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Shooter to match goldeneye 64?

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Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 09:33:41

Or is there a good remake out there? I loved this game but I no longer own a N64 and an emulator sees too annoying to play it on.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 11:02:15

At 4/11/13 09:33 AM, darkjam wrote: Or is there a good remake out there? I loved this game but I no longer own a N64 and an emulator sees too annoying to play it on.

I still don't understand what was such a big deal with the game, still have it and still don't understand. I remember loving the game back when I first got it, but other than that, I think it's highly overrated.

I was just a kid back then though, so maybe I'm just lacking to see the point that made it so amazing.

As for good remakes, last time I checked, there hasn't been any good 007 games after N64, not in my opinion at least.

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 11:17:10

At 4/11/13 11:02 AM, Gremlin wrote: I still don't understand what was such a big deal with the game, still have it and still don't understand. I remember loving the game back when I first got it, but other than that, I think it's highly overrated.

I was just a kid back then though, so maybe I'm just lacking to see the point that made it so amazing.

As for good remakes, last time I checked, there hasn't been any good 007 games after N64, not in my opinion at least.

It is highly overrated. Don't get me wrong I still love the game, but to say that it is the greatest FPS ever to made is just not true. Sure it might have been at time when it first came out, and sure it was ground breaking and changed a lot of the fundamental things that were seen in FPS at the time. But by today standard it is nowhere near as good as it once was.

This is where I wrote something funny

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 11:40:27

I still don't understand what was such a big deal with the game, still have it and still don't understand. I remember loving the game back when I first got it, but other than that, I think it's highly overrated.

Back then, it was the shit! WE never saw something like that but now it's outdated and I'm looking for a more modern version.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 14:03:39

Any shooter made past the year 1998

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 14:56:43

To match Goldeneye?

Ever been to a game store in the last 15 years?

When this post hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious friendship.

Youtube, Twitch: Mostly games

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 15:26:29

At 4/11/13 02:56 PM, Ragnarokia wrote: To match Goldeneye?

Ever been to a game store in the last 15 years?

Yes, yes I have. But I can't find a modern day one like it.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 15:34:51

At 4/11/13 03:26 PM, darkjam wrote: Yes, yes I have. But I can't find a modern day one like it.

What, you mean a game with terribly fidgety controls, inconsistent frame rates, and visuals that are so dated the textures can actually give you a headache if you try to focus on them?

You're right, that does seem tough to find these days.

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 15:47:42

Anyone who says this is the greatest shooter game out there today is nostalgia blind.

I loved it back then but if I was to play a shooter today I would much rather play the gamecube 007 games or call of duty.

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 16:37:40

Check out Goldeneye Source if you have a PC that is in any way decent and a source game to run if from, there might be stand alone version now but I doubt it. The next best thing is probably Perfect Dark HD on Xbox Live.

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 17:52:43

Goldeneye 007 (Reloaded) seems to be the most current and up-to-date version of the classic N64 game.

I've played the original in my teens, but know very little about the newer Daniel Craig versions.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 20:02:56

Check out Time Splitters.

If ya have something to say, PM me. I have a lot of time to spare.

Also never PM egg82.

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 20:10:59

Lol, Goldeneye sucked, I thought it sucked when I first played it, and I still thinks it sucks today, if not more due to it aging horribbly.

Quake, Doom 64, Half Life 1 and The World is not Enough were much better FPS's.

filler text

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 20:21:50

At 4/11/13 08:02 PM, MintPaw wrote: Check out Time Splitters.

I have, it's fun.

I got Tom to make a sig, bow down to me.

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 21:09:57

At 4/11/13 09:33 AM, darkjam wrote: Or is there a good remake out there? I loved this game but I no longer own a N64 and an emulator sees too annoying to play it on.

Fuck that game! Halo 1 or 2 is the best shooter of all time.

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 21:47:07

It is a great game, and a good first person shooter, but compared with the shooters out today; the ones that I haven't played and have no real right to comment on, it isn't as good for some reason. I don't know why this is, since I haven't played those better games, but it still resonates with me. It was ground breaking when it came out, yes, but I guess it hasn't aged well. I could still fire it up and be happy, but perhaps this experience that I would be having is inferior somehow to those other games. Or something.

The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 22:21:35

As much as I love Goldeneye 64, it simply can't hold a candle to the top shooter games of this generation or even last generation for that matter. Sure, the game was revolutionary for it's time, having a quality FPS on a console and how much ground it broke for today's shooters, but looking back on it now, you realize how the graphics were iffy at best, the relatively clunky controls and so on, compared to say the original Modern Warfare or Borderlands, which blows it away by a mile.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-11 23:09:58

At 4/11/13 11:03 PM, Travis wrote: The best FPS ever is Bioshock Infinite.

Play Bioshock 1 and Infinite (skip 2), they are well worth the god damn money.

Oh god no, Infinite was a massive let down.

You should totally add me on one of my various game accounts:

360 - Malachi117. Steam - Malachi117. PS3/PS4 - NarcolepticCat.

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-12 01:39:06

At 4/12/13 12:36 AM, RightWingGamer wrote:
As long as it isn't the utter embarrassment that the second game was, I'm still gonna buy it.

I don't think any sequel can be a bigger let down the Bioshock 2.

You should totally add me on one of my various game accounts:

360 - Malachi117. Steam - Malachi117. PS3/PS4 - NarcolepticCat.

Response to Shooter to match goldeneye 64? 2013-04-12 15:06:36

At 4/12/13 03:00 PM, Shade wrote: Highlander 2, Highlander: The Source, Highlander: The Raven.

I don't really see how anything could disappoint you after Highlander 2