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New Forums!

29,576 Views | 211 Replies
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@PsychoGoldfish just released a big forum update!

Some improvements:

  • It uses the newer layout, so we're one step closer to people never seeing the old layout.
  • It should read and function much better on mobile.
  • We're debuting a new text editor so you can do fancier formatting.
  • Standard accounts can include two pictures in a post, Supporters up to TEN.
  • You can drag and drop pictures and in some cases copy paste pics.
  • Replies are made in a lightbox so you won't lose your place in the thread.
  • You can reply in-feed and never leave your feed.

Other notes:

  • We wanted to get this out with time to fix bugs before the holidays so expect some bugs. Let us know what you find! Include browser and OS in your report.
  • Post deletion and reactions are coming.
  • Layout should continue to improve as we tidy up small details.

Let us know what you think! This text editor will be making its way over to the blogs next if all goes well. You'll finally be able to blog from mobile.

With this out of the way you can expect a big focus on Art updates as we enter 2019!

If you're a new artist on NG be sure to read our welcome post.

December 19th Update - Bug Fixes:

  • If you made a commission blog post and then clicked the "Open for Commissions" link, your post might not have shown up because it hadn't been indexed in our search yet. This should be fixed now.
  • New forum users were hitting a dead end at the "Agree to Terms and Conditions" checkbox. This should be fixed now.
  • We made some project system changes in preparation for the Smash Collab and there was a quirk where content would default to Flash even when you didn't have that enabled. This should be fixed now too, @Luis.

December 20th Update - Animated Art Thumbnail Bug

  • If you upload an animated piece of art, your thumbnail might turn out broken. We're keeping track of the ones we see until this is fixed.

The Smash Collab is arriving soon!

Also reminder, if you want NG to feel more like an app on your phone, load NG in your browser and then do this:


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:15:08

At 12/18/18 02:10 PM, TomFulp wrote: @PsychoGoldfish just released a big forum update!

Some improvements:

Other notes:

Let us know what you think! This text editor will be making its way over to the blogs next if all goes well. You'll finally be able to blog from mobile.

With this out of the way you can expect a big focus on Art updates as we enter 2019!

If you're a new artist on NG be sure to read our welcome post.


Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:19:32

At 12/18/18 02:15 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: in before THE OLD FORUMS WERE PERFECT, PUT IT ALL BACK!


Honestly, looking pretty damn good. Nice to see the pace of updates picking up with all the new folks. Also nice that I can now read the forums without the awful panning around all over the place.

Good work!

One thing I noticed is that when you click someone's posts from their userpage, that page is still in the old layout; will that be updating soon too?

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:21:47

At 12/18/18 02:19 PM, Mich wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:15 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: in before THE OLD FORUMS WERE PERFECT, PUT IT ALL BACK!

Honestly, looking pretty damn good. Nice to see the pace of updates picking up with all the new folks. Also nice that I can now read the forums without the awful panning around all over the place.

Good work!

One thing I noticed is that when you click someone's posts from their userpage, that page is still in the old layout; will that be updating soon too?

yeah, probably after new years. That's the last userpage area that needs to go to the new design I think, so that'll make me happy. Also going to get this new text editor into the blogs on there so you can blog properly on mobile finally

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:24:11

At 12/18/18 02:21 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:19 PM, Mich wrote: One thing I noticed is that when you click someone's posts from their userpage, that page is still in the old layout; will that be updating soon too?
yeah, probably after new years. That's the last userpage area that needs to go to the new design I think, so that'll make me happy. Also going to get this new text editor into the blogs on there so you can blog properly on mobile finally

Good stuff, I bet it'll feel good once you can finally delete all the shared assets the old layout used. I honestly enjoy deleting large chunks of code more than writing new code.

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:26:09

At 12/18/18 02:24 PM, Mich wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:21 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:19 PM, Mich wrote: One thing I noticed is that when you click someone's posts from their userpage, that page is still in the old layout; will that be updating soon too?
yeah, probably after new years. That's the last userpage area that needs to go to the new design I think, so that'll make me happy. Also going to get this new text editor into the blogs on there so you can blog properly on mobile finally
Good stuff, I bet it'll feel good once you can finally delete all the shared assets the old layout used. I honestly enjoy deleting large chunks of code more than writing new code.

Nah, we'll hoard that code FOREVER! It's like a developer-only museum.

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:35:27

So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:42:03

At 12/18/18 02:35 PM, Fro wrote: So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?

Look under the topic

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:44:35

woah! that's so cool! i'm probably never going to use ten images in one post, but that's still pretty awesome.

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 14:45:51

At 12/18/18 02:42 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:35 PM, Fro wrote: So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?
Look under the topic

I only see the buttons that link to replying to individual posts within the thread itself.


Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:02:20

At 12/18/18 02:45 PM, Fro wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:42 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:35 PM, Fro wrote: So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?
Look under the topic
I only see the buttons that link to replying to individual posts within the thread itself.

It was missing but should be there now - still needs some styling improvements on mobile but will get the job done.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:05:43

At 12/18/18 02:45 PM, Fro wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:42 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:35 PM, Fro wrote: So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?
Look under the topic
I only see the buttons that link to replying to individual posts within the thread itself.

oop, my bad.. check now

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:08:22

At 12/18/18 02:10 PM, TomFulp wrote: Some improvements:

(I can’t quote bulleted text :( )

I’m looking forward to using this and upload multiples images per post. That’d be really useful for personal art threads.

i’m aware it’s early days, but how is this functioning with multi-page threads? I’m on the phone atm, and if I want to go to the latest replies I am scrolling down to the bottom of the first page.

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:08:42


Thanks for keeping the dream alive guys. NG rocks!

Also no issues on mobile or desktop using Firefox

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:10:33

At 12/18/18 02:15 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:10 PM, TomFulp wrote: @PsychoGoldfish just released a big forum update!

Some improvements:

Other notes:

Let us know what you think! This text editor will be making its way over to the blogs next if all goes well. You'll finally be able to blog from mobile.

With this out of the way you can expect a big focus on Art updates as we enter 2019!

If you're a new artist on NG be sure to read our welcome post.

Lookin suave

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:11:29

At 12/18/18 02:35 PM, Fro wrote: So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?

It's the same for me. If there really is no option to reply to the topic, that's quite inconvenient.

"We must fight against the machines"-The Ninja Society of Newgrounds | Join me in worship!

Name sig by Decky, Gods sig by Jackho

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:11:56

At 12/18/18 03:07 PM, Greenskullkid wrote:
At 12/18/18 03:05 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:45 PM, Fro wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:42 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:35 PM, Fro wrote: So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?
Look under the topic
I only see the buttons that link to replying to individual posts within the thread itself.
oop, my bad.. check now
That would be neat to implement "likes" to specific posts.

Thats coming really soon

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:13:15 (edited 2018-12-18 15:13:44)

At 12/18/18 03:08 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote: i’m aware it’s early days, but how is this functioning with multi-page threads? I’m on the phone atm, and if I want to go to the latest replies I am scrolling down to the bottom of the first page.

That is something we have to figure out the best path for. We removed the top pagination on mobile because it's ugly and crowded there but we know people will want to at least get to the latest posts on the last page. We could add a Last Page or Latest Post link, think that would be enough?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:16:09

At 12/18/18 02:10 PM, TomFulp wrote: Let us know what you think! This text editor will be making its way over to the blogs next if all goes well. You'll finally be able to blog from mobile.

I'm noticing list items don't seem to show up in the quoted text when I try to respond to this! Maybe not supposed to be that way? Was going to quote the...

Standard accounts can include two pictures in a post, Supporters up to TEN.

...and say you best add that to the Supporter benefits list too. :)

Awesome changes overall. Going to take some getting used to but so far I like it! New characters remaining bar, instant toggles for quote and code and such... it still feels like NG but works a lot smoother than it used to.

Regarding quotes: seems there's a visual difference between the : bits when you quote a post, and the quote format when you actually toggle it via the text editor? Thinking a unified style might be good there.

Regarding the lightbox: I'm not a big fan of those, so I'm happy you can still open the reply box in a new tab too (though for some reason only via right-click, not CTRL + click, if that's in any way site-related). It feels a bit more efficient using individual tabs if you want to keep reading while the reply box loads. Or any other content type for that matter. Always appreciate when that's a possibility. Like it used to be with the feed and inbox hmm...

Mood responses: they're everywhere. XD I both like and don't like those. Good things with moderation. Oh well.

Great things heavily overweigh any potential less great ones though. Looks awesome so far.

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:21:09

DAAAMN this shit is stylin.


imma embed this gif just cause I can and add text beneath it.

The future is now and this shit fresh

sicko mode

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:23:41

At 12/18/18 03:21 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote: DAAAMN this shit is stylin.

imma embed this gif just cause I can and add text beneath it.
The future is now and this shit fresh

Sweet I'm saving this gif so I can use it to react to stuff.


shoutout @SrPelo

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:24:03

At 12/18/18 03:21 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote: imma embed this gif just cause I can and add text beneath it.
The future is now and this shit fresh

Aaah GIFs work too now! :D Awesome.

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:28:52

At 12/18/18 03:05 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:45 PM, Fro wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:42 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 12/18/18 02:35 PM, Fro wrote: So when looking on mobile I don't see a respond to this topic button, only the buttons that let you reply to the individual posts. Is this right?
Look under the topic
I only see the buttons that link to replying to individual posts within the thread itself.
oop, my bad.. check now

Awesome, that should do it!

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:29:56

At 12/18/18 02:15 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:

That always happens right? There would probably not be a way to switch modes.

I am starting to get used to it now. I think this new Forums will be very useful and make things easier in the future.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:30:16

At 12/18/18 03:23 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 12/18/18 03:21 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote: DAAAMN this shit is stylin.

imma embed this gif just cause I can and add text beneath it.
The future is now and this shit fresh
Sweet I'm saving this gif so I can use it to react to stuff.

shoutout @SrPelo

A new life hack emerges. Don't have Newgrounds supporter status but want an animated sig? Just upload the same gif at the end of every forum post you make iu_21_5520715.gif

sicko mode

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:30:52

Fresh as hell guys, I sure am looking forward to Post Deletion..

Come on down to Fulpstation, baby

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:30:52

It looks great. My first thought was sleek.

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:31:26 (edited 2018-12-18 15:32:20)

Seems like the new quote format's not quite like the old format. Shows up as just regular text on the 'user's post' pages:


...new spacing looks a bit excessive there too. Guess this might change soon though?

Also wonder if the Post Mood dropdown's meant to look like this:


The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:33:18

At 12/18/18 03:31 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: Seems like the new quote format's not quite like the old format. Shows up as just regular text on the 'user's post' pages:

...new spacing looks a bit excessive there too. Guess this might change soon though?

That's due to the old page trying to render posts made in the new text editor. When that page gets updated everything will fall in place there.

Also wonder if the Post Mood dropdown's meant to look like this:

What browser / OS is that on?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Forums! 2018-12-18 15:34:40

New indeed.

"خيبر خيبر يايهود جيش محمد سوف يعود"

BBS Signature