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What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds?

1,036 Views | 52 Replies

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 06:39:09

At 2/2/23 04:29 AM, wamyremy wrote: if i had all the time in the world i could spend a whole lot more of it here! for now though i love taking a look at the Games and Movies portals that are "Under Judgement"! Perhaps one day my Global Rank would be #1!!!!!!!!

i haven't scrolled through the "Undiscovered Artists" section of the Art Portal in a long while but i wanna get back to that soon!


Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 07:37:13

I like coming here when I'm not busy with work to see some stuff fresh out of the oven. Mostly I just like giving people feedback and support for what they do, or just make someone have a chuckle. And I'm making a series sometimes.

xoxo 💋 (ps: okay I guess you can watch TRW)

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 07:58:23

Sharing my art, browsing through the forums, or seeing what cool new projects people are putting out/working on.

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 09:27:36

i do animations make demo games and make art especially the comic parts but its mostly on da

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 09:30:29

and most importantly i make fnf mods lone wolf path

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 12:59:31

At 2/2/23 04:29 AM, wamyremy wrote: if i had all the time in the world i could spend a whole lot more of it here! for now though i love taking a look at the Games and Movies portals that are "Under Judgement"! Perhaps one day my Global Rank would be #1!!!!!!!!

i haven't scrolled through the "Undiscovered Artists" section of the Art Portal in a long while but i wanna get back to that soon!

Art,animation,post stuff on the bbs,gaming and madness combat

I'm a gamer/vlogger/animator

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 13:06:11

At 2/2/23 04:29 AM, wamyremy wrote: if i had all the time in the world i could spend a whole lot more of it here! for now though i love taking a look at the Games and Movies portals that are "Under Judgement"! Perhaps one day my Global Rank would be #1!!!!!!!!

i haven't scrolled through the "Undiscovered Artists" section of the Art Portal in a long while but i wanna get back to that soon!

I like triggering the political forum mods then leaving their ban messages on unread.

Make Newgrounds Great Again! Moderation should be fair, not abused.

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 13:06:24

old classic games.

browsing the art, movies, portal, and occasionally community. I'd also like to post my art here someday as my main "art gallery" in a way, but that'll be some time from now most likely

i also like to comment funny stuff on posts, because i dont have to specify that i enjoyed the said post because the star review already does it for me. also i like to play a character where i cant make a good, reasonable sentence if my life depended on it or something like that, with exceptions like this post lol

portal is probably the part ive been spending the most time on as of recent. I get to see new cool movies, and sometimes games, and even sometimes new and cool creators to follow and help them get into the spotlight. It's also satisfying to get saves because bigger number = good (most of the time anyways)

I also like to go on nostalgia trips sometimes, playing old games like henry stickmin and watching old movies like nazo unleashed, or playing old games i havent played back then or old movies i hadn't watched back then

i do stinky art on the internet hahaha

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 17:20:55

At 2/2/23 04:29 AM, wamyremy wrote: if i had all the time in the world i could spend a whole lot more of it here! for now though i love taking a look at the Games and Movies portals that are "Under Judgement"! Perhaps one day my Global Rank would be #1!!!!!!!!

i haven't scrolled through the "Undiscovered Artists" section of the Art Portal in a long while but i wanna get back to that soon!

Posting art, liking art, rating art, artartart

Ass kicker

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 17:29:24

My favorite thing to do on newgrounds that i like is plot to takeover the site and turn everyone into a cat iu_888613_9273743.jpg

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 21:09:05

I enjoy occassionally uploading my music and art

My art

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 21:32:56

i like find random garbage idk make art sometimes but man this website is strange and crazy and chaos

A guy that has moved on from newgrounds to make real video games not just poorly made action script games made in a week or so

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-05 21:59:44

Watch and play wierd obscure stuff

NESticle Now!

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 00:35:36

sometimes i like to just creep around in the forums like a cockroach

Best regards

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 08:21:01

Watch how BBS is turning into one big shitpoast.

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 14:19:37

At 2/2/23 04:29 AM, wamyremy wrote: if i had all the time in the world i could spend a whole lot more of it here! for now though i love taking a look at the Games and Movies portals that are "Under Judgement"! Perhaps one day my Global Rank would be #1!!!!!!!!

i haven't scrolled through the "Undiscovered Artists" section of the Art Portal in a long while but i wanna get back to that soon!

i like to see what my favourite creators are up to, and i love voting and helping undiscovered artists and developers :)

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 14:30:48

At 2/2/23 04:29 AM, wamyremy wrote: if i had all the time in the world i could spend a whole lot more of it here! for now though i love taking a look at the Games and Movies portals that are "Under Judgement"! Perhaps one day my Global Rank would be #1!!!!!!!!

i haven't scrolled through the "Undiscovered Artists" section of the Art Portal in a long while but i wanna get back to that soon!

Post art and look at others! I also love collaborating with my fellow users on really anything

Hi :)

BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 15:03:47

At 2/2/23 08:26 AM, wamyremy wrote:
At 2/2/23 07:37 AM, stevthestev wrote: i look through the undiscovered artists tab just for a quick laugh but occasionally ill come across a really good artist
in one way or another i find the tab entertaining as well LOL. i would love to scout more artists myself though!

that tab is kinda cool if there had more artists posting.because if we go in there we are bombarded by hentai so only if you scroll for a long time you can find anything other than that type of drawings

Nothing to read there but click in my image you will see my shitpost comic! (Its just st8 up shitty)


BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 16:26:05

uploading & looking at cool stuff

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 18:27:33

Well, I used to be absolutely enamored with games and animations. Eventually, it was mostly just games. Then that too dwindled. Wanted to focus on getting other things done, mainly my art. All the while being hell of a quite here. Forum, comments and even rating was rare for me. But things in my life have changed. Now I'm back and this time it is very different. I'm active in the forum, uploading my art and view the occasional game or video.

Someday I plan to finally go into animation and make a game or two. Already started making drawings for an animation. Have made GIF animations before and attempted games in the past. First games were lost and came into a "roadblock" with the last one I made. Will revisit that one someday, but have much more interest in another game, similar to that first lost one (sort of like run n' guns). Should have stuck to making that game, as I didn't realize I would be less interested in the previous one (think side-view racing.) However, the drawings and at least 1 animation come first. Got to stay focused!

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 19:08:13

Occasionally I'll just be checking the BBs to watching movies. But there would be a rare chance of me posting art of some sort whenever I feel like it


BBS Signature

Response to What do YOU like to do in Newgrounds? 2023-02-06 19:09:26

i usually look at art or play a few games on the site