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Charlmot's music thread

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Hello, I'm charlmot, better known as charl.

I'm not much of anything, I just really like doing anything that gives me creative freedom

I released my first song a little over 2 months ago and then lost interest, until a month ago when I released another song and since then I've been releasing stuff almost every day :)

Skipping over the first 8 songs (because they had zero effort) we get to my first song where I tried to make it sound pleasing

I made this for someone when they wanted a space song. Of course, it's not great, I still had a lot of work to do.

Skipping over "The No Power Mixtape" (since I made all 5 songs in a total of like 2 hours), my next noteworthy song is "Settle For What"

In this song I tried making a loop (first time really), and then I turned it into a song. I was really happy with the way this one sounded, and I still kind of am.

Skipping over the next 3 songs (same reason as the first 8 lol), we start getting to my more recent stuff

I have zero memory of making this one but it sounds alright in my opinion, just don't focus too hard on the name

These 3 songs were all made with a specific environment in mind with the intent of hopefully making it come to life

They are my most recent releases, "Oasis" being the most recent, and I like to think of them as some of my best works.

I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep up the environment idea, I wanna start branching out more, but they most definitely result in the better stuff in my opinion


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-07-20 22:38:52

Very nice files of music very unique sounding keep making amazing stuff



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Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-07-21 03:14:25

At 7/20/23 10:38 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Very nice files of music very unique sounding keep making amazing stuff


Thank you so much :)


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-07-22 05:43:09

I spent a couple days doing nothing, then unpublished a bunch of not so listen to-able songs on my account

And then realized I hadn't made a new song so I spent a few hours making this

Had no clue what I wanted to do going into this but the pieces kinda just fell into place and I wanted to make a song that a funky king would groove to


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-07-23 13:41:50 (edited 2023-07-23 13:45:26)

This time around I wanted to make a nice little theme for a snow village in a game

I'm not making a game, I just thought it would be fun


I think I did alright


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-07-23 14:08:19

At 7/23/23 01:41 PM, Charlmot wrote: This time around I wanted to make a nice little theme for a snow village in a game

I'm not making a game, I just thought it would be fun


I think I did alright

Disregard that LOL

Had to make some updates



Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-07-26 04:40:51

Completely forgot to put this in here

Not super happy with it but I only spent an hour on it to be fair, there's a chance I'll end up taking it down or something if I really start to hate how it sounds


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-07-31 00:44:11

Ultimately really wasn't a fan of the last one so I took a small break and came back to release this

I'm a lot happier with this one


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-02 13:45:41

I felt like I should make a song that doesn't follow the same formula that I've been doing the whole time so I changed it up lol

I'm really happy with the end result



Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-08 08:19:06

Changed genres again, this time I don't even know what I made in the end lol

I personally really like it though


Let me know if you agree :)


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-13 03:30:08

I had a lot of fun making Spiraling Stars so I did the same style

But I tried to make it much longer than I usually do so I hope that makes up for it


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-14 13:04:29

At 8/13/23 03:30 AM, Charlmot wrote: I had a lot of fun making Spiraling Stars so I did the same style


But I tried to make it much longer than I usually do so I hope that makes up for it


Casporb - Dubstep delivered to your door!

Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-15 07:04:44

Someone asked me if I would make them a song, so I did lol

They didn't give me any particular styles so I just did my thing. About 3 hours later this is what I ended up with!


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-17 08:06:13

Ended up finishing another song soon after, I was really working on the melody this time lol



Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-18 12:45:21

Apparently I've been in the music making mood

This time I happened to finish one of my best songs in less than 4 hours :)

Let me know what you think of it


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-26 11:19:35

Completely forgot to put these in here lol

Here's the new ones I haven't put in here yet

Of course if there's anything you think I should change about my stuff, please let me know by either sending a message or leaving a review

I appreciate any and every form of feedback


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-08-29 20:03:35

I was going for neo-soul exclusively here but as usual I started wondering off into multiple different genres and then ended up with something that isn't neo-soul at all but that's alright lol


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-09-04 15:58:57

I just kinda did my thing on this one

No specific genre, I just wanted to make something that I thought sounded cool

If there's anything I need to fix about the stuff I make please let me know! :)



Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-09-12 06:53:58

Decided to do something chill, ambient even

I think it turned out pretty good


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-09-16 11:56:32

Not much to say on this, I just let myself go and this is what I ended up with

I think it's ambient but I'm not sure what genre it is, if you know then shoot me a message or something, I'm curious

If you have any feedback please be sure to let me know what it is :)


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-09-25 02:23:02

Went for something with geometry dash main level song vibes, I hope I hit the mark

It went more towards synthwave than I expected but I'm sure that's fine

Let me know your thoughts if you're reading this :)



Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-09-30 00:28:37 (edited 2023-09-30 00:29:30)

Nothing in particular to say about this song, just threw it out for fun, not filler just wanting to give myself time and freedom

But like I said in my news post I plan to go bigger with the next song


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-10-01 17:52:34

I finished another song!

This time it's by far my best song in my opinion

It took me just about 7 hours total inside of fl studio mobile to finish

I had so much fun making this song because it was the first time I made a song almost exactly according to the way I first imagined it sounding like. Before this song, I had always made stuff up on the spot, but now I don't have to do that anymore


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-10-15 00:24:51

Made some changes to how I'm gonna be doing songs, its all in my news post, but here's the new song


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-10-16 13:12:22

Was feeling funky throughout the night so I made a piano song

I thought it would be hard but it's actually really really fun, feedback is very much appreciated since it's my first time doing this kind of song


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-10-19 22:42:40

I tried not to do space this time lol, anyway this took me an hour and a half total over the span of 3 days

As I said in the news post for this release, I didn't quite get the goal I was going for but I still got something I was happy with in the end


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-10-24 17:27:58

I made some changes to Sahara Green a couple days ago or so


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-10-24 17:28:31

I also released this song today, this one was really fun to make for some reason, I guess I was just in my bag idk lol


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-10-27 16:20:02

Released this song earlier and then forgot to make the post here

This is one of if not my best songs in my opinion, let me know :)


Response to Charlmot's music thread 2023-11-12 10:56:13

I made this song over the course of almost 2 weeks, i struggled mostly with the drop and im still not sure its what I was aiming for. But its still one of my better songs in my opinion, so it was worth the effort
