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Late Night Lounge

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Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-16 22:25:34

Hahahah, Quisty, that was excellent. I think you realy captured my image in that instalment to your story ;) Can't wait to read the next one.

Knives you are more than welcome to join, and posting a good poem with your join message makes you all the more liked around here, welcome to the lnl.

BounusStage, realy good looking water photoshop that you made there for the late night lounge :)

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-16 22:38:39

Thanks onic... i make atleast a poem a day.. i will post my best ones on here i would like to say hello to all the other members of the lnl :P

[ woman vocalizing ] [ man speaking backwards ] last.fm

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-16 23:02:26

This is really the best crew ever. Sort of, it's one of them. So far, it's the best though. I'm just watching Dracula 3000, and I felt I should come on here and talk to yah people.

Quisty, that story of yours is funny. I can't wait to see how it ends. If your anything like me, I just open up a new post and pull something out of my ass. Literally!

Okay, not really. Here, I'll write something.

The engines fired up as the captain shouted orders at his crew. Axe looked confused, so he just stood there and let everyone do his job for him. Onic sat there and drank up the engine oil that Axe told him was a new type of alcohol. Quisty typed online and huggled every person that came near. X kept walking past Quisty with a new disguise to get huggled. And everyone else I didn't mention was playing stip poker in the bathroom for some odd reason.

The end.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 01:34:47

Hahahah, great little story Axe, glad to see that you are writting in here again. When I just popped into the clubs and crews I saw Late night Lounge, and it was locked, I about shit myself, but I saw that it was a copy cat crew, which ozcar locked, so I am relieved. Anywho, I will write a story tonight.

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 01:55:00

Story Time Children!

It was a hot and steamy night in the late night lounge. I was in my dish towel, which barely obscured my genitalia. A taunt breaze caught the towel and it flew off, only to hit X right in the face.
X sputtered and coughed, then yanked the soakign wet dish towel off of his face. Axe promply picked up the towel and scammpered off with it, to add it to the shrine.
Quisty strolled up only to see my exposed bare, muscular, greased up, naked body. She ran of screaming into X's arms. X was still gaging, but managed to cumfort the shoked Quisty.
It was just then that the new member Knives walked into the late night lounge with their application to join the infamous club.
The sight of Quisty sobbing in X's arms, the shrine Axe had assembled, and the naked yet sexy Onic made knives think twice about joining. But in the end it all worked out ok.
BounusStage had just completed a new masterpiece of art about the late night lounge that would be hung above the large fire place. Everyone gathered around the work and admired it. But at that moment a dark figure flew past he work, and left a mug mark on it as if someone didn't use a coaster.
*GASP* said the members of the Late night lounge.
"Who was that?" said Quisty
"Not sure, they moved awfuly quick." said DeathTuna
"LETS DISCO" screamed X
He started to get Jiggy with it while everyone stood there watching him.

*3 hours later*

X was still discoing away, while everyone had retired to the late night lounge sauna for a night of relaxation.
But now with everyone gone, X was free to look through his mounds and mounds of pr0n!
He strolled over to his secret stash only to see that it was all gone!
"GOOD GRAVY!!!" screamed X
on the empty pile was a note that said
"I'll enjoy your pr0n"
-uber fast shady character that left a mug mark on the painting

X hit the floor and screamed like a 12 year old school girl.

End for now, I will post more later.

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 02:00:51

At 1/17/05 01:59 AM, Quisty wrote: Aww poor ~X~ lost his porn. HAHAHA! You can have my porn if you want ~X~ ~_^

Nice story Onic. I do cry in his arms, and you do freak me out at times ^_^

Hahahah, I'm glad that you liked it. I am gald that I am starting to do these stories again. I have that sick disgusting humor that everyone seems to love :)

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 02:25:00

Hahahah, omg I love your stories man. I'm going to go through this club and look for all of the funniest ones, and make a little book of them. Probably most of them are Onic's though, haha. Woot, story time for me! I'll be looking for stories for a while...be back to post in a bit..

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 02:46:52

At 1/17/05 02:25 AM, AncientX wrote: Hahahah, omg I love your stories man. I'm going to go through this club and look for all of the funniest ones, and make a little book of them. Probably most of them are Onic's though, haha. Woot, story time for me! I'll be looking for stories for a while...be back to post in a bit..

Hahahha, I'm glad that you like my stories that much dude. I want a copy of that shit when you get it all rounded up. I can add it to my life story, and give some to X for his visits to the head doctor, due to my constant talkings of him and his pr0n.

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 02:48:07

At 1/16/05 09:57 PM, Quisty wrote: LNL Horror Stories: Episode 2 - Aasha's Blood (Part 2)

wow, i never knew i could generate so much motivation for someone to make a story!
awesome! haha.
good work so far..

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 02:53:01

At 1/17/05 01:55 AM, Onic wrote: Story Time Children!
End for now, I will post more later.

fucking brilliant.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 03:52:03

Ah, another Late Night at the Late Night Lounge. The irony in that is almost overwhelming, with no Pun intended. Onic was sitting around in the Lounge drinking Bacardi 151 while Axe was sitting in the corner rocking back and forth about how his masturbation techniques would be world famous. All of a sudden X walked into the room with a vibrating dildo, and asked where Quisty was. Death tuna gave him a look of astonishment and jumped out the window, landing on an old lady walking down the street. Onic laughed so hard he pissed himself and accidently wrote “Newgrounds” into the snow that magically appeared in the center of the room. Ramagi pondered what sex would be best while using a dildo, and SDG was oogling over a naked picture of Axe. X gave up looking for Quisty and threw the dildo out the window, which bounced off a giant mushroom and landed in Colin Powell’s lap. Who just so happened to be hanging out with Dick and Bush at the time.

Eminem walked into the room dressed like Michael and tried to touch on Axe, who screamed like a schoolgirl and flexed his muscular muscles. So Axe dropped down and did some no-handed pushups using his powerful…muscle. X got jealous as Quisty walked into the room and saw Axe’s manliness, and smacked X with some Penis Enlargement pills. Quisty huggled everyone except Axe, who was still standing there nude with large muscles flexed. So they all decided to go for a walk to Ragnarok Island. Axe grabbed a squishy little Poporing and made it his pet. Then the Lord of the Dead swamped all of them with Zombies and Skeletons, and we were forced to respawn at the Lounge. Noticing that Onic had fallen asleep, the LnL members decided to draw hentai porn all over his beautiful naked body, and tied him up on an old lady’s porch. Then they rang the doorbell and ran away. The last they saw of him, he was being tied to a bed with the old lady saying “touch my body”.

So all in all, X was jealous, Quisty was awed, SDG was horny, Axe was sexy, Onic was screwed (again, no pun damnit), Death Tuna was dead, Ramagi was confused, and Newgrounds was blessed with yet another funny tale.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 04:00:35

Hahahhahhah very very very good story Axe. I'm glad that you chose to write you story like that. It was disgusting, mean, gross, and simple all at the same time. Therefore it is an instant hit. You have my aproval on this one. Good to have you back hope to hear more.

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 04:09:08

War of the Portal
1 - "The Flood"

The blistering heat always made people think differently. This could sometimes be an advantage, sometimes a disadvantage. Though most of the time, it would cause people to grow more to the side of insanity itself, curling dark and twisted thoughts in their mind, ready to let go of what they once believed.
The huge city was in ruins as strange lights flew in the skies. It was night and the humid air made the temperature feel much hotter than anyone could have imagined. Few stars could be seen as the night clouds enveloped where they attempted to watch the world.

RedCircle had a black hood covering his head, nearly worn jeans that made him hidden in the alleyway, waiting for the unsuspecting prey to step out of the darkness. His wooden baseball bat was firm in his hands, ready to strike anything that appeared from the darkness. The city had fallen to unrest recently and someone had to do something. Recon_Rebel slowly moved to RedCircle's side as he clenched his silver fist, ready as much as RedCircle was. XwaynecoltX was on the other side of the shaded alleyway, considering possible options of attack. A noise echoed in the dark alleyway as the three moved closer, waiting for the shadow to crawl out.

A white blur blasted from the shadows and RedCircle aimed his bat at it, smashing the creature onto ground. It had to be stopped. The white figure had red lines beneath its single black filled eye, ready for attack. It lunged towards XwaynecoltX, who aimed his silver gauntlet at it, pounding it to the ground. He caught his breath as sweat rolled down his face.
"(( DISAPPOINTING ))," XwaynecoltX muttered. "This one seems to want to attract attention and it seems that it could be greatly improved."
"What are you mumbling about?" Asked Recon_Rebel. He dived towards the white creature, attempting to punch it, missing inches of the strange creature's white flesh.
"After it!" Roared RedCircle.
The three bounded after it, Recon madly leaping forward, throwing his fist as beads of sweat rolled down his face.
A chain suddenly fired itself from the darkness, taking hold of the white creature. It howled as a black silken cloaked figure tightened the chain tightly, ripping the creature into bloody pieces.

"I missed it, damn," Cursed Recon_Rebel. "And who might you be?"
"Me?" Asked the black cloaked figure, wiping the blood off the chain. "I am D0GMA."
Recon_Rebel tried to see a face under the cloak but could not see any. D0GMA stood in the shade, where no light would reach beneath the hood. It seemed that D0GMA had some secrets that would not soon be revealed.
RedCircle moved closer to the dead creature, studying it closely. "It seems that there have been too many of these creatures lately. What should we do about it?"
XwaynecoltX looked at D0GMA, shrugging his shoulders, then back at the dead creature. "It seems that this city has too many wild creatures. I guess the only possibility would be to obtain some powerful people."
"You're correct," Replies D0GMA. "The portal requires aid and I suppose we should be off to go and aid it. First, what are your names?"
"I'm RedCircle, that's XwaynecoltX and that man over there is Recon_Rebel."
"Very well," D0GMA hints a sign of happiness. "Shall we go to the portal?"

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 05:42:40

At 1/17/05 04:00 AM, Onic wrote: Hahahhahhah very very very good story Axe. I'm glad that you chose to write you story like that. It was disgusting, mean, gross, and simple all at the same time. Therefore it is an instant hit. You have my aproval on this one. Good to have you back hope to hear more.

Hah, thanks Onic. I wasn't even sure what the hell I was typing, I just thought of the most random things possible. I don't even know if any of that even pertains to the people I mentioned, except for you. Hah, the other people I just made up.

At 1/17/05 04:57 AM, Quisty wrote: Lonely Heart

I don't think I have to ask who that one is about, though I don't think it is any of my business what is going on there. I just hope that things get better for you, Quisty.

By the way Alkador, well written story you had. Heh, can't wait to see the rest of that one. And hurry up and finish yours, Quisty, I'm anxious to see the rest of that as well.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 06:36:35

At 1/17/05 03:52 AM, AncientX wrote: Ah, another Late Night at the Late Night Lounge.

Axe + Onic + stories = fucking brilliant.

hahah! no i wont finish this post like that :P hahah.
excellent stories guys, i loved em... but you gotta start including me in them, damnit!
i... i have comic relief aswell you know!
bah! scum! hahah.
anyways Axe, you seem to be awake when i am with the whole time zone difference thingo. you got msn?
mine's easily accessable in my profile :P
good poem Quist.
its about me, isnt it?
well, the reason i look away, is because you wont show me your
goodnight. :)

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 08:26:01

At 1/17/05 04:09 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal
1 - "The Flood"

Alk, why not just do a copy paste from the LUL and get them all here quicker? I mean hey i could do it for you, so you can keep that insanely low ppd of yours ;P, also because that whole story is one of the greatest i've ever read, and i am dying for the "2nd season" to come out ;D

At 1/17/05 01:55 AM, Onic wrote: Story Time Children!


lots of random awesomeness

Just a summary :o

-uber fast shady character that left a mug mark on the painting

Omg Myst wasn't mentioned the whole time, WHAT A PERVERT :O

X hit the floor and screamed like a 12 year old school girl.

Any tentacles nearby?

End for now, I will post more later.

:(, but the awesome :(

At 1/16/05 11:02 PM, AncientX wrote: The end.

Thus ending one of the greatest stories of all time :)

At 1/17/05 12:00 AM, deathtuna wrote: Cooked up this past week. Enjoy.

The first part was REALLY good, and the second part was incredibly sad :(, and i hope the third part is supposed to be deep, because part of it, ... skipped my mind o.0

At 1/16/05 10:25 PM, Onic wrote: BounusStage, realy good looking water photoshop that you made there for the late night lounge :)

Haha yeah, i may not have made that, but explaining who that was would take QUITE A WHILE, so i'd rather not, also the picture is rather sexy ;)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 10:15:29

At 1/17/05 09:23 AM, deathtuna wrote: Thankyou. Ummm, there is a hidden message in part three, but it isnt in text so much as it is in form.

OMFG do tell ;)

I apologize if sometimes my symbolism isn't clear. My biggest mistake in writing is assuming people will know what I am talking about.

That makes it sound like i'm an idiot :(

Thanks again though! :)

I am here to judge ... nicely ;)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 13:20:38

At 1/17/05 11:41 AM, DaSadGirl wrote: sorry i cudnt post here, i got banned...AGAIN. stupid mods dont get it, dey think im gonna fix my spelleen if dey ban me. lol. iss annoyin when i get banned en u dont know who did it. makes me jes wanna.....uumm....breakdance on my rooftop..while iss rainin?....

( 2

I kNow eXacTly whAT You meAn My keyboArD sticks From a MeSs I had baCk IN 2004 AnD i bEen BannEd For my CompuTers ProbLem So i kNow WhaT You meAn.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 13:39:31

At 1/17/05 08:26 AM, BonusStage wrote: Haha yeah, i may not have made that, but explaining who that was would take QUITE A WHILE, so i'd rather not, also the picture is rather sexy ;)

Well, I was the one who made that pic. Not him. Ok, I'm very sure that everyone is going to be completely confused when it looks like I'm quoting myself. Well, in reality I'm quoting BonusStage, again you'll have to bear with me and the explaination for all of this.

Step1: You have two NG users, KlBA and BonusStage.
Step 2: We switch our sigs, our profile pics and everything else.
Step 3: We then make our passwords the same and both of us can post on EITHER account.
Step 4: Everyone is confused because they don't know who did what.
Step 5: KlBA made that pic, not BonusStage.
Step 6: That pic was NOT a photoshop, people need to learn there are other things besides photoshop.
Step 7: KlBA is posting here for the 2nd time ever, the post with the pic and this post are the only 2 posts I've ever made here.

And now for some spoilers for Alkador's story:
! |)!3. <---Coded. ;)

Short story:

Control-Part I
It was a dark stormy night. In reality in was only 6pm NG time, but there was a storm that had swept over most of the planet due to a bizarre weather happening. Many NG BBS users just sat at their computers as they normally would regardless of the weather. Little did they know that there was more to this than a mere freak thunderstorm. Suddenly a lightning bolt hit a power cord at NG's main warehouse. The surge went through the servers, but within this bolt of electricity was a virus. A virus that could meld the real world with the internet itself. Suddenly, select NG users were cast into their computers and locked inside the NG servers. A dark figure came forth and confronted them. "You are NG's finest users, you have been selected, to fight to the death." said the mysterious figure in a low rumble. "WHAT? What could be so important the risk our lives?" said Zero_As_A_Limit. "Why, control of Newgrounds." said Tom_Fulp as he stepped forward with an evil grin on his face.

End part 1. :D

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 14:05:11

I had to do a lot of read to ctach out, so real nice work here by people. I go so caught up with doing my update and findign a msall error in the program I use to do it, got sided tracked from my writing.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 14:53:21

Hah, Marcus...I will be sure to add you to any future stories. I just read up on everything and I already completely forgot what I read except for that and KIBA's second post ever. So umm.....good story there KIBA. Write more!

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 16:13:08

At 1/17/05 03:27 PM, KlBA wrote:
At 1/17/05 03:21 PM, KlBA wrote: Also Eskimo_Bob got 500 posts, even if he is just a DaSadGirl poser, i thought i'd be nice and give an ok looking screeny (not on purpose though, it is just that mine suck as jpegs :,<)
Sometimes even i worry if i forogt things on "purpose" to further increase post count :(


You kept me busy latly in this thread. I been using my writing skills on reviews today instead of for poems.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 16:34:08

At 1/17/05 03:21 PM, KlBA wrote: Also Eskimo_Bob got 500 posts, even if he is just a DaSadGirl poser, i thought i'd be nice and give an ok looking screeny (not on purpose though, it is just that mine suck as jpegs :,<)

I bEen CoMINg tO thiS sitE loNGer then moSt oF you 5 yeArs noW.

AnD my keyBoArd haS beeN scrEwEd evER siNCe daSadGirL iS nOt ThE FiRSt.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 16:57:15

At 1/17/05 04:34 PM, Eskimo-Bob wrote:
I bEen CoMINg tO thiS sitE loNGer then moSt oF you 5 yeArs noW.

AnD my keyBoArd haS beeN scrEwEd evER siNCe daSadGirL iS nOt ThE FiRSt.

You know, if only half of that was true. Because I do remember you posting a lot on NG, and your keyboard was never screwed up. Mainly, you were just annoying everyone in the pic making threads about getting a sig and profile pic made...

By the way I'm a compulsive liar. Not really, I just lied about that. But if you think about it, a compulsive liar will never tell the truth unless they tell you they are a compulsive liar.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 17:06:17

Did you know there was a study by some people at a University that said as long as you have the first and last letters of a word correct, it doesn't matter what order the middle words are in because it is just as easy to read? I don't know if it's true or not, let's give it a try.

One day I was wnlkaig hmoe form socohl.

I'm too lazy to type out the rest of it.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 17:18:00

At 1/16/05 08:54 PM, Quisty wrote: No, your cool ^_^


Oooo, this is very very nice. I love your work. Keep it up dude!

Thanks, i appreciate it.

Okay, so i missed like 2 pages. I skimmed through, but i didnt see anything relevant to me so i am not bothering reading it all in depth. Oh and Quisty, i liked Part 2. : )

Here is another one from me, but uhh... i don;t know if i like it so much. Kind of turned out funny. The rhyme scheme i think should have been planned better, but anyways, none the less, i am proud of my work.

If Only
Free Verse (You thought it was gonna be a Quatrain, huh?)
By, K. Myst Williams

Deep inside your fear rides high,
Like a motive to curl up alone,
Like an alibi to always disown,
And like an addiction to a drug;
You’re less then smug.

It is all about your perception,
But the world seems based on deception.
And then all seek redemption,
But are unwilling to exercise confession;
Lack of connection.

You clench your fist hating the hate.
You loosen your grip defying the fate.
You look around absorbing the wrong.
Amity and equality should be stronger then violence,
Why is connection the defiance?
Love should be the way-
Today, hands together, we pray.

Third world children starve and cry;
Causalities of war, people of innocence die.
No ones there to try, or defy –
The way of life, the selfishness – they just comply.
Give those in need a chance to fly instead of cry.

Deep inside you hear that simple cry,
Like a silence that cannot be silenced,
Like an excuse to depend on reliance,
And like your reflection in the mirror;
It cannot be ignored – its fear, don’t tear.

Truth hurts… but not as much as life.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 18:06:18

At 1/17/05 08:26 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 1/17/05 04:09 AM, Alkador wrote: -uber fast shady character that left a mug mark on the painting
Omg Myst wasn't mentioned the whole time, WHAT A PERVERT :O

Umm, huh? Why am i pervert, what did i miss? I am confuzzled.

And uh, so i still don't fully understand why you were so upset? I believe it is about a girl, but what exactly happened? And you don't have to share if you don't want to. Just wondering what made you go so sour so quickly the other day.

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 18:19:39

Well theres alot of activity in here isnt there. I read most of the stuff and found out i was in none of it, bastards. Even the new guys got in and i didnt, swine you are Axe, SWWIIIIINNNEEE!!!!!!!!! ;)

Thats a nice little story that was posted as a follow up to Alkadors, sounds so sweet. I must be in that right?

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 18:38:35

Control-Part 1 Located Post #28 of this page.

Control-Part II

Everyone stood befuddled as to what was really going on. Another user, -Zef-, stepped forward and confronted Tom, and in a loud boisterous voice he said "Why in the world would we consider risking our lives just for the control of a mere website?" Tom then replied in a nonchalant voice, "Well, no one has to participate in the events I have in store for you all. In fact, why don't you step into the back room with me while we let for the others to decide if they want to play my games, what was your name again?" "It's -Zef-," he said as he followed Tom into the back room. There was much clammer in the large group, but no one expected what happened next. Everyone turned their heads towards the dark black room as they heard the bone-chilling scream -Zef- let out.

End Part II. ;)

Hope at least some of you are following the story. ;-D

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Late Night Lounge 2005-01-17 18:52:41

At 1/17/05 06:38 PM, BonusStage wrote: Control-Part 1 Located Post #28 of this page.
Control-Part II
Hope at least some of you are following the story. ;-D

I am following and am enjoying. ^_^