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Art by a Mutt

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Art by a Mutt 2021-05-16 14:03:25

Deleted my old art thread months ago and I always intented to make a new one once I got more back into the swing of drawing things so here I am. Hope you like my art.

If you like what you see please give me a follow.



Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-05-16 14:04:48 (edited 2021-05-16 14:07:19)



Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-05-16 14:06:22

And here's a WIP of three brats eager for a fight.

3 guess of who they are and all of them are their eyes.

Might post more WIPs here in the future.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-05-17 12:38:09

Knife Teeth: The Many Moods of Sadie Lurker.

Sadie is the main character of a little idea of mine called, "Knife Teeth."

Knife Teeth is a story I'm planning that's about youth, anxiety and monsters centered around a 13 year old girl with unusually sharp teeth.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-05-27 17:41:21

Devout: And A Child Shall Lead Them


This is Tannis.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-05-27 17:42:01

The Matron


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-05-27 17:43:15

A little brother sister(ish) moment from KO and Fink

The first drawing I uploaded to Newgrounds.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-01 11:35:56

PPG: Battle Scars Or Badges of Honor?

Drew three little brats eager for a fight.

People have been talking about the PPG lately and I reminded me I use to draw fanart of these girls all the time.

These are teenage versions of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup and this is based off an actual promo image that CN ran at one point.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-02 20:28:51

The Things He Does For Love

My favorite cartoon as a kid and too this day.

Courage took some time to get right even though he's a little bean. I think Eustace came out looking pretty good, but Muriel looks kinda wonky now that I look at her, but eh.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-14 06:47:58 (edited 2021-06-14 06:49:01)

Awhile ago I made a little bestiary project.

Since I'm starting a second one of these I figured I'd post some of the ones from my first one starting with this.

The idea is that it's meant too look like it's drawn on old worn out paper, buuuut I did take some short cuts.

What helped inspire these in the first place was actually a video game called The Suffering. Which is a game that I think only me and a few horror game hipsters even know about.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-21 12:26:34

Alright. Gonna post a six page comic here. It's already on my gallery, but I figured I'd put it here too.

A 6 page short comic about Sadie Lurker (AKA) Knife Teeth.

I've been working on and off again on this thing for a good while so the art quality might be a little up and down.

Probably the most serious that my Knife Teeth idea has gotten. And yes this is in fact based on the Shinedown "Monsters" music video. The song and video resonated with me so I made this.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-21 12:27:25



Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-21 12:27:46


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-21 12:28:03


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-21 12:28:21


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-06-27 12:41:39

Knife Teeth: Sadie and Tannis

Sadie and Tannis were born on the same day, but Sadie doesn't like to spend a lot of time with Tannis because, well she's Tannis.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-07-16 17:26:48

Knife Teeth: The Circle

It happens like clock work for Sadie (AKA Knife Teeth) over and over again.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-08-03 12:26:46

Please... Look at me...

Fanart of Forbiddden Siren 2.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-08-11 11:40:40

One of the entries to a bestiary project I made awhile back. If you wanna see more visit my gallery.

This is the flesh Maiden.

I like to mess around with creature designs and try out certain elements.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-08-18 22:52:59

Knife Teeth: The Horrors of Socializing

Sadie meets Gwen.

Gwen is kind of a toilet brain, but she tries.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-08-18 22:54:46

Knife Teeth: Stressful Situation

When under too much stress Sadie tends to zonk out and go into a more... tense mode.

Knife Teeth is a story I'm working on about youth, anxiety, and monster centered around a girl with unusually sharp teeth.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-01 18:39:53

Another one of the entries in my horror journal project.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-02 17:41:10

Another horror journal entry:


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-09 12:17:32


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-09 12:18:00


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-09 12:44:35

Cool horror bro


BBS Signature

Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-09 12:56:03

At 9/9/21 12:44 PM, Gimpmastermind wrote: Cool horror bro

Thanks a bunch, buddy.

Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-11 12:06:17

Knife Teeth: Sadie, Cody and Brooke

Sadie with some of the two people she doesn't have crippling anxiety around.


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-18 11:05:20

The Matron and the Little Ones


Response to Art by a Mutt 2021-09-20 13:51:17

