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way to fuck up, America

3,317 Views | 45 Replies

way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 09:16:13

you had ONE job.ONE FUCKING JOB, and yet you still managed to royally fuck it up.

good fucking going.


way to fuck up, America

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 09:35:16

Was there another flavor you were pulling for?

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 09:39:14

It's water, eat, look at himself (or herself).

And I think you of all people can enjoy happy and I affect normal life communicating. Thank you to check out my news posts

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 10:05:41

At 5/7/13 09:35 AM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: Was there another flavor you were pulling for?

chicken & waffles son. the only true, original flavor they made. the Sriracha were good, but they didn't have enough tang to them to distinguish them from other hot chips.

but the fucking cheesy garlic bread? they tasted like every other fucking cheese chip on the market, with a SMALL hint of garlic. so fucking what? i can go buy a bag of cheese chips, throw a little garlic powder in the bag, and boom, stupid fucking chips. i can't go "oh the chicken & waffles chips taste too much like other chicken/waffle/maple/awesome chips," because there was nothing fucking like them.

America, you are bland and tasteless.



Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 10:16:49

chicken & waffles son. the only true, original flavor they made. the Sriracha were good, but they didn't have enough tang to them to distinguish them from other hot chips.

but the fucking cheesy garlic bread? they tasted like every other fucking cheese chip on the market, with a SMALL hint of garlic. so fucking what? i can go buy a bag of cheese chips, throw a little garlic powder in the bag, and boom, stupid fucking chips. i can't go "oh the chicken & waffles chips taste too much like other chicken/waffle/maple/awesome chips," because there was nothing fucking like them.

that garlic hint made the difference homie son G, idk i did not even try any of them lol just pulling some legs, from what i was told however the chicken & waffles flavor was not all that good, the cheesy garlic was what people were going for. I agree with you there are so many similar chips but that is why america is not a monopoly and companies can make similar products with consumers buying their favorite.

I am that long legged pissed off Puerto Rican!

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 10:33:31

At 5/7/13 10:16 AM, leasheddemon wrote: that garlic hint made the difference homie son G, idk i did not even try any of them lol just pulling some legs, from what i was told however the chicken & waffles flavor was not all that good, the cheesy garlic was what people were going for. I agree with you there are so many similar chips but that is why america is not a monopoly and companies can make similar products with consumers buying their favorite.

you were told wrong. the chicken & waffles were solid. it had it all: chicken, waffles, maple syrup, salt. my friends and i actually made chicken & waffles using the chicken & waffles chips mixed with corn flakes for the chicken breading. it was so meta and delicious. and now it's gone.

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 10:42:52

At 5/7/13 10:05 AM, bigbadron wrote: America, you are bland and tasteless.

Ain't nothing like Dill Pickle and Ketchup flavored Lay's.

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 11:07:13

You should eat celery instead it will help you lose those chins.

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 11:26:33

poxpower likes this comment

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 11:37:26

At 5/7/13 11:07 AM, FrozenFire wrote: You should eat celery instead it will help you lose those chins.

even if i didn't have a beard, i would still only have one chin.

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 11:39:48

At 5/7/13 10:05 AM, bigbadron wrote: chicken & waffles son.

Those were the only ones I tried.

Didn't even realize it was over already. I'd been keeping an eye out in hopes of sampling all 3 flavors, but never saw them until just last week. A friend posted on FB saying he'd also just tried them as well, so I'm assuming they're new to the whole area.

So ...obviously the contest was rigged :P

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 11:45:29

I wasn't even aware that stuff was going on.

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 11:53:17

Ong guise OP wants us to agree with him!
Even though cheesy garlic bread is CLEARLY the shit. Next topic?

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 11:57:55

One million prize! It's too late! I'm too late! This topic is too late!

Cheesy garlic bread sounds good though...

The latest: Hexa #97 (May)

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 12:22:39

At 5/7/13 11:54 AM, Travis wrote: The OP is right though...

Cheesy Garlic Bread is the most unoriginal flavor of a potato chip since BBQ.

It'd be nice to mix it up.

"Hey guys, you know what cheap and easy? Let's take our existing cheese flavor, and add garlic to it. We can slap a big 'NEW' sticker on it and make millions, even though it tastes almost exactly the same as the existing flavor."

way to fuck up, America

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 15:04:39

people like change, just as long as it's the same as before

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 15:52:59

At 5/7/13 03:38 PM, EJR wrote: Yo I tried the chicken and waffles chips and they tasted so bad. A friend of mine brought a bag to school once and gave some out to a lot of people just to see the reactions and I don't think one person liked them either. While I have never tasted these, I am glad they got in over C&W.

you and your friends have terrible taste then. probably in everything. music. clothes. sex positions. television.

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 16:01:05

The chicken and waffles were terrible though. Seriously tasted nothing like them.

Because I know only stupid people increase the birth rate

I'm just about dumb enough to hold up a sperm bank

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 16:39:23

I tried tasting all 3, but they only sold Sriacha near me. I'm sorry

way to fuck up, America


BBS Signature

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 16:40:41

At 5/7/13 09:16 AM, bigbadron wrote: you had ONE job.ONE FUCKING JOB, and yet you still managed to royally fuck it up.

good fucking going.


Damn you america! I love your animated shows like 'Family Guy' or 'The Simpsons' but I hate your stupidness!

"I fapped to this topic."

- Razeroath.

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 18:21:14

people who eat potato chips are usually fat


Just please dont hate on my egyptian god status

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 18:41:14

That's it? No more smart remarks?

Sexy Yes? I would think so :3

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 18:42:51


The Blood Of Lost Souls Stains My Blade

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 20:39:40

I didn't vote, my bad.

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 21:09:03

If the garlic ain't strong enough to make your breath wilt flowers and send dogs and vampires running from you then it just isn't "Garlic" flavored, is it?

Isn't mediocrity sort of the American Norm???

A tinfoil hat does not protect you from mind control. It just makes you look stupid!

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 22:19:32

Sadly I didn't even get to try them :(

I wanted to try the chicken and waffles soooo bad....and now I never will. Ever.


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Formerly, and still,Rahvin-the-vampire. Thanks Valjylmyr :)

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 22:43:25

At 5/7/13 05:30 PM, Sekhem wrote: almost as devastating as when they canceled rap snacks


way to fuck up, America

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Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 22:52:50

+500 views on this thread.
+40 replies on this thread.
+0 comments on the actual article.
Absolutely no reason to be interested.

That's how you talk with math.

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 23:05:42

At 5/7/13 10:52 PM, Psycho666 wrote: +500 views on this thread.
+40 replies on this thread.
+0 comments on the actual article.
Absolutely no reason to be interested.

That's how you talk with math.

are you retarded?

Response to way to fuck up, America 2013-05-07 23:22:44

At 5/7/13 11:16 PM, FBIpolux wrote: He means on the actual article, on the other website.

Still, yes, he's probably retarded.

but the article is about how a stupid, dumb, unoriginal flavor won. how are we not talking about it?

so yeah, retarded.