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8 year old story

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8 year old story 2014-02-12 22:30:48

So I had this idea a while back, and started writing it out like a book. I believe I was around 15 or 16 when I started this, perhaps younger! I may never actually finish this tale but I thought I'd share the first chapter.

A black void was all the creature could percept, his consciousness suddenly torn by surprise. What had happened? The creature was unable to understand this, yet his stability was recomforming, slowly bringing his will into focus. Menrick. Menrick was his name, things were starting to come back to him now. Fight, he must fight. For himself? No, no not himself there has to be more!
Wind sliced at Menrick’s skin as he plummeted towards the surface of a very rocky looking planet. How long had be been out? Eh, who cares thought Menrick as he spun himself around in the air so that he could face what was below him. He remembered now, a transport vehicle of some kind had carried him and several other soldiers, and must’ve been shot down. Blast! If only he had heard the projectile coming, he could have shielded himself and perhaps the other soldiers lucky enough to be with him. Menrick laughed at the irony. He was not human by far, in fact he was something called a Shinkraw throughout the cosmos. He was tall and slender with black skin and turquoise eyes, his legs and arms were horrendously long for his body, but an ample strength emanated from them. The Shinkraw are a generous and hopeful race, and with unlimited power at their fingertips they stand to preserve the galaxy for the better of all living things. If only such a task was as simple as it sounded. Since the dawn of what we call time, there has been a group of entitites who exist only to wreak havoc and destroy. They are the Handrehah. War had reached the far ends of the cosmos as the Shinkraw and Handrehah clashed in a bout of superiority. Eventually the stakes got higher and the measures each side would take to defeat the other grew more reckless and dangerous. Menrick was at this planet for one purpose, to punish the Handrehah who occupied its platteu riddled surface. He would’ve jumped out of his transport anyway, but hey a little surprise wasn’t always too awful. After all he was alive and kicking thanks to the powerful enhancements his body had procured. Menrick was way stronger than any normal soldier or military force and had gained the title of Oen’ki only handed down to the one thousand most intensely enhanced super soldiers of the Shinkraw. Each were different and had their own abilities, but all were utterly lethal and invincible. Menrick looked down at the battle taking place below, huge explosions flared everywhere, but he was still high above them. He guessed this was some kind of intermediary zone between arial bombardment and ground assault. A deafening crack echoed massive sound waves as an explosion glanced Menrick, seering his side. He wasn’t thinking right yet, hopefully no more big bad explosions would come and tear him to pieces before he could even set foot on the cursed planet. Menrick concentrated and soon he was no longer free falling, but accelerating towards the surface, explosions raked the sky he flew through, but none of them touched him due to an invisible bubble that protected him. Such tricks were common with Oen’ki, using gravity technology they can fly and protect themselves with ease. The objective was still fuzzy to Menrick, memory loss had encroached on his brain after such severe trauma to his armor and person. Menrick’s few braids of hair sat idle at his neck, all air resistance and wind blocked out by his gravity shield. Still unsure of his purpose, he scanned the battlefield further, but there was so much to look at. Menrick’s eyes could see to uncalculated distances and he could see the faces of dead warriors with horrifying clarity. Finally he found something that struck as important, a place with three Oen’ki warriors. He could see their target, an ancient Handrehah leading the evil on this planet. The evil general was like a whisp, and was slightly transparent. His body looked like it was made of a bunch of purple crystals that dissolved and reshaped in a never ending fluid motion. It was massive compared to a human and had certain spots on its body that were immensely dark as if they swallowed the light that was around them. Menrick recognized one of his friends, an Oen’ki move towards the Handrehah. It charged with a speed that was invisble, and attempted to strike at the ethereal creature with a scythe like weapon of renown and glory. The Handrehah simply vanished into nothingness and appeared above the Oen’ki, expunging a giant sphere of raw energy that perfectly touched the floor the Shinkraw had been standing. A large gust of hot wind flowed into the empty air pocket the attack made, and nothing could be seen of the Shinkraw. The Handrehah floated in its position, motionless. Then Menricks friend emerged from above the Handrehah, carving a magnificent arc of power through the air, making a large scar in the earth below several meters deep. The Handrehah had been sliced in two, its ends slowly drifting apart. Menrick smiled, knowing his confidence was not foolish this time. Suddenly the two half’s of the mesmerizing purple creature lunged at the Oen’ki, who was utterly deceived into thinking it was victorious. The transparent apparition quickly disolved into the Shinkraw, and his arms and legs began to slowly spread open. Menrick gazed in horror as his friend met his doom at the will of the Handrehah. The Oen’ki below hovered with his limbs shaking violently, his head renched back in agony. The victims hands sprang open and the fingers started to bend backwards. A bright light shone from what appeared to be the center of the creatures physique. Purple and red fire seeped from its eyes, mouth and skin, the vicious shaking of its limbs intensified. Then all the movement and flame seemed to be sucked into one still moment of nothingness, right before the valiant alien exploded in a massive spray of blood and energy. Menrick’s temper rose dramatically and he could think of nothing more than killing his enemy. Vengence would be his, and that Handrehah would not be the first, nor the last he would kill here today. No, all would pay, this whole damn planet would pay. Seeps of purple material all seemed to briefly shimmer and they came together into the mass that was the Handrehah creature, it’s domain now empty. The other Oen’ki were leading troops, and it was now up to Menrick to destroy the enemy leader. He flew as fast as he could to the place his friend had died, but the Handrehah was already aware of his imcoming presence, and disappeared. He landed, hoping he could sense it, but he couldn’t. About fifteen meters from his feet lay a vast amount of his comrades blood, and Menrick felt a deep sense of dread. That feeling seemed to trigger something, because the Handrehah attacked him viciously, shooting volleys of dark purple energy at Menrick. The balls of energy where very lethal, seeming to be like miniature black holes, their centers dark and unending like an optical illusion. Menrick was in five different places within a second, jumping, flying, falling, doing whatever it took to avoid any damage by the aliens attacks. The entity disapeard again, and Menrick felt anger spring into his heart at its cowardice. Suddenly the floor rumbled, small rocks hopped up and down as fresh vibrations pulsated through the solid rock. The chaotic moving of the area became unsettling, and Menrick could no longer maintain acceptable balance so he levitated a bit. He could see what was coming at him, it was a burrowing creature of some kind, and it was angry. He moved out of the way as it broke through the planets crust and thrust its body into the air. It was a disgusting looking creature, with huge spines that exceded the skin on both its back and front. These spines were surrounded by fierce musculature of unknown purpose, and they slightly ungelated as the creature bent itself to dive back into its home evniroment. It was huge, and a

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-12 22:34:04

and at a distance looked like a building with a mouth. Two mouths with a center jaw that served as the top for the lower mouth and the bottom of the upper mouth. Both mouths had a wide array of chitinous teeth, but the bottom mouth had swooping spirals of teeth ment for grinding up rock. It attempted to crash on top of Menrick, but he was hardly paying attention to the creature, waiting for the Handrehah to strike at any moment. In fact, creatures like the worm were idiel for Menrick to destroy. The ground exploded under Menrick in a display of flying rocks, and the thing lunged its huge body at the cautious Oen’ki. Floating still, Menrick raised his hands to stop the beast from clamping it’s lower jaw on him, The girth of the things mouth was so massive that Menrick couldn’t see it’s end s with his peripheral vision. From a distance, it lookd like its mouth was completely closed, but Menrick easily held the creatures jaws open, then with incredible haste, his fingers dug into the flesh his hands were pressed against, and he flew back tearing the midsection of the creatures mouth off. He was only a spec compared to what he was holding, but he looked like superman as he levitated higher, eventually dropping the mangled mass of meat and teeth. The creature opened it’s eyes in a wide flury of disbelief and anger. It fixated again on Menrick and brought itself full height out of its hole, its muscular body pulsing with strength. Then, it’s spins started to shake, Menrick was unsure as to what was going on, then in a quick flash the spines erupted free of the creatures body, revealing deep creveces. They spun out like knives, formerly concealed arms now stretching wide with the formerly perceived spines glistening like scythed weapons. Menrick admitted to himself he was surprised, but impressed was a whole other issue. His armor was silver and black, like a mercury sort of mix. It covered his chest and his apendages, and a large bunch of metal sat on his right tricep. His face was covered by a solid visor and partial helmet, and on his back a gravity cell powered it all. Menrick widened his stance, and said, “Initiate physical combat.” The odd looking wad of metal that rested on his right tricep unfolded and formed into a grip for his right hand. After numerous clicks and rearangements of little sections and gizmos, a large crescent of pulsing energy shot out of the center of the metal hand grip, making a nice curved weapon for Menrick to wield. He ran forward with no gravity shield, and although his legs could carry him fast, he wouldn’t reach the creature for minutes at his rate. A wide arc of scythe attacks swept across the valley between him and the giant worms body. He shot to the sky, and just as he resolved to end the creatures life with one killing blow, another arm lashed out trying to cleave Menrick apart. He swung his right fist across his neck bringing the giant curved blade of energy before him, parrying the giant sickle of bone. The giant blade pushed forward, pushing Menrick down where more of the creatures arms prepared to swing. Menrick gathered his strength, preparing to end the fight here and now. At least a dozen scythed arms swung at Menrick in unison, all aimed to kill even if they collided. Menrick flashed through the blade on top of him, cutting half of it off with a clean arc of energy. Blood and ichor spurted from the inside of the remainder of the injured bone, and the creature roared. Menrick flew further at top speed, punching through the creatures neck, and spinning around creating a giant circle of death that severed it’s head from its body. The devilish worm squirmed, blowing chunks of green and brown sludge and blood. It’s death throws a spasming mess of dirt and goo. The monsters head slammed on the ground creating a loud shockwave that echoed throughout the canyons. Menrick had killed the beast, but he was going to make sure it’s carcass gave no harbor of further evil. “Commence Ranged Combat” The blue energy blade diaspeared, and after yet more clicks and winding of gadgets, Menrick was now armed to blow things up. He Braced himself on nothing but air it seemed, then he fired his weapon, a massive blue light blinded all that could see, and vast ammounts of pure energy struck the creatures body, consuming it in a pool of blue fire. The weapon was loud, and the vibrations it made cracked the surface around Menrick. Soon nothing was left of the battlefield where Menrick fought but a giant black scar on the mountaneous region. How did things come to this, how had the measures of our races come so far? Thought Menrick. The day was young, and killing was sure to be had, however that Handrehah escaped, and Menrick would always be haunted by the vision of his friends intense death. To show his respects, Menrick took up the fallen warriors weapon, known as the Crescent Moon, it was a mighty device of incredible power. And then like a brief shiver Menrick remembered everything.

In the alien dialect and reason of the Shinkraw, human concepts are inadequate in their finite nature. The concept of the universe for instance, isn’t substantial for the truth of their ways. The Shinkraw say that Zi is the accumuation of all that is, a name that is given to everything and nothing. They celebrate this term, because if perceived correctly one can understand justice and fairness. The Shinkraw believe that creation is merely an extension of the creator, and therefore are one in the same. Humans have indeed delved into the concept of Zi, yet a dark force lurks about the planet Earth deceiving all who live there. When Life throughout th cosmos had become rampant, there accumulated an extra dimensional energy that formed into what humans would assosiate with a god, or God. This god was not created by its creation nor the other way around. They are one. Zi is what you would call the universe, however this word is insufficient. The word “universe” implys limitless voids of space and time. This may be, but think of Zi as a giant ball of existence, opposites and similarities, coincidences an designation, all apart of the all that is everything and nothing; negative and positive. Zi expands, contracts, and contorts into things untold, and in so whole universes expand and contract and eventually collapse into something else. Life throughout our dimension reaches throughtout the stars, and life is contagious, it permeates through all active things. The fire of a train or engine, the beating of the human heart. The fuel of a star, the space it resides in. Everything Is ultimately part of a greater body and every great body is nothing without the parts that make it up. The ways of the conception of Zi itself can never be described by vocal dialect. It cannot be described with sound for sound is Zi. Zi simply is and isn’t, it always was and wasn’t, it covers all numbers and lines of existence and time, fully positive and negative, completely a mystery yet known to all. The energies of our dimensions are circular in nature, flowing around one another even if they are in conflict.
The Shinkraw is a race with substantial cababiity for intellect and reason, they perceive things through the balanced ways of Zi. But no ones perception is perfect, and being a mortal race the Shinkraw have the ability to sin. Their lives usually last longer than several centuries, even in their indigenous eras. Of all the races to reach the stars, the Shinkraw would be amongst the last, however, they surpassed all others when they perfected the use of gravity technology. With gravity, a force permeated by all mass, the Shinkraw could do anything. Soon they were able to spread throughout the cosmos and

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-12 22:35:16

live off of infinite resources. A wealth of Shinkraw citizens called all of space their home, and a resounding peace permeated throughout all their empire. But eventually the forces of reason and hordes of chaos would collide in a frenzy that would nearly destroy everything. Only one Shinkraw lives from the time when The Shinkraw and Handrehah first met, since then all who had lived at that time died or were murdered. The Handrehah exist as a catalyst of Zi, however they desire to hasten the collapse of universes, in order to move onto whatever came next. Their hunger insatiable, their thirst unquenchable ; they are the unholy masters of destruction and chaos. Masters of time and space, the Handrehah have unlimited power, and can deceive any one or thing. The Handrehah found a true adversary in the Shinkraw, so many living things all with the power of gravity at their fingertips. Other life forms throughout the cosmos were drawn to the will of the Handrehah, and dooming themselves they joined the dark forces in order to destroy the Shinkraw and take the spoils of their abscense. Such races are collectively called The Cursed. Once provoked, the Shinkraw fought and destroyed all opposition fiercely, but eventually they were outnumbered by The Cursed, and in combination with the Handrehah’s immense power and tricks, the Shinkraw began to falter alone. So they retreated and searched for powerful allies. After a long defensive the Shinkraw attacked hard, now instead of one race, the Shinkraw was the name of all races who would stand and fight the tyrannical will of the Handrehah and their Cursed allies. As aeons passed, many different races forgot their past and the original Shinkraw gene pool shrinking due to the raging war that always waged. The Shinkraw were always searching for life in the cosmos, hoping to reach them before the evil Handrehah could extort and corrupt. Earth’s solar system was eventually discovered, but at that time earth was still mostly a dead planet still throwing in its birth cries. Mars was a lush and fertile planet where human like creatures dwelled, the Shinkraw swiftly announced themselves to the whole race of martians, and after receiving news of the Handrehah threat the Martians agreed to an alliance. The Universe was wearing thin on life forms to convert, and the Handrehah knew that each race not under their dominion was a potentially hazardous nuscense And as the Shinkraw expected the Cursed struck hard at Mars, viciously attempting to smuther the planet in death. The Shinkraw epended all available options and together with the Martians fended off the maniacle invaders. This was a time of glory and victory in Shinkraw history, for the Shinkraw leader Arcitus was very powerful and led every confrontation to a resounding victory. But it was the battle of Mars that would turn the tide temporarily, for the Martians didn’t even know but the were special and could be manipulated into destroying the Shinkraw.
Arcitus stood on an elevated deck where he surveyed his surroundings. A sphere of a room held him and his immediate staff. Aboard the mighty mothership known as The Protector, the Shinkraw pursued the vile Handrehah and their fleet of Cursed races. Suffering defeat at the surface of Mars, they retreated in what looked like a hope to regroup with reinforcements. Arcitus laughed, nothing could stand before the might of justice and light. He ordered the Mothership to approach the fleet full speed, awair that he was completely outnumbered, but he wasn’t planning on masacreing the whole fleet, such an endeavor was ludicrous. No, he wanted to kill the two Handrehah who led this attack. He turned to his right and face Koi, a Martian who led his people to an alliance with the Shinkraw, and fierce warrior. His skill was great, but compared to the ancient Arcitus he was child’s play. Arcitus had fought for thousands of years, and with each fight he only grew stronger.
“Koi, as leader of your people, I’m trusting you to watch over procedings here, and should anything happen to me, I want you to take this mighty vessel home to your planet in order to protect it.” Said Arcitus with steady words, knowing that this might be the last conversation he’d have with his close friend or anyone. Arcitus and Koi spent years together on Mars trying to bring peace and union with them and the Shinkraw, the resounding results strengthened their relationship. Koi looked at Arcitus plainly, “We both know your not gonna die that easily,” then smiled. Arcitus patted Koi on the shoulder. They had been friends for so short yet Arcitus felt he had known Koi forever. The Handrehah were near, he could sense that much at least, but those damned creatures were so tricky and elusive, nearly escaping his grasp on Mars and now fleeing.
Arcitus had many physical powers that rendered him superior to almost any combatant. He had techniques that were fabled throughout the universe by storytellers and those lucky enough to have fought and lived another day. He also possessed mental cababilities that allowed him to perceive things infinitely and almost track the Handrehah to a precise location. He had led a small but deadly force of Shinkraw warriors to Mars and fought the Handrehah and their Cursed Allies. Now that they were victorious on Mars, they could pursue the Handrehah and contribute to their extenction.
“Stop all acceleration. Defensive position.” Said Arcitus as he stepped down from his private command area, eyeing Koi in a hope that he would lead things successfully. He had arranged for Koi to take his place should he die, and had already found ways to genetically enhance the martian race. He gave Koi health and years with ease, and cured the worst diseases the martians could procure. Arcitus vanished, stretching himself as thing as an atom and traveling through space and time. He traversed out of the ship then over towards where he believed the Handrehah would be. He came back into the material realm and unsheathed his weapons, two long sickles with powerful arcing energies that made up a scythe like blade of destruction and chaos. The vacuum of space and radiation of stars and planets did not affect Arcitus in the slightest he had adopted the newest gravity technological advance in what was meant to be a mass produced super soldier. The suit of armor he wore was made of unnatural material conjured from the mixture of many different compounds that acted as an absorbant and reflectant at the same time. On the back is a sort of sphere that is a gravity cell, and this allows power to flow into several alterier components and gadgets of Arcitus weapons and life support systems. A giant rock of metal like an eyesore from hell tore throw space with horrifying speed. Like a giant crystal of jagged spires and spikes, it dominated and dwarfed planets. It’s toughness was uncanny, it could thrust through the core of a star and plow apart planets. Arcitus flew as fast as he could, using help from the gravity cell on his back. He caught up to it and began to see its front when something sensed him and the ugly starship sped on faster now. Arcitus had to act quick, so he gave everything he had into a strafing move ahead of the giant. He shot across and spun furiously with his twin scythes, stabbing and slicing whole planet sized mountains to pieces on his descent to the impervious surface. He slammed into the crust of the huge meteor and slashd his way deep into the inner sanctum, searching for the Handrehah. The whole place around him

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-12 22:36:52

was empty, no living thing permeated anywhere. Arcitus became slightly fearful of this place at first, then shook off his weakness. He knew that if he provoked the Handreah with thoughts of fear or confusion, it would try its best t tear into him from nowhere and everywhere. He had to find its hiding spot. He walked, around corridors and sanctuaries, everything in array as if used by millions if not billions of people.
Arcitus could feel it’s presence now, but it was everywhere and not isolated in one place. Damn it was fast, he had to just reek havoc. Arcitus put both of his weapons together at the butts, and wielded a new weapon that surged with energy. A sphere of destruction emmenated from Arcitus and things within a mile of him began to deteriorate and melt. He swung his dual-scythe weapon high above his head and surged through the fortress, nearly hollowing it out completely in an explosion of epic lightning and power.
He floated, levitating in a giant oval of metal, shinning blindingly by the arcing bolts of lightning that sung from his blades. A purple schism of flames and smoke writhed in front of him, and he stood perplexed. He was not surprised when the Handrehah struck from numerous places behind and around him. He had left these weak spots open to lure it out. He first lashed at the apparition in front of him, completely decimating it then in a stunningly fast one eighty he destroyed anything that would be behind him for miles. Silence and Darkness. Then Arcitus’ weapons were bright and loud, casting beautiful reflections in the titanic elliptical sphere he hovered through. The echoes from the crackling lightning and power rang like a constant thunderstorm, sending lethal resonations and wave vibrations to all but the most powerful of entities. Something strange and illustrious whispered to Arcitus that day, and since then he had been damned forever. Not even Arcitus himself knew exactly what it spoke, or sang, but the power behind those syllables had endured for aeons and could shake the very foundation of the cosmos in an instant. As if in defiance of the powerful pulses of sound, the Handrehah’s voice could be heard clearly over all the anomolies of noise occurring within the destroyed ship. It sounded as if it was drawing him in, provoking him and soothing him simultaneously. He wanted to kill it with a burning passion that could outburn the fires of hell, but that only made it easier for the Handrehah to Curse him. The Handrehah then came before Arcitus as a giant apparition of purple and other dark crimson colors. It had large long ethereal arms that ended in cruel talons, and the air around it seemed to melt like a mirage or heatwave. Arcitus Bellowed with all his might, “Evil creature! You will die this day!” The Handrehah did nothing, only fumed like smoke all along its body. A loud, deep voice rang like a bell, and shook Arcitus in ways he could barely endure. “so you think you have won?” it asked. For several seconds it seemed time was still, and neither legitimated communication. Arcitus raised his head high and spoke in a calm but terribly audible voice similar to the Handrehah but not as grand and breathingtaking. “I wont win, I’ll persevere by destroying your kind and the evil blanket you’ve stretched across the stars.” Arcitus heard a thousand million different laughs mock him in his ears and mind. The Handrehah took a mighty step forward, though there was no floor, its footstep across what appeared as open ground caused Arcitus to move vibrously. “You that I wouldn’t corrupt lesser more critical things? Perhaps I have done that numerous times, but your closed mind will never see that I am everywhere and everything, I cant simply be snuffed out by your physical prowress.”, snickered the Handrehah. Arcitus’ grip tightened, “well see about that!” He lunged forward, meeting a blinding strike with a deadly force field of spinning blades and arcing energies. Arcitus appeared more like a bird than a man or alien, as he spun fiercely and plowed through the Handrehah’s chest leaving a fat hole in his wake. Bits and pieces of the Handrehah’s ethereal body were wounded and chared where Arcitus had struck him, the giant creature now staggering on some invisible floor hardly able to muster the confident pose it had only moments earlier. “Not so immortal now are you?” Arcitus was well a ways away from the Handrehah, so he flung his weapon, making it spin vertically across his right then left arm and grabbed it. Six balls of bright blue energy that crackled and rattled ferociously flew at the ancient creature. Each were the size of a baseball stadium, and exploded even larger as they tore deep into their victim before detonation. All six struck the Handrehah dead on, and exploded somewhere within its apparent self. What was left of the walls was now starting to tear apart into space, and all around Arcitus the giant space hulk was crumbling and revealing beautiful stars and galaxies. The Handrehah still lived, accept it was now only half a torso with what could harshly be described a head and arm. Everything else was gone, and it lay there looking up at Arcitus on its invisible floor. Arcitus stood before the crumbled Handrehah, accomplishment written on his face. Then it happened again, only this time louder. “So you think you’ve won Shinkraw filth?” Arcitus charged the remains of the Handrehah, kicking punch and stabbing with all his anger and hate flooding out like a dam being released. Soon there was nothing left to kill, all trace of the Handrehah’s physical existence exterminated. “AHAHAHAaahahaaaaHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!” The laughter of a god made a sound that could be heard for lightyears through space, somehow producing its own matter to bounce off of in order to create vibrations. The giant attack ship that Arcitus had invaded, once a prize vessel of immense power, now crumbled to pieces and exploded all over, expulging shiney pieces of jagged metal throughout the space it permeated. Arcitus could feel his insides ache with a pain he had never felt before, and he dropped to his knees as fresh and hot blood rush through his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. “Arcitus.” It called his name, not with words, no, he couldn’t hear anything right now. It was in his mind, playing with his head. “Arcitus, you are vitorious in slaying me but that accomplishes a lot of good things. These good things are good in my sense not yours, and I hope you know.” It seemed as if Arcitus was being grabbed by the neck and a hot steaming face was almost kissing his. “Your precous little martians are all going to become my slaves, including the one most dear to you. He will be first.”
“KOI! NO!” Arcitus flexed all of his muscles and regained consciousness. What had happened, was he asleep forever? He had to see if he could help Koi. Then an all to familiar voice mused, “it’s too late Arcitus, you have stepped aside and now your King, your whole damned race is in check mate. Hah you fool! And now, you will become my slave, my avatar, my..well, me in a sense. It’s only a matter of time before you see everything my way.”
“You bastard, never!” All Arcitus could hear, were millions of different laughs, echoing on and on in his mind.

Koi was a strong martian, and an excellent fighter, but he was by far not the best on his planet or of his species. Many heroes had done things in their lifetime that Koi would

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-12 23:49:12

shrink into nothing under, but he was a born leader and courageous politician. When he first met Arcitus there were a lot of barriers, but mutual peace and good intensions kept them from parting, and soon they were able to communicate and learn from each other. The many things that these two races had to share were breathtaking, and such an experience rendered them both rather kin in nature. Arcitus had also been able to teach Koi combat maneuvers after the Shinkraw learned how Koi’s body operated and functioned. For nearly a decade he fought with Arcitus to forge a peaceful nation amongst all his people and prepare to take them away from their nestled cradle and into the cosmos where they would not need to worry about the burdens of a planet. Koi thought all these things as he looked out into space, hoping for some sign of Arcitus’ return. The Giant Rock like ship dwarfed the ship Koi commanded by far, but the Shinkraw’s prize vessel was not a lion without claws or teeth. It lingered a safe distance away from the hunk of rock and metal, so that it was a small smudge of color amongst the blackness of space. “Can we zoom on the view finder?” Koi was growing worried. “This is as far as it’ll go” said an underling below him. Koi had enhanced eyesight and could make out debris. The ship was being destroyed from the inside out, that was for sure. As long as Arcitus was in there they couldn’t attack the enemy. More explosions lit up and eventually the remaining innards of the ship became slightly visible, it was slowly but surely being torn apart by space and some other unseen force. Koi smiled a bit, thinking that Arcitus probably caused all of it intentionally, seeing the Shinkraw’s powerful skills before. “STRANGE ENERGY SIGNATURE DETECTED!”
“What?” was all that Koi said before it hit them. Giant waves seemed to shake the floor beneath them fall a mile before it was brought up to meet them. The vibrations shook the whole ship furiously, and many who where in unsafe areas died without knowing it. Koi was thrown high into the air above his command pulpit, then slammed down hard on the floor below it. Laughtered echoed throughout the mothership sending chills down the surviviers’ spines. The lights went out of Koi’s vision but also across the whole ship, the whole crew shrouded in darkness. Some were already dead but many survived, many injured or hurt from the instantaneous disturbance of their once orderly and conducted area. The lights would flicker occasionally, but not for more than a second, and each time they illuminated everything within the command chamber. One of the many soliders charged with operating the giant spacecraft spun around in surprise when weak communicatios from far away began coming in, it sounded like Lord Arcitus. A shrill scream made the operator turn in horror, for in the darkness, something lurked.
Short term memory loss had gripped the creature, his senses dulled and his mouth tasting of blood. He was against a wall, brutally shoved into it by some invisible force. His torso felt weak and torn open, though it knew it was going to live for the time being, it couldn’t help but wish it wasn’t here. The lights flickered for a split second, and the creature, a full nine feet tall, saw several comrades strung out amongst the room, all either on the floor or walls, but none where they were supposed to be. It looked at the command pulpit, and then down to where Koi lie, “Oh no!” it thought as it ran over and spoke to Koi in a soothing way, hoping he was alright, the creature risked a touch, and as soon as the molecules of its hand brushed the atoms of the fabric of Kois clothing, a low and quiet groan could barely be heard. The creature hesitated, then put its full hand on Koi’s back in an effort to comfort him, then a strange sound come from Koi. Koi’s boddy curled slightly and he was now hunched over instead of lying on the floor, his face was a mask of darkness, and he stared down at the floor with a weird fury. The alien said something to Koi, asking if he was alright. No answer. The alien examined Koi from a distance, then its movement stopped when it saw thick pools of drool and guck pooling bellow Koi’s face, flowing viciously out of his mouth. “Koi!” it thought, paniced rather. It could not let it’s master die, it would die before it let its master die. It planned to grab Koi and rally everyone to its aid, so it started by grabbing Koi. Then, Koi reached into the creature, instantly punching through its tough skin and muscles, snaking through its organs and intestines and seizing its spine all in a flash. The force with which Koi grabbed the spin of the alien made deep finger impression in the bone. Where once compassionate colorful eyes dwelled, dead white eyes reigned, blood shot and empty, Koi’s mouth, filling with sharp teeth and drooling like a rabid dog. His arms and body remained the same, but a strange dark cimson sparked from all around his skin and inside his mouth even. The new creature that was once known as Koi, gave out a constant dronish moan that sounded like an animal or zombie. And all around alien people heard the sounds of an awakened predator. Koi ripped the spine and skull from the giant aliens body in a blinding spray of blood and flesh. The creature that used to tower over Koi and dwarfe his strength was now ripped to shreds in seconds with bare hands. The lights flicked for a brief second, and those who saw what had happened where in disbelief at first, thinking that their eyes were playing tricks. One condemned soul could hear the droning near him, then he could smell the evil tang on the things breath, and before he died, he screamed a high pitched wale that made everyone around question their own capabilities and existence. Koi relished in the first few kills, enjoying his new strengths and abilities. No longer his former self and completely detached from the world that was, he was now a loyal servant to the Handrehah. His second victim died in an instant, the top of his skull being viciously gribbed and yanked hard, snapping his neck clean, but not severing flesh. Then Koi closed his fist, crushing the skull like a dead leaf in a gruesome pop of bone, brain, and blood. By now Koi was dripping in the different kinds of blood from two creatures, but within the next few minutes, he was covered head to toe in what used to be his friends and companions, each one crying for mercy as they were slaughtered like harmless lambs. One of Arcitus’s personal bodyguard was amongst the passengers in the command room, and he fought valiantly against the invulnerable creature, but was overcome by its ability to chew through his waist with unbelieveable speed. It opened it’s mouth and bent its head down deep between its legs, streams of red light escaping its mouth, briefly illuminating the area before blinding everyone in a explosion of violet lightning and arcing bolts of plasma. Everyone including Koi were sucked out of the giant hole made by Koi’s mouth attack, and soon everyone was dead accept for the monster that caused it all. He was somehow immune t space and its harsh enviroment, and within no time he was prepared to wreak more havoc amongst the ship he commanded only moments before.
The Universe itself is a chess game, where forces and causes greater than those moving the pieces command the fates of untold lives and souls. Mars was once considered a lush and ripe planet with a very advanced and noble people, but then everything was obliterated and turned to dust. However, it was not the Handrehah who did this.

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-12 23:50:53

The sound of screams and bellows of agony were the only response to Arcitus’ transmission and his heart brimmed with horror and dread as he heard something brutally rip his friends and comrades apart. He traversed to where the ship was, but even his ability to skip time and space was of no consequence. He would be too late and thousands would die. Bright lances of light punched all around the ship, and from the many miles away they could be seen. Arcitus cursed when he saw fresh explosions bloom all around the ship, and he feared that their force would tear the structure apart. The ship held together, but soon it would fall without help. Arcitus closed in and prepared to destroy The Handrehah, but found nothing. The attacker, as if sensing his presence, hid away. Arcitus teleported back to the Command Pulpit and died a little on the inside. What he saw horrified him. Blood smeared the walls and floor, red hand prints with snaking tendrils of blood where stamped all around, and constant observation of the blood patterns told Arcitus a lot about the killer, and what it was capable of. He tried convincing himself that he was still searching for imformation, but in fact, he was looking for Koi, harboring a false hope that he would be alive in this hellish enviroment. He could see nothing of Koi in this area, however most of the other people who once occupied this area were sucked out by space, and the only remainder of their suffering was their blood and handprints. Arcitus sensed that some of his crew aboard the hulk was still alive, and then something strange registered, something familiar but altered and different. In the now complete darkness of the Command center, Arcitus stood not alone, and looking over his shoulder the hanging Koi began to salivate, and before a tendril of spit left his mouth, Arcitus spun. Nothing, how? Arcitus looked around, and on the railing of the command seat he saw thick gloppy saliva. There had been something in here with him, and chances are it was still sneaking around. Arcitus jumped down to the floor beneath him, taking in the expanse of the new ground. The room seemed to grow foggy and soon Arcitus knew that Koi was on approach to him again. He waited, and waited, try to appear vulnerable to provoke. Then Koi was there, right on top of him, but Arcitus expected this and simply used the force of Koi’s attack to push him away. Normally someone would have flown through the wall with such a magnificent counter, but Koi only nudged backa few meters, and stopped in mid air. It was now that Arcitus saw Koi’s face, and his heart sank low till it was no more. Arcitus lost all will and all hope when he looked into the dead white and bloodshot eyes of this monster who used to be his friend. Then a voice rang in his head, “this is what will become all the martians, and once again Arcitus, you are late.” Sick maniacle laughter echoed through space and Arcitus roared in hatred and anger. Koi relished the moment, and threw himself at Arcitus in a swarm of clawed fist and feet. A red mist followed Koi everywhere, and it appeared as if he were burning. Arcitus raked one of his scythes in front of him and watched as a bright blue crescent tore open the command center completely, but when the debris cleared a curled up Koi emerged. “Impossible!” Koi smiled a stupid toothy grin, then the red fire in his mouth grew brighter and more intense. Koi’s exprssion changed to that of a serious destroyer, and he shot a giant pillar of light and death at Arcitus. The explosion punched a huge hole in the ship, but it was still connected together on several foundations and held. Arcitus was behind Koi in a flash, then he was below him. The Shinkraw lashed out, cutting a huge swatharound him. Koi dodged the attack and rushed in delivering a fierce combo that clangd against the parries of Arcitus’ strange weapon. Arcitus then kicked Koi severely, landing a square blow that sent him flying for miles and miles. Eventually Koi stopped flying backwards, but by that time he was at the other end of the ship, and a mere dot to Arcitus. The battle was vicious but short lived, soon, Arcitus would have nothing left in this area of space, and would have to venture back to mars in order to save its people. The monster that was Koi extended its limbs out and concentrated, gathering energy and strength. Arcitus could have stopped him, but something inside him held him back. The Cursed Martian opened his mouth, and spears of red light blinded Arcitus. Then Koi lunged forward with his head, and a beam much larger than him shot out and engulfed the wole ship and Arcitus. The mighty Shinkraw vessel crumbled to pieces, and its occupants were instantly incinerated. It was a orgy of death and damnation, and the sight of it paralyzed Arcitus. He was able to evade the worst of Koi’s impossible attack, but he was still both physically and mentally hurt. Koi’s mouth opened again, and he lurched back and then forwards as he released a death spear of energy that was almost the same size as its last attack. Arcitus simply swung in a negative vertical and a beautiful blue wave shot through Koi’s blast. It sent a spray of red light as it cut through the cylander of plasma, slicing its way towards Koi. It split his body in perfect halves, and the fire died inside Koi’s body before he split apart. Arcitus was now alone and hurt in the dark abyss, and the piercing blackness of the void permeated through everything around and in him.

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-13 00:27:25

Holy shit

"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

was her name tenneassi


BBS Signature

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-13 00:57:46

At 2/13/14 12:27 AM, kazumazkan wrote: Holy shit

You like it? I'll post the second chapter then

The stars seemed so beautiful and peaceful, their brilliance a constant visage during the space colonies orbit around mars. The sky was filled with thousands of vessels and machines. All where large and buxom, some sporting distances that dwarfed a continent. Hundreds of Billions of creatures scurried within all these structures operating to their purpose. Some were large colonies carrying Shinkraw, Soldiers, Martians, and much more. From a distance Mars could not be clearly seen because of the mass of objects around it. On the surface below millions if not billions of martians still remained, clinging to the ancient remnants of their society and culture. Many areas around what remained of the population were decimated or destroyed as a result of the Handrehah’s cruelty. A long and bitter war was fought all around Mars, and now that the Handrehah had retreated, remaining survivors converged on the home planet. Arcitus himself made sure that everyone would be at hand to protect Mars from any Handrehah attack in his absence. The massive assault that flooded mars air space had millions if not billions of Cursed infiltrators attempting to hi-jack ship and colonies. Some were successful but the vigilance of the Shinkraw became vital to defeating the surmounting odds. The scale of the slaughter weighed heavily on the conscious of the martians and all those who lived amongst them. Bodies were still piled higher than most conventional structures and buildings. Inside the narrow corridors of a military barracks and colony ships the smell of rotting death was chokingly volatile. Normally such stenches could be filtered by the overpowered air systems, however the bodies of dead beings littered the ground and piled to the low ceilings. Many different kinds of decomposers swarmed around and inside the carcasses, flys buzzing around everything’s face. Although Arcitus had left, small pockets of resistance wreaked havoc on an already beaten world.
Menrick was the third chief officer of five hundred count militia, and one of the only original Shinkraw there, but his presence still gave hope to some. One of Menrick’s fellow senior officers was a Martian, and although skilled and intelligent, it could never match the incredible abilities of an enhanced Shinkraw warrior. Loud cracks of explosions and energy fluctuated across a large rectangle arena where a splinter of the Handrehah fleet was holed up and making its last stand. This colony had once been a thriving metropolis but that was no more, the housing districts and recreation areas all but obliterated by thousands of different weapons. The few survivors had been evacuated and all that was left was a playground of gore and death. The Martian officer stepped forward, confident that although several enemies where entrenched ahead he could settle this score once and for all. He carried a large rifle object that ended in a needle point. The Mars native waved 3 warriors over, all of different sentient races found by the Shinkraw throughout the universe. “Apply some preasure to them.” Said the officer, his finger stretched to the small cover that the enemy was barricaded by. The three soldiers burst from cover in an instant, unloading their weapons on the whole line of targets. Most of the enemy ducked or survived the vicious salvo, however the Martian officer had planned for this to happen, He shot his gun, and it speared towards the enemy barricade then jjust as it was over the heads of the soldiers the thin yellow ray spread like a rake, killing all who were behind the front line. The Martian wave the three supporters forward, and Menrick tried to belay the order but the few seconds it took them to obey cost them their lives. Large grenade blasts tore the aliens apart, and Menrick glared at the Martian officer, angered by his lack of foresight. Menrick called an all stop to military advance, and prepared himself. He could either sacrifice most of their lives taking those guns or he could slip in and risk his own life in a bout to destroy the main defense of the enemies position. All around broken pillars and walls sat or hung, all creating cover in one way or another. Menrick was ready, he slid three grenades into his right palm, and sprinted towards the small clearing where the three dead soldiers darted to, accept just as Menrick reached it he jumped extremely high in the air, avoiding the explosions below and attracting all kinds of different weapon fire. He threw all three explosives simotaneously and they each speared in an opposite direction. Creating explosions amongst all three gun crews of the entrenched grenade launchers. Menrick landed amongst the enemy, already shot five times, but his mass was capable of absorbing more punishment than a human, and he carried on, not yet affected by the different supressives. His arms lashed out like blinding whirlwinds, scything down those around him in a tyrade of broken bones and flinging appendages. By now the rest of the soldiers would be spiling out of cover on both sides, thrusting themselves to their final stide along the path of battle. Menrick lunged at what appeared to be a boss enemy, though bigger than most of the aliens, Menrick still overpowered it, and tore it to pieces in a brutal wrestling match. The Shinkraw attempted to quickly squeeze the things head off, but it sprawled backwards and took out Menricks legs. They then proceeded to wrestle on the floor, fighting for the top position, tearing and biting at eachother, knowing that it was kill or be killed. Menrick gained an inch of leg room but it was all he needed, and he kicked out as hard as he could with his right leg. The damage was devastating, breaking the enemies back and pelvis instantly, shooting him across the rectangle to an opposite wall where its body gave a loud wet smack before spinning backwards ina fast flip and snapping down hard on its face and neck. A popping snap gave a brief echo, and the location of the enemy leaders corpse was distant and undisturbed by the turmoil of the battle. Both sides were charging and shooting from the hip, intended to strike down as many enemies before dying with honor. Menrick, though strong and brilliant, was stunned and weakened from his stunt that handed them a clear assault. He gradually gained a level footing in the broken rubble of a floor where he now stood, and before he reached his full heaight the two armies clashed with Menrick at the center. He was almost killed by a charging soldier, but stumbled on a rock and was spared by fate. He punched into the creatures torso and pulled out a glopping red mass of bone and tissue, apparaently the creatures heart discerned by the pumping gush of blood frothing from it. Warriors all around killed with no heed to rules or regulations, they would gain the smallest feets for seconds and use them to kill their enemies before they knew what was going on. A persons foot would stumble on broken limb, and then an enemy would lunge at them and smash their head with a large boulder. Soon soldiers were slipping because of the blood, and when it was over, all of them stumbled onto the scarcely open ground. Only Menrick and the Martian officer lived amongst he militia commanders, the third unaccounted for and lost amongst all the bodies. Everything seemed to be calming down when the whole colony was shaken be some outside force. Those lucky enough to still be on the floor where only flinged a meager distance compared to those who attempted to ambrace their footing. Menrick and most of his fellow soldiers where scattered across the room, and many more fatalities resulted.
The surface of Mars resembled earth in that it had green forests, blue waters, and brown earth, but what happened that day changed the outer appearance of the planet forever. A large array of circles and symbols looked like bleeding wounds across the

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-13 01:12:10

planets spherical perimeter. Crimson light emanated from the many geometric patterns and vertices. And for the first time Mars was literally the red planet. Even from thousands of miles away from the planet, a faint chorus of maniacle laughter and dull moaning could be heard. And all across the planet, Martians started to moan, sulk, then destroy. Others were silent at first, too frightened by the shaking and silence in space and on the planet. Then the screaming started, first with only a few locally then thousands globally. The Martians where doomed.
Menrick slumbered in the darkness, unable to completely navigate. He knew he should’ve enhanced his eyes when he had the chance. He heard a lot of dropping and cracking rocks, footsteps shuffling and people letting out groans of pain and fatigue. Then, the lights flickered, and turned on completely, illuminating the area where the battle took place. The surviving soldiers were picking themselves and trying to make sense of what the hell happened. Everyone looked genuinely exhausted and devastated except one figure, who brooded on its own, though surrounded it didn’t seem to notice anything around it. Menrick sensed a powerful evil near him, and he shuddered, seeing it permeate from the Martian officer like an aura. He frowned, knowing that the war wasn’t over anymore.

>>>>> Chapter 2 is actually alot shorter so I'll put Chapter 3 up also.

Blood sprayed the walls in long streaks that looked more like violent paint strokes than actual death. Bodies flew across the whole rectangular arena, most either already dead or dying and missing some limbs. The sound of bellows and bones snapping drowned out everything else including weapon fire, and it took sevefal precisous moments for anyone to figure out the dilemma. Confusion cost many their lives, spinning around and looking with their weapons taut. Menrick was robbed of his breath and footing when a bleeding husk of meat that was once a soldier smacked into him. His whole body ringed with intense vibrations and he felt weightless as he fell onto his back. He flung the carcass aside and staggered to his feet, genuinely injured. Whatever threw that thing had insane strength, and Menrick actually felt a senation of fear well up in him. The Martian Officer turned, eyes glassy white and mouth filled with stubby teeth with thick tendrils of saliva. It was surrounded by the last pocket of resistance that was once the winning force of a great battle. The creature dwelled in the moment, relishing the shear scale of destruction it was about to unleash. It spun its head and leered at a already shaking soldier who then shrieked as he fired his weapon. The rest of the soldiers paniced and fired as well. The creature was hit many times, each shot burying deep within the Handrehah slave. It seemed to sway as if dreaming, “Paaaaiiinn….iisss….gooone…” The soldiers stopped firing, relising their recklessness had cost them yet more lives. Menrick was now up and in view, and at last some hope arose. “Form a line.” The rest of the surviving soldiers lined p behind Menrick in two large chunks that were separated by a couple meters. “Paaaaaiiinn,” moaned the creature of death. “Pain? What pain?” asked Menrick.
“Pain….Pain for all….fooorr…YOU!” The creature lashed out at Menrick, clawing and screeching in a horrifying of insanity and bloodlust. The soldiers scattered and ran for their lives, not even daring to look back on their commander. Menrick grabbed the creature by the arms and swung it so that its own momentu would carry it across the arena and into the ceiling. The creature spun in the air right before it crased into the ceiling with a dusty cough of an explosion. White powder and debris trickled down about fifty feet from Menrick, and he looked upwards for sign of the beast. Suddenly light flickered from the ceiling, then it was so bright he ahd to cover his eyes, only one thing could cause such a light in the creature. Menrick darted as fast as he could, feeling the flesh of his back sear and the temperature skyrocket. Things around him began to deteriorate and melt, unable to cope with the hazardous enviroment caused by the eminent attack. Menrick ran at his full speed, and then dove, barely living through a energy attack that tore one of the arena walls into pieces, completely decimating it and destroying more beyond. Menrick saw that the creature was smoking and lingering towards him. Menrick believed it to be temporarily weakened, so he charged, ignoring the pain on his back and feet. He closed the distance in seconds, but just as he got up the the creature it grabbed him by the throat, and almost broke his neck in an instant, but Menricks trained muscles kicked in and flexed over and over, trying to pump blood across menricks face and brain. Menrick saw a second hand spear towards his torso, and he barely nabbed it, holding the wrist inches away from his body. The fingers of Menricks former superior stretched and bended hungrily, wanting to kill and spill blood. Barbed knives and spears grew from the creatures caght fingertips, and soon they were effortlessly tearing through Menrick’s skin. He yelped, surprised at how terrible the mutilation felt. He came to his senses and concentrated his strength to his right arm where he yanked hard and ripped the creatures arm off. Menrick then stabbed his giant leg into the super Martian, nudging it a few meters and making a loud thud, but not dropping him. Both aliens bellowed a fierce battle cry as the marched the last few feet towards their collision, limbs swinging. Menrick used his exceptionally long arm to grab a hold of the martian’s head, and then kicked his midsection, releasing its skull from its spinal column and sending the body flying into the wall where it made a large bloody crater of broken stone before it sagged and tumbled to the floor in a display of flying blood and wet noises. The eery scarlet glows that smoked from the creaturs orrifiaces faded, the creature was dead. Menrick felt the creatures power dissipate and was relieved to let its head go..
Arcitus speared through time and space to mars, unable to hide his emotions he was now clenching his jaw fiercely. A bold mask of consternation covered his face, and though no such thing existed where he traversed, his emotional signature there would be equallify desifered. He had finally reached mars’ air space, and he brok back into the material rhealm. What he saw and sensed broke what was left of his mortal heart. He could not believe what had happened to the victory he sought over evil. Entire space colonies where reathed in flames, bright blooming explosions clouded visablility of the planet. Arcitus looked onward to see purple redish rings and shapes pulsing from the planets surface with a rhythm. Like a heartbeat the lights flashed bright then medium, mesmerizing all who stared into its incandescent glare too long. All around the planet Martians were transformed against their will, forced to kill and destroy. Manipulated into killer geniuses they stalked the air, ground, water, and space searching for anything that wasn’t Handrehah or Cursed. Arcitus could have never imagined how terrible a cursed Martian would be because he never saw one till it was too late. The Handrehah with held their ace in the hole until it seemed they were out of the game and drawing dead. Arcitus saw that some of the colonies were drifting away, trying to escape the destruction of Mars. Arcits floated closer and was soon close to a colony much larger than building. Several sparking damages winked at Arcitus but it made no difference, it soon was able to accelerate to maximm capacity and jumped out of vision. Arcitus knew he had to save as many people as he could. Another large colony was nearby but this one was not safe by any means. Fresh explosions raked its surface and all around it buzzing super Martians shot energy at it. Arcitus descended to them and released one of his weapons, arcing lightning singing from its blade instantly.

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-13 01:24:33

Behind and above him a few dozen super Martians prepared an ambush, but the crackling electricity stunned if not killed them. Arcitus swung his scythe around, killing the surviving ambushers, and then focused on fending off other attackers. He hugged the ship, reaping a large tally of mutated foes. A large spear of energy shot towards him and he held his weapon before him, bracing the impact of the super Martians energy. The energies flowed thinner and thinner and eventually Arcitus was able to lower his weapon. Smokw drifted past The Shinkraw warriors head, and with an invisble flash Arcitus threw a dart towards the energy attacking martian, organs and blood slithered out of the creatures body like it was forcing an escape. The monster didn’t moan or even seem to notice that its body was eating itself, it gave a grunt of anger when it realized it no longer could move. The creature’s face grew grim and fierce, then a tiny bright prism of light seemed to drift up from deep inside the creature and into it’s throat. Arcitus lifted his head slightly in a gaze of knowing distaste, from a short dstance it look like Arcitus took a single step then appeared behind the former Martian. Nothing happened as both were still for several moments, however Arcitus was perceiving the destruction before him, searching for another area of dire need. The Martian twitched but remained rather still, strange forces tugged at Arcitus as the creature center of mass comromisd and the different elements of space pulled at it. What was left of its body by now slowly broke up into equal sized diamond chunks. Drifting away on the solar wind they briefly winked with the purple energy of the Handrehah before growing ashen and dark as if burnt. It’s whole body must have made up over a thousand chunks, all perfectly sliced and diced by Arcitus’ marvelous speed and power. With the enhancement of every cell in his body, he had become the ultimate warrior. His success alone led to the creation of the Oen Ki project, where 999 soldiers were selected to become the Shinkraw’s most powerful arsenal.
The heroics and destructions were infinite that day as all across the planet and space around it horrifficly powerful monsters who were once the life of Mars tore into their former allies with fierce abhorrence. Nothing could stop them save for a handful that could fight with extreme power and skill like Arcitus or Menrick. But such warriors were scarce and so it came to pass that Mars and most of it’s satellite colonies were decimated. The horrific tale told millions of different ways throughout the different galaxies and systems, but the truth never spoken. The truth of how Mars came to be the way it is today no longer permeates through the piercing darkness, for it has been snuffed out by the only one who was capable of preserving it. Now the truth can only cloud the minds of those living from the terrible time of epic war amongst the stars.

The council convened in a hemispherical room with no light beyond the table and seats. Six chairs, all equidistant around a disc with no visible legs for a table. The sparce atmosphere did not cling or discomfort the members, however it did incline them to pay attention to one another. As if not being able to see anything but eachother, the dome structure gave a precusionist resonance to the voices of the council members. The Shinkraw had a very flexible way of governing and executing law throughout the universe, but during the chaotic times of battle between the Shinkraw and Handrehah a council of six executives oversaw the regiments of the Shinkraw. As time went on and the Shinkraw assimilated numerous races, they had to direct them to avoid the Handrehah and seek strength in numbers should no Shinkraw be able to assist. The Shinkraw’s might usually laid waste to Handrehah incursions because the Handrehah never actually fought, but when they chose to reveal themselves the Handrehah would surprise and savagely destroy even the most powerful of adversaries. Cursed races and slaves from around the universe all carved into systems and galaxies forcing tributes and stealing resources. It seemed to many races that joining the Shinkraw was the only way to live trough these chaotic times. The Shinkraw didn’t force anything onto anyone, but accepted alliances with any race regardless of form or custom. Eventually all races associated with the Shinkraw became known as Shinkraw, and the original Shinraw became a very small minority that usually governed important tasks of preserving peace throughout the cosmos. All members of the six were original Shinkraw, they’re skin black and eyes turquoise. They were all the same size, and jdging by outside appearances seemed oddly similar in scope. They’re features were all solemn and stern, accept for one member. Arcitus sulked in his chair, completely dead to himself. The other members were upset as well, but they realized that they had a job to do. One of the former council members had perished during the massiv incursion, and Menrick was his replacement. Out of all the council members Menrick was most upset about Arcitus, his offensive leaving Mars open for this dark spell to tear it to shreds. Sitting across from Arcitus to the left was Zokai, an old Shinkraw who was once a renowned warrior and tactical mastermind. Though he did not do battle, some say he may call uon his former strength at any moment if for a short while in order to defend the light. Across from Arcitus and to the right was Yuspa a general of sorts. Yuspa had his share of tragdy in his life, all of his family murdered by now by the Cursed and Handrehah. He had a sincere hatred for the Handrehah and could think of nothing else but to destroy every last one of them. Muria and Ulya sat at Arcitus’ side, they were both female and very identical looking in anatomy, however the females were slightly more petite and elegant. Zokai being the elder spoke up, “Arcitus.” The Shinkraw who was called raised his head to stare directly at Zokai. “Arcitus you’re blindness has cost us dearly.” Arcitus said nothing, he knew this already, knew everything and anything Zokai would say. “This tragedy could have been avoided if you had respected the decision of this council to allow the cursed to retreat. Although you are a powerful asset to our army you are your own self and must make your own decision. However, your decision was ultimately wrong, if not selfish and it killed many of our friends. For that I am sorry, and have no choice but to dismiss you from this council.” Arcitus said nothing, only nodded, then left. His spot in the circle of six was dark and now only five remained. Zokai spoke up once again, “Arcitus was a perfect warrior and subject for the Oen’ Ki project, however his power has grown to great. He can not be the only one to have such power, for now we must call on more of his kind to rid the universe of the Handrehah.” Zokai’s words rang deep within the minds of what appeared to be his subjects who said nothing. “My plan is, and always has been to create one thousand warriors of light and vindication, now I have nine hundred and ninety nine left to produce. There are still many super martians roaming around destroying civilizations and planet systems. They must all be destroyed! Menrick, Yuspa, Muria, Ulya, you amongst 995 surviving Shinkraw will become the rest of the Oen’ Ki, and when that happens you will be charged with purifying the cosmos.

Response to 8 year old story 2014-02-13 01:30:43

Arcitus strided with purpose, not in a hurry but implying a serious tone, and serious business this was. Many different research and production facilities were engineered to create the Oen’ Ki, and Arcitus was no ignorant fool who didn’t realize that the power’s he possessed would be handed down to countless fools. He only knew of one thing he could do, kill the Machine Man and destroy his factory. The Machine Man was a Shinkraw himself, and a very owerful one at that. He researched most of the Oen’ Ki project, and was believed to be the only one who could alter or enhance the conversion process. Arcitus recognized this place as the last time he was mortal. Although he had lived for several thousand years already, he knew that as a mortal being his life would eventually entinguish. But now as powerful as he was he would never die unless vanquished by a more powerful foe, who did not yet exist. Up upon a large pedastel high above the ground the Machine Man slowly lingered to look down upon Arctus, how Arcitus loathed that. “Hello Arcitus! Prince of valor and subject of courage! What brings you to my factory?”
“Have you shared the schematics of my cell conversion with Zokai?”
“Huh? Why would I do that?” Arcitus and the Machine Man were pinned against a complex conbweb of machinery and cogs instantly, Arcitus had his hand buried in the creatures abdoman and he was clenching his fists tightly. Arcitus brought the creature to his face, “Do you think I’d let my perfection pass to others?” The machine man grinned, blood trickling from his mouth. He spoke in a wet spray of red, “Hahaha, Arcitus, although you are an all powerful Oen’ Ki who is eternal in himself, you are still theoretically not a god, and I feared you’d feel this way after I gave you my most impressive upgrades. But why do you think I’m not an Oen’ Ki myself hmmm? Don’t you fear I’ve matched your strength with engineering you don’t know about?! I haven’t shared your schematic with anyone Arcitus, but I promise you that your outrage here today will not go unpunished!” with that Arcitus was grabbed by a hand twenty times his size, and dragged off of the Machine Man. Swarms of mechanical arms and wires swam towards The Machine man and he was soon encased in several layers of machinery and mechanisms all with their own purpose. The Machine Man and his factorie were now one, everything was interlinked and essentially under the Machine Mans control. The hand that gripped Arcitus was made on the fly by te Factories security system by combining several large machines together. Arcitus exploded out of the oversize robot appendage in a hail of lightning and flying metal. His face was smothered in a mask of hatred and insanity. The machine man’s analysis of Arcitus inclinated some form of possession or mind control, either way, he wasn’t entirely himself. Though regrettable the Machine Man engaged Arcitus, several guns and lasers of all kinds exposing themselves from seemingly impossible locations, big and small hands, claws, and other unmentionables attacked Arcitus. The Oen’ Ki swung his mighty weapons about causing massive destruction all over the factory. A few more seconds of destruction could’ve ment the end of the Machine mans factory but the learned mechanic knew how Arcitus was able to channel such powerful eddies of energy, and without his mighty scythes he would not be able to protect himself from all directions. The machine man’s thoughts were taking shape inside the factory as a mean machine of countless limbs, all designed to grab hold of something and absorb it into the machines mass. Large protrusions littered its surface, and although crude and misfigured the machine was affective. A network of wires and machines worked together to grab and pass the large machine around the factory, and soon it was loaded in a sort of catapult device that slung it towards Arcitus. Arcitus sensed this danger coming and devoted his attention to it, but the Machine man planned this out perfectly and the ground literally rose up to meet Arcitus in a sea of claws and hands, all threatening to swallow Arcitus. The plan worked, Arcitus had no choice but to temporaily retreat and while he did, the makeshift theft machine stretched it’s limbs miles long and snatched his weapons from their holders. In an instant they were snapped towards the metal mass and fed into and orifice that closed, and then the thing simply fell and melted into the floor. A furious Arcitus bellowed in frustration, and located the Machine Man inside the factories mass. He Speared to him faster than light and soon he had him. Arcitus broke into existence right in front of the Machine man, and a large bunch of metal and wir was instantly obliterated. The Machine man cried out in sudden pain, then he cringed as Arcitus grabbed him by the shoulders and instantly shattered them. Arcitus Forced himself backwards, out of the metal mass. Loud bucking and cracks sang out as a small hole was burrowed through the factory “wall”. The Machine Man’s flesh snagged on several jagged metal pieces, and blood covered his entire body. Arcitus held the Machine Man fast, and stared deeply into his eyes. The last thing the Machine man saw terrified him completely, it was the face of a Handrehah in Arctius’ eyes.