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Piconjo Day 2021!1!

46,620 Views | 314 Replies

Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 18:29:08

After 15 long years.. Teh return J00 all have been wa1ting for is finally here..

OGM!!1 PICONJO: Teh ResErection! ❤

While being transmitted through infinity, disobeying both space and time and completely rewriting history, something amazing happened after I pwnd death and defeated teh Maytricks toadies. 

In teh year of 2021, there was a massive surge of love that the internet has not seen in 15 years. Teh ❤ of PICONJO. And in celebration:

PICONJO DAY!!1!1 IS CUMMING ON 6/9 2021!(June 9th for j00 Europ33ns lmao)

Teh OFFICIAL PICONJO DAY is 6/9 2021!!!

J00 have time to create a drawing or animation to celebrate Piconjo day! Submit all j00r sexsi piconjo content on 6/9! (June 9th) Spread teh word.

Piconjo <3’s j00. I’m back and I ❤ j00 all.

ALSO, In celebration of this wonderful groundbreaking Holiday an Official Piconjference will b3 held.

Ask me j00r m0st secksi questi0ns b3l0w adn they might b3 answ3red at teh Piconjference!1!11

I l00k forward 2 s33ing what m00fies j00 all submit 4 mai birthday

Piconjo <3s j00

Piconjo Pwns j00

Piconjo > j00

Voet 6!!1!

Ps. Watch out 4 Toadies.

g0d 0f teh pr0tal

Piconjo > j00

Piconjo <3 j00

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 18:41:25

How do you feel about the internet since your departure?

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 18:42:53 (edited 2021-05-10 18:43:12)

I’ll make something, just for j00...

Obama fan

Commissions are open, click banner to commission me !!

BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 18:43:28

At 5/10/21 06:29 PM, Piconjo wrote: After 15 long years.. Teh return J00 all have been wa1ting for is finally here..

OGM!!1 PICONJO: Teh ResErection! ❤

While being transmitted through infinity, disobeying both space and time and completely rewriting history, something amazing happened after I pwnd death and defeated teh Maytricks toadies. 

In teh year of 2021, there was a massive surge of love that the internet has not seen in 15 years. Teh ❤ of PICONJO. And in celebration:

PICONJO DAY!!1!1 IS CUMMING ON 6/9 2021!(June 9th for j00 Europ33ns lmao)

Teh OFFICIAL PICONJO DAY is 6/9 2021!!!

J00 have time to create a drawing or animation to celebrate Piconjo day! Submit all j00r sexsi piconjo content on 6/9! (June 9th) Spread teh word.

Piconjo <3’s j00. I’m back and I ❤ j00 all.

ALSO, In celebration of this wonderful groundbreaking Holiday an Official Piconjference will b3 held.

Ask me j00r m0st secksi questi0ns b3l0w adn they might b3 answ3red at teh Piconjference!1!11

I l00k forward 2 s33ing what m00fies j00 all submit 4 mai birthday

Piconjo <3s j00

Piconjo Pwns j00

Piconjo > j00

Voet 6!!1!

Ps. Watch out 4 Toadies.

I like LF tho

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 18:50:41

How do you like your eggs?

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 18:53:52

Jesus Christ, it's Jason Bourne


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 18:57:55

Piconjo......IM J0INGIGNI!!!! Z0MGZ ZOMGZ.,

Why are U soooo0 BADASS. And COOL. I wanna be just like you when im 96 years old.

B for BetterUser. It's also for Blue Sky!

BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 19:01:30

At 5/10/21 06:56 PM, Poseidon00 wrote: Pinconjo we <3 j00

now that teh toadies are no more who is next to pwn? FNF fans? People who watch youtube instead of newgrounds?

if i haev returned th3n teh dark wun can as well, bewar3 teh legendary fr0g <3

g0d 0f teh pr0tal

Piconjo > j00

Piconjo <3 j00

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 21:17:37

Who are you?

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 21:25:12 (edited 2021-05-10 21:32:20)

Sexy eh? So pictures of Piconjo in a maid outfit or ballerina outfit? Or even a Las Vegas showgirl outfit?

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 22:17:03

At 5/10/21 09:25 PM, TheGamechanger wrote: Sexy eh? So pictures of Piconjo in a maid outfit or ballerina outfit? Or even a Las Vegas showgirl outfit?

Everyone turns Pico into a cat maid, so I guess a bunny girl would be wisest.

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 22:18:20

Dude you were awesome in Newground’s rumble


Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 22:25:22

At 5/10/21 06:29 PM, Piconjo wrote: Ask me j00r m0st secksi questi0ns b3l0w adn they might b3 answ3red at teh Piconjference!1!11

thought's on the site since your last departure?

im so sweaty

BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-10 22:34:27

At 5/10/21 10:17 PM, GlassPen123 wrote:
At 5/10/21 09:25 PM, TheGamechanger wrote: Sexy eh? So pictures of Piconjo in a maid outfit or ballerina outfit? Or even a Las Vegas showgirl outfit?
Everyone turns Pico into a cat maid, so I guess a bunny girl would be wisest.

I've even heard that some people are attracted to Pennywise of all people for some reason, so why not draw Piconjo as him?

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 00:32:53


Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 00:44:25

At 5/10/21 06:29 PM, Piconjo wrote: After 15 long years.. Teh return J00 all have been wa1ting for is finally here..

OGM!!1 PICONJO: Teh ResErection! ❤

While being transmitted through infinity, disobeying both space and time and completely rewriting history, something amazing happened after I pwnd death and defeated teh Maytricks toadies. 

In teh year of 2021, there was a massive surge of love that the internet has not seen in 15 years. Teh ❤ of PICONJO. And in celebration:

PICONJO DAY!!1!1 IS CUMMING ON 6/9 2021!(June 9th for j00 Europ33ns lmao)

Teh OFFICIAL PICONJO DAY is 6/9 2021!!!

J00 have time to create a drawing or animation to celebrate Piconjo day! Submit all j00r sexsi piconjo content on 6/9! (June 9th) Spread teh word.

Piconjo <3’s j00. I’m back and I ❤ j00 all.

ALSO, In celebration of this wonderful groundbreaking Holiday an Official Piconjference will b3 held.

Ask me j00r m0st secksi questi0ns b3l0w adn they might b3 answ3red at teh Piconjference!1!11

I l00k forward 2 s33ing what m00fies j00 all submit 4 mai birthday

Piconjo <3s j00

Piconjo Pwns j00

Piconjo > j00

Voet 6!!1!

Ps. Watch out 4 Toadies.

berrigoo!! let's goo!!


BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 00:46:35

No ḋ̵̟̠̿ͅa̷͉̚ͅt̴̥̩̀̇̕a̸͇͙̮͂̓͋ about you...

T̷h̷e̷ ̴I̴n̴s̸p̸i̷r̵a̸t̴i̷o̷n̵,̵ ̵t̴h̷e̵ ̷F̷u̴l̵f̷i̸l̵l̷e̸r̵,̴ ̵t̵h̶e̴ ̵S̶a̸v̷i̴o̴r̷,̵ ̷o̷f̷ ̵w̵h̶a̵t̷.̴.̷.̴

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 01:41:08 (edited 2021-05-11 01:42:03)

Hell yeah, Piconjo day 2021, greatest day ever on Newgrounds!

I am the guy who asked, Alloy fan or something,

BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 02:09:16

Played PICONJO in NG Rumble recently, and he kinda sucks. All he's got going for him is his sexy big penis sword.

The samurai guy is a better hacker/slasher.

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 02:10:31

At 5/10/21 09:17 PM, Adidi wrote: Who are you?

Boku No Pico but darker and edgier.

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 05:29:01 (edited 2021-05-11 05:36:21)


Lookin for who asked, I like edgy and flash stuff. Heard Candice and Joe got in a relationship recently. GODDAMN IT WEGRA!

BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 05:36:06


Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 05:55:48

Holy heck he’s back

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 07:25:12

Also here's mah secksi qu3stion for j00: Do j00 like teh old newgrounds or teh new newgrounds better?

Lookin for who asked, I like edgy and flash stuff. Heard Candice and Joe got in a relationship recently. GODDAMN IT WEGRA!

BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 20:05:23

At 5/11/21 05:55 AM, solitonmedic wrote: Holy heck he’s back

Rofl y3s, now sux mai p3n0r <3

g0d 0f teh pr0tal

Piconjo > j00

Piconjo <3 j00

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-11 20:44:26

Okay, okay, I'll bite.

What was that one piece or few pieces of love that gave you that one anime powerup to pwn death?

BBS Signature

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-12 21:19:25


Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-12 21:38:08

Dear God. Please show mercy.

If you intend pain or punishment for this hyper cringe shit my dear Lord, let it rest on my shoulders only.

Spare him, please God.

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-12 21:39:56

i will spread my cheeks for you <3

Response to Piconjo Day 2021!1! 2021-05-12 21:46:17

At 5/12/21 09:39 PM, somedeadcat wrote: i will spread my cheeks for you <3

Put your fuckin cheeks away.