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The Lady, Or The Tiger Ending.

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The Lady, Or The Tiger Ending. 2014-02-22 12:49:15

In my English class we were told if we felt the need we could write an ending to "The Lady, or The Tiger" by Frank Stockton. Here is what I wrote.

Without hesitation her lover opened the door on the right and out the woman came from behind the door. The man rejoiced seeing that beautiful woman emerge from the door knowing his lover had saved his life, but at what cost? Due to the ways of the King's system the two were to be wed right there on the spot. This displeased the King's daughter very much but she would prefer her lover live on happily without her then die with her in the arena.

As I said she would rather live alone knowing her lover was out there alive. This caused much sadness within the fair lady's heart which over the years built up massively. As the years went on the King died and his daughter became Queen. As were rules of the kingdom she needed a King to be an official ruler. The Queen went through many men hoping to find one worthy of being her King but none were deemed worthy enough except for one. The one she had deemed worthy was her lover from so many years ago. There was but one issue, the man was still married to that woman he had wed in the arena. The Queen who had been harboring hate deep in her heart for that witch of a woman had a what she thought was an ingenius plan. She was going to have the woman assassinated. She was to have her drink poisoned. The Queen sent her best men to do it but little did she know about what would happen next.

The men snuck out near supper time to complete the job. They guards split into two groups, one to distract the woman and another to poison her drink. As the first group distracted her the second group had snuck in and successfully poisoned the woman's drink. Now they played the waiting game. They waited for about an hour before the soon to be King came home and began to eat supper with his wife. They ate and then at the exact same moment they took a large sip of their drinks and the man collapsed over. The guards had accidentally poisoned the soon to be King's drink instead. His wife horrified jumped up and ran to his side where she watched him slowly and painfully die from the poison. The guards then had the hardest job of their lives to complete, they had to tell the Queen her lover was killed by her Royal Guardsmen. The guards arrived and shared the news to the Queen. She took the news quite well indeed but soon after she told the guards to retreat back to her lovers' home. When asked why she replied "Finish what you hath started."

Formerly Known As J-Rex

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