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A Visual Novel being worked on

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A Visual Novel being worked on 2011-01-30 14:15:17

I've been building a history over the past weeks about some kind of slice-of-life/drama/romance Visual Novel.
I'd be very grateful to anyone who reads this post to comment about what i've done so far, where i need to improve, point out some bad points in my history and some other stuff.

Please, keep in mind that this is my very first time creating a history, so it might not be a wonderfull history.

1) I dont have a name for the history yet, i think i can give it a better name if i make the whole history first.
2) Since i haven't named the characters yet, ill be using some names from characters of some other animes, then later, i will change them.
The history is about a second year student, who lost his mother when he was a fresh man, the first chapter starts at the first day as a second year student, and had already lost his mother, and because of her death, he stopped caring about school, and his father entered into deep depression.

April 1 - In the lunch break of the first school day of the year, he went to the cafeteria to buy his lunch, and sees a girl, standing before the crowd of people, waiting patiently for it to clear up.
Since she sits in front of his desk, he recognizes her as one of his classmates, and goes there to ask her what she'd like for lunch, offering himself to go into the crowd and buy it for her.
She accepts his kindness and gives him enough money to buy it, and after that, she asks him if she could have lunch together with him, he tells her to go have lunch with her friends, but she doesn't answer, and thus, he accepts her offer.
The bell rings and school's over, as Tomoya is going out of the classroom, the same girl grabs his sleeve from his back and stops him, asking him if she could go home with him.

On middle of the way, he asks her why didn't she say anything about her friends, then, she says she doesn't have anyone, and asks him if he could be her first friend, and since he couldn't make any friends either, he accepts her offer.

April 2 - On the next day, they have lunch together, and Tomoya asks her name, which is Nagisa. (Says Na.gui.sa)

(On the next 2 weeks, they simply fool around, talking with each other at lunch break and enjoying some of their school life... (nothing of interest happens, it's the "fun" part of the Visual Novel, so I won't be adding it to this post, but obviously, i am going to write what they did on those 2 weeks on the Visual Novel Game))

April 16 -After school ends, they were on their way home on one of the school's corridors, and they notice a door slightly open, which was an abandoned club room, they peep inside to see if there's anyone in there, and they see a girl's back, sitting on a chair, Nagisa goes next to her and notices tears flowing on her cheeks, but she isnt sobbing at all, Nagisa asks her if shes alright, but she only nods, not looking at Nagisa.

The girl says: "Leave me alone..."

When Nagisa was about to say something, the girl cut her off saying "Please."

Speechless, Nagisa leaves her alone and tells Tomoya to do the same.

On their way home, Tomoya asks Nagisa if she is worried about that girl, and if they should do something about it. Nagisa nods.
On the next day, they went to the staff room on lunch break to ask about the lone girl they saw, they knew she was a first year because of the color of her uniform, and described her as much as they could.
The teachers told them her classroom, but not her name, because that girl asked the teachers to not to reveal her name to anyone.

Still on lunch break, they go to her class, 1-D, and ask some guy from 1-D near the door to get her, but he also said that he didn't know her name, nor where she goes to on lunch break.
Tomoya and Nagisa try searching for her on some club rooms, but she wasn't anywhere to be found, and losing the hopes of finding her, they give up for that day.

April 17 - On lunch break, both of them go to the school building reserved for club rooms and the library.

Peeping into the windows of the rooms, they see various kinds of clubs: Drama, Chorus, Science, Carving Arts and even a Tea Club, and finally, they find that girl.
Slowly sliding open an abandoned club room, Tomoya silently asks Nagisa to wait there.
Approaching the girl, Tomoya notices that she's reading a book, and Tomoya tries talking to her:

Tomoya: Hey, why are you here?
Girl: .....

No answer.

Tomoya: Hello?

Girl: .....

Tomoya's Thoughts: She seems so concentrated on her reading that she didn't even notice me... Should I do something to call her attention?

1- Poke her
2- Flip a page
3- Leave her alone

1- "Approaching her, you softly poke her cheek.

No answer.

Tomoya: ... *poke* .... *poke poke* .... *po-*

Girl: *Grabs Tomoya's Hand* You want to die don't you?

Tomoya: Uh, sorry, I thought you didn't notice me.

Girl: And how wouldn't I notice someone poking me?

Tomoya: That's not what I meant... but...
2- "Approaching her book, as you were about to flip a page, she immediately grabs your hand"

Girl: Don't.

Tomoya: Oh, sorry, I was just trying to catch your attention.

Girl: You have it.

Continuation of 1st and 2nd options:

Tomoya: Uh... Why are you here, all by yourself?

Girl: Because... Ah... (She hesites) Because everyone else is annoying.

Tomoya's Thoughts: Somehow, I think she was going to say something else.

Tomoya: Why is that so?

Girl: Why would I tell you how I feel, how I think of everyone else?

Tomoya: Well...

1- Nevermind then.
2- Keep silent and watch her.
1- "This option leaves you unable to continue on this girl's path.

2- "You tell Nagisa to go have her lunch alone today, and grabbing a chair, you place it next to the girl and sitting on it you..."

Tomoya: ...stare...

Girl: Are you a pervert or something?

Tomoya: Eh? N-no no, I'm just watching you, but if I'm bothering you, I'll leave.

Girl: ... Fine, but don't try anything.

Tomoya: I won't.

1- Try to see what she's reading.
2- Don't do anything and just stay like this.
3- Ask her name.

1- "Slowly approaching your chair to hers without making noise, you try to look from her shoulder to
see what she's reading"

Girl: Wahh! *Noticing you, she falls down of her chair*.

Girl: Are you trying to look at my chest?! *As she says that, she covers her chest with both her arms,
with a blushing face*

Tomoya: What?! N-no! I was just trying to see what you were reading!

Girl: ...Either ask me that or look the book's cover!!

Tomoya: Ah... I'm...really sorry...

Girl: *pff* She hides her mouth with her left hand and lets out a low sound, which seemed like a laugh. She gets up and cleans her skirt with her hands, then, she looks at me.

Tomoya: Hmm, Mind telling me your name?

Girl: Yes, I do.


2- "Stare... Stare... Stare..."

Girl: ... It's creeping having you look at me with such fixed eyes...

Tomoya: Oh, sorry.

Girl: Nah, don't worry; it's not a burden or anything.

Tomoya: Okay...

Tomoya's Thoughts: I think she smiled for a few seconds, but it's gone already.

Tomoya: Hmm, Mind telling me your name?

Girl: Yes, I do.

3- Tomoya: Can you tell me your name?

Girl: No.

An instant reply...

Tomoya: Why?

Girl: Because you're just like the others... annoying.

Tomoya: ... How so?

Girl: Everyone did the same, came by, annoyed me and asked me a question I hate.

Tomoya: I see, I'm leaving you alone then.

Girl: Thank you.

*Ran out of words, it continues on the next post*

Response to A Visual Novel being worked on 2011-01-30 14:17:33

Since that post above was my first one, I didnt know that i couldn't edit it, so there are some mistakes on the post (such as, execive -'s), sorry for that.


Continuation of 1st and 2nd options:

Tomoya: Why?

Girl: ...

Tomoya's Thoughts: I think I made her feel awkward with that question...

Tomoya: Uh, sorry for insisting.

Girl: It's not that I hate you or anything... It's a... personal problem... But... call me... Mai

Tomoya: Your real name?

Mai: Maybe.

Response to A Visual Novel being worked on 2011-01-30 14:21:28

Gaah... im sorry for this other isntant reply, but its because i'm used to forums where I can edit my replies and posts, so I always forget something...

To the point:

If you had enough patience to read until, Mai told Tomoya her name, i'm already grateful to you, but if possible, could you also tell me where I need to improve? If the history so far is lacking something?

Oh, also, English isnt my native language, so I'm sorry for grammar mistakes.

Response to A Visual Novel being worked on 2011-02-01 16:32:17

When i release the Visual Novel here on NG, each girl will have her own chapter names, though if you try to get along well with 2 girls, you will also get a chapter for both of them, but obviously, you can't be the boyfriend of two girls, so it will lead you to a bad ending.

I was planning on only posting a resume of the history, but instead, i'll be posting some of the dialog that will be in the game, though its not the same w/o pictures and music.

Note: The following chapter, Tomoya didn't meet Nagisa.
Note 2 : I won't be posting anymore chapters about Mai, otherwise, i'd be only posting a spoiler text here.

Chapter 1 (Mai) -Secrets

April 18 Thursday- On the next day, at lunch break, Tomoya goes to Mai's classroom, but she had already left it, and asking someone from her class, he said she was heading to the club rooms building.

Going to the same room as yesterday, Tomoya finds Mai in there, and slipping in without making noise, he grabs a nearby chair and places it near her; he sits on it and begins to watch her.
From where Tomoya was, he could see that the book she was reading was some kind of Japanese literature, with kanjis he had never seen in his life.
After sometime, Mai finishes reading, and turns Tomoya's way as she gets up from her chair, and with a surprised face, she notices Tomoya.

Mai: Oh-

Tomoya smiles.

Mai: ... ... You really are a pervert, aren't you?

Tomoya: What?! No! I just think that it's somehow fun to watch you read. I didn't mean anything.

Mai: With a suspicious look, she stares at me for a while, and then asks me.

Mai: So, why are you here?

Tomoya: I had nothing to do during lunch break, so I came to pay you a visit.

Mai: And since this room is abandoned, you thought no one would see what you would do with me, right?

Tomoya: ... Why do you always say that?

Mai: Because I don't want to be friends with you or anyone else.

Tomoya: Eh? Why is that so?

Mai: That's... my problem...

Tomoya's Thoughts: There must be something wrong; I won't give up that easy.

Tomoya: Well, even if you don't consider me a friend of yours, I consider you a friend of mine, and if
you ever need any help, don't hesitate to come to ask me for help.

Mai: ...Do what you want.

Then, as she was leaving the room, she kneeled down, holding her weight with her hands on the
ground, I rushed over to see what had happened, she was breathing hard and was sweating.

Tomoya: Hey!! What happened?! Are you alright Mai?!

Mai: Agh...pant,pant... Bring me...pant... something to drink...pant... Please be fast...

Without asking anything, I rushed towards the cafeteria and bought the first juice can I had seen and
came back running as fast as I could.

When I was back, Mai was sitting on the corner of the room, with her back being supported by the
wall and her face was sweating. She had something in her hand, and as I opened the juice can, I
handed it over to her, she put what seemed like medicine in her mouth and drank the juice, feeling

Mai was still breathing hard when she started talking:

Mai: Thank you...pant...pant... very much.

She let out a sigh of relief.

Tomoya: What... What was that?

Mai: I am... ill, that happens from time to time... but it had never happened in school.

Tomoya: What kind of illness is it?

Mai: Don't worry; it isn't anything bad, though it looked like it was...

Tomoya: Can you tell me its name?

Mai: ... I don't know it. But the doctors said that it isn't something to worry about... It's some strange
disease that instantly makes me feel weak, out of strength even to support myself on my own legs.
That means, even if I don't take that medicine, I will be alright, I'll just take some more time to
recover if I don't.

Tomoya: Oh... I see.

Tomoya's Thoughts: Though she didn't seem like she was lying, I truly hope she really wasn't.

Mai: Can you help me get up?

Tomoya: Oh sure.

I lowered my hand, she took it and got up.

Tomoya: You better go to the bathroom...

Mai: Yeah.

Tomoya: Do you want me to accompany you?

Mai: It's gone already, don't worry about that.

Tomoya: I'll still follow you anyway.

Mai: ...Fine.