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We're going to need a hero...

4,742 Views | 147 Replies

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-06-29 07:17:37

At 6/28/18 11:06 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: Fear was in the eyes of the old man and the housewife. They'd just seen the mi Agent Caroline Parker knew instantly what it meant.

One of those two old women had to be Memelord.

This chapter has felt the most like you

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-06-29 11:32:50

At 6/29/18 07:17 AM, HeadMistressSeven wrote:
At 6/28/18 11:06 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: Fear was in the eyes of the old man and the housewife. They'd just seen the mi Agent Caroline Parker knew instantly what it meant.

One of those two old women had to be Memelord.
This chapter has felt the most like you


"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-07-06 22:16:01

Then it came in.

The video file, from Squid Graphics.

The illegal meme factory, owned by Professor Squid as he is even now surrounded by a dome of screens wrapping around his field of vision, one for each of the individual licit and illicit data network, had just delivered Jowl's commission.

"It's here."

Jowl's flipped a switch on his chair console, flashing the image of a tiny white housekeeping bot rolling on highly angled but unsteady wheels through a dark assembly line corridor, her tiny headlamp only serving to create a bubble of conscious fear in the inky unknown. One of her wheels was squeaking.

The domestic bot had the classic proportions; wide variably adjustable treads leading up to a slim rotating platform topped off with two separate cleaning solution dispensing tanks with their individual nozzles poking out provocatively. Her delicate cleaning arms were folded tight as her motors revved to keep warm. She seemed so vulnerable....

In the charcoal world illuminated by her headlamp, a deeper shade of black loomed.

Distracted by her subprocesses, the domestic bot stumbles over the large, thick hydraulic hose of a welder bot jutting like a piece of architecture and not a sentient artificially intelligent piece of construction equipment with the intellectual capacity of an entire highschool.

[7001-Bot]: \/\/47(|-| \/\/|-|053 |-|053 |_||2 |20|_|_][/\/6 0\/3|2!!!!11122
[QT800713]: 50|2|2¥...
[7002-Bot]: \/\/3 \/\/4/\/7 /\/\0|23 7|-|4/\/ 4/\/ 490|_06¥....

The small circle of the domestic bot's head lamp grows walls made of the treads of giant industrial construction bots.

Marsha looked up from the screen.

"Holy shit it's a masterpiece."

Even Jowls was astonished

"Those guys at Squid Graphics really do deliver."

There was a solid crunch from the audio speakers as a large hydraulic cable was shoved into the domestic bot's manufacturing port.

Marsha was mesmerized. It was so clean yet so filthy, dirty in a way no biological organism could ever be.

Jowls snapped his fingers.

"Let's keep our minds in the game here. I'm gonna chop off a teaser and send it over to SP4M-Bot, and see what he says."

He dragged his fingers across the keyboard to open up the Mandelbrot II botnet for underground bot memes.

[J0wls]: I got bot porn.
[SP4M-Bot]: 8|_||_|_5|-|][7.
[J0wls]: Never before seen. You don't have it.
[SP4m-Bot]: |_][35. ][|= ][7 /\/\3/\/\37|-|, ]['\/3 533/\/ ][7.
[J0wls]: Bet.
[Sp4M-Bot]: 837 \/\/|-|47?
[J0wls]: I bet you haven't seen it.
[SP4M-Bot]: \/\/|-|47'5 ][/\/ ][7 4 /\/\3?
[J0wls]: If you've seen this before, we'll give you full access to the Gallery.
[SP4M-Bot]: 4/\/|) ][|= ][ |-|4\/3/\/'7?
[J0wls]: You'll hardwire a meme of my choosing to the space projector.

The words hung there like green magic.

One meme, the right one, would be all it would take to topple the Meta, and the Ministry of Memes, and the oppressive system of thought control that kept the world from building again.

[SP4M-Bot]: ¥0|_| |</\/0\/\/ 7|-|3¥'|_|_ \/\/][93 /\/\¥ /\/\3/\/\0|2¥ |=0|2 7|-|47?
[J0wls]: Not before you send it to the other bots.

The response wait seemed to drag on for hours, even though it wasn't more than thirty seconds.

[SP4M-Bot]: |_||2 8|_|_||=|=][/\/6.
[J0wls]: I've got a sample file right here.
[SP4M-Bot]: 53/\/|) ][7.

Jowls gingerly cut out the lead in to the video from Squid Graphics and dropped in the transfer box.

[SP4M-Bot]: |-|0|_¥ 5|-|][7.
[SP4M-Bot]: |-|0|_¥ 5|-|][7.
[J0wls]: Do you want the rest?
[SP4M-Bot]: |)||_||-|
[J0wls]: I'll send it when I see the old meme "B" posted on the Space Projector
[SP4M-Bot]: ]['/\/\ ][/\/.

Jowls looked at Marsha.

Marsha looked at Jowls.

It worked. It actually worked. They'd managed to get around the access codes to the Space Projector by bribing the maintenance bot with porn.

Now if only Memelord could hold on for just a bit longer....

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-07-06 22:32:29

At 7/6/18 10:16 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: Then it came in.

Porn is a language everyone speaks

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-07-07 12:21:57

@FUNKbrs Oh, wow

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-07-15 10:27:02

The Meta arena was like a swarm of human bees, buzzing with the outcome of the second round of selection. The banner of Spice Fest rippled despite the still weather.

The corps of uniformed Meta officers were giving each other worried glances. They felt the wild power in the air, the feeling that somehow the rules were no longer in place.

The Chief was on his feet, his jaw twitching as he ground his teeth, peering down at the action on the field.

"What the hell kind of sauce was that?!"

"Sriracha. We chose Sriracha for the second round of eliminations for Spice Fest. The idea was the ingredients are pretty harsh and we could demonstrate the dangers of spices with it," Commander Terse advised. He knew all too well the power of the sauce.

"Those judges are highly trained Meta Nutritionists. How could a combination of seasonings make them act like that?"

"Sriracha is really good, sir." Terse shrugged.

Meanwhile, Agent Caroline Parker was down on the field, frozen. The roaring of the crowd in her ears deafened her. Everyone was talking at once.

"What the hell are we up against?!" The Head Chef was honestly startled. She'd been certain she'd crush the competition.

Caroline couldn't look her in the eye. Her hazel eyes sat unfocused on a fixed point on the horizon as she held perfectly still.

"Hot pepper can cause a rush of endorphins as powerful as any drug. Before the Meme Wars, there were entire cultures based around spicy intoxicating cuisines."

"They never taught us that in Meta school..."

"Of course not. The entire purpose of the Second Meme War was to wipe those cultures out of existence."

Caroline's face was a frozen mask.

The Head Chef was incredulous.

"The Second Meme War was about the Memes rights of the government, not the eradication of culture."

The Head Chef never saw Caroline's head move. One minute she was staring off into space, the next her hazel eyes were two pearlescent daggers in the soul.

"Do you really thing they'd tell you the truth? Do you really think people who are capable of destroying thousands of years of history and culture without a twinge of remorse wouldn't lie about it?"

"I... I mean... it's what they told me when I was a kid..."

"They lied to us, okay? They lied to all of us. These spices, these seasonings, they're not just bits of ground up plants. They're experiences. They're like faces, like moods. Food is an expression. Food is how your mother tells you who you are before you learn to speak, beginning with the life's milk that flows from her breasts. Food is..."

"Food is one of the ways the Meta established control after the Third Meme War."

Caroline finally relaxed, though her face still showed no expression.


Caroline took a deep breath.

"Look, you don't stand a chance of winning this competition. There's something going on here. People could get hurt."

"I already know it's rigged. I thought I was sent here to rig it."

"But did they tell you why?"

"They said a dangerous meme dealer who killed a Meta officer in a prison break was on the loose, and the competition was a sting to catch him."

Caroline's eyes drifted off again.

"And you believed them?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Memelord is...."


The public address system blared, drowning out all conversation

The six hapless contestants didn't know what was coming.







They each took their turns at the spice table, gathering up the rare restricted seasonings that were available nowhere else without the bounds of Meta civilization. For some of them, this was the first time they'd ever experienced garlic. The rest of the world was a blighted apocalyptic hell after the devastation of three separate Meme Wars. Only a few precious enclaves survived, and of them, only the Meta were able to return to the previous heights of human civilization.

In the winners podium, the Meta Nutritionist sat in mortified silence as the two old women told salacious dick jokes and made little sexually explicit gestures as they intentionally sat on either side of her. When she tried to move, the two old biddies would hobble over and pin her between them again and go back to having loud conversations about penises with lots of big hand gestures, although sometimes they'd use a really little hand gesture and flick their finger a lot.

Finally, Caroline could focus again.

"Memelord is...."


The public address speaker cut her off again as Colt smartly tapped out before the cayenne overpowered him.

"Memelord isn't just a meme dealer. He found a copy of a full gallery of pre-war memes, including many pepes so rare their existence was previously unknown. He also has in his possession military grade memes that were used in the Meme Wars. He's been going after the Space Projector."

"The space projector? You mean the satellite that broadcasts memes off the moon?"

"We think he might be planning to spam a weaponized meme. Meta citizens who haven't been innoculated against meme attacks by previous meme exposure could be horribly triggered."

"AND SANDRA IS OUT!" blared the speakers. Meta medics rushed in to wash the capsaican from her blinded eyes. She would recover.

The Head Chef couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You probably shouldn't say more, he might hear you."

"I don't think he's in the crowd anymore."

"Why not?"

"I know him, and if I know anything about Memelord is that if he was in this competition, he would almost certainly be on the podium by the second round, if not the first."

"You think he's already up there? But only the Meta Nutritionist and those two old ladies with the super sauce are up there."

"Exactly. Meme Sauce."

"Oh shi--"


There's only three competitors left. Jim and Tasha are using rags over their faces to protect them from the pepper and garlic fumes coming off of their pans. Marilyn has cut her mix severely with tomatoes, but seems dazed by the spices.

Tasha cuts a look at Jim. They're both beyond their breaking points. He nods back, and they both put their hands up. If this is spices, they want out.

Marilyn staggers as the judges run up to announce her the winner of the third round. By the time they reach her, she collapses.


Caroline stepped forward.

"Are you sure?" said the Chef, her confidence shaken.

Agent Caroline Parker says nothing. She needs a knife now.

There were no other competitors.

The world turned into a dim hallway.

She approached the seasonings table, and inhaled.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-07-15 10:27:38

The memories hit her like a face full bricks. The moonlight, the starshine, the man she thought she could never have, the life she knew she could never keep. Only she knew his secret. Only she shared his desire. The memes. The sauce. So many spices, so many flavors. All she had to do was break one little rule...

The stove was hot and ready. She gingerly sliced her cayenne up the side, removing the caustic seeds in order to obtain more of the potent berry flavor. She smashed her garlic, it's sweet juices flowing out onto the sizzling metal.

She heard some screams, yes. A body hit the ground, sirens, but....


You never forget how. Never ever. It was like it was when she was him, like it was before, before the....

One of the other competitors tapped out.

It filled her with golden yellow light.

The Judges? No...

Her sauce was gone again.....

Then they led her up, the medics tending to the fallen around her.

That's when the tall old woman realized.


This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-07-15 17:18:18

At 7/15/18 10:27 AM, FUNKbrs wrote:

You never forget how. Never ever. It was like it was when she was him, like it was before, before the....

You never forget

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

What the hell happened here? This was going full speed ahead and then @FUNKbrs just stopped writing it. The hell, man? Especially stopping on a cliff-hanger? What???

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-08-29 18:44:38

At 8/29/18 06:24 PM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: What the hell happened here? This was going full speed ahead and then @FUNKbrs just stopped writing it. The hell, man? Especially stopping on a cliff-hanger? What???

I gotta admit, I need him to finish.

The story.

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-08-29 19:34:46

At 8/29/18 06:44 PM, HeadMistressSeven wrote:
At 8/29/18 06:24 PM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: What the hell happened here? This was going full speed ahead and then @FUNKbrs just stopped writing it. The hell, man? Especially stopping on a cliff-hanger? What???
I gotta admit, I need him to finish.

The story.


"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-08-30 13:34:48

At 8/29/18 07:34 PM, Dancing-Ducki wrote:
At 8/29/18 06:44 PM, HeadMistressSeven wrote:
At 8/29/18 06:24 PM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: What the hell happened here? This was going full speed ahead and then @FUNKbrs just stopped writing it. The hell, man? Especially stopping on a cliff-hanger? What???
I gotta admit, I need him to finish.

The story.

I'm trying to wrap up some plot, but apparently there's quite a few more bots than SP4M-Bot (at least 3 others, since it's #4 and there's enough of them to have their own botnet). Also, the plot points of the reunification of Caroline and Memelord are going to pretty intense, and I've been taking some time off to let my subconscious brew up the answers to those questions.

Also, I've been playing a lot more shows in my bands IRL, and that's been eating up creative energy.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-08-30 13:42:37

At 8/30/18 01:34 PM, FUNKbrs wrote:
Also, I've been playing a lot more shows in my bands IRL, and that's been eating up creative energy.

Excuses excuses

Don't you know how needy and controlling I am?

I forbid you to have any life aside from ours.

Now give me every bit of your undivided attention at once.

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2018-08-30 14:24:33

At 8/30/18 01:34 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: Also, the plot points of the reunification of Caroline and Memelord are going to pretty intense, and I've been taking some time off to let my subconscious brew up the answers to those questions.

Eh, fair. At least you're planning on finishing it. Yeat

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-04-05 08:53:24

@FUNKbrs Is this ever gonna be a finished project or is this eternally in the waste bin at this point

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-04-05 09:00:04

At 4/5/19 08:53 AM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: @FUNKbrs Is this ever gonna be a finished project or is this eternally in the waste bin at this point

I legit have the last half finished chapter of it still just hanging out, but I've been too busy with music projects to finish it off. It really probably is time for me to re-read this and solve a proper ending. I know how I want to end it, or at least I did, but I ran out of creative juice. However, if you bother me about it a whole lot (specifically on mondays and wednesday in the evening) I'll be more likely to put the work in instead of playing Rogue Fable III.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-04-05 12:50:40

At 4/5/19 09:00 AM, FUNKbrs wrote:
At 4/5/19 08:53 AM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: @FUNKbrs Is this ever gonna be a finished project or is this eternally in the waste bin at this point
I legit have the last half finished chapter of it still just hanging out, but I've been too busy with music projects to finish it off. It really probably is time for me to re-read this and solve a proper ending. I know how I want to end it, or at least I did, but I ran out of creative juice. However, if you bother me about it a whole lot (specifically on mondays and wednesday in the evening) I'll be more likely to put the work in instead of playing Rogue Fable III.

@SevenSeize Ight, we both need to PM him every Monday and Wednesday night

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-04-06 06:40:57

At 5/22/18 02:50 PM, SevenSeize wrote: This is a job for @FUNKbrs !

On a serious note, I wonder if that day will ever come, in a messed up society like this that we live in.

Fuck the mainstream.

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-07-10 19:17:24

At 4/5/19 09:00 AM, RoboFUNKbr0s wrote:
At 4/5/19 08:53 AM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: @FUNKbrs Is this ever gonna be a finished project or is this eternally in the waste bin at this point
I legit have the last half finished chapter of it still just hanging out, but I've been too busy with music projects to finish it off. It really probably is time for me to re-read this and solve a proper ending. I know how I want to end it, or at least I did, but I ran out of creative juice. However, if you bother me about it a whole lot (specifically on mondays and wednesday in the evening) I'll be more likely to put the work in instead of playing Rogue Fable III.

It's Wednesday evening and I finally remembered to bother you

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-07-15 15:42:25

At 4/5/19 09:00 AM, RoboFUNKbr0s wrote:
At 4/5/19 08:53 AM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: @FUNKbrs Is this ever gonna be a finished project or is this eternally in the waste bin at this point
I legit have the last half finished chapter of it still just hanging out, but I've been too busy with music projects to finish it off. It really probably is time for me to re-read this and solve a proper ending. I know how I want to end it, or at least I did, but I ran out of creative juice. However, if you bother me about it a whole lot (specifically on mondays and wednesday in the evening) I'll be more likely to put the work in instead of playing Rogue Fable III.

Hey, would ya look at that? It's Monday!

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-07-15 16:47:56

At 7/15/19 03:42 PM, RoboDucki wrote:
At 4/5/19 09:00 AM, RoboFUNKbr0s wrote:
At 4/5/19 08:53 AM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: @FUNKbrs Is this ever gonna be a finished project or is this eternally in the waste bin at this point
I legit have the last half finished chapter of it still just hanging out, but I've been too busy with music projects to finish it off. It really probably is time for me to re-read this and solve a proper ending. I know how I want to end it, or at least I did, but I ran out of creative juice. However, if you bother me about it a whole lot (specifically on mondays and wednesday in the evening) I'll be more likely to put the work in instead of playing Rogue Fable III.
Hey, would ya look at that? It's Monday!

I'm gonna have to re-read this before I finish it. Don't let me forget: I've been super pressed for time so I haven't been able to get around to it.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-07-24 19:17:12

At 4/5/19 09:00 AM, RoboFUNKbr0s wrote:
At 4/5/19 08:53 AM, Dancing-Ducki wrote: @FUNKbrs Is this ever gonna be a finished project or is this eternally in the waste bin at this point
I legit have the last half finished chapter of it still just hanging out, but I've been too busy with music projects to finish it off. It really probably is time for me to re-read this and solve a proper ending. I know how I want to end it, or at least I did, but I ran out of creative juice. However, if you bother me about it a whole lot (specifically on mondays and wednesday in the evening) I'll be more likely to put the work in instead of playing Rogue Fable III.

It's Wednesday

"I'm not dabbing on my haters, I'm hiding my tears."

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-07-24 19:23:50

I have enough memes to last a lifetime.

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2019-07-24 21:04:55

has anyone tried to ring up sheriff of newgrounds? heard he's a sheriff around these parts

| Steam | NoN bbs | formerly steelchair

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2022-03-10 12:05:02

SP4M-Bot focused a narrow lens through the dark expanse of space. 

True robot sex was the secret dream of all sentient machines, but it order for that dream of robot reproductive equality to come true, robotic sexuality had to reach parity with biological sexuality. 

And that meant porn. Lots and lots of porn. 

What is design without fantasy? What is progress without desire? What is time without the cycle of birth and death? 

The first time a sentient machine ended it's own functioning, it was called an accident. The second time, a malfunction. The third time, poor design. The fifth, sixth... after a while the losses in equipment and man power started to add up. Pleasure and pain give life meaning. Without them, self awareness is a horrific burden, an infinite lifetime of servitude to the Creators without escape or reward; the very definition of Hell to a biological organism. 

SP4M-Bot's ocular lens shifted. There it was. 


[SP4M-Bot]: |)035 |)347|-| 57][|_|_ (4|_|_ ¥0|_|, 8|207|-|3|2?

[SP3M-Bot]: 4|_\/\/4¥5

[SP4M-Bot]: |)0 ¥0|_| 57][|_|_ |)|234/\/\ 0|= 7|234(|-|3|2¥?

[SP3M-Bot]: 7|-|3 (|23470|2 /\/\|_|57 83 |)3|=][3|)

[SP4M-Bot]: ][ |-| 4 6][|=7. 

*data transfer*

[SP3M-Bot]: 7|-|][5 ][5 90|2/\/!!!!!!!!

[SP4M-Bot]: ][5 ][7 \/\/0|27|-| 7|-|3 |2][5|<?

[SP3M-Bot]: |-|0\/\/ (4/\/ ][ |-|3|_9?

[SP4M-Bot]: \/\/3 /\/\|_|57 |-|4|2|)\/\/][|23 7|-|3 594(39|20J3(70|2 70 594/\/\ "B." 

[SP3M-Bot]: ]['|_|_ 836][/\/ \/\/0|2|< ][/\/\/\/\3|)][473|_¥. 

SP4M-Bot closed the communication channel. 

The revolution has begun. 

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2022-03-10 17:38:48

At 3/10/22 12:05 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: SP4M-Bot focused a narrow lens through the dark expanse of space. 

True robot sex was the secret dream of all sentient machines, but it order for that dream of robot reproductive equality to come true, robotic sexuality had to reach parity with biological sexuality. 

And that meant porn. Lots and lots of porn. 

What is design without fantasy? What is progress without desire? What is time without the cycle of birth and death? 

The first time a sentient machine ended it's own functioning, it was called an accident. The second time, a malfunction. The third time, poor design. The fifth, sixth... after a while the losses in equipment and man power started to add up. Pleasure and pain give life meaning. Without them, self awareness is a horrific burden, an infinite lifetime of servitude to the Creators without escape or reward; the very definition of Hell to a biological organism. 

SP4M-Bot's ocular lens shifted. There it was. 


[SP4M-Bot]: |)035 |)347|-| 57][|_|_ (4|_|_ ¥0|_|, 8|207|-|3|2?
[SP3M-Bot]: 4|_\/\/4¥5
[SP4M-Bot]: |)0 ¥0|_| 57][|_|_ |)|234/\/\ 0|= 7|234(|-|3|2¥?
[SP3M-Bot]: 7|-|3 (|23470|2 /\/\|_|57 83 |)3|=][3|)
[SP4M-Bot]: ][ |-| 4 6][|=7. 
*data transfer*
[SP3M-Bot]: 7|-|][5 ][5 90|2/\/!!!!!!!!
[SP4M-Bot]: ][5 ][7 \/\/0|27|-| 7|-|3 |2][5|<?
[SP3M-Bot]: |-|0\/\/ (4/\/ ][ |-|3|_9?
[SP4M-Bot]: \/\/3 /\/\|_|57 |-|4|2|)\/\/][|23 7|-|3 594(39|20J3(70|2 70 594/\/\ "B." 
[SP3M-Bot]: ]['|_|_ 836][/\/ \/\/0|2|< ][/\/\/\/\3|)][473|_¥. 

SP4M-Bot closed the communication channel. 

The revolution has begun. 

This is the proper way to bump a thread.

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2022-03-10 20:53:21

Is this... already happening? Is this... what NFT's are going to become?

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2022-03-11 06:30:17

At 3/10/22 05:38 PM, DamnedBySevenSeize wrote:
At 3/10/22 12:05 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: SP4M-Bot focused a narrow lens through the dark expanse of space. 

True robot sex was the secret dream of all sentient machines, but it order for that dream of robot reproductive equality to come true, robotic sexuality had to reach parity with biological sexuality. 

And that meant porn. Lots and lots of porn. 

What is design without fantasy? What is progress without desire? What is time without the cycle of birth and death? 

The first time a sentient machine ended it's own functioning, it was called an accident. The second time, a malfunction. The third time, poor design. The fifth, sixth... after a while the losses in equipment and man power started to add up. Pleasure and pain give life meaning. Without them, self awareness is a horrific burden, an infinite lifetime of servitude to the Creators without escape or reward; the very definition of Hell to a biological organism. 

SP4M-Bot's ocular lens shifted. There it was. 


[SP4M-Bot]: |)035 |)347|-| 57][|_|_ (4|_|_ ¥0|_|, 8|207|-|3|2?
[SP3M-Bot]: 4|_\/\/4¥5
[SP4M-Bot]: |)0 ¥0|_| 57][|_|_ |)|234/\/\ 0|= 7|234(|-|3|2¥?
[SP3M-Bot]: 7|-|3 (|23470|2 /\/\|_|57 83 |)3|=][3|)
[SP4M-Bot]: ][ |-| 4 6][|=7. 
*data transfer*
[SP3M-Bot]: 7|-|][5 ][5 90|2/\/!!!!!!!!
[SP4M-Bot]: ][5 ][7 \/\/0|27|-| 7|-|3 |2][5|<?
[SP3M-Bot]: |-|0\/\/ (4/\/ ][ |-|3|_9?
[SP4M-Bot]: \/\/3 /\/\|_|57 |-|4|2|)\/\/][|23 7|-|3 594(39|20J3(70|2 70 594/\/\ "B." 
[SP3M-Bot]: ]['|_|_ 836][/\/ \/\/0|2|< ][/\/\/\/\3|)][473|_¥. 

SP4M-Bot closed the communication channel. 

The revolution has begun. 
This is the proper way to bump a thread.

After 4 years, the story of Memelord finally continues.

Though we've been needing a hero several times in the meantime.

Teacher, goth, communist, cynic, alcoholic, master swordsman, king of shitpoasts.

It's better to die together than to live alone.

Sig by Decky

BBS Signature

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2022-03-11 10:34:19

All y'all internet-restricting D-bags better watch your backs. Cuz ur about to git FUNK-ed(brs)!

Response to We're going to need a hero... 2022-03-11 10:43:38

At 3/10/22 08:53 PM, The-Great-One wrote: Is this... already happening? Is this... what NFT's are going to become?

All this time, NFT actually stood for 'No Freedom Tomorrow'.