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OC Loredump

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OC Loredump 2022-08-07 22:51:22

Just lore dump a bunch of your oc's id love to hear them!

Response to OC Loredump 2022-08-09 22:57:59

omg omg omg. i love infodumping. prepare your ass.

so i have this story i want to make into a project someday when i get the skills+get brave enough

it's about this fuckin guy, jackie, [who like 80% of my page consists of] who's an undead rockstar. he committed suicide at the peak of his career, and "jekormata", the record label he was contracted with, reanimated him against his will, as he was making them too much money to die so soon. when they're not using him, they throw him into a giant basement, where he met mitch.

mitch was the first attempt at reanimating someone for profit. he was the trial run, a much smaller artist who had but a small following. it went well until mitch's head exploded as a result of a breathing machine being placed inside him. so they locked him up in a closet in the basement, and they left him there to rot for years until jackie died.

they became very close and i want the story to be about them getting up to whatever wacky zombie stuff they can while in the basement, and trying to escape the label. there are some other characters too but these guys are the main ones.

i'm forgetting a lot rn but i feel like i can def talk for years about this. i love them so much they are like my babies.


Response to OC Loredump 2022-08-21 23:37:45

A little short loredump, since with May and Mumble would tkae AGES to explain, since it connects to other characters.

Meet May and Mumble.


May is a robot. An android to be precise.

She's the daughter of an retired scientific; May haves an unique thing. Her heart is the "last" Layla Stone, a strange shiny rock which can do powerfull things. And oh boy! It's obviously a target to random bad guys who desire that power!

May doesn't really knows what's the deal about her heart, but she doesn't matter and will be ready to kick asses.

Mumble is... whelp, is Mumble.

A funny random thing, just like May, is a creation, but from somebody else. We don't know who made him, and where he came from. Just the easy thing to know is, he's a wisecracking, sassy and cocky fella with many mystery.

Both love adventures and have fun, you can make the math.

Cool, wild and Groovy beat.

BBS Signature

Response to OC Loredump 2022-08-22 07:57:12

Mortem was a woman from an age long before Personatus Dolorious was even born. Not much is known about her in particular. All that is known is that she was the first to be afflicted by this curse upon the world. This curse being the manifestation what people call the void, abyss and etc.

During the time, it manifested as a sort of liquid that was pitch black. Most of those that looked into the pool, said it was like staring into the very abyss itself. Rarely some have said to seen the black flames in the pool... Then there was the unnamed woman. The unnamed woman was the first to reach out and touch this void. She became afflicted with it and in turn it's host. Well a temporary host at that... For she was not the ideal host or bearer and was fated to suffer until death. Bringing death to those around her until the curse finally takes toll and kills her. And because of that, she was called Mortem, for she brought death wherever she went.

When she finally succumbed and perished. The void disappeared from the world, leaving no traces. But it was not gone forever. It would eventually manifest again throughout the ages in different forms. All of those that made contact suffered the same fate as the first. All of them couldn't bear the curse!


Fast forward to the present. The one that could bear the curse is born...


Response to OC Loredump 2022-08-22 20:09:15

At 8/7/22 10:51 PM, Agesus wrote: Just lore dump a bunch of your oc's id love to hear them!

will doiu_733017_5796160.jpgiu_733018_5796160.jpg

Response to OC Loredump 2022-09-01 00:03:40

Ooooooooooooooooooo where do I even begin! And which oc shouls I even blurb about!??!

I guess I could go on about one of my favs;

Her names Hannah, shes a Tabaxi that served in a big war where she and many other orphans, homeless and jobless were drafted by their city as free soldiers and sent to a mercenary army for training. She left the war a broken person as she saw many of her friends (and her best friend of all) die, or descend into madness and drunkeness after the war.

After marrying a shepherd who was interested in the psychology of soldiers, she has now set out back into a life of war as a mercenary, determined to raise enough money to help her friends and fellow brothers in arms off he streets and back on their feet.


Ive been playing her in a dnd campaign as a battle master fighter. Shes prob one of the most powerful ive ever played and continuously doges death lol

I love her so much and being a giant military history nerd I get to give her so many cool weapons XD

Response to OC Loredump 2022-09-01 20:22:10

At 8/7/22 10:51 PM, Agesus wrote: Just lore dump a bunch of your oc's id love to hear them!

Here’s some of mine

