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Summer Animation Jams - June 1st.

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Animators! We are hosting a Summer Animation Jams event and it begins FRIDAY, JUNE 1st.

At 3PM EST on June 1st, you will be given a theme to base an animation on.

You will have until 12:59PM PST on Wednesday, June 27th, to finish your piece.

This even was originally going to beging on June 13th but we expanded the first round as part of a partnership with @RubberNinja's #Animonthly on Twitter. Both ROUND 1 and the June #Animonthly will share a theme and RubberNinja will be one of the ROUND 1 celebrity judges.

You may work with a team but each team should specify the LEAD ANIMATOR, who will get the points. Support members may include background art (bg animation is fine), coloring, in-betweens, voice actors, musicians and sound editors.

You will be expected to use original characters and audio that doesn't present licensing issues.

ROUND 2 will be announced at 3PM EST on Wednesday June 28th and it will have a specific ROBOT theme.

The deadline for ROUND 2 will be 11:59PM PST on Tuesday, July 10th, aka @MindChamber's ROBOT DAY on Newgrounds. Your entry will be eligible for a Robot Day prize.

The entire event will be five rounds. There are no eliminations and you are not required to participate in every round.

Winners for each round will be announced within a week of each round conclusion. Points will be awarded as such:

1st: 10 pts
2nd: 9 pts
3rd: 8 pts
4th: 7 pts
5th: 6 pts
6th: 5 pts
7th: 4 pts
8th: 3 pts
9th: 2 pts
10th: 1 pt

Whoever has the most points at the end of the event will be crowned the winner! There are prizes:

1st - $300
2nd - $200
3rd - $100

This is a great opportunity to push yourself over the summer, while also building a portfolio of work. It would be awesome to see as many animators as possible in attendance, both newcomers and pros!

You don't need to formally sign up in advance but you can reply to this thread saying you intend to participate; it's fun to see who might turn up.

To enter, all you need to do is create an animation at any point during the event. You could miss Round 1 and still enter Round 2 but you'll have the best odds of accumulating points if you participate in every round (our previous winner participated in four of five rounds, for example).

Curious for examples? Here are the rounds from last time:

1. Loop Jam
2. Robot Jam
3. Sound Jam
4. Mascot Jam
5. Creep Jam

See ya on June 1st!

UPDATE: The Round One theme has been announced!

Summer Animation Jams - June 1st.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 13:58:41

awww yeah, these were great a few years back, I'm definitely gonna participate again! This summer is gonna have some great toons!

sicko mode

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 14:38:21

I guess I will participate in this jam seem like it would be a lot of fun

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 15:00:35


Can't wait to hop into one of these rounds

Summer Animation Jams - June 1st.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 16:45:32

This looks so cool, I'm gonna try to learn at least a little about animating to enter something. I've always loved peoples animated work on this site and its great to see people and newgrounds trying to get the community running back into this sort of thing in the way it did back in the day.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 17:18:49

Sounds like fun! May not have time to join in but looking forward to seeing them entries.

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 17:34:19

made an account just for this

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 17:42:22

Ooh boy, I gotta try this!!! This is exciting!

I like aliens and robots too much.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 17:50:11

Really pumped for this, I might end up delaying NoMan5 a bit so I can partake in a few of the jams!

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 18:04:47

Im really looking forward to this

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 18:21:44

Does this replace NATA this year?

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 20:15:55

At 5/20/18 06:21 PM, Exedor wrote: Does this replace NATA this year?


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 21:41:51

Idc what it is i better see some ren and stimpy rated M fan art !! :3 jk

From redeyes to you!

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 21:42:39

At 5/20/18 09:41 PM, RedeyestheSecound wrote: Idc what it is i better see some ren and stimpy rated M fan art !! :3 jk

let me introduce you to brandom smalls i created him so you can add in a video game flash game i mean

Summer Animation Jams - June 1st.

From redeyes to you!

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 21:55:56

Woohoo, so excited the Summer Jams are back! Was such a fun event last time.

Anyone whos looking for a background artist to team up with, hit me up!

Summer Animation Jams - June 1st.

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-20 23:44:36

Hey Fam!

Hit me up if you need voice work for this!

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 05:00:52

I think I might try to do something for this event, not planning to do it for all the rounds, since I'm travelling a lot this summer.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 05:11:18

Think I'm on holiday for the first week but may try and participate in the following weeks.

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 06:13:32

At 5/20/18 05:34 PM, idreamianimate wrote: made an account just for this

Awesome. :) Welcome to the Grounds! Good luck!

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 06:26:14

Looking forward to all the entries! Will try to drop in on one of these.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 06:56:37

That's a pretty sweet idea. Even you don't win the round, you could still win the contest within that round.. Or go beast mode and when all the rounds and individual contests.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 08:31:06

At 5/20/18 05:34 PM, idreamianimate wrote: made an account just for this

Awesome, welcome!

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 09:13:59


Summer Animation Jams - June 1st.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 10:08:45

You betcha I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring. This time the jam lands on a chunk of time off for me so no 3 day cram animations with lousy audio for this boy!

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 13:42:24

If anyone needs a character (or more) voiced for their project, I'd love to take part. You can listen to my character demo here: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/590431

And here are links to some work I did, last year:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh32H4dAY1M (Game of Thrones parody where I voice all the dialogue)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvmqNmX7Vns (scene from a 3D animation where I voice a ship's commander)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cMSbkZZWSo (reading of a short play, where I voice both characters)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxN2OMNU68A (excerpt of an audiobook in fantasy genre)


(( I hope I get Toon Boom before the jam starts. ))

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 18:40:04

Sweet, I'm in.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 19:19:08

I'm totally going to take part, and not forget that I said I'd take part, like I have done in the past.

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-21 23:55:54

Gonna be my first animation jam ever, only have done game jams, I'm hyped!

Response to Summer Animation Jams - June 1st. 2018-05-22 00:30:32

Oh cool a groovy contest always a fun time around here



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