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Livecorpse died this afternoon.

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Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:17:12

At 6/12/04 06:15 PM, night_raider wrote: Livecorpse, you were a good man. I'll miss you.

You know cause good men are the ones who try to kill people!

BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:18:18

Hmm this is really unfortunate, I really liked his movies and found that the fact that he has so many movies was halarious. I thought he made alot fo good and funny shit, and he was one of my favorite authors.

Other then that i never knew him, but he does deserve some kinda reconition for his contribuation to NGs.
(for his many awards and tons and tons of flash)

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:19:10

At 6/12/04 06:14 PM, themoreyouknow wrote:
At 6/12/04 06:11 PM, Fewel wrote: wow earfetish you really make people want to like this guy.

yeah he may of done this shit but really. do any of you know what happened? no. no one knows what happened between him and his friend who he stabbed. and these mother fuckers who laugh about it are only probally down syndrome patients with the mentality of a 2 year old. i live in tucson and i seen the guy, it haunts me to know that i saw a great flash artist and never knew it, but more i saw a dead man. so to you who mourn i am with you and to you who laugh and say it's a joke. FUCK YOU!!!

Never pick a fight you can't bring a hand grenade to.

BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:19:52

At 6/12/04 06:13 PM, canada_rules wrote: You people make me sick. This thread was made in memory of a man who made many quality contributions to NG and you are turning it into a flame war.

You're right and I am sorry. Anyone can insult me or my name, but I will not respond.

At 6/12/04 06:16 PM, J_Smooth wrote: Im ready to make a flash tribute in Livecorpse's honor.

For those of you who have respect, and talked to livecorpse please let me know so we can put a tribute together in his memory.

I would love to be a part of it, but I am horrible at flash. Maybe I could help you get ideas or something. LiveCorpse was on my favorite author's list before he died, and he will remain there.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:20:00

At 6/12/04 06:13 PM, canada_rules wrote: You people make me sick. This thread was made in memory of a man who made many quality contributions to NG and you are turning it into a flame war. It doesn't matter if he tried to kill a few people or not, his life is still worth something.
RIP Livecorpse.

THAT'S what I've been saying about Hitler this whole time... So he gassed a few Jews? It's not like he's a bad person...
RIP Hitler.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:21:16

At 6/12/04 06:17 PM, da_pope wrote:
At 6/12/04 06:15 PM, night_raider wrote: Livecorpse, you were a good man. I'll miss you.
You know cause good men are the ones who try to kill people!

He was wanted for assualt on a police officer not attempted murder.
I dunno but i didnt get the picture that he was trying to kill the 2 guys from reading the articles.

Can't jump to the conclusion he tried to kill them, none of us will know.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:21:31

THAT'S what I've been saying about Hitler this whole time... So he gassed a few Jews? It's not like he's a bad person...
RIP Hitler.

A puppy dog died because you said that, you filthy fucking jizzbag.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:21:38

At 6/12/04 06:02 PM, themoreyouknow wrote: hitler was a nice guy he just started a war and killed a few million jews

but don't forget he was a good leader, if he wasn't a biggot germany would have gone far.


BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:28:54

That kinda sucks. I didn't know him, but it's always sucky to hear someone died.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:30:41

I am not sure if anyone has already noticed this but. Take a look at one of his flashes entitled Fun W/ Suiside If you look the guy shoots out a cop before dying. There is a whole lot of references to death in his other writings, including his profile message. Creepy.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:36:22

even though i never knew or talked to him all i can say is RIP and you will be miss and my prayers go out to his faimily

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:39:11

At 6/12/04 06:05 PM, Earfetish wrote: Ironically, Livecorpse would've loved to end in a blaze of gunshots, and he would've loved NG to argue afterwards

I wouldn't call a shot you inflicted upon yourself a blaze of gunshots, I'd call it cowardly. If he had turned himself in he wouldn't even have gotten life and even then most real murderers only spend eight years in prison, so I doubt someone who didn't even kill would stay in there any longer.

Look, I'm sorry you feel that a criminal should be commemorated, but it just isn't so. How would you feel if you were Duncan or Dickinson? Would you feel better knowing a guy who tried to kill you was being honored? And keep in mind the majority of NG users are young teens. What kind of message does it send commending a guy who is so cowardly he has to pull a knife on a 45 year old and then too big a pussy to face the jury? Give it up, Livecorpse was no hero man.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:40:27

Here's a quote from an AIM log with him:

Live Corpse: feel like ive lived my life, and want to dedicate it to flash. at 21 ive been to over half the states, 4 countries,done enough drugs to kill Roseanne, and been through Army, Job Corps, and the Streets. Alsmot ready top say im totally ready for death, but flash is the one thing that keeps me alive and free. its just really something, know?


I'm sad see to see him go. He was a cool person to talk to and a talented animator. He delt with a lot of shit in his life and I only hope that he's in a better place now.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:41:07

At 6/12/04 06:17 PM, da_pope wrote:
At 6/12/04 06:15 PM, night_raider wrote: Livecorpse, you were a good man. I'll miss you.
You know cause good men are the ones who try to kill people!

You sick fuck! Maybe if you knew him, or even talked to him once you would know what a great person he was! He was a helpful, kind man. And you judge him because at the end of his painful life he did the only thing he could do. Do you honestly think he wanted to shoot someone and stab another one?

He. Had. No. Choice!

Im sorry, I usually don't get mad on the BBS/internet, but this really pisses me off.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:42:42

Seriously - Baron_Von_Bad_Guy, myself, and Livecorpse -

Whatever. It's talking to a brick wall, who occasionally makes comparisons with Hitler. The internet never meant anything to me - for fuck's sake it's just the internet - but he was...

He helped make me.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:43:14

Just because he submitted flash to NG doesn't change the fact he stabbed someone and shot another.

I would agree he should get a tribute if he was innocent. Just some person that was accidentally killed by someone/something else. But killing himself after stabbing someone, and shooting an officer... Those kinds of people don't deserve tributes.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:47:52

At 6/12/04 06:43 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: Just because he submitted flash to NG doesn't change the fact he stabbed someone and shot another.

If he was a soldier he would get a tribute.

Anyway, he was a great guy and he made the NG experience more enjoyable to me. And he made MY WORLD a better place.

Anyone who argues with that should've been shot instead.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:47:52

I can't believe how disrespectful some people are. He was a great friend of mine. He supported my little brother when he submitted one of his flashes, and he was always willing to help someone with flash. He had an amazing sense of humor. At this point, I seriously don't want to tell my little brother about this.

He told me several things. He told me that he went to jail and didn't want to go back. He told me that he lived on the streets at one point, and didn't want to go back. He also told me that he didn't want to commit suicide, because that would mean that he had let life win. He had a damn hard choice.

Anyone being disrespectful should be shot. No exceptions. If you're doing this because your religion doesn't permit suicide, fuck your religion.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:48:15

At 6/12/04 06:41 PM, night_raider wrote: He. Had. No. Choice!

As long as you don't count not busting out the knife, then you're absolutely right. You really put things in perspective for us. Congrats

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:48:24

Hey lets cry over the culprit, not the victims.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:49:42

Nohimm wrapped it up very well, I must say.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:50:03

At 6/12/04 06:43 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: Just because he submitted flash to NG doesn't change the fact he stabbed someone and shot another.

I would agree he should get a tribute if he was innocent. Just some person that was accidentally killed by someone/something else. But killing himself after stabbing someone, and shooting an officer... Those kinds of people don't deserve tributes.

I think he should only be remembered by what we knew him as, a good flash artist. Obviously he had some problems, but were not trying to remember what kind of person he was. We are remembering Livecorpse, the flash artist not the person he was IRL.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:51:12

OK Livecorpse, you're probably in hell reading this thread at this very moment (Don't call me a fuck, don't kid yourselves he'd go to heaven, he attacked someone before he died) either that or you'll soon become a rotting cocorpse in the ground (Ironic eh ? A corpse, but certainly not Live). Either way , condolences to your family. People come, people go.


BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:52:51

damn. he reviewed my latest movie not more than 5 days ago:

Uniquely depressing. June 8, 2004

Reviewed by: Livecorpse Overall Score: 7

Something about this, just made my soul darken. In my opinion the simplicity took it to the next level. A good flash, certainly. And soon it will be forgotten..

R.I.P. sir

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:54:57

He seemed like a nice guy to me. But like TheJoe said, he's not an innoncent soul. He shot a cop, I mean, he could have killed him had he aimed higher. That's not really someone you would set on a podium.

I could surely die

If I only had some pie

Club-a-Club Club, son

BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:55:00

He was my mate, heres the news link for all you people shout "DETAILS PLEASE" http://www.dailystar.com/dailystar/news/25834.php

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:55:14

At 6/12/04 06:47 PM, Earfetish wrote: If he was a soldier he would get a tribute.

Their job is to fight. Fight against other soldiers. They don't go around attacking civilians/their own soldiers/officers. They fight for their country. If you seriously think he was the same as a soldier, I suggest you rethink your values. Some guy that stabs a neighbor, shoots a cop trying to arrest him, and commits suicide is not the same as a person that enlists in the army, fights for his country, and gets killed in action. Not the same at all.

Anyway, he was a great guy and he made the NG experience more enjoyable to me. And he made MY WORLD a better place.

Anyone who argues with that should've been shot instead.

If the neighbor he stabbed or the cop he shot died, you wouldn't be seeing tributes to THEM on newgrounds, now would you? Hell, if he didn't kill himself and was just arrested, you would probably see more "HELP LIVECORPSE GET OUT OF JAIL" topics/movies/whatever. Just because he's a member of newgrounds doesn't mean what he did was OK and he should have these great tributes about him.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:57:05

Finally a mod agrees with me... thank you Joe.

BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:58:56

I pay my respects to a great Flash artist.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-12 18:59:32

At 6/12/04 06:54 PM, TheCorinthian wrote: He seemed like a nice guy to me. But like TheJoe said, he's not an innoncent soul. He shot a cop, I mean, he could have killed him had he aimed higher. That's not really someone you would set on a podium.

as i said in the other topic, im gona pull a WADE and say he died cause he's a loser