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Dead Estate Art Contest Results!

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Dead Estate Art Contest Results! 2021-10-18 20:04:16

Alright everyone, we got a boatload of submissions for the Dead Estate Art Contest! More than I ever expected! And now, it's time to announce the winners as decided by myself, @Stradomyre, @milkyace, @MZZA, and @GeloxLP. We all voted on our favorites, and here's the results for both categories:







NSFW: (18+ fellas!!)






Those are all the winners! There was a lot of fierce competition, so I also wanna highlight some of the runner-ups and honorable mentions in the contest:

I encourage you to check out all of those and follow the artists. In fact, check out all the submissions with the "dead-estate-art-contest" and "dead-estate-nsfw-contest" tags if you wanna see ALL of the talent that was on display in this contest!

Prizes will be sent out shortly. I'll try to message all of the winners before release with their keys for the game. The cash prizes may take about a week to send, so those will have to come afterwards.

We're all incredibly happy with how this contest turned out -- way more submissions than I ever expected! I hope I can organize something like this again sometime.

insane killstreak totals

Response to Dead Estate Art Contest Results! 2021-10-18 20:15:33

At 10/18/21 08:04 PM, Jack wrote: Alright everyone, we got a boatload of submissions for the Dead Estate Art Contest! More than I ever expected! And now, it's time to announce the winners as decided by myself, @Stradomyre, @milkyace, @MZZA, and @GeloxLP. We all voted on our favorites, and here's the results for both categories:






NSFW: (18+ fellas!!)





Those are all the winners! There was a lot of fierce competition, so I also wanna highlight some of the runner-ups and honorable mentions in the contest:

I encourage you to check out all of those and follow the artists. In fact, check out all the submissions with the "dead-estate-art-contest" and "dead-estate-nsfw-contest" tags if you wanna see ALL of the talent that was on display in this contest!

Prizes will be sent out shortly. I'll try to message all of the winners before release with their keys for the game. The cash prizes may take about a week to send, so those will have to come afterwards.

We're all incredibly happy with how this contest turned out -- way more submissions than I ever expected! I hope I can organize something like this again sometime.

Glad I participated! It was pretty fun! Congrats to everyone above for their hard work!

Response to Dead Estate Art Contest Results! 2021-10-18 20:47:15

Congrats to the winners! My personal favorite is Cordelia, by Skoops. Not that it will make any difference, but... idk, cheers @Skoops, if you ever read this! heh

Here are a few personal favorites that didn't make it to prizes:

(included mine because, well.. why not, kek)

Anyway, my work with Cordelia is not done just yet! She'll be featuring as an alt in my ongoing project, in case anyone's interested! Thanks a lot Jack for the opportunity!

i see you all soon

Play my new game Halloween Babes!! (i should update my signature, i know)

BBS Signature

Response to Dead Estate Art Contest Results! 2021-10-18 21:24:12

At 10/18/21 08:04 PM, Jack wrote: Alright everyone, we got a boatload of submissions for the Dead Estate Art Contest! More than I ever expected! And now, it's time to announce the winners as decided by myself, @Stradomyre, @milkyace, @MZZA, and @GeloxLP. We all voted on our favorites, and here's the results for both categories:






NSFW: (18+ fellas!!)





Those are all the winners! There was a lot of fierce competition, so I also wanna highlight some of the runner-ups and honorable mentions in the contest:

I encourage you to check out all of those and follow the artists. In fact, check out all the submissions with the "dead-estate-art-contest" and "dead-estate-nsfw-contest" tags if you wanna see ALL of the talent that was on display in this contest!

Prizes will be sent out shortly. I'll try to message all of the winners before release with their keys for the game. The cash prizes may take about a week to send, so those will have to come afterwards.

We're all incredibly happy with how this contest turned out -- way more submissions than I ever expected! I hope I can organize something like this again sometime.

Congratulations Y'all made some great stuff!

Response to Dead Estate Art Contest Results! 2021-10-19 09:43:22

Congratulations to all of you. It was fun participating and seeing everybody's art. I hope everyone had a great time as much as I did.