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Livecorpse died this afternoon.

71,784 Views | 1,292 Replies

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 20:38:20

and...... i'm no detective but the police jumped to the conclusion that it was suicide. If his ap was trashed coulda been an enemy, a robber, and have they ever checked the fingerprints on the gun??? For petes sake someone may have made itlook like he commited suicide.
another example: if he had toothpaste in his mouth he was murdered by someone he knew(i dont know a gut who brushes his teeth in front of stangers). hmmmmmmmmmm.... afternoon...[suicide note]got into ap this morning.....nope, it wasnt him. the police woulda heard him and checked it out. he was obviously murdered and framed.

Drama is my anti-drug.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 20:38:28

Jeez thats a shame but I guess he did what he thought was best for himself.......what a terrible story it brought tears to my eyes

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 20:39:26

At 6/13/04 08:02 PM, Seizure_Dog wrote:
At 6/13/04 07:33 PM, Admiral8Q wrote: What happened to LC's $1,000,000 series???
He deleted them. Along with a bunch of other stuff. Yes, sad, I know.

Shit :-(

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 20:43:33

i'm not gonna stick around to listen to the rest of these faggots spread dirt on his name.

he made a lot of fucked-up choices. we all do.

the thing is, he had compassion for others, which most of you seem to be lacking. being compassionate towards others automatically puts him above all these fuckheads saying "oh he deserved it", "he was scum", and all of that other BS.

you can all go shove hot iron rebar up your rectums... i'll always remember him as a troubled person, but above all a good person.

i think it's a shame that so many people in this community that he loved have the nerve to shit on his death so quickly, but its not unexpected as the majority of you are either moron children that think they're funny when they really aren't, or just heartless Angsty McTeens looking for another opportunity to say "i don't care" back to the world that doesn't give a crap about them either.

good day to you all.

BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 20:55:02

I didnt know the guy but reading all of this here, the news and his suicide note really made me think.
This is what I have to say:

To the people who refuse to mourn someones death for the sole reason that they where a criminal:
You need to understand that EVERYONE, (that includes you) has a state of mind in which they will do unrational things and behave violently for stupid reasons, you might think no I'm not that kind of person, I would never do this or that.. NO you just never experienced a state of mind in which you would behave that way. Believe me there are things in this world that will get you there, just count yourself lucky they havent come your way (yet).

When I read about this guy I got an impression of a good person, who helped noobs with their flashes, had a critical view on things, and had a unique sense of humor, but according to some short sighted people on this thread that all doesnt matter because he flipped out and shot a police officer.
My point is: if you put a good person in a bad situation, this essentially good person can do bad things, so dont judge a person on his acts untill you know the situation he was in.

I doubt the people who said these things are still on this thread (I just needed to get this off my chest) but heres a heads up to possible replies:
Dont start saying idiotic stuff like oh so its okay for hitler to kill
millions of people because his parents died when he was young
BECAUSE I DIDNT SAY THAT, I just said that you need to take more factors into account before judging a person.

To the people who said shit like LiveCorps is burning in hell:

You are probably just saying that because you are in desperate need of some attention, and the only way you can get it is to disrupt a mourning thread on an internet forum, but if you are seriouse, I can hardly imagine the situation you must be in (perhaps your parents being close relatives and ultra right wing catholics?) that you think, that because he injured someone (with no dire consequenses) a person deserves to burn in agonising pain for all eternity. In fact, you have to be pretty dumb to still believe in a retarded concept like hell anyway.

I will not respond to any further posts of these people because I gave you more attention than you deserve already.

To get back on topic:
Like I said I didnt know the guy but his death was a tragic one, I believe he deserved better.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:16:04

At 6/13/04 03:49 PM, Nohimn wrote: He's not getting front page recognition, which pisses me off

tom/wade aren't stupid enough to give a criminal sympathy on the frontpage. that would look bad for the site.

i know, he was a nice guy, made alot of flash, etc, but he was a criminal.

jesus christ, it's not hard to understand anymore.

we could argue for pages.

the facts are clear- he killed himself, for whatever reason it doesn't matter.

stop making tributes, remember him in memory, and move on.

as a million of you said, let him rest in peace.


BBS Signature

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:17:37

At 6/13/04 09:16 PM, madhatt3r wrote: tom/wade aren't stupid enough to give a criminal sympathy on the frontpage. that would look bad for the site.

Plus his movies sucked.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:25:39

well at least we have this lame topic full of flame wars and political debates to remember him by...Bye-bye LC,may you forever instigate arguements between angsty teenagers.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:36:56

God, it makes me sick listening to all of you bicker. You all just need to realize that Adam was a human being too. Good or bad, he was a person. When someone dies like this, you don't go off making fun of him, saying 'Good Riddance' or whatever shit. If you feel that way fine, then don't say anything. This kid had a troubled life, and unfortunately it was too much for him, and he had to end it. Everyone goes through this type of thinking in life, and he just made the wrong decision. Now shut up and let the guy rest in peace.

Good by Adam, Livecorpse, may you rest in peace.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:41:24

Dude.. Why the fuck? LC i will miss your flashes man.. They always made me feel like a cheap loser.. Thanks for the bad times.

I will watch the flash you were creating on your site till the day i die..



Livecorpse died this afternoon.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:41:30

It seems like everytime we have a NG user die, everyone starts complaining.
Livecorpse died, I send condolensces to his family and friends, it never should've happened.
We have no need to complain whatsoever.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:41:39

At 6/13/04 07:33 PM, Admiral8Q wrote: What happened to LC's $1,000,000 series???

The policeman stole it. That's why he shot him.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:43:45

At 6/13/04 09:16 PM, madhatt3r wrote:
tom/wade aren't stupid enough to give a criminal sympathy on the frontpage. that would look bad for the site.

i know, he was a nice guy, made alot of flash, etc, but he was a criminal.

jesus christ, it's not hard to understand anymore.

we could argue for pages.

the facts are clear- he killed himself, for whatever reason it doesn't matter.

stop making tributes, remember him in memory, and move on.

as a million of you said, let him rest in peace.

I know that already! But he was still a friend!

Jesus Christ, it's not that hard to understand anymore!

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:50:22

I feel the urge to say something. Many of you won't care at all, some of you will pay attention simply so that you can argue, hopefully still some of you will humor me. I did not know Adam in the slightest. I never talked to him. I've never read any of his BBS posts. In fact I had never seen any of his flashes (other than ONE of his time trial entries, and to be honest I don't even recall that flash). Prior to about a half hour ago when I discovered that he was dead and chose to read his profile, a few of his bbs posts, and a few of his reviews, I had no idea what this person's personality was.

Forgive me, I'm having trouble making my point...

A few years ago, a boy who lived across the street from me died when a four wheeler flipped over on him and crushed him. He was riding with his father. His father was drunk, and tried to go up a hill that was far too steep. The father abandoned the four wheeler safely as it started to flip, but the boy, Vince, didn't have enough warning to react, and thus he was crushed and killed. When he was alive, the boy had constantly bullied me. He intimidated me, and seemed to greatly enjoy laughing at my expense. There were a few times we had spent time together, because we shared a few mutual friends, but we very rarely got along. Despite all that happened and all the ill nature between us, I cried when I found out he was dead. I would never have wished death on him, and though I know we weren't friends he was someone I interacted with on a daily basis, a significant figure in my life. When I learned the circumstances of the death I sympathized heavily. At that point I didn't view him as the mean kid who had bullied me, I could only see him as the good friend, the beloved child, and the idolized older brother that other people saw him for. I remember, however, being offended, heavily, by people I saw crying who i KNEW had never even met him. At the time I felt that their sympathy couldn't possibly be authentic. They knew him as a name, possibly a picture, but they knew nothing of his personality and soul. Thus, I felt that they were practically making a joke out of his death.

At the time I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought of one human being mourning the loss of another, simply because of those he had left behind.

And now Adam, Livecorpse, is dead. And while I cannot pretend to miss him even a fraction of that of those who knew him and experienced conversation with him, I cannot help but feel loss. It is obvious to me, by the comments made by many of you, that he was an extraordinary person who, even in his own unhappiness, was able to make others happy. The circumstances surrounding his death truly make me feel for him and realize just how much of a tragedy this whole situation is. It saddens me to discover that I missed out on meeting such a great individual, and I cannot begin to imagine how his friends and family must feel. While I can offer very little, for anyone who may in the slightest way appreciate it, my heart sincerely goes out to the friends and family of this man.

He was not much older than me, and I know how it feels to get bummed out, really hard, really often. I feel that I would have had so much to talk about with him. The fact that he apparently committed suicide forces me to wonder what, if anything, could have been done to prevent it. The loss of life is such a terrible thing, and when someone feels they have no choice but to end their own life, it truly tears me up inside.

But I digress...

Adam was obviously a spectacular person, and he will be missed dearly, I'm sure. I hope he can find peace in the afterlife.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:56:16

At 6/12/04 01:54 AM, Mojimbo wrote: Can I have his stereo?

wow you really suck ,, livercorpse was awsome...

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:58:05

At 6/13/04 09:50 PM, Blessing wrote:
Adam was obviously a spectacular person, and he will be missed dearly, I'm sure. I hope he can find peace in the afterlife.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Adam Fulton doesn't exist any more...He won't be finding peace or anything else. you make it sound like he flew away rather then got stuffed in a box and buried. Not to be a nit-picker or anything.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 21:59:23

he just smoked dope, i can kinda understand him, but if his friend lied then no worries

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:01:48

yo dude.... thats terrible.... he was a good flash kid, i cant believe he died.... i mean wow

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:02:43

bottom line to my long detective work(kinda) in the last few posts, Livecorpse was murdered and framed

Drama is my anti-drug.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:03:13

I'm still in shock about the whole thing. I keep thinking "He can't be dead!"

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:03:50

me too man, me too

Drama is my anti-drug.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:09:14

Shadow- Sunglasses indoors? What the hell are you, a fat vampire?

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:09:58

yo, this is fucked up....

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:12:53

At 6/13/04 10:03 PM, SaphireDemon wrote: me too man, me too

Thank you :)
Well, we can't always dwell in the past. Many bad things have happened, but we need to strive forward to live on.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:26:53

...I can't belive it... he was one of my favorites animators...May he rest in peace.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:28:27

At 6/13/04 10:26 PM, AznSaiyan wrote: ...I can't belive it... he was one of my favorites animators...May he rest in peace.

You know, I wish I had been there to talk some sense into him. Really...that's my only discomfort. That he was young and misguided.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:32:42

I can't express the words thats about Livecorpse/Adam. I feel like i knew him my whole life. My heart is racing as I read his suicide note. Just because he had some bad days in life, shouldn't mean he should comment suicide. I want to say many things about him, but my words cant express my feelings. I just want to say one thing, Rest in Peace.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:34:56

Man I just got back from my trip and heard the bad news. He was a great person and he will be missed. I knew him from his work on New Grounds.

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:35:56

he liked Necro so he was cool by me lol
sux that hes dead and all

Response to Livecorpse died this afternoon. 2004-06-13 22:36:53

oh man... Livecorpse??? Damn! He was excellent as an author. He had some talent. Damn! Oh man, I am sorry to everyone about this terrible thing happening. We are losing our NG community! I mean, CB Clock, and now Livecorpse... Who is next?

Also, I would like everyone to check out some of the P-Bots, within 2 weeks ago, for many of them have Livecorpse's flashes.

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