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I'm coming out for the first time.

1,005 Views | 68 Replies

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 01:11:34

does that mean your fantasy of being treated like a queen by a short mexican was all a lie

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 01:51:32

At 7/22/22 01:11 AM, S3C wrote: does that mean your fantasy of being treated like a queen by a short mexican was all a lie

no I also really like Hispanics and being treated like a queen ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿผ

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 03:18:17

this one hit close to home lol

dope that you're finally able to work through it all tho

careful tho, i heard that women have cooties

professional putter togetherer

favorite inspirational quote

horniest BBS user UwU Nya~

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Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 05:57:31

At 7/22/22 12:15 AM, GabTHAIFOR wrote: EEEEERRRRMMM, kinda FUCKED UP for you to suggest that you want her to be in a monogamous relationship

No, the real fucked-up thing is @FUNKbrs forgetting there is no such thing as happiness.

At 7/22/22 12:22 AM, Kiwi wrote: she didnโ€™t want to touch me lmao

That means she clearly has no taste and class.

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

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Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 08:16:51

At 7/22/22 05:57 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 7/22/22 12:15 AM, GabTHAIFOR wrote: EEEEERRRRMMM, kinda FUCKED UP for you to suggest that you want her to be in a monogamous relationship
No, the real fucked-up thing is @FUNKbrs forgetting there is no such thing as happiness.

Then explain the feeling of watching something you hate die.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 08:56:41

Hey honestly I'm so proud of you, and I also I'm impressed on how you handled her. Me personally I would've sent her to the er, but you took it apon yourself to not resort to violence. I like that a lot. If you ever want to talk about anything, or even just say hi just know you can always dm me and have a good conversation

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 08:58:39

At 7/22/22 12:22 AM, Kiwi wrote:
At 7/21/22 10:39 PM, justdio09 wrote: so a bit of an inappropriate question but did you fuck melanie?
i stayed at her house over the weekend before this all happened and asked if she ever played with other girls and she said no and she didnโ€™t want to touch me lmao

on a side note, I did play with plenty of other girls I went to school with before all of this happened. a lot of them wanted some action tbh

So did you give them any?

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 09:27:51

At 7/22/22 08:16 AM, FUNKbrs wrote:
At 7/22/22 05:57 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 7/22/22 12:15 AM, GabTHAIFOR wrote: EEEEERRRRMMM, kinda FUCKED UP for you to suggest that you want her to be in a monogamous relationship
No, the real fucked-up thing is @FUNKbrs forgetting there is no such thing as happiness.
Then explain the feeling of watching something you hate die.


Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

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Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 09:46:16

At 7/21/22 01:16 PM, Kiwi wrote: And in ignoring her ~ I repressed a part of myself for over a decade. But I'm done with that. Melanie doesn't get to win. I get to be happy and comfortable with finally saying for the first time in my life, on my own accord:

I like girls.

Welcome to the club Kiwi! Good for you!

At 7/21/22 01:32 PM, Timmy wrote: Once again, a childhood trauma chases another person into the loving embrace of Newgrounds and Runescape.

Yep. I came out on Newgrounds before I even told my best friend or family.

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 10:58:50

At 7/22/22 12:18 AM, Kiwi wrote:
At 7/21/22 04:34 PM, Mistman7 wrote:
At 7/21/22 01:38 PM, FUNKbrs wrote:
At 7/21/22 01:21 PM, Mistman7 wrote: Cool. I don't think anyone cares at all.
I kinda care, but like, in a positive way.

As in, Newgrounds has generally been a place where people could be gay.

I'm under the impression, and I met her at least twice, that Freakapotimus, the very first NG mod, was non-binary.

I think sex, of any kind, gives pleasure, which is a utilitarian good.

I hope Kiwi finds someone who makes her happy.
Aye, well said. I might have worded that in the wrong way, which may have caused some misunderstanding.

I meant that nobody cares as in nobody really gives a shit that she likes women. Because, really, does anyone here view her as a better or worse person for it?
Ngman7 would have some thoughts ๐Ÿ˜‚

Ah yes, that tard. I'm pretty sure he got banned.

please help. thank you.

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 11:07:37

glad that youre finally comfortable with yourself, cheers!

homophobia is gay

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 11:16:11

yeah and?

i like everything, pussy, anal, you name it


but yeah congrats for coming out as a lesbo



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Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-22 12:18:39

Congrats on leaving the confines of the closet, Kiwi.

I don't really have much else to say so I'll just let my vexillologist half do the talking:


Let the flag fly, proud and free!

Cartoonist lad, occasional BBS poster and all-round human hailing from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

NOTICE: Anyone caught posting A.I. 'art' on Newgrounds.com will have their balls ripped off and flushed down the toilet.

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-23 15:30:22

At 7/21/22 01:16 PM, Kiwi wrote: I grew up in a very small village. When I was in middle school I was part of what would be considered the popular crowd, the pretty girls. However, one particular girl, we'll call her Melanie, started spreading a particular "rumor" about me. Melanie started telling the whole school that I was gay. The gossip trickled its way all through the hallways, all the way until it made its way back to me. I was upset. I was afraid. Being gay was not cool. People died for being "outted" as gay. I saw people lose everything because of their sexuality. As a child, I was scared. It was not Melanie's place to determine my sexuality or to gossip about me in such a way.

I confronted her about it by the lockers after school, but the damage to me had already been done. I locked away my gay sexuality after that moment ~ deeming that I would never be accepted as a girl who likes girls not then, maybe never. I saw all the scenarios of how my life would be hell if I let that truth come out, so instead I became addicted to other things in life and I'm only now recovering all of this as an adult. I'm realizing what parts of myself I'm projecting onto others (you gays reading this lol jk love ya).

I can still remember the fear in Melanie's eyes as I stood by those lockers, and I swear she thought I was about to punch her lights out. I remember turning to food for comfort, caffeine, attention from boys online and in person. I gained weight and stopped hanging around Melanie. I started playing Runescape and surfing Newgrounds, using Yahoo! messenger and AIM. I never resorted to violence or revenge with Melanie. I ignored her.

And in ignoring her ~ I repressed a part of myself for over a decade. But I'm done with that. Melanie doesn't get to win. I get to be happy and comfortable with finally saying for the first time in my life, on my own accord:

I like girls.

Homophobia is horrible, People are honestly sometimes outrageous. You made the right choice coming here, everyone is accepted for who they are in this place. Pay no attention to haters, they're just lonely, laughable bastards that have nothing better to waste time on. Be you, no matter what.

FYI: I do what I want. If you don't like what i do, LEAVE

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-23 15:41:48

you never explained in your story where you were coming out from. your house? i like girls too though, they're cool


BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-23 15:43:23

Same. Boys are ugly little beasts.

Now, It's wonderful when someone is able to truly realize who they are and accept that they like their same gender. But if it becomes "I like my gender and hate the other" that's one of the big things that pisses me off about some LGBTQ+ members. (Not to say I hate all of them.) You sound like a low life feminists who rants on tiktok on why men are useless when really you all are being the shitty useless ones. Boys are ugly beasts? Well then who built our society? Who helped invent many beneficial things for our survival? Who invented math, science, and other stuff that allow us as humans to understand the world we live in? Who created Newgrounds? Who helped you mother give birth? Those who hate woman are disgusting retarded low life idiots. But so are those who hate men! Treat eachother equally. We are ALL human beings no matter how our differences classify us. Hating men isn't empowering women it's doing the opposite. So saying that makes you an ugly little beast of a woman.

FYI: I do what I want. If you don't like what i do, LEAVE

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-23 15:47:47

So can I get a couple more details?

Like, did you slam your hand on Melanie's locker, leaning towards her, making a seriously intimidating eye contact?

Did you bite her lower lip?!

Was there a brutal one on one hand to hand combat scene where you gained the upper hand, then whispered to her ear: "I used to fuck guys like you in prison"

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-23 16:37:35

At 7/21/22 01:16 PM, Kiwi wrote: I grew up in a very small village. When I was in middle school I was part of what would be considered the popular crowd, the pretty girls. However, one particular girl, we'll call her Melanie, started spreading a particular "rumor" about me. Melanie started telling the whole school that I was gay. The gossip trickled its way all through the hallways, all the way until it made its way back to me. I was upset. I was afraid. Being gay was not cool. People died for being "outted" as gay. I saw people lose everything because of their sexuality. As a child, I was scared. It was not Melanie's place to determine my sexuality or to gossip about me in such a way.

I confronted her about it by the lockers after school, but the damage to me had already been done. I locked away my gay sexuality after that moment ~ deeming that I would never be accepted as a girl who likes girls not then, maybe never. I saw all the scenarios of how my life would be hell if I let that truth come out, so instead I became addicted to other things in life and I'm only now recovering all of this as an adult. I'm realizing what parts of myself I'm projecting onto others (you gays reading this lol jk love ya).

I can still remember the fear in Melanie's eyes as I stood by those lockers, and I swear she thought I was about to punch her lights out. I remember turning to food for comfort, caffeine, attention from boys online and in person. I gained weight and stopped hanging around Melanie. I started playing Runescape and surfing Newgrounds, using Yahoo! messenger and AIM. I never resorted to violence or revenge with Melanie. I ignored her.

And in ignoring her ~ I repressed a part of myself for over a decade. But I'm done with that. Melanie doesn't get to win. I get to be happy and comfortable with finally saying for the first time in my life, on my own accord:

I like girls.

Congrats, dude I'm glad you feel comfortable and confident enough to come out. Also Kudos to you for dealing with Melanie in a mature way. Because personally I probably would have punch that dumbass. And, lastly yes women are awesome I agree with that.

At 7/22/22 08:16 AM, FUNKbrs wrote:
At 7/22/22 05:57 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 7/22/22 12:15 AM, GabTHAIFOR wrote: EEEEERRRRMMM, kinda FUCKED UP for you to suggest that you want her to be in a monogamous relationship
No, the real fucked-up thing is @FUNKbrs forgetting there is no such thing as happiness.
Then explain the feeling of watching something you hate die.

I think you've said that you hate the people you care about

At 7/22/22 12:18 PM, ChazDude wrote: Congrats on leaving the confines of the closet, Kiwi.

I don't really have much else to say so I'll just let my vexillologist half do the talking:

Let the flag fly, proud and free!

Do you self diagnose as having multiple personality disorder

  • Chazdude

  • Vexillologist

At 7/23/22 03:43 PM, FrostPen wrote:

Same. Boys are ugly little beasts.
Now, It's wonderful when someone is able to truly realize who they are and accept that they like their same gender. But if it becomes "I like my gender and hate the other" that's one of the big things that pisses me off about some LGBTQ+ members. (Not to say I hate all of them.) You sound like a low life feminists who rants on tiktok on why men are useless when really you all are being the shitty useless ones. Boys are ugly beasts? Well then who built our society? Who helped invent many beneficial things for our survival? Who invented math, science, and other stuff that allow us as humans to understand the world we live in? Who created Newgrounds? Who helped you mother give birth? Those who hate woman are disgusting retarded low life idiots. But so are those who hate men! Treat eachother equally. We are ALL human beings no matter how our differences classify us. Hating men isn't empowering women it's doing the opposite. So saying that makes you an ugly little beast of a woman.

I accept ALL ugly pig beast women and men

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 02:25:41

At 7/23/22 03:43 PM, FrostPen wrote:

Same. Boys are ugly little beasts.
Now, It's wonderful when someone is able to truly realize who they are and accept that they like their same gender. But if it becomes "I like my gender and hate the other" that's one of the big things that pisses me off about some LGBTQ+ members. (Not to say I hate all of them.) You sound like a low life feminists who rants on tiktok on why men are useless when really you all are being the shitty useless ones. Boys are ugly beasts? Well then who built our society? Who helped invent many beneficial things for our survival? Who invented math, science, and other stuff that allow us as humans to understand the world we live in? Who created Newgrounds? Who helped you mother give birth? Those who hate woman are disgusting retarded low life idiots. But so are those who hate men! Treat eachother equally. We are ALL human beings no matter how our differences classify us. Hating men isn't empowering women it's doing the opposite. So saying that makes you an ugly little beast of a woman.

Itโ€™s funny because the person who wrote that originally is indeed a boy lmao

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 05:50:19

If i were you, i would have kissed melanie in front of everyone

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 08:35:17

Ok but I still want to punch Melanie in her bitch face.

I bet she's selling MLM bullshit on FB now.

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

At 7/23/22 03:43 PM, FrostPen wrote:

Same. Boys are ugly little beasts.
Now, It's wonderful when someone is able to truly realize who they are and accept that they like their same gender. But if it becomes "I like my gender and hate the other" that's one of the big things that pisses me off about some LGBTQ+ members. (Not to say I hate all of them.) You sound like a low life feminists who rants on tiktok on why men are useless when really you all are being the shitty useless ones. Boys are ugly beasts? Well then who built our society? Who helped invent many beneficial things for our survival? Who invented math, science, and other stuff that allow us as humans to understand the world we live in? Who created Newgrounds? Who helped you mother give birth? Those who hate woman are disgusting retarded low life idiots. But so are those who hate men! Treat eachother equally. We are ALL human beings no matter how our differences classify us. Hating men isn't empowering women it's doing the opposite. So saying that makes you an ugly little beast of a woman.

Wow... Did you just assume my gender?

But your bigotry just hemorrhages out of your post. Considering women were the primary caregivers while men were out on hunts and off at war, there could be a strong argument that women were more influential in building the social construct of civilization.

As for who 'invented' things, I wonder if you think people just floated around before Isaac Newton 'invented' gravity.

Might want to take a chill pill.

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 13:47:45

At 7/24/22 08:35 AM, DrSevenSeizeMD wrote: Ok but I still want to punch Melanie in her bitch face.
I bet she's selling MLM bullshit on FB now.

I happened to see her at the grocery store in my hometown a few years ago and I had to do a quadruple take. She had gained a lot of weight and looked sad.

Im cackling at the MLM bullshit part though ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 13:48:26

At 7/24/22 05:50 AM, MohammedBinAkbar wrote: If i were you, i would have kissed melanie in front of everyone

Thatโ€™s pretty good yeah

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 14:02:22

how are you with confessing your feelings to someone when you're gay? i'm way too much of a pussy to tell a girl that i love her but i imagine its even harder to do when its a same sex thing.


BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 15:13:07

At 7/24/22 02:02 PM, JizzyJazz wrote: how are you with confessing your feelings to someone when you're gay? i'm way too much of a pussy to tell a girl that i love her but i imagine its even harder to do when its a same sex thing.

fuck if I know lmao I donโ€™t like confessing my feelings period ayy stay stoic ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป

BBS Signature

Response to I'm coming out for the first time. 2022-07-24 15:14:49

Im very happy for you and hope this goes well and helps you feel better in life
