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THE GREAT MAVERLYN 2023-08-29 03:11:50

I discovered this great song, and it is PERFECT for a video I want to make, and I need to contact Maverlyn and ask if I can please use it, but they're unable to contacted. Does anyone here know them, or could contact them?

Response to THE GREAT MAVERLYN 2023-08-29 08:33:57 (edited 2023-08-29 08:36:18)

This is an interesting case to ask a mod about, because I believe the copyright terms of contacting the artist before using was the default setting when Newgrounds updated their Creative Commons settings. The problem is that people like Maverlyn left the site years before this feature was implemented, making it extremely difficult / impossible to contact some artists.

HOWEVER, Maverlyn appears to have had some foresight in this issue, because she seems to partially address it in an old news post. It specifically gives blanket permission for anyone to freely use her material, even for commercial purposes. The problem is that this conflicts with the CC terms. The post is also super old, and Maverlyn isn’t around to say whether or not she still stands by her no-copyright position.

So if @Maverlyn cannot be contacted, should her news post be considered and see if staff can update her copyright terms, or should it be as is since she could have changed her mind in the 11 years since writing the post?

@Troisnyx @LD-W

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