked by many because he acts rude towards others to feel better about himself.

BBS Signature

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-11 07:05:46

At 3/11/24 07:01 AM, MetalSlayer69 wrote:
At 3/11/24 06:57 AM, ShadeUncut wrote:
At 10/20/23 01:02 AM, MetalSlayer69 wrote: 1984 by George Orwell currently

the last book I read was Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
this year I've also read (among others) Blood Meridian, American Psycho, and a few Lovecraft stories
I may only know you as an online name & nothing else, but I like your taste in literature.
since making that post I've also read The Crying of Lot 49, Suttree, and I'm now 1/3 of the way through Infinite Jest

You're a Cormac McCarthy fan, obviously. Nice.

Thus far the only novel of his I've gone through is The Road, because I like post-apocalyptic novels. Road is the bleakest one I've ever run into so far. I will buy No Country for Old Men soon, plus Blood Meridian.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-11 21:52:13

At 10/18/23 08:55 AM, 9Hammer wrote: I've taken up an affinity for books for a good while now and I find it to be very therapeutic to silence all distractions and just focus on reading. I have a wide variety of books in my room spanning from plain literature to music theory to art books. I wonder: What are you guys reading?

Some of the books I've been and currently indulge in are these:

'Light for Visual Artists' by Richard Yot - [Light's effect on life and art]

'Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants' by Garret Ryan (Toldinstone) - [Greek & Roman History/Mythology]

'Atomic Habits' by James Clear - [Building productive life habits]

'Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East' by Dennis Paulson - [Field guide for Odonates]

Not too long ago I had just finished reading Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. As of right now, I am reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and I am reading the comic called Grendel by Matt Wagner.

Read Hellboy. You won't regret it.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-12 17:33:31

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-12 21:45:56

Right now I am reading a historical non-fiction book called "Alaric the Goth: an outsider's history of the Fall of Rome" by Douglas Boin.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-03-18 16:34:22 (edited 2024-03-18 16:46:13)

During the day I’ve been finally reading Children of Dune and before bed some short stories (JG Ballard, Harlan Ellison, William Gibson, etc.), comics (mostly 60s Marvel lately) and then falling asleep to Moby Dick. I read a lot of sci fi, but try and break up every two or three with some sort of classic or non-genre thing. A recent stand out was Stoner by John Williams.

I don’t do a lot of audiobooks, but I’m trying to do more recently. I’ve been listening to a great one about WWI called Rites of Spring and Say Nothing about the Troubles in Ireland. I also listened to the Fellowship of the Ring audiobook read by Andy Serkis which is amazing. Excited to listen to the others he’s done.

There are a lot of great books mentioned in this thread. I’m glad to see NG users so well read!

Response to What are you reading? 2024-04-15 03:44:54

Right now I'm re-reading The Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara. It is possibly the best civil war novel ever written, though Jeff (Michael's son) is no slouch himself when it comes to historical fiction.

Response to What are you reading? 2024-05-07 16:35:08

Currently I'm on the "Dwarves" series by Soleil Comics, written my Nicolas Jarry. It's more a collection of individual stories, but, after some time, they pick up on previous ones later, either telling the story of the child of a previous protagonist, or being just a straight continuation. The Art is amazing, and the writer has a knack for creative foreshadowing.

In terms of Audiobooks, I recently finished "The Infinite and the Divine" by Robert Rath. It's a Warhammer 40k story about the rivalry between two Necrons that has quite a few really cool moments. Now I plan on returning to Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series, after I took a break from it for a while.