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Calling all video editors

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Calling all video editors 2013-12-08 22:44:23

So a friend of mine named Jake & I finally figured out tech issues for the YouTube show we're putting together: Name of the Game. We've got all the technical shit figured out, & we've actually begun recording. We need an editor to cut some things out & other instructions which I'll obviously include with each video. This is an on-going thing & we can discuss payment. I'm not gonna lie, we won't be able to pay a whole lot, but if this whole thing takes off, we'll definitely discuss a raise in payment. We record multiple times per week & want to upload at least once per week, so it'll be kinduva' demanding-ish job. You'll never be short of work, is what I'm saying. PM me or email me at metraff@gmail.com if you're interested.

Calling all video editors

@metraff @NG_Artists Support Newgrounds Classifieds: commission animation

"Metraff I'm going to fuck you." - Sodamachine

Response to Calling all video editors 2013-12-08 23:29:14

Some Questions...

How long is each episode? Are you looking at 2-4 min shorts, 5-10 webisodes or are you trying for something longer?

How much raw footage are you taking?
I make training videos for my work and it's not uncommon to have 60+ min of raw footage to sort through for a 3 min video.

What format are you shooting in/ what are you using to shoot your video?

Are you wanting visual/sound effects added or are you looking for straight cuts/fades from raw video?

In the same vein, how much audio/video touching up will you require?
If you don't shoot all your video at the same time you can have light/sound issues that aren't noticeable until you splice the two shots together. Things like a low rumbling that changes pitch or suddenly the room is noticeably darker can ruin a video and takes a bit of work in post to even things out.

What is the premise of your show?

I'm interested in helping out, but video editing can be time intensive based on the answers to the questions above.

Please take any criticism as helpful advice not an attack. I wouldn't have taken the time to reply if I didn't like your post!

Response to Calling all video editors 2013-12-09 21:51:32

At 12/8/13 11:29 PM, elreybon wrote: Some Questions...

How long is each episode? Are you looking at 2-4 min shorts, 5-10 webisodes or are you trying for something longer?

How much raw footage are you taking?
I make training videos for my work and it's not uncommon to have 60+ min of raw footage to sort through for a 3 min video.

What format are you shooting in/ what are you using to shoot your video?

Are you wanting visual/sound effects added or are you looking for straight cuts/fades from raw video?

In the same vein, how much audio/video touching up will you require?
If you don't shoot all your video at the same time you can have light/sound issues that aren't noticeable until you splice the two shots together. Things like a low rumbling that changes pitch or suddenly the room is noticeably darker can ruin a video and takes a bit of work in post to even things out.

What is the premise of your show?

I'm interested in helping out, but video editing can be time intensive based on the answers to the questions above.

Hey, man, glad you asked!

With each episode, we plan to record for 15 minutes at a time, sometimes a bit more or less. We're pretty loose on that. It's an on-going show, really only ending when one of us decides it's time to call it quits.

Like I said before, we plan to record raw footage of about 15 minutes at a time, maybe more, maybe less. Collectively, I doubt you'll need to cut out more than a minute, if that.

I don't think we'll need any visual affects, but we may (as part of a joke we may be making) ask you to put up an image or text for a little bit, then take it away. Simple stuff.

For audio touch-up, well there were a couple videos we made where we experimented with the mic. It didn't go so well - the sounds are noticeable, but we planned to just be like "fuck it" and just laugh about it in the next episode after. We've fixed the problem since. If you really wanted to, you could see what you could do about it. No way is it necessary, though. As for video touch-up, I don' think that'll be necessary for the kind of show this is.

The premise. It's a comedy show. And a show about video games, however you wanna' view it. The formula we follow is heavily inspired by a show I'm sure you've heard of, Game Grumps. No facecam, only gameplay. We sit on a couch with an EZ Cap and a Blue Yeti plugged into a laptop.

Still interested? PM me your email & I'll send you everything you need! Or if you've got more questions, yeah.

Calling all video editors

@metraff @NG_Artists Support Newgrounds Classifieds: commission animation

"Metraff I'm going to fuck you." - Sodamachine

Response to Calling all video editors 2013-12-09 22:41:19

hmm, very interesting, i'd like to be in then.

Response to Calling all video editors 2013-12-10 19:34:09

hey i think i can help you, if you still searching for a editor

Response to Calling all video editors 2013-12-10 23:18:02

Thanks for the replies, guys.

I think we've found someone (at least for now), but we may or may not still need someone after this. You may be getting messages from me soon, though!

@metraff @NG_Artists Support Newgrounds Classifieds: commission animation

"Metraff I'm going to fuck you." - Sodamachine