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all girls on the internet are guys

4,287 Views | 76 Replies

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 03:15:30

Wait till they figure out the real conspiracy...

All guys on the internet are really super monkeys and this is the first step towards the Planet of the Apes!


You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 03:16:10

I never could understand why people started forgetting this undeniable fact. Wishful thinking I suppose.

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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 03:19:40

Hi troll. Done a lot of trolling lately? How's the guy under the bridge?

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 05:57:24

At 11/7/11 04:29 AM, NL-Courage wrote:
At 11/6/11 09:32 PM, MrMeD wrote: And a lot of "guys" on the Internet are girls.
So you're pointing out that we are all gay?

..wait what?
No, I'm pointing out that some "guys" are actually girls in disguise. The moment you announce you're a female on the internet, you get a bunch of people saying sexist jokes or tits or gtfo. It's no surprise people want to stay hidden.

This is a signature.

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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 06:06:28

At 11/7/11 05:57 AM, MrMeD wrote: ...you get a bunch of people saying sexist jokes or tits or gtfo.

I've been keeping tally and... this is fairly true. 27 inbox messages have already popped-up containing the same phrase, none of which I have responded to for crystalline-clear reasons.

I get that it's a prominent running gag to piss people off, but it is getting old. Que a royal fuckload of inbox messages for spiteful reasons alone. </3



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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 07:45:36

I actually changed my gender on newgrounds for a few months. Shit was so cash. I had attention flowing from left to right.

My topics when I wasn't an asshole...12


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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 10:00:43

What of lovejoy, sevkitten, agustana, and gags?

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 10:38:48

At 11/6/11 04:30 PM, swaenK wrote: don't ever be fooled into thinking the girl you are chatting with is a girl unless you have verified their gender/identity.

And we know you're not actually a female yourself, because....???

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 10:43:02

At 11/7/11 04:29 AM, NL-Courage wrote:
At 11/6/11 09:32 PM, MrMeD wrote: And a lot of "guys" on the Internet are girls.
So you're pointing out that we are all gay?

I think this is evident whether or not there's a conspiracy.

Cock joke count today: 53

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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 10:58:11

At 11/6/11 06:51 PM, Squidbit wrote: I'm a girl

It's pics like these that remind me of the time years ago when a number of us on OutSpark's Secret of the Solstice probably thought this one person on the "post your real life pic" thread in its off-topic forum, was an actual celebrity. It was posted by a person claiming to be "Coley Moley" (of Suite Life of Zach & Cody fame). The RL picture featured Coley holding up a sheet of paper saying something along the lines of "SoS rox! -Coley".

A post or so later, another poster reposted the pic and had altered the text on the paper, saying something like "people can photoshop, too!"

I was floored, and humored at the same time.

I guess with the Internet, as I had ranted on the same sites forums one time, you only know who/what's real when you see them/it in person.

End of story.

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 12:45:17

Everybody knows that I'm a girl, so I don't mind saying this. Stuff like this pisses us off. Why do I have to be subjected to constant, horny, thinly veiled attempts for my attention?

Just be normal, guys. We're just fucking around on the internet, just like you.

If you manage to randomly moisten my fuckhole, fine. We'll go from there...

Totally almost never happens btw. You'd have to be super kawaii or be mega awesome for that to happen...

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 13:09:04

At 11/7/11 12:45 PM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: If you manage to randomly moisten my fuckhole, fine. We'll go from there...

Okay then...

~ gives you a tender kiss on the cheek ~



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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 13:29:54

At 11/7/11 01:09 PM, Rivergrey wrote:
At 11/7/11 12:45 PM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: If you manage to randomly moisten my fuckhole, fine. We'll go from there...
Okay then...

~ gives you a tender kiss on the cheek ~


I'm hungry. Are you hungry girlfriend?

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 13:33:28

At 11/7/11 01:29 PM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: *blushes*

~ smiles and gives you a warm hug ~

I'm hungry. Are you hungry girlfriend?

Not really. Dinner is sizzlin' and I'm rather full from my last meal anyways. ;)

Ahem - apologies for being an attention whore. I respect the rules of the BBS and wish not to turn into just another Sevkat. Carry on, I'm out of here and... stuff.



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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 16:39:42

I am a girl gamer and you might think that I'm not good at video games because I'm a girl but NO and I will BEAT YOU at super brawl brothers and you probably think I play as Peach because I am a girl but NO I play as Marth because ...I think he's cute XD

Lol, jokes aside, this post is prove OP will never get laid. The only thing I agree with on this post is that KailaCakes is indeed a guy. Just saying.

Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 16:42:21

At 11/7/11 04:39 PM, blaziken789 wrote: I am a girl gamer and you might think that I'm not good at video games because I'm a girl but NO

It's 100x worse in FPS games - which is why I stopped using a mic.

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Response to all girls on the internet are guys 2011-11-07 22:00:22

At 11/7/11 12:45 PM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: Why do I have to be subjected to constant, horny, thinly veiled attempts for my attention?

Cause you have b0bs and a c00ter, duh! Next obvious question?

Just be normal, guys. We're just fucking around on the internet, just like you.

You're fucking around on the internet, just like me? Why don't we fuck around together...but...ya know...with fucking!

If you manage to randomly moisten my fuckhole, fine. We'll go from there...

Are you coming on to me?

Totally almost never happens btw.


You'd have to be super kawaii or be mega awesome for that to happen...

I think I'm the second one...the first one I'm not so sure on.

I think I like this topic now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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