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Getting back at my neighbour...

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Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:01:30

So my next door neighbour left his 2 cars out on the street after a snowstorm. Needless to say the plow could not clean out the part in front of my driveway. That took me an extra 20 minutes after 2 hours of cleaning this morning. This is the same neighbour that plies up his dog shit next to my house so that I can never open a basement window. Sometimes he and his wife have loud hot tub sex at night , and they constantly have late night parties. This makes it hard for my sick mother to get rest.

Should I fuck his shit up? If so, how?

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:06:39

Write a letter saying:

"Dear Neighbour"

Please stop parking your cars on my driveway, stop sticking dog shit in my basement window, and stop being so loud so my sick mother can rest. If you don't I will be with you.... at your funeral...."

Signed by,
-The People Who Is Always Watching You"

Stick it in a cardboard box and leave it at their front door. Ring the doorbell and then run away.

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:08:13

Contact anon, im sure they will DDoS his website, oh wait..

The day BBS broke

That picture is a link. Links were meant to be clicked. Do not deny the link its purpose in life.

PS - Its a song.

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:10:26

At 2/21/11 04:08 PM, DjKaz wrote: Contact anon, im sure they will DDoS his website, oh wait..

I actually got into his internet once and could have fucked it up. I was trying to fix my wireless but was signed into theirs. user:admin; password: admin. Lol. I just signed out.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:12:03

Destroy the wiring to their hottub causing it to not work, or just plain overheat. You find shit in your basement window break their car windows and wash their interiors with the bag of shit, any left over proceed to put a rock in bag, cut small holes at the top and throw in hottub, and let set. Find the thing responsible for shitting and hang it in a tree in their front yard or something obvious where they will see. Leave no evidence it wasn't you.

Anyone approve of this despite all the legal actions that could be taken into effect?

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:13:58

Poor Quicklime into his hot tub.

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:16:06

At 2/21/11 04:10 PM, creativeusage wrote:
At 2/21/11 04:08 PM, DjKaz wrote: Contact anon, im sure they will DDoS his website, oh wait..
I actually got into his internet once and could have fucked it up. I was trying to fix my wireless but was signed into theirs. user:admin; password: admin. Lol. I just signed out.

There is the solution. Fuck the shit outta their internet. Im sure you can think of something to do.

The day BBS broke

That picture is a link. Links were meant to be clicked. Do not deny the link its purpose in life.

PS - Its a song.

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:17:37

At 2/21/11 04:13 PM, TheTrooper5 wrote: Poor Quicklime into his hot tub.



But on a serious note, just do little pithy things that will eventually add up.

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:18:26

At 2/21/11 04:12 PM, Kanon wrote: Destroy the wiring to their hottub causing it to not work, or just plain overheat. You find shit in your basement window break their car windows and wash their interiors with the bag of shit, any left over proceed to put a rock in bag, cut small holes at the top and throw in hottub, and let set. Find the thing responsible for shitting and hang it in a tree in their front yard or something obvious where they will see. Leave no evidence it wasn't you.

Anyone approve of this despite all the legal actions that could be taken into effect?

Yeah, maybe I'll just be very spiteful of them... Maybe flip him off behind his back. Maybe seduce his wife. Seducing her won't be hard at all.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:19:50

while they are away, pile all the snow you can in front of their doors. they'll be locked out of their home and they'll freeze their asses off. mwahahahahaha

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:23:25

Buy 100 packets of InstaMash. Pour said InstaMash into their hot tub.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:27:51

At 2/21/11 04:23 PM, Dromedary wrote: Buy 100 packets of InstaMash. Pour said InstaMash into their hot tub.

30 cm of snow fell last night. I would have to wait until spring to fuck with their hot tub. I need something to do to them while it's cold and snowy weather. I have the week off, so I need something to do before I have to go back to studying.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:34:14

You should:

Egg his house
Do the classic shit in a bag and light it on fire technique
Put dye in their hot tub
Or make tons of noise as well

Just call me Psycho for short.

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:34:57

At 2/21/11 04:32 PM, NuclearWarFare wrote: The most reasonable solution is to file a complaint to the police so they can come have a little talk to them.

The most reasonable thing coming from a 13 year old..

Compared to hanging their dogs, this is quite reasonable. They have not done anything illegal. I can complain about them having three dogs. Up to two are allowed in my residential area. I don't want to do this since that would be really douchey. It's not the dogs fault their owners are assholes.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:38:15

Throw the dog shit on his car, record him and his wife having sex, and throw some more shit around his house during a party.

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:44:23

Hot tub sex + Dog poo = Bestiality scat porn.

Make sum money.


BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:48:00

Take the dog shit he piles up by your window and put it in plastic bags. When he parks cars in your drive way write "PARK IN YOUR OWN DRIVEWAY" on the car with shit at night while they're distracted by their stupid parties, then when they have hot tub sex go take pictures and send them to their business associated via the internet. You could also walk into their house during a party then go to a room that no one is in and rub the shit all over the carpet, walls, and furniture.


Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:48:23

At 2/21/11 04:43 PM, Flak wrote: Have a civilized chat with the guy. He might not even be aware of all the problems he's causing you.

Tried once. The guy is a dick. I would not be trying to get back at him if he would have listened to us. The guy is short and confrontational. He has a maid to clean his house- the house is not a large house requiring a maid to clean it. These neighbours are just born assholes. I could kick his ass but I don't want to get in trouble. I want to make his life as hard as he makes ours. I have fallen to such low depths and require ideas. I use the word I a lot. I really do.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:52:58

At 2/21/11 04:18 PM, creativeusage wrote: Maybe seduce his wife. Seducing her won't be hard at all.

If this is true you should obviously do this. Fuck her and then leave some evidence somewhere that he will probably find. If you're lucky it will ruin their marriage and they will become unpopular and the parties will cease.


Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 16:59:18

Explain to him that the shit that he does needs to stop. Explain to him that you have been more then a respectful neighbor and he should do the same. If he refuses to listen, then honestly use to wrongs to make your right. Do all the shit that he does back to him. Next time he piles up the dog shit, go out and move it on his front porch or something. As for the snow thing, it may take work but, shovel your yard and pile up the snow around his car.

I'm all for being reasonable but some people are just assholes. Calling the cops won't do shit but waste the police officers time and then probably make your neighbor want to be even more of an asshole towards you.

Although next time they fuck in their hottub you could probably call the police for that. If you really wanted you could be evil and add in some lies.

"Well officer, I heard noises but figured they were horsing around, until my 'little niece' came to me and told me she saw a man hurting a woman. When I went to look I realized my 'little niece' witness them commencing in sexual acts. Lawdy lawdy I even saw them get their dog involved"

Fuck people...seriously. Or you could pull a Dennis, somehow smooth talk your way into his girlfriends vagina, tape it, show him and make him feel like the pathetic prick I'm assuming he is. Or even pull a Me, Myself, and Irene and just shit on their front lawn...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:00:10

At 2/21/11 04:52 PM, Boss wrote:
At 2/21/11 04:18 PM, creativeusage wrote: Maybe seduce his wife. Seducing her won't be hard at all.
If this is true you should obviously do this. Fuck her and then leave some evidence somewhere that he will probably find. If you're lucky it will ruin their marriage and they will become unpopular and the parties will cease.

I'm just not sure if I have what it takes to seduce a married women. Besides having a dick and a killer racecar bed, what would it take for me to seduce her?

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:09:07

Well, you could try tipi their house, although, with all the snow, that would be difficult. Another thing you could do is get all the dog shit and throw it at their house (with gloves of course).

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:16:51

At 2/21/11 05:09 PM, SN0WC0NE17 wrote: Well, you could try tipi their house, although, with all the snow, that would be difficult. Another thing you could do is get all the dog shit and throw it at their house (with gloves of course).

Sometimes there is shit on their vinyl siding. How a dog shits on the side of their house I will never know. All that I know is that I then have to see the shit from my kitchen as I eat.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:34:32

At 2/21/11 05:29 PM, The777Demon wrote:
At 2/21/11 04:08 PM, 111122223188 wrote: get a dog and a girlfrioend don't just blame things on him out of jealousy
Yeah this right here! It's not his fault you don't own a dog. It's your fault for being to cheap to get one.

Well fuck me. I guess all I have to do to fix all of my problems is get another dog. I wish someone would have told me this a few years ago. Thank you so much.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:37:08

At 2/21/11 05:34 PM, creativeusage wrote: Well fuck me. I guess all I have to do to fix all of my problems is get another dog. I wish someone would have told me this a few years ago. Thank you so much.

You're welcome.


BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:40:23


STEP 1: Buy a megaphone.
STEP 2: Wait until they have hot tub sex again.
STEP 3: Speak in the megaphone as loudly as you can: hey neighbor, I'm sorry to interrupt your daily hot tub sex with the deformed ogre that is your wife, but my sick mother is trying to sleep here, so please, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:41:38

STEP 1: Buy a megaphone.
STEP 2: Wait until they have hot tub sex again.
STEP 3: Speak in the megaphone as loudly as you can: hey neighbor, I'm sorry to interrupt your daily hot tub sex with the deformed ogre that is your wife, but my sick mother is trying to sleep here, so please, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I'd have to buy a megaphone? Well fuck that!

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 17:45:55

At 2/21/11 05:41 PM, creativeusage wrote: I'd have to buy a megaphone? Well fuck that!

Just get something that makes your voice louder, or just scream at the top of your lungs. Whatever you do, he should get the message.

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 18:21:42

nest time hit the dog with a shovel

and set your neighborers car on fire

"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?

was her name tenneassi


BBS Signature

Response to Getting back at my neighbour... 2011-02-21 18:24:17

At 2/21/11 06:21 PM, kazumazkan wrote: nest time hit the dog with a shovel

and set your neighborers car on fire

It's a win-win scenario. I'll be in prison and have no neighbour to deal with, plus all the sodomy I want. Thanks, bud.

I wish I could find a screamer or two...

BBS Signature