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We need to drill our own oil

2,562 Views | 38 Replies

We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:05:47

If you don't live in the U.S, then ignore this topic. Anyways, can someone here tell me why other countries like China and India drilled their own oil in their country, but we can't drill or produce anything here without Environmentalists and Liberals stopping us from booming our economy? I would really love to know why we keep giving these Arab sheeps millions of dollar for their oil when we can just produce our own? My solution is to just produce things in this country like we used to do (oil, food, cotton, etc).

Thank you!

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:06:25

USA is barren

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:07:32

Because we should be developing alternative fuels, rather than waiting years for drilling our own shit to resemble swiss cheese and getting any sort of minimal income in return.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:09:05

But why? We're losing money by buying materials from other countries instead of saving our money to produce our own. Why waste money making an alternative instead of just booming our economy like China or India? There's a reason why they have more money than us you know!

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:11:24

At 3/16/11 03:09 PM, hateyou1 wrote: But why? We're losing money by buying materials from other countries instead of saving our money to produce our own. Why waste money making an alternative instead of just booming our economy like China or India? There's a reason why they have more money than us you know!

You're right. Instead, we should just continue to depend on a resource that is finite, and that is slowly killing the earth. Instead of, you know, developing new technologies which will create a new industry and boom, and at the same time, make our lungs healthier. And the reason why "they have more money than us" as you so eloquently put it, has very little to do with oil.

Also. Politics forum.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:12:21

Or we could build nuclear power plants!

"خيبر خيبر يايهود جيش محمد سوف يعود"

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:12:32

Well Alaska is a state and your taking mother loads of oil from that place. So I guess you are drilling your own oil. Even though most of the US's oil will come from Canadian tar sands in the near future due to it being cheap.

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:14:43

You do realize that you can't just drill somewhere and oil will appear, right?
The oil has to actually be there in the first place lol

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:14:44

At 3/16/11 03:12 PM, satanbrain wrote: Or we could build nuclear power plants!

And drastically increase the amount of nuclear waste which we are already producing and having an increasingly hard time storing.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:16:25

For a time (Up until maybe the 60s-70s?), the US was self-sufficient with oil.
Our dependence on foreign oil has always alarmed me. We use oil for everything: Transportation, plastics, food transport... People outside of our country have us by the throat.

Here's a solution: Ditch oil completely. But of course, this cannot happen overnight, so we need to start research for as many alternate fuels as possible now. Oil isn't running out anytime soon, but CHEAP oil is another story. Heck, even methane power could be a viable alternative.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:20:39

Drilling our own oil probably wouldn't solve the debt. Even if we somehow came across tons of oil there is no simple solution to the recession, it's going to take a while, like a whole presidency before good legislature could come to form and even longer for the effects of that legislature to fix the problems.

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:23:25

At 3/16/11 03:12 PM, satanbrain wrote: Or we could build nuclear power plants!


A vagina is really just a hat for a penis.

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:26:48

From what I am reading from most of you, you guys are soo concerned with the environment, so you want to produce more "healthier" fuel that would save the environment. You guys do realize that no matter what you do, a bunch of other countries who are currently booming more than us have oil drilled in their country, right? So it doesn't matter if you can come up with fuel that can smell like red roses, they will and ALWAYS will continue using their own oil. The conspiracy that Liberals call "Global Warming" is a bunch of B.S, and what they don't realize is that they are putting us in debt and wasting billions of dollars just to keep the Earth alive for 5 additional days (2 days less than a week).

Now, if you want to continue with the environmental ideology, then here's something that you can do that will be the best way to save the Earth. First of all, gather around the highest cliff in the world, then hold hands and jump off of it without parachutes. Of course, you guys are hypocrites and you really don't want to save the environment, so you won't do that,

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:30:31

Bow down before your god OP.

We need to drill our own oil

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:43:37

At 3/16/11 03:30 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote: Bow down before your god OP.

Aww, so the liberals finally gave up, huh? Here's something that most of you don't understand anyways because most of you think that Fox News is "evil" and avoid watching it. That guy speaks the truth and has many different kinds of evidence to things going on in this country. He doesn't just read a piece of paper without captions and read a script of words that bash Fox News (*cough* Keith Olberman *cough*). Instead, he provides video clips, posts from sites like moveon.org, and educates his viewers about founding fathers and what they believed in. Now, I'm not trying to derail this thread by this post, but I'm just saying that this guy is honest and if you actually watched his shows, you'd know that he says to not take his word for anything and to do your own research. Well that's what I do and from numerous amounts of research, I came to the conclusion that most of the subjects he talks about is true.

Anyways, I think that the only way we could get out of this recession is to vote out the stupid liberals and environmentalists because they are doing more bad than good and to go back to the free market that our country once had in where everyone made their own money and spent it on whatever they want, and donate it to whoever they wanted to donate to as well without government taking it from them. The smaller the government, the better our country is.

Does anybody have any questions?

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:48:13

I think we are being had by a piss poor troll.

We need to drill our own oil

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:50:48

At 3/16/11 03:48 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote: I think we are being had by a piss poor troll.

Yeah, that's it. Keep living in fantasy land in where liberals give you free money without working and a land in where everyone has equal rights, equal cash, equal everything, while the government gives you anything you want.

Yep, keep believing that kid. Do you believe in the toothfairy as well?

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:52:23

At 3/16/11 03:05 PM, hateyou1 wrote: If you don't live in the U.S, then ignore this topic.


My topics when I wasn't an asshole...12


BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:54:02

At 3/16/11 03:50 PM, hateyou1 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:48 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote: I think we are being had by a piss poor troll.
Yeah, that's it. Keep living in fantasy land in where liberals give you free money without working and a land in where everyone has equal rights, equal cash, equal everything, while the government gives you anything you want.

Yep, keep believing that kid. Do you believe in the toothfairy as well?

Don't call me kid. I've done more for this country and your conservative gods than you likely ever will in your life. While you sat at home in front of your shitty dell monitor wiping the dorito crumbs off of your ketchup stained shirt XXL shirt that you wore for a week straight, I was off overseas almost getting my ass shot off, wiping the blood of friends off of my face.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:55:27

At 3/16/11 03:14 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:12 PM, satanbrain wrote: Or we could build nuclear power plants!
And drastically increase the amount of nuclear waste which we are already producing and having an increasingly hard time storing.

Um, yeah, because of what is happening in Japan, I doubt the US would want nuclear powers plants.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:58:42

At 3/16/11 03:12 PM, CharltonChinchilla wrote: Well Alaska is a state and your taking mother loads of oil from that place. So I guess you are drilling your own oil. Even though most of the US's oil will come from Canadian tar sands in the near future due to it being cheap.

We are drilling a shit-ton in Alaska, but there's supposedly another 10 billion barrels up there untapped, even though the area is barren tundra, it lies in a wildlife refuge so the bunny-huggers won't let us drill in there. Though drilling there won't completely solve unemployment problem it would overall get it reduced 1-1.5 percentage points. Also our trade deficit would go down by billions.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 15:58:43

At 3/16/11 03:55 PM, Henchman1028 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:14 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:12 PM, satanbrain wrote: Or we could build nuclear power plants!
And drastically increase the amount of nuclear waste which we are already producing and having an increasingly hard time storing.
Um, yeah, because of what is happening in Japan, I doubt the US would want nuclear powers plants.

We already have nuclear power plants here in the US. Ever heard of three mile island?

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:03:38

To respond to a few posts in this thread:
How do you think we get energy for electricity? Yes, that means electric stations for cars too. I'll give you a hint, it begins with Oil and ends with .
Also, while yes, other countries do have us economically by the balls, everyone has everyone by the economic balls. If any countries market goes under, we're all going to take a hit.
Also, oil isn't everywhere. You have to find it first. It is not in the united states, for the most part.

The more you know!

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:03:50

At 3/16/11 03:54 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote: Don't call me kid. I've done more for this country and your conservative gods than you likely ever will in your life. While you sat at home in front of your shitty dell monitor wiping the dorito crumbs off of your ketchup stained shirt XXL shirt that you wore for a week straight, I was off overseas almost getting my ass shot off, wiping the blood of friends off of my face.

Did you know that your "liberal God" Goerge Soros supports this origination?

I think you're a good person, but you are just mislead by liberal propaganda. They hate our military and our country, which is what you give your life away to fight for.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:09:42

I think your both being retarded...

And for the record, Classical Liberalism is the godfather of the Free Market system.

Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:11:01

At 3/16/11 04:03 PM, hateyou1 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:54 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote: Don't call me kid. I've done more for this country and your conservative gods than you likely ever will in your life. While you sat at home in front of your shitty dell monitor wiping the dorito crumbs off of your ketchup stained shirt XXL shirt that you wore for a week straight, I was off overseas almost getting my ass shot off, wiping the blood of friends off of my face.
Did you know that your "liberal God" Goerge Soros supports this origination?

I think you're a good person, but you are just mislead by liberal propaganda. They hate our military and our country, which is what you give your life away to fight for.

I think that at 18 years of age, and no political experience or idea of what's going on beyond what conservative news station is telling you that you are mislead.

Fox news is in business to make money. They aren't there to help the US. I also think that you have no idea what you are going on about when you say that I am mislead. Seeing as I detest both liberal and conservative biased news sources.

Pretending to know what political stance I take based on a couple short poignant posts of mine is foolish. I am accurately described as moderate.

Be less quick to jump to conclusions.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:12:22

And by retarded I mean arrogant. Instead of attacking each others virtues and/or political ideals which have little to no real justification unless they follow a specific criteria, for instance, whats best for our economy, whats best for the planet etcetera. Why don't you actually respond constructively to each others arguments, and try to learn a little bit from each other? Cut the crap.

Also this really SHOULD be moved to the politics forum if you want to get better responses.

Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

BBS Signature

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:22:14

At 3/16/11 04:11 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote:
At 3/16/11 04:03 PM, hateyou1 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:54 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote: Don't call me kid. I've done more for this country and your conservative gods than you likely ever will in your life. While you sat at home in front of your shitty dell monitor wiping the dorito crumbs off of your ketchup stained shirt XXL shirt that you wore for a week straight, I was off overseas almost getting my ass shot off, wiping the blood of friends off of my face.
Did you know that your "liberal God" Goerge Soros supports this origination?

I think you're a good person, but you are just mislead by liberal propaganda. They hate our military and our country, which is what you give your life away to fight for.
I think that at 18 years of age, and no political experience or idea of what's going on beyond what conservative news station is telling you that you are mislead.

Fox news is in business to make money. They aren't there to help the US. I also think that you have no idea what you are going on about when you say that I am mislead. Seeing as I detest both liberal and conservative biased news sources.

Pretending to know what political stance I take based on a couple short poignant posts of mine is foolish. I am accurately described as moderate.

Be less quick to jump to conclusions.

There's a couple of things wrong with this post:

1. Fox News is fair and balanced and is not biased. There has been times in where they accused the right as well for something they did wrong (nobody is perfect).

2. Every news station is up to make money. There is no such thing as a news station that doesn't want money and want to help everyone. If there was a news station that ran like that, they wouldn't have any commercials now would they?

I'm conservative because liberals are messing up this country in many ways. First of all, they are getting rid of our free market system and turning it into a Government system in where they take all the money that you made that went over the "maximum" income for an individual, and they give it to some lazy ass n*gger who doesn't work 1 cent for his money and spends that money to buy drugs. This is why they are gaining soo much power. Second of all, they are doing nothing about the business regulations here in America. Instead, they just keep adding more regulations, making business here in the U.S impossible. Third, they keep the environmentalists in power. You may think that Environmentalists are good for keeping the environment safe, but they aren't doing that. They are the reason why we keep going to Saudi Arabia to buy oil instead of drilling our own (we have more oil than they do believe it or not). This doesn't only pertain to oil, but it also involves food in the grocery store (costs $50 for each bag of food you buy), cotton in clothes, and a whole lot more.

What used to be an independent nation, is now being taken over by Government. I thought the reason why we fought in the Independent War was to be independent from Britian and their unfair Government. But now, we're going to be repeating history all over again because too many people in this country don't know history.

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:38:17

At 3/16/11 03:55 PM, Xyphon202 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:43 PM, hateyou1 wrote:
At 3/16/11 03:30 PM, MercatorMapV2 wrote: Bow down before your god OP.
Aww, so the liberals finally gave up, huh? Here's something that most of you don't understand anyways because most of you think that Fox News is "evil" and avoid watching it. That guy speaks the truth and has many different kinds of evidence to things going on in this country.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-D_S7WOn jg

I love how he doesn't circle 3 letters that he's supposed to, too (S and O in acorn style organizations and A in hidden agendas).

Oh ,so that makes every statement and word coming out of his mouth invalid and void, right?

Now I know why he tells you liberals to put down that bag of cheeto's at the beginning of his show xD

Response to We need to drill our own oil 2011-03-16 16:39:47

Because China and India simply have more oil reserves than we do. Oil isn't found everywhere. It cannot be produced either. Also, the need for an alternative fuel source has got nothing to do with the environment, it's because Oil is non-renewable and it's going to run out one day. We'll need to have something to use once that happens.

Render Unto Caesar

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