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Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1

4,949 Views | 79 Replies
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PLEASE DO NOT CONVERSE IN THIS THREAD - THIS IS FOR SUBMISSIONS ONLY FOR ROUND 1! Instead, head to the NGADM 2022 Discussion Thread for questions, banter and more!


Rules/Guidelines: https://ld-w.newgrounds.com/news/post/1277744

Discussion Thread: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1503323

NG Audio Pub Discord Server: https://discord.gg/3FmnxmaUmk




The public score sheet containing detailed results for the Auditions Round is available here:


Additional charts may be posted over in the NGADM DIscussion Thread

The following users have qualified to compete in Round 1:

(Ranked by Seed)

@Spadezer (1)

@Agente001Tomhson (2)

@ackai (3)

@eliasalija (4)

@AlbeGian (5)

@arbelamram (6)

@Glassedhouse (7)


@Uxvellda (9)

@Zechnition (10)

@CloakedSoup (11)

@ConnorGrail (12)

@Sequenced (13)

@ZaneLittle (14)

@RedCocoa (15)


@Jatmoz (17)

@AceMantra (18)

@SnaresWorks (19)

@HalfDemureOfficial (20)

@Jernemies (21)

@AlphaStormMusic (22)

@BurningSexuality (23)

@NoStereo (24)

@Dominuus (25)

@Everratic (26)

@Voltus (27)

@LucidShadowDreamer (28)

@Vatriox (29)

@TenodiBoris (30)

@Febbs (31)

@TheVodouQueen (32)

@IglicaV (33)

@AvapXia (34)

@vidu3k333 (35)

@larrynachos (36)

@Lordant (37)

@Shifterhead (38)

@BlueCheeseCult (39)

@AkioDaku (40)

@TebyTheCat (41)

@deepfriedfiend (42)

@CorruptModule (43)

@Benji-G (44)

@JarJarZoinks (45)

@Trackers (46)

@Mikaiah (47)

@DawMii (48)

@Ziondiac (49)

@JinZ (50)

@DiosselMusic (51)

@DigitalProdigy (52)

@Hyenaedon (53)

@GatorTots (54)

@FinaLee (55)

@ChordsInMotion (56)

@Solaraloe (57)

@Syamori (58)

@TeffyD (59)

@Paint2Acetone (60)

@Staintocton (61)

@MetaHumanBoi (62)

@cyan11 (63)

@Fumijena (64)

The following users have not scored high enough to get into the Top-64, and are thus eliminated from the tournament:

(Ranked by Seed)

(Fill-In's for Round 1 are offered to the highest ranked individual(s) who did not make it through to Round 1)

@UmbrellaLeef (65) (Please remain on-standby, you're eligable as a fill-in for Round 1 if someone drops out!)

@Kysertron (66) (Please remain on-standby, you're eligable as a fill-in for Round 1 if someone drops out!)

@CommanderJersey (67) (Please remain on-standby, you're eligable as a fill-in for Round 1 if someone drops out!)

@epikuro (68) (Please remain on-standby, you're eligable as a fill-in for Round 1 if someone drops out!)

@SerebetGM (69) (Please remain on-standby, you're eligable as a fill-in for Round 1 if someone drops out!)

@Soundslave (70) (Please remain on-standby, you're eligable as a fill-in for Round 1 if someone drops out!)

@achair225 (71)

@Dry (72)

@BlBlackMamba (73)

@BBank (74)

@X-ManOfficial (75)

@Curruff (76)

@amishpimp (77)

@supermelon-creations (78)

@CarbonO2 (79)

@Cresince (80)

@Ackee39 (81)

@Yayday-4evr (82)

@Jmagnum (83)

@glotchalotch (84)

@PartyBalloof (85)

@Banana-head (86)

@Lucasberry (87)

@GlowBoyMusic (88)


@Thetageist (90)

@3manonMusic (91)

@GDRyuHayabusa1988 (92)

@GlaceonDash (93)

@V1ZION (94)


@Petrol4brains (96)

@LordNom (97)

@AceTAD (98)

@jeffbeard (99)

@Leavesz (100)

@Riy0 (101)

@OfficialRaser (102)

@Dracoflame (103)

@Tykwa (104)

@Synami (105)

@C4PTAIN (106)




As a reminder now that we are past the Auditions Stage, the following rules are now enforced:

For Rounds 1/2/3/4 After the Audition Round:

1. You may not submit any covers, mashups, remixes, VIPs, loops, or anything that is not considered original work at this point.

2. You may not start on a piece for the next round before that round officially begins (please only submit an entry that you've composed during the Rounds time-period!)

3. All members who scored the highest in their respective groups in will be placed into the 'Winners Bracket', and will remains in 'Winners Bracket' for each round by continuing to score the highest in their groups/pairings. Everyone else will be placed into the 'Losers Bracket', where they will have a second opportunity to try and score as high as possible to stay in the contest. If you fail to get the highest score in your group while in Losers Side again at the end of the round you're in, you are then eliminated!

4. If you drop out of the competition during Round 1, you are automatically eliminated for Round 2, and will not be placed in the losers bracket (and your slot offered to a Fill-In). This may apply for anyone aswell who did-not-submit and no-shows afterwards, but I may make an exception for anyone who has been dealing with technical issues, and shows at least some proof-of-work that they had tried making an entry during the Round 1 period!

5. If you drop-out of the contest during Round 2, 3 or 4, your slot will:

 - On Winners Side: Get filled in by the highest scoring individual from last round, from Losers-Side

 - On Losers Side: The slot will remain empty

(IF you are unsure as-to if the current rules are up-to-date, please check the original Rules Newspost here: https://ld-w.newgrounds.com/news/post/1277744 )

Round 1 will consist of 64 competitors placed in groups of 4. The top member from each group will move on to the Winners-Side of Round 2, while everyone else will be sent to the Loser-Side of Round 2. Members in these groups were not placed by score, but were randomly seeded into different groups (the individuals seed ranks are visible inside of the enclosed brackets at the end of their tags. These groups are: (Bracket / Contestant / Seed Rank)

You have from now, until August 1st @ 11:59pm BST (British Summer Time) to complete your Round 1 Entry!

Bracket 1

@LucidShadowDreamer (28)

@Syamori (58)

@Glassedhouse (7)

@Spadezer (1)

Bracket 2

@Everratic (26)

@CorruptModule (43)

@Fumijena (64)

@RedCocoa (15)

Bracket 3

@Solaraloe (57)

@AceMantra (18)

@IglicaV (33)

@DawMii (48)

Bracket 4

@Lordant (37)

@eliasalija (4)

@MetaHumanBoi (62)

@cyan11 (63)

Bracket 5

@JarJarZoinks (45)

@JinZ (50)

@Vatriox (29)

@deepfriedfiend (42)

Bracket 6

@ConnorGrail (12)

@TeffyD (59)

@AkioDaku (40)

@Hyenaedon (53)

Bracket 7

@ZaneLittle (14)

@BurningSexuality (23)

@vidu3k333 (35)

@BlueCheeseCult (39)

Bracket 8

@Shifterhead (38)

@Sequenced (13)

@Jatmoz (17)

@CloakedSoup (11)

Bracket 9

@Benji-G (44)

@Uxvellda (9)

@Paint2Acetone (60)

@DigitalProdigy (52)

Bracket 10

@GatorTots (54)

@Dominuus (25)

@AlbeGian (5)

@Zechnition (10)

Bracket 11

@TebyTheCat (41)

@Jernemies (21)

@FinaLee (55)

@Voltus (27)

Bracket 12

@arbelamram (6)

@cyan11 (63)

@Agente001Tomhson (2)

@Staintocton (61)

Bracket 13

@Trackers (46)

@HalfDemureOfficial (20)

@NoStereo (24)

@Mikaiah (47)

Bracket 14

@TenodiBoris (30)

@Ziondiac (49)

@TheVodouQueen (32)

@ackai (3)

Bracket 15

@larrynachos (36)

@ChordsInMotion (56)

@AvapXia (34)


Bracket 16


@AlphaStormMusic (22)

@SnaresWorks (19)

@Febbs (31)



Prizes shall be awarded to all participants who reach the Finals and submits a track for that round! The split of the prize pool at the end of the NGADM Finals is as follows:

1st Place: 40% of the Total Pot

2nd Place: 25% of the Total Pot

3rd Place: 15% of the Total Pot

4th Place: 10% of the Total Pot

5th Place: 5% of the Total Pot

6th Place: 5% of the Total Pot

If you would like to contribute to the prize pool, make a donation via the Supporter page and PM TomFulp a heads up it’s for the Audio Deathmatch. We’ll be adding prizes and sponsors to the page as donations come in.


@TomFulp - $100

@The-Great-One - $75

@olskoo - $50

@TeffyD - $50

@JarJarZoinks - $30

@Bleak-Creep - $25

@MaldivirDragonwitch - $25

Total: $355

| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-18 19:10:55

ALRIIIIIIIGHT! round one submission time baby

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-18 19:12:56

At 7/18/22 07:10 PM, Vatriox wrote: ALRIIIIIIIGHT! round one submission time baby


You need to compose a fresh entry for this Round onwards


| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to everyone who made it through!

I help you see things.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-18 19:31:12

At 7/18/22 07:12 PM, LD-W wrote:
At 7/18/22 07:10 PM, Vatriox wrote: ALRIIIIIIIGHT! round one submission time baby

You need to compose a fresh entry for this Round onwards

whoops working on it rn

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-18 22:26:48


DM me if you want a review!

BBS Signature

Slight copy&paste slip up present, which has now been quickly corrected.

@DiosselMusic was accidentally missing from Bracket 12 and is now appearing in there on the Master Sheet and Public Sheet (cyan11 was double-bracketed, and is now appearing in just Bracket 4 as originally rolled)

| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-19 01:56:47


Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-19 09:47:16

Man my bracket is going to be hard to judge


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-19 10:16:20

let the games begin, happy jamming to everyone!


Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-19 12:19:17

Good luck everyone

BBS Signature

Brotha I'm just lettin' you know that you gotta make a track specifically for the competition. Can't submit an old one!

EDIT: I just saw all the responses you got

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-19 23:45:23

I'm always scared to submit early.

BBS Signature

@SnaresWorks has unfortunately dropped out of NGADM. His slot has been opened up to fill-in's

@UmbrellaLeef has accepted the slot being the first one in the Fill-In queue, and will be taking part in Bracket 16

This shall be updated in the public sheet within the next few hours!

| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-20 15:19:32

@JinZ has unfortunately dropped out of NGADM. His slot has been opened up to fill-in's

@Kysertron has accepted the slot being the next in the Fill-In queue, and will be taking part in Bracket 5

| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-21 12:12:44

@cyan11 has unfortunately dropped out of NGADM. His slot has been opened up to fill-in's

@CommanderJersey has accepted the slot being the next in the Fill-In queue, and will be taking part in Bracket 4

The sheet will be updated with the change in the next couple hours

| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-23 20:10:58

alright nowwwwwww i'm ready for round one lmfao

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-24 10:14:33

Let's goo! Good luck to everyone!

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-24 17:05:18

Here's mine! Honored to have made it this far for the first time! Best of luck to everyone!

Best and take care!

~Zach (AlphaStorm)

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-24 23:28:01

Here's my track. I might compose again next weekend and change my submission if I make a better one. Good luck everyone!

I stayed up way too late last night and ended up with a song about tree frogs. Guess that's what it'll be this round XD

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-26 01:02:55

I think I'm done with composing after this.

there was nothing to fear, nothing to doubt.

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-26 23:38:14

Welp, here's my entry. For better or worse

DM me if you want a review!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-27 08:02:11

Had a lot of fun with this one :)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-27 09:33:15

Round 1... done!

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-27 10:45:35

Round 1 Submission, wish I could've done more, but I have like, no time these upcoming days.

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-27 11:59:49

Round 1 submission

Submission and shit. Would have loved to keep grinding at this, but I literally don't have all week

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-28 04:29:13

Here we go! Best of luck, everybody!

Response to Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch 2022: Round 1 2022-07-28 08:16:17

ive got a little story to tell..

hope u will enjoy the journey

glhf all in round 1♥