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The Stoner's Club

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-21 12:06:53

I have no problem with you joining, but its not my choice.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-21 14:06:29

At 5/21/06 11:34 AM, blingblang wrote: fuck dude i need in on this club!
how many people are already in it?
i guess i'll be the bottom guy or w.e but thats cool as long as i can still come up with some kind of title even it is lowly lol
can i join ?

do you even smoke, look at your profile....
loook at your screen name, you seem like a troll or someone who hasn't left their bedroom in weeks


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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-22 13:12:42

Hey, guys. I was just wondering if any of you know any good places to order Morning Glory seeds.
I haven't tried them but I certainly would be interested to.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-22 16:22:26

damn dude i poped an oxycotton in school today and i was trippin balls @.@
and my friend got a huuuuge deal, some dude let him take like two handfulls of weed and it was just $5, he sold half of it to me for $10. i got like a track for $10 thats really good, its shitty stuff tho, pretty bad weed. but even for bad stuff i got so much for so cheap, and im still tweaked from that oxy

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-23 17:14:30

what arethe effects of acid and what should i watch out for when i hit it?

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-23 17:33:38

IF you eat weed wil it show up on a drug test?

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-23 17:37:46

At 5/23/06 05:14 PM, SHAITH_HEAD wrote: what arethe effects of acid and what should i watch out for when i hit it?

Dialated pupils, increased heart/breathing rater, trippn out.
When you hit you should notice yourself starting to get high in the first half hour, anfter an hour you should noticing things moving, seperating, praculiarly warpping.

IF you eat weed wil it show up on a drug test?
I don't know, but I'd say, the thc in the weed you eat still fucks you up and therfor still gets thc in your system for a few months. If you need to pass a drug test for weed, you can buy detox kits, an old member once got one and he said it worked great.

fyi acid, unlike most drugs, is out of your system in 24 hours, and will not appear on a drug test.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-24 10:13:11

I just poped two oxycotton in school and then hit a bowl when i got home >.>
dude im trippin balls <.<

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-24 21:21:35

i posted about the acid and eating weed from shaith heads name but i didnt get fucked up at all from eating it i just took the weed i would smoke and i ate it instead will that show up i have a drug test tomaro. also if they test for weed will oxy show up cuz me and shaith here been oxy lately.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-24 21:48:31

dude wtf some noob got on my pro and like tripple posted on my acount. wtf

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-24 21:51:15

yea that was me when i popped that oxy.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-25 19:36:11

you won't have to look out for any effects of acid kicking, you'll know:P

don't just eat weed, you need to heat it to make it edible


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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-26 17:54:50

8:00 go to school
9:45 leave school, smoke joints
11:23 Smoke joints
12:50 Drop girl off at school
1:10 buy pack of smokes, go to park
1:20 smoke joints with people at park
2:30 go home, eat

current time 2:50

3:27 Smoke weed, have smoke, go to work
4:00 work starts
6:00 break - blaze, smoke, munch out, (in work parkinglot)
8:00 break - blaze, smoke, munch out
10:00break - blaze, smoke, munch out, put acid in pocket
11:30 Drop 4 hits of acid while inside work
12:00 Get off work, speed to camping place to meet up with alot of people
12:30 Get to spot
1:00 Right fucked
My predictions blur for what the morning will bring


Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-26 23:10:53

woulnd't you hate it if you came up within 5 minutes:P


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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-27 13:19:32

Tonight's going to be grand. :D

2 girls + plenty of pills + vodka + marijuana + empty house = fun.



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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-28 01:02:55

At 5/27/06 01:19 PM, -CM- wrote: Tonight's going to be grand. :D

2 girls + plenty of pills + vodka + marijuana + empty house = fun.

stupid waste of pills
Pills + alcohol = waste of pills because you don't feel the full buzz of the pills


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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-28 02:45:05

At 5/28/06 01:02 AM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: Pills + alcohol = waste of pills because you don't feel the full buzz of the pills

Not necessarily Mr_Fluffykins. When I was injured in the military the base doc gave me some pills called Flexeril. It's a type of muscle relaxant. Heh, back at the shack I took about 5 of the suckers and downed about 10 beer. I swear I started to melt into the chair!!!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-28 07:18:01

i want to get into the military, but i was told you have to wait a couple years after taking hallucinogens. i guess i fail

got a new scanner, now i am one step ahead of those sta's, and you can transmit messages with a cordless phone

anyone ever get thier hands on some dmt

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-28 14:18:19

At 5/28/06 02:45 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/28/06 01:02 AM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: Pills + alcohol = waste of pills because you don't feel the full buzz of the pills
Not necessarily Mr_Fluffykins. When I was injured in the military the base doc gave me some pills called Flexeril. It's a type of muscle relaxant. Heh, back at the shack I took about 5 of the suckers and downed about 10 beer. I swear I started to melt into the chair!!!

By pills i am asumning he is talking about X, because thats what you comonly call pills, when you refer pills as pills,


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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-28 17:22:14

At 5/28/06 02:18 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote:
At 5/28/06 02:45 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/28/06 01:02 AM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: Pills + alcohol = waste of pills because you don't feel the full buzz of the pills
By pills i am asumning he is talking about X, because thats what you comonly call pills, when you refer pills as pills,

We had a few X's, but my friend took them. We just had alot of vicaden's and xanax's. I'm doing the same thing tonight. :D I love summer break.



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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-28 17:30:53

So wait what your saying is if I dont heat up the weed it wont show up in my system? Cuz all i did was eat it and i didnt get fucked up either.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-29 11:11:31

well if you just eat it then it probably wont show up on a drugs test, if you cook it and eat it it will show up because the drug worked.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-30 10:45:32

At 5/29/06 11:11 AM, mind-friend wrote: well if you just eat it then it probably wont show up on a drugs test, if you cook it and eat it it will show up because the drug worked.

I don't know, I can't see wtf cooking the weed would do. You consume the THC, the THC clings to your fat cells, simple as that. but I'm really not sure, I'd like to see someone proove me wrong.

I got bullshitted on some shrooms, they didn't do shit. Good thing I only threw in $20 for the shit. Another failed attempt to score some fucking shrooms.

I did the same thing a couple months ago, totally turned me off of schrooms, cause for 20$ you should be atleast seeing something. Can't go wrong with lsd.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-30 11:46:25

Damn i have gotten maybe a total of 13 hours of sleep since last Friday.

Anyone else like ice?

Fuck you, you fucking fuck!

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-30 21:43:38

At 5/30/06 11:46 AM, -Gomez- wrote: Damn i have gotten maybe a total of 13 hours of sleep since last Friday.

Anyone else like ice?

I've never tried it, but my friend does it. He rarely ever sleeps or eats, but he says it's alot better than coke.



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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-30 21:50:23

never tried "meth" ihave had some meth cut pills
they weren't that good


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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-31 09:56:34

At 5/30/06 09:43 PM, -CM- wrote:
I've never tried it, but my friend does it. He rarely ever sleeps or eats, but he says it's a lot better than coke.

Yeah meth is a lot better than coke but you stay up a way lot longer. The one thing i hate about coke is it fucks your nose up to much plus it makes you feel like total dog shit the next day (especially if its been cut a lot) But the bad thing about meth is the longer you do the shit, the bigger the crash is. I'm feeling like a fucking zombie right now. Plus id advise any one that has an addictive personality to stay away from this shit because t is HIGHLY addictive. This is the 3rd time Ive done it and i think its gonna be my last.

Its good to stick to the stuff that mother nature made for us.

But yeah sry i didnt ask this in my last post but can i join this fine club. Ive seen it before but i never took the time to look through it. Ive been a pot head since i was 17 (14 when i first tried it). Ive tried pretty much every drug other than heroin and PCP (fuck that shit). My favorite is Ms. Marry Jane.

Damn i cant believe you all can find acid. That shit is basically extinct down in Houston. I had a bad ass hook up in high school that was 5 a hit but since then its hard to find it. The last time i came across it (about a year ago) it was 10 a hit. I took 3 and it barly did shit ( it was a slight body trip).

But yeah i miss cid alot :(

Fuck you, you fucking fuck!

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-31 10:52:30

Damn i cant believe you all can find acid. That shit is basically extinct down in Houston. I had a bad ass hook up in high school that was 5 a hit but since then its hard to find it. The last time i came across it (about a year ago) it was 10 a hit. I took 3 and it barly did shit ( it was a slight body trip).

ya you can join
With acid, around here atleast, most large dealers buy from the same lab, that same lab might be the primary producer for many cities surrounding it. That lab gets busted. The big dealers cant get it, the people under them cant, and the people under them can't and BAM Tons of acid dealser, no acid at all, sometimes for a while... or so ive been told by an acid dealer
The other thing about acid is, it's gotta be fresh to really trip, it loses power when being handeled or heated or left in light, 3 should fuck you up if its standard shit that's fresh.

Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-31 11:55:31

At 5/31/06 10:52 AM, Popeondope wrote: The other thing about acid is, it's gotta be fresh to really trip, it loses power when being handled or heated or left in light, 3 should fuck you up if its standard shit that's fresh.

Yeah back in the day two hits would fuckin send me to mars.

But yeah my best friends uncle just got done harvesting his plants that he grows (his uncle owns a bunch of condos and he has one of them that is empty that he grows in).
I just got a 1/8th from him of some dank ass matanuska thunderfuck. My god is this shit potient. 3 hits will get me stoned as fuck, i smoke it out of my one hitter because a bowl of that shit will put me in a coma. But the only bad thing is it gives you the mad munchies. Last night i had to of stayed in the kitchen for 30 min just grubin.

I need to get a camera before i smoke it all so i can post a pic. The buds are almost all red with hairs and the crystals are ridiculous. You cant get it off your fingers when you break it up.

Fuck you, you fucking fuck!

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Response to The Stoner's Club 2006-05-31 20:41:54

Idk about acid, I've heard of like 5-20 bills a hit, and I'm like positive that whole 7hits = insane shit is....shit.
one of my best friends dad suposedly is crazyx60 if thats true, and he's a straight up man, not crazy at all.