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iowa hs devolves into gay bashing

2,546 Views | 22 Replies

iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 20:59:32

An assembly in Dunkerton, IA was informed that most gay men will die before the age of 42. There was also Lady Gaga bashing, Elton John bashing, and promoting Christian values in a public high school setting.

Does Elton John have good moral standards?

Did Lady Gaga talk about filming a porn in Born This Way?

Does pop culture "push" homosexuality and sexual deviancy onto the public?

You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, the group putting on the presentation, is actually listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Has sexuality been stripped of all moral significance?

What do you think, Newgrounds?

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 21:02:59

At 1 minute ago, RacistBassist wrote: Good. Finally somebody combats all that bullshit political correctness in school. They want to promote their agenda, they better be ready to hear the other sides. Either both sides should be heard or none


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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 21:15:21

I don't understand what is wrong with being homosexual. It's their life style choice, and you shouldn't have any right to criticize them or throw a rude comment out against them. We're all human.

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 21:20:47

Everyone knows that them damn churches are always fucking everything up. Priests shouldn't be allowed to marry to see how they like it.

Wait a minute!

Ecchi first, ask questions never.

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 22:34:21

I read the title, and thought: Who gives a shit?


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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 23:06:50

At 32 minutes ago, NightOwlRoost wrote: I read the title, and thought: Who gives a shit?

Everyone who replied to this thread.

Yes, that includes you.

What ever happened to the middle?

Also, MUSIC!! Check it out 'n stuff. {1}

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 23:08:36

At 1 minute ago, Angiki wrote:
At 32 minutes ago, NightOwlRoost wrote: I read the title, and thought: Who gives a shit?
Everyone who replied to this thread.
Yes, that includes you.

hm....being clever today, that's cool broseph.


BBS Signature

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 23:18:50

At 9 minutes ago, NightOwlRoost wrote:
At 1 minute ago, Angiki wrote:
At 32 minutes ago, NightOwlRoost wrote: I read the title, and thought: Who gives a shit?
Everyone who replied to this thread.
Yes, that includes you.
hm....being clever today, that's cool broseph.

Why, thank you for noticing!

What ever happened to the middle?

Also, MUSIC!! Check it out 'n stuff. {1}

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-14 23:30:47

I believe all devout fundie Christians need to be exterminated. We should concentrate them into FEMA camps and neglect to provide rations or something.

I got hit by a van. And survived. I should get a fucking medal.

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 10:22:23

To answer your good question: yes, pop is influencing culture into being more lenient towards homosexuality and sex (not to be confused with being a bad thing). People will have their beliefs regardless of scientific evidence or lack thereof. And, said people are prone to teaching their children the beliefs they have developed. While I am glad this is not a story of yet another school succumbing to the ridiculous idea of political correctness, I do not believe it is right to demonize an entire group of people. Who someone is and what they do are two completely different subjects.

But, as usual, I think this whole thing is silly.

At 10 hours ago, Vanstruck wrote: I believe all devout fundie Christians need to be exterminated.

Yes, the mature and rational solution to a minor problem regarding disagreement in belief can be solved by barbaric, genocidal means. You would fit well in 1915 Ottoman Empire.

iowa hs devolves into gay bashing

RussiaToday : Aljazeera : TEDTalks : io9

"We have the Bill of Rights; what we need is a Bill of Responsibilities." ~ Bill Maher

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 10:58:01

I don't know OP, but one thing's for sure, I learned that NG needs an edit feature/function.

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 11:09:24

At 11 minutes ago, Itachi888Uchiha wrote: I learned that NG needs an edit feature

why is that

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 11:34:09

At 17 minutes ago, SKHM wrote:
At 11 minutes ago, Itachi888Uchiha wrote: I learned that NG needs an edit feature
why is that

Because there may be a time when you have to go back, or something can be said better by you. I think editing is better than double posts, but that's just me.

Anyways, while I do think that both sides of an argument have to be considered, opinions should be supported by some kind of fact. The guy in the video started to make up stuff, or at the very least did not cite sources (so he might as well be making up stuff), and he started to take things out of context. Honestly, when most kids watch the lion king are they going to immediately know who Elton John is or his sexuality? Kids don't sit through credits...true story (lol). I'm very unfamiliar with GaGa and her music. I may look up some songs later to try to see what he was talking about in her songs.

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 11:40:43

Iowa is one of the few states that allows same sex marriage, so why would this happen? You'd think these people would be the last kinds who would have this on their minds. Then again, there are always going to be a wide variety of nutjobs in any institution, unfortunately.

You know the world's gone crazy when the best rapper's a white guy and the best golfer's a black guy - Chris Rock

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 11:42:33

Did Lady Gaga talk about filming a porn in Born This Way?

She never talked about it, but all of her music videos are secretly porn.


Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.


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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 12:49:37

At 15 hours ago, RacistBassist wrote: Good. Finally somebody combats all that bullshit political correctness in school. They want to promote their agenda, they better be ready to hear the other sides. Either both sides should be heard or none

So BS hate speech holds the same value as scientifically supported points of view and tolerance for all?

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 12:53:30

At 15 hours ago, AnonymousOfCali wrote: It's been nitpicked over for centuries, at least you don't get crucified for being gay anymore.

False, in most Islamic countries homosexuality either results in the death penalty or life in prison.

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 15:06:25

At 3 hours ago, RacistBassist wrote: Until they actually find that gay gene or can prove it is genetic, I don't see the problem with it.

Didn't you make fun of people who thought homosexuality was a choice before?

Anyway, let them speak. Though I think every aspect of their argument is pure shit (I also hate the "politically correct" shit too, but this is just ridiculous), they should have the right to speak. I don't think it's the unpopular opinion that should cease them, but the fact that they are obstructing school productivity.

Either way, if people need the government to intervene every time some radical opens their mouth, then society has truly failed.

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-15 15:08:29

The gays better watch out in Iowa, they may be bashed.

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-16 16:33:56

lady gaga should be hanged and burned

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Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-16 16:35:32

At 1 minute ago, RacistBassist wrote: Good. Finally somebody combats all that bullshit political correctness in school. They want to promote their agenda

Political correctness =/= an agenda. Political correctness means gay tolerance, not gay acceptance. They're not forcing an agenda onto anyone.

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-16 16:38:35

At 1 day ago, RacistBassist wrote: Until they actually find that gay gene or can prove it is genetic, I don't see the problem with it. Besides, schools are very big on promoting gays to act annoying as and be douches because it is "who they are."

You should try being more tolerant. Start off by not judging the entirety of homosexuals as annoying/douches. There are plenty more straight people who are annoying/disruptive than the stereotypical interpretation of gay people.

Don't pull the "I'm alright with them as long as they leave me alone" because that's not dealing with the 'problem' it's just homophobic.

Response to iowa hs devolves into gay bashing 2012-03-16 16:46:44

At 5 minutes ago, RacistBassist wrote:
At 1 minute ago, Scarface wrote: Political correctness =/= an agenda. Political correctness means gay tolerance, not gay acceptance. They're not forcing an agenda onto anyone.
Political correctness past a certain point is an agenda. It's pretty fucking sad that some pre-AP and AP classes at High School can't have some classic books because it might be offensive to part of the class because of the language used.

I think that's bullshit. The words 'n*gger' and 'fag' are part of American history. They shouldn't be used as insults, but they do hold a lot of historical context, and shouldn't just be hidden or any shit.

It's pretty sad that somebody asked why a gay kid used that stupid fucking forced accent (He only said accent) got written up for saying something homophobic.

Is the person actually gay? Or was it assumed he was based only off of the accent?