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Crimson's art thread~

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Crimson's art thread~ 2021-01-12 00:20:23

Decided to go ahead and make an art thread,

to hopefully get a few more eyeballs on my art.

I want to try and update it every few days, but I'll see how that goes.

It will mainly be stuff already posted, but I'll be leaving author comments and

such on what I was attempting with each piece.

If you wanna leave any comments, chat, or even just reacts, I'd appreciate it~

Annnnnd, (to hopefully encourage interaction between artists)

if YOU have art that you want me to check out, pm me and I'll give it a gander.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-01-12 00:27:26


Guess I'll start with my most recent post.

So, I've been trying to change up the way I color recently.

I used to use a mix of hard black, and a darker color of whatever I was shading to

well, shade. But I've been reading up on color theory and how colors interact with each

other, and have since a few posts ago, been shading more with colors that are

hopefully more in harmony with each other. I really like the extra pop this has.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-01-13 03:38:41


This was the last thing I drew in Colors! 3D. A drawing

app for nintendo 3ds systems.

This was when I first started to try and experiment more with color, and a

different way of shading hair.

Colors 3d didn't have a shape tool, so drawing any straight lines in it was murder.

(Thanks again to newgrounds for hosting that giveaway!)

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-01-23 20:51:54


Finally updating this again.

So, I made this to practice more with mech stuff as I don't draw

mech things a whole lot.

I was also playing around with the colors to try things out.

Erm, idk if it will be my next post, but I want to put more practice into

making dynamic poses, so I'll see how that goes...

Maybe a sketch dump is in order.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-01-30 02:00:55


Did a bunch of sketches, gonna try to finish this soon!

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-02-06 05:02:29


Finally had time to finish this~

I'll be posting the colored version in the portal tommorow.

So with this, I was only intending to practice drawing different poses, but ended up

wanting to finish it.

I feel I could use more practice on drawing from dynamic angles. I did'nt push as much as

I wanted to with this pose wise, but I like how the coloring turned out.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-02-21 23:23:43

iu_245867_6725762.jpgErr, it's been a bit.

My last piece took longer than expected.

I initially wanted to do a landscape background for this, but

it wasn't turning out how I wanted, so I ended up changing it...

This is the final result.

I've been working a lot more on my coloring, and I'm pretty happy with how

it turned out in this.

Thanks to advice from another user on here, I tried to be more consistent

with my texturing as well, thanks man, you know who you are~

Dunno if anyone drops through here, but if you do, say hi, and

I'm always glad to hear any advice, or tips, or just if you wanna chat art things.

Anywho, peace for now.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-02-22 00:18:26

At 1/13/21 03:38 AM, colorsCrimsonTears wrote:
This was the last thing I drew in Colors! 3D. A drawing
app for nintendo 3ds systems.
This was when I first started to try and experiment more with color, and a
different way of shading hair.

Colors 3d didn't have a shape tool, so drawing any straight lines in it was murder.
(Thanks again to newgrounds for hosting that giveaway!)



We do comics, guys! Check it out on Webtoons, and for spanish, check it on Faneo! :3

If you want to know more, check out our Wiki-Fandom ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-02-22 14:40:14

At 2/22/21 12:18 AM, LagartimationsMedia wrote:
At 1/13/21 03:38 AM, colorsCrimsonTears wrote:
This was the last thing I drew in Colors! 3D. A drawing
app for nintendo 3ds systems.
This was when I first started to try and experiment more with color, and a
different way of shading hair.

Colors 3d didn't have a shape tool, so drawing any straight lines in it was murder.
(Thanks again to newgrounds for hosting that giveaway!)


Haha, I hope that means you like it~

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-04-02 12:39:21

Shoot, I've been forgetting to update this!

Well, here's my latest piece so far~


I tried out a few new things with this, which I haven't attempted before,

like the reflections in the bubbles, and more going on in the bg, which, I REALLY need to continue

doing. And doing more detailed ones at that.

I put a lot of time into this one and would appreciate feedback if anyone sees this~

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-06-26 16:24:10

Been meaning to update this, but kept puting it off. Oop.

Well heres something new :


This character is designed after rainbow lollipops, and was for a contest on Artfol.

Doing the rainbow color swirls was a little challenging, but fun. I feel like I could've done

more with the face, but idk.

Here's the link~

Hopefully I'll remember to keep updating this.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-07-15 13:17:38

Dang this new update is kinda wack.

NOT a fan tbh...

Anywho~ New thread update!

I've been experimenting with a different coloring style, here's the result:


Also, one positive thing is the webP support. Things process and load SO much quicker now~

Back to the actual art, I went for a dark moody atmosphere this time around, which is different to what

I've been posting recently, and more like the art I used to post. I might jump back and forth between the styles

for more variety. As always I'm open for feedback! (If anybody even checks art threads lol)

Link to the drawing if you want to help me out with a rating:

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-07-15 18:08:01

These are really good! There are some shapes that become hard to understand because of their color treatment sometimes but besides that you're going places!

Check current mood, cool music!

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-07-15 19:09:14

At 7/15/21 06:08 PM, WendigoVDB wrote: These are really good! There are some shapes that become hard to understand because of their color treatment sometimes but besides that you're going places!

Yo man, thanks!! I really appreciate the feedback. You just made my day! ☺

Would you mind giving me a small example of what you mean about the coloring?

Is it that I'm not properly conveying depth, or something else?

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-07-15 19:11:50

Nah, not depth. This is an issue that's seen in the first posts if anything.

Ankh's bandages. The shadows make them look round, rubbery and inflated. It's definitely a texture issue, but it becomes less and less present in the most recent posts.

Check current mood, cool music!

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-07-15 21:36:38

At 7/15/21 07:11 PM, WendigoVDB wrote: Nah, not depth. This is an issue that's seen in the first posts if anything.

Ankh's bandages. The shadows make them look round, rubbery and inflated. It's definitely a texture issue, but it becomes less and less present in the most recent posts.

Ah ok, thanks for the follow up! I really appreciate it!

I'll take note of that!

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-07-23 11:19:34

New update. Woo


I don't do a bunch of art with dynamic lighting, so I still need some practice.

I feel I could've done more with the making the light bounce and look more intense.

And more work on the shadows, but was still fun to do.

Link to the portal entry.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-08-04 12:11:34

Back again, here's what I have:


This is a super experimental thing. It was originally going to have a completely different backdrop,

but that was taking too long to finish, so I went with what I'm best at. Abstract backgrounds.

I was also trying a different pose cause I do too many front facing poses.

This is also like a tribute to how rad newgrounds is, I hope to draw more NG characters

in the future~

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-08-19 11:15:24

Woo boy. Sorry for the lapse in posts to anyone who checks out my art.

(I appreciate the continued support!)

I'm VERY slow with my art as is, and I haven't had the time lately to post....

BUT I'm trying out a new technique that should expedite my usually slow process.

Anyway, new art!


I also plan to start a seperate thread for traditional art soon, so look out for it soon if

you like my pieces~

Link to the upload if you wanna help me out with a rating!

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-08-28 21:49:29

More art woo~

I posted this a day or so ago and forgot to post it here:


Went crazy with the colors I think this turned out quite interesting to say the least.

Coloring this was the most fun part, but I feel some of the details might be hard to catch with

all that's going on.Some areas could also use a bit more shading.

All in all tho enjoyed this piece.

I have more art coming soon, so look out for it if you're interested~

Link to the drawing if you wanna support:

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-10-06 00:55:12 (edited 2021-10-06 00:55:40)

I need to remember to keep updating this.

I have more art posted, but Ill just update with my latest art:


Halloween themed draw with Shantae~

And a link if you want to help me out with a rating.

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-10-15 20:33:17

New art~

I posted this like a day or something ago idk:


My continued pose experimentation. And I did a bit of a different way of

shading it this time. Im getting into a comfortable process that I like atm.

This pic is close to getting 5 ratings, so if anyone could help it get there, it would

definitely be appreciated~

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-10-25 01:29:21

I meant to post more Halloween themed art,

but haven't had a lot of free time recently.

I managed to finish this tho~


As always, some feedback would be appreciated, even tho I doubt folks actually look through these things haha

Link to the draw:

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2021-12-08 10:46:27

More art I forgot to post~


BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2022-01-02 00:18:12 (edited 2022-01-02 00:20:04)

Well, some more art, and it's my last post of 2021, and my first art of 2022:



Links to the art if you want to help me with a rate or whatever:

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2022-01-20 17:07:49 (edited 2022-01-20 17:12:42)

Well, here I am posting more art again

Me and a few fellas decided to draw all the megaman 1 bosses.

I was doing Wily for one, so here he is:


Was pretty challenging, but quite fun.

Ah the link if you give a heck and want to drop a rating for

a random artist:

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2022-01-22 14:37:28

More art and stuff ig


BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2022-02-09 23:44:13

I haven't posted in this thread in ages...

Anyway, here's n64 Hominid cause I don't make

enough NG art smh:


I hope it turned out convincing but idk.

It was a fun challenge tho~

Link to it:

If you look at this thread, check out my 3D

one cause I'm trying to learn that moreso atm.


BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2022-03-22 00:24:01

I don't have a lot of experience in animating, but I've

always wanted to do it, so here's a little test thing I did a few days ago but forgot to update here:


Fun fact, this was done in the same app I normally use for 3d~

I may continue to do animations, but the app isn't meant for 2d animation so it's really hard/time consuming to do so. :')

Anywho, here's the link to the full:

BBS Signature

Response to Crimson's art thread~ 2022-04-05 02:40:04

Hey, just noticed the 600+ views. Woo

Anyway here's a WIP that you won't see in the portal:


BBS Signature