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Loveing the UN-Lovabale

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Loveing the UN-Lovabale 2014-02-09 12:19:38

At just the right time while the world was on the brink of clamity and chaos and the hatred of mankind was so obtuse a man named Jesus Christ came into this world spoke many great things, and it happen to be he was the son of the living God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, after doing many great miracles, feeding the hungry and stuff like bringing people back from the dead, mankind rejected him and murdered him and stole his identity, by hanging him on a cross. Much to the surprise and demise of these evil hateful people, who might I add were much like us. Three days later Jesus Christ Rose from the dead and proved that hades and death had no grip on him.
Now here we are in the 21st century nearly 2000 plus years later and Jesus' legacy has not in the least faded. In fact this legacy of this Child of God has become so powerful that leaders of today fear him and his followers in a way that is still so evil that you would think it was an armed rebellion.
My friends and country men it is obvious that our level of faith and love has been least to say poor. If we only love those who we know are faithful and true to what we believe, are we any better than nazi's who love our sin. How can you love God whom you have not seen if you can't love your brothers and neighbors who you have seen. From this day froward I choose to LOVE everyone includeing people who are deemed un-love-able. And might I add that many of you in my pressence today
ARE by all worldly standards unlovable.
Stupid people HATE correction! And many of you here are so quick to jump to conclusions about what you think you know and what ought to be that it is just plain pathetic. You don't care about anything other than your own sinful, lustful little games and you don't realize how close to hell you really are. And what's sad is that most of you could careless. Well as for me and my website we will serve the lord. ANd that means loving you stupid hateful people at your most stupid hateful of times and doing everything in my power to see to it that you have every opportunity to turn form evil and do good before you find your self frying in an electric chair and ultimately scorched in the bottom less pit of hell.
SO dose anyone want to stand with me or will you all turn and run like a bunch of cowards. Where are you noble men?? you made it so clear that you wanted us all to keep our mouths I don't see anyone doing anything worthwhile?? I just see a bunch of loosers running around like little cocaroaches hideing from the light.
Please feel free to cuss me out and be as hateful as you choose, I'm here two show love and help people and If you have no other means of self expression than to make a complete ass out of yourselves so be it....



Response to Loveing the UN-Lovabale 2014-02-10 16:42:39

'The Time Has Come'

It the dawn of a new day,

And all I can say,
Is that when I play,
Everyone benefits,
Maybe I'm a misfit,
Maybe I'm a clown,
But I want to push you up,
Not pull you down,
I've found that words can kill,
And a button on your finger tips,
Is like an eclipse,
The sun and the moon,
Come out at the same time,
And just when you,
Think everything if fine,
You hear that dime drop,
ANd it's just like lights,
Flashing right behind you,
Like a renegade cop,
Will the madness stop,
More than likely no,
Everyone's just going,
In one direction,
And there all headed to hell,
Break the spell by,
Breaking the mold,
You don't always have,
To do what your told,
I really hope I'm wrong,
And when I'm gone,
You'll never realize how long,
This song has lasted,
I wander if any of you,
Ever even fasted or prayed,
Who were you praying to,
God or the Angel,
I was supposed to be,
One Song One Summer,
Didn't work out what a bummer.



Response to Loveing the UN-Lovabale 2014-02-12 02:32:17

"Red and Black Counter Attack"

Yup, It's the red and black counter attack,
Armageddon as a Matter of Fact,
I see you fokers trying to stab me in the back,
Trying to Live My Dreams,
Trying to Tell me what it means,
You just a bunch of suburban seen feens,
Telling Me I can't handle the truth,
When you don't know the truth at all,
Ain't got nothing better to do,
Than to watch a man fall,
Well I'm just gonna light it up,
And Play some Hard Ball,
You got Wicked Schemes,
That the Devil Brings,
All that Money Don't mean a thing,
Your so far in dept,
That even if you had a billion,
You still couldn't touch,
This white boy Sicilian,
I ain't got a dime,
I don't commit crimes,
And all your doing is snorting lines,
Way of Crack,
Is your def tones attack,
Well guess what boys,
I just got Back,
The Boats IN the dock,
ANd I got the net locked,
The door is open and,
You still can't get out,
If I'm really such a liar,
What did I lie about??
You can't answer that question,
Because I don't lie,
Got my mind made up,
And I'm ready to die,
I'll die for my Country,
I'll die for my God,
I'll die for Taylor,
And Take a Bullet,
In the Head with JFK,
And when that Day Comes,
You'll all run like,
A bunch of looses,
Who Can't handle a gun,
For Now I'm just,
Gonna Have some fun,
Hey Obama your,
Sht doesn't work,
Your looking like,
A skinny foking jerk,
You wanna play some catch,
Tell your snoop lion I said,
Why's He siding with the enemy,
Sound like that cat wants,
To see the end of me,
I see his true colors,
I think he thinks that the terrorist,
Are going to kill all dogs,
I don't see him protecting his master,
So as far as I am concerned,
he's just a bump on the log,
This Jupiter Atlantis cat,
done took out a few assassins,
And took 2 Blanks 2 the Head,
And still ain't dead,
So get real and get red,
Or Go Home and Go Back to Bed,
We sleeping under the stars,
But there burning the flag,
Tell Jaz I said he needs to zip it,
Before he finds himself,
Wearing a toe tag,
I'm tired of defending myself,
I'm tired of defending him,
So praise the Lord red and black,
Just did it again



Response to Loveing the UN-Lovabale 2014-02-13 00:32:02


Loveing the UN-Lovabale

"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

was her name tenneassi


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