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Feedback appreciated

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Response to Feedback appreciated 2022-09-03 19:34:33

This was very helpful, thank you so much! I'll try to work on my proportions and try and think of ways I can practice. The more I look at it, I do think it looks a bit goofy to have my bird with a completely straight neck. This is why I ask for feedback. They're my drawings. so of course I've looked at them too much to see things that are wrong, even if they're obvious. Also, I do draw everything in pencil first. It's after I finish my drawings and am "satisfied" that I go over them in pen... And ultimately mess up with the pen. Now on to what I've been working on.



I didn't want to post theses but I'm having so much trouble with them that I figured I might as well ask. When I was creating my model of myself, a big issue I was having was that I would get my model all lined up with the front portion of the drawing. Then, I would do the same with the side portion but when I came back to the front view, nothing lined up anymore. It was at a point where there was no way to make both of them line up. This is my attempt at making a more consistent reference sheet. Ultimately though, I spent two hours on just the ones on the bottom (the top I finished yesterday but again I didn't think it was worth posting) and kept getting frustrated that the same things kept looking incorrect so I stopped and took a break.

So let's go over the problems, because I can't say "everything", that's not helpful for feedback. No matter how many times I drew them or made guiding lines, the eyes could not come out the same and symmetrically. That's why I only have one eye. I got frustrated and tried moving on to something else. Next are the arms. When I draw arms vertically, they come out fine. At least, I don't see any problems with them. Take a look at my other drawings and let me know if there is. When I draw them horizontally though, they end up either too long, too short, or just weird looking. When I start out drawing boxes, it looks fine, but when I start to add in detail and make it look more like an arm it starts to fall apart. The top image looks weird while the bottom looks weird and short. Finally, the wings. From my understanding, 3 joints is the biologically correct way to draw them, a shoulder, an elbow, and a hand(?) joint. However, when I try to draw my wings with 3 joints, it looks odd. Mostly the shoulder to elbow section. I end up using a 2 joint wing which I like better. I'm not sure if this is preference or if it's "I can't draw this, so I'm not going to include it". Or perhaps a 2 jointed wing looks cuter to me while a 3 jointed one looks more realistic and fierce? Maybe I'm crazy. Anyways, let me know if you have any suggestions. Either way, I'll keep drawing and trying. I'll figure something out through trial and error. Hopefully.

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2022-09-04 09:25:40 (edited 2022-09-04 09:27:40)

At 9/3/22 07:34 PM, Dragavoir wrote: This was very helpful, thank you so much! I'll try to work on my proportions and try and think of ways I can practice. The more I look at it, I do think it looks a bit goofy to have my bird with a completely straight neck. This is why I ask for feedback. They're my drawings. so of course I've looked at them too much to see things that are wrong, even if they're obvious. Also, I do draw everything in pencil first. It's after I finish my drawings and am "satisfied" that I go over them in pen... And ultimately mess up with the pen. Now on to what I've been working on.

I didn't want to post theses but I'm having so much trouble with them that I figured I might as well ask. When I was creating my model of myself, a big issue I was having was that I would get my model all lined up with the front portion of the drawing. Then, I would do the same with the side portion but when I came back to the front view, nothing lined up anymore. It was at a point where there was no way to make both of them line up. This is my attempt at making a more consistent reference sheet. Ultimately though, I spent two hours on just the ones on the bottom (the top I finished yesterday but again I didn't think it was worth posting) and kept getting frustrated that the same things kept looking incorrect so I stopped and took a break.

So let's go over the problems, because I can't say "everything", that's not helpful for feedback. No matter how many times I drew them or made guiding lines, the eyes could not come out the same and symmetrically. That's why I only have one eye. I got frustrated and tried moving on to something else. Next are the arms. When I draw arms vertically, they come out fine. At least, I don't see any problems with them. Take a look at my other drawings and let me know if there is. When I draw them horizontally though, they end up either too long, too short, or just weird looking. When I start out drawing boxes, it looks fine, but when I start to add in detail and make it look more like an arm it starts to fall apart. The top image looks weird while the bottom looks weird and short. Finally, the wings. From my understanding, 3 joints is the biologically correct way to draw them, a shoulder, an elbow, and a hand(?) joint. However, when I try to draw my wings with 3 joints, it looks odd. Mostly the shoulder to elbow section. I end up using a 2 joint wing which I like better. I'm not sure if this is preference or if it's "I can't draw this, so I'm not going to include it". Or perhaps a 2 jointed wing looks cuter to me while a 3 jointed one looks more realistic and fierce? Maybe I'm crazy. Anyways, let me know if you have any suggestions. Either way, I'll keep drawing and trying. I'll figure something out through trial and error. Hopefully.

I think you should read "The Natural Way to Draw". It's free.

It will teach you how to draw from the very beginning.

The issues your facing currently is a result of inadequate draftsman ship. You have said before that other tutorial videos when it comes to drawing aren't as helpful to you. I don't know which you have watched but I'm thinking it was probably the construction method of drawing. Using "primitives" to draw complicated objects.

The reason it isn't as helpful to you is because you still lack the ability to confidently and quickly create accurate primitives like cubes, and your visual senses are still unable to discern whether the primitive you tried to draw was done correctly, leading to a cascading failure since the construction method relies on at least a half-way decent level draftsman ship and correct observation.

If you improve your draftsman ship your current problems will go away, and at that point you get to deal with the even more complicated issues of (character) design(You are dealing with some of those right now :D). But right now the more immediate concern is your draftsman ship.

The book I recommended is not easy (It's also really old be mindful of that). But even if you aren't able to stick to the work schedule, I think you should still take to heart the advice Kimon Nicolaides(Author) gives in his introduction! Even though I read the book when I was already a quite a few years into my art journey, that intro still gave me insights that changed the way I see drawing.

Like Kimon, I believe anyone that can learn to draw(well). They just need to learn it like the way people learn new languages. From the very beginning with the ABCs, moving on to the next lesson only after the mastery of the simpler concepts have been achieved.

I hope you continue drawing, and don't forget have fun with it. Constant frustration will destroy your passion for creation.

I leave you with a quote from the book.



Response to Feedback appreciated 2022-09-16 18:34:08


This is a commission for a friend. They like to play dnd and asked if I could make their Aasimar wildfire druid since I've been looking for things to draw. This is what I came up with. I also did it in color because I wanted to add some subtle glows in places. The coloring isn't good. I just colored over the drawing because I wanted to get it to them as soon as possible and most of my focus is on getting things to look right, improving my base drawing and line art. If this were to be more of a serious piece though, I would've redrawn it digitally, then colored.


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2022-09-17 17:27:20


Redrew my friend's druid because I wanted to. Not sure if it's any better. Or any different really. It doesn't matter. I still like it and wanted to post. It's faint because I didn't ink it.

I also forgot to mention this in my last post but I wanted to ask if anybody had any good resources on learning 3D animation. It's definitely something I'd like to learn and I believe that I'm very good at posing and making still images (unfortunately I can't show any examples here because I use game models which obviously aren't mine) but when I try to animate them it starts to look weird. I have looked into different videos about animating and I have found some useful ones but I'm always looking for more! Please let me know if you have any suggestions!

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2022-11-23 09:23:27

Hello! It's been awhile. I'll get to that, but first, lets talk about what most people on an art forum are probably here for: art! I'll start with the worst first.


My drawings that I do by hand still aren't great. I have been working on my drawing, but again, I'll get to that later. As for what it is, it's supposed to be the sad soyjak, wojak, whatever you want to call it, but with myself of course.

I just finished making a video for youtube and I ended up making a lot of things for it which I wanted to share. The video is about a game called Deep Rock Galactic, so that's where everything is from.


From the top down, I have an Undertale joke in the video so I made the two sprites. One for an overworld sprite while the other is for the dialogue box. It's probably obvious but the main issue I had was getting the beard and mustache to fit. The overworld sprite I wasn't too worried about because it's not suppose to be too detailed, but for the dialogue sprite it was more of an issue since the face is the whole sprite. At first the beard and mustache hung well below the face and I had to redo the head to make it bigger which is the result you see here. However, now the mustache and beard are too small compared to the original, although I'm still quite happy with it.

The worm I didn't actually draw. I used the line tool to make everything. I'm not sure if that counts as drawing but I still wanted to share since it came out pretty well. :P I figured that I'd try solely using the line tool since the things I draw by hand never look good.

So, my hand drawing and where I've been, lets finally talk about that (though I'm not sure anyone cares lol). I took A-lienN's suggestion to heart and found that book, pretty much a day after their message, and have been working through it ever since. At first I was very enthusiastic and inspired to improve my art and completed a lesson a day. Now I've drastically slowed down as I look in the book and see that I need to do 100+ gesture drawings which makes me loose all motivation to draw anything since I've been doing just that, 100+ gesture drawings a day with a few other exercises, for 3 months now. I also feel the book is teaching me how to copy, not really how to draw because when I'm doing those gesture drawings they come out great. The look really close to the image I was viewing but whenever I draw something on my own, such as myself/my dragon character, it looks terrible, even if I do the same thing I'm doing in the exercises while also looking at references. While I can say I have improved somewhat, I certainly am not happy with my current level of drawing (and quite frankly I don't think I every will be). Perhaps art isn't for me but if I ever get inspired, like for this video, I'll still make things, because I do enjoy it. While I don't have anything I'm looking for feedback on this time, if you have any suggestions, please let me know! <3

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-01-20 18:15:42


Hello! I've recently started drawing again, and surprisingly, I'm having fun drawing! Not only that but I'm consistently happy with the drawings I've been making! Of course, I still am learning and I wouldn't really consider the stuff I make art, (I was even contemplating whether or not I should even post these as this forum, as far as I'm concerned, is for actual art/finished pieces, not my garbage scribbles) but at least I'm not upset with the things I make anymore. Again, there's nothing I'm really looking for feedback on, but of course, if you see something, please say so! It really motivates me. <3

Side note: what a coincidence it is that pixel day is soon and I'm making pixel art lol

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-01-24 18:10:36


So, this one I actually need help on. I've been staring at it for three days without any changes so I figured I'd post it as is to try and get some feedback. I know the body looks weird but I'm not sure how to fix it. Other than that, I'm not sure what's wrong with it. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I still have the reference image as well. If it would be helpful to see, let me know.

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-01-29 09:38:56


I didn't get any feedback on Leafeon, but I did get a heart react (thanks whoever you are <3), so I assumed that it was just me who thought it looked weird and moved on to the next Eevee. I have mixed feelings about this one. I feels like something is off about it, but at the same time it seems fine and I can't think of anything I could fix. I polled my only friend and they said that something was off but they don't like Flareon to begin with so they couldn't really give any advice. Please let me know what you think! I'm always looking for feedback as you can probably tell. Again, I have the reference images for all these Eevees, so let me know if it would be helpful to see them. I don't want to post them because I don't think they're needed, and of course, the references I'm using aren't mine, I just posed the models, I didn't make them.

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-01-30 02:26:31 (edited 2023-01-30 02:27:49)

At 1/29/23 09:38 AM, Dragavoir wrote:
I didn't get any feedback on Leafeon, but I did get a heart react (thanks whoever you are <3), so I assumed that it was just me who thought it looked weird and moved on to the next Eevee. I have mixed feelings about this one. I feels like something is off about it, but at the same time it seems fine and I can't think of anything I could fix. I polled my only friend and they said that something was off but they don't like Flareon to begin with so they couldn't really give any advice. Please let me know what you think! I'm always looking for feedback as you can probably tell. Again, I have the reference images for all these Eevees, so let me know if it would be helpful to see them. I don't want to post them because I don't think they're needed, and of course, the references I'm using aren't mine, I just posed the models, I didn't make them.

I really liked the leafeon sprite; it's clear, it's clean and not overly cluttered, yet still has good detail and expression. I think those are your strengths when it comes to pixel art.

As for flareon, I think it's good, but I do agree that something is off. I think to fix that a big improvement would be to make the tail asymetrical; make it wave around a little bit, like more of an 'S' shape maybe. Drawing from the front is always awkward, but I think doing that would solve your problem. Otherwise I can't think of anything else to give feedback on.

Squid pro quo. Tits for tat.

Check out my sketches and stuff!

BBS Signature

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-02-03 10:19:21


Thank you for your feedback! <3 I changed the tail like you suggested and I'm not sure if it helped. Perhaps it's just that I need to work on the tail a bit more. I will say that it looks less awkward now though, so thank you again!

I didn't want to just post an update to Flareon so I made Umbreon as well. I think it's pretty good and don't really see anything I would change. Of course, let me know if you see anything!

Also have this cute kobold and chicken meme(?) I drew. At least, it supposed to be a kobold. I think it looks more like a dinosaur in denial lol.


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-02-11 09:24:05


Did you know, Vaporeon is the most............... difficult to draw? Here's the next of my uncanny Eeveeloutions. It was quite a challenge. Not only is Vaporeon one of the more complex looking pokemon, but my reference also had a head tilt which is hard to convey in pixel art. It looks good and I like it, but as usual, something feels off. It's mainly in the head. I'm not sure what could be wrong with it, or if it is just me. Let me know if you see anything! Also, have this nightmare creature that I made entirely by accident. I was working on Vaporeon and changed 1 setting and got this:


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-02-11 09:38:38


Double post?! I made this small """"""animation"""""" based off of the crying emoji meme because I got a new computer and it has been broken for the past week, so I haven't been able to do anything with it. I'm pretty happy with how it came out and wanted to share. <3


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-03-02 18:48:53


Hello! Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to continue working on my Eeveeloutions, but I have continued drawing by hand. It feels like I've been drawing more lately as well. Most of what I've been drawing are just sketches/doodles/experiments/study type stuff and I don't think this is the place to post those things, but I did end up making something, or should I say someone, that I liked and wanted to share. There's nothing in particular that I need feedback on for this one, but I'll still continue to say that if you see something I'm doing wrong (besides everything. I'm aware of that and am trying to fix it) please let me know!

I know the title of this post is "Feedback appreciated" but I feel like it's kind of shifted to "Draga's Sketchbook" as I have been posting things that don't really have anything to give feedback on. At least, nothing specifically. I have contemplated making a new post to reflect this but I don't think it's necessary and I'm attached to this one since it has all my "good" drawings and I can see how I've improved over time. I don't know. We'll see I suppose. Thank you to those of you who look at my drawings, read my posts, and especially those who give feedback. I really appreciate it <3

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-03-17 18:30:07



Hello! To many peoples dismay (probably lol), I am back with more drawings! For the first one, the two dragons on the left are just doodles of me. The rest are gifts for two different friends of mine. The second picture is a submission for a design contest. While I don't really need feedback on anything, I could use tips for coloring. Obviously it's not something I normally do. I want to get more comfortable drawing and outlining first before moving on to colors, but it might be helpful to get started early. Please let me know and thank you for any feedback! <3

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-05-03 17:03:00


Hello! I'm back with my monthly(?) drawings. I finally forced myself to work on some more of the Eeveeloutions and this one came out surprisingly easily. Also, there's the reason why I want to do pixel art of all the Eevee's, so I can turn them into these bead... Sculptures? Prints? This is the first one I've made, but I plan to do all of them this way. Of course, I've been drawing by hand as well. More and more, I'm liking what I'm making. Especially compared to my previous posts in this thread. Can you tell I like to draw characters? As always, if you have any feedback, please let me know.


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-06-14 18:11:15


I finally did it. I finished all the Eevees. It took awhile but they're finally all done. I even added shading to make them look less flat and I'm really happy with how they came out. I even redid Flareon because I absolutely hated the original.

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-06-14 19:01:02

You've come a good way since your first drawing on the site! I'm gonna give you a little bit of drawing exercise homework, try this:


The first circle is how you draw, the second circle is how I want you to attempt drawing; the first method is you "petting in" or correcting your lines as you draw, which is common for beginners, but can make your art rather stiff. But if you save the correction phase for after you have a basic drawing and draw loosely from the get-go, you can loosen final product and get a lot more natural looking figures.

BBS Signature

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-07-23 08:34:32


I'm back again with my monthly drawings... So, I checked this while writing and its actually been two months. Whoops. Didn't realize. But I didn't have anything worth posting until now. Anyways, as you can see, I've been practicing more with digital stuff. More just to do it rather than actually thinking I'm ready for it. I mean, I like how my drawings come out (at least half of the time... maybe 40% of the time) but I still don't think that they're good enough? At least I'm finally starting to feel like I'm improving which makes me very happy.


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-08-20 18:23:57


Another month, another set of drawings. I was worried that I wouldn't have too much to show this month but I had a stream of decent drawings all in quick succession, so I guess it all worked out in the end. Not much else to say. Still drawing and hopefully improving?

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-09-23 11:22:38


I hurt my wrist so I wasn't able to draw at all this month. What you see here is what I was able to make before that happened. Except for the angry version I drew (and "animated") of myself. Something I like looking at is how Mishka evolved over the various iterations I made (guess which one I actually used a reference for lol).

There is something I actually do need feedback on this time though! The first (green) dragon. It looks... empty? It feels like it's missing something, like a texture or more shadows; something to make it less plain. I'm also not sure about the lighting/shading. The photo I took was an overcast and grey day so there's no obvious place where the light is coming from besides "everywhere" and "up". Although it's probably because of my inexperienced that I can't easily discern where the light is coming from. Regardless, I went with up as it kind of looks like the leaves have highlights on their top side? Primarily the higher up leaves. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! <3


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-10-23 17:48:36


I've been busy lol. I've recently gotten back into DnD and everything (except for the middle "cat" in the top image) is DnD related. Top left in the first image is my first time drawing an actual background and environment and I'm pretty happy with it! ^^ Also, for the bottom right in the top image, I was drawing these characters to scale which is why they are so small. As always: if you see something, say something! Let me know how I can improve <3


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-11-25 14:08:58


More drawings! I know I'm getting better now as a few of these drawings I had moments where I came back to them after a day or so and thought "Wow! I drew this?" So I'm very happy to know I'm improving. At least I think I am. The three that all look the same were for a contest and drawing a background for each one would have taken too much time.

As always, feedback and critiques are always welcome. So long as you don't absolutely trash my drawings that is haha.


It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor

Response to Feedback appreciated 2023-12-26 12:42:42


Happy Holidays to those who celebrate! There isn't a lot of drawings this time around as most of the things I drew were for other people with characters that weren't mine. Looking back on this year, I've significantly improved and look forward to seeing where the next year brings me. Thank you all who give feedback and critiques, and thank you for looking at my drawings!

It's pronounced Drag-uh-vor