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My Canterbury Tale.

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My Canterbury Tale. 2011-01-30 00:52:58

I had an assignment at school where I had to write a story in the structure of "The Canterbury tales". Basically, our story had to have a lesson. This is what I came up with:

Tom and Jeff

By Timothy Adams

Jeff and Tom went out for a drink to celebrate their promotion at work. Jeff and Tom had been promoted to co-foremen of their sector at the box factory they worked at and had just received a large pay raise. "I don't know about this," said Jeff "I'm 12 months sober, that's longer than anyone in my AA class did!" "Calm down buddy" said Tom reassuringly, "I'm here to make sure you don't fall off the wagon again. We'll just have a few drinks and leave." Jeff was still unsure but followed Tom into the bar. "Two drinks please!" Said Tom to the bartender. The bartender poured two mugs of ale and passed one to Jeff. "Here's to good health!" said Tom as he raised his glass and clicked it to Jeff's and began to chug the alcoholic beverage. Jeff looked at his caramel colored reflection in the ale. Was he really going to do this? Give up his 12 months of perseverance and hard work. He slowly lifted the mug to his lips and let the bubbly liquid pour down his throat. He imminently felt the familiar buzz that the devils brew traditionally gave. He liked the feeling he got, as the world became a better place with the ale in his system. "You good bro?" Tom asked. "Yeah..." Jeff said slowly "Yeah, I feel great. How's about another round on me?" "Now your talking" Nodded Tom. They then proceeded to order two more drinks and once again guzzled them down, then two more, then two more and so on and so on. " I FFFForgot how good drinkin' feelths." Said Jeff after his 6th mug. "F**king AA groups trying to keep me from havings a good time." "Yeah, F**K THOOSE MOTHER F**KERTHHHHS!" Yom yelled at the top of his lungs. The bar suddenly got very quite as everyone looked up at the very loud Tom. "THE F**K YA'LL LOOKINN' AT?" Tom screamed at the crowd. They all looked away pretending to not notice the drunkard screaming at them. The bouncer grabbed Tom's shoulder. "You've had enough, I think you should leave." Tom contemplated following this wise piece of advice, when Jeff picked up his barstool and smashed it with all his force against the bouncer's back. He crumpled to the floor like the remains of the barstool. The bar filled with the sound of scared patrons. Tom snapped out of his daze. "Why the hell did you do that?!?" asked Tom looking the bouncer's unconscious body laying on the floor. Jeff tried to begin his explanation, but was intrupped by a waterfall of vomit jumping out of his stomach and out his mouth. "We have to get out of here!" Tom heard sirens in outside the bar door as he grabbed Jeff and pulled him out the back door. "Wheres are wes going? Asked Jeff, as he was dragged down the dark ally way. The next few seconds where all a blur to him until he seemingly woke up in the shotgun seat of a police cruiser being driven' by a frightened Tom. "What happened?" asked Jeff, confused and scared. "You," cried Tom "You're what happened!" Jeff was once again interrupted by a flow of puke that coated the inside of the windshield, blinding the speeding car. "AHH, CAN YOU NOT HOLD YOU LIQUOR?" Shrieked Tom as the car barreled over a curb, did a flip in the air, then scraped down the road until interrupted by a wall. Tom stumbled out of the car and watched the approaching police cars get closer and closer. "I can't go to jail, I've got warrants!" Tom tried to say to Jeff, but it was to late as the liquor had worked it's ungodly ways on Jeff who had died moments earlier of an over dose. Local law officers then arrested Tom, who was charged for his crimes and sentenced to 5 years in jail. During his time in jail, he was stabbed and killed by a inmate who had congested to much toilet wine.


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Response to My Canterbury Tale. 2011-01-30 07:48:42

After each character speaks, make a new line. This will make it easier for the reader. (Seriously its hard to read a giant block of text)

The cold marble floor of the supermarket steamed as the creatures 'blood' spilled from its body.
"What is it?" Cole asked, prodding the squishy gelatenous body.
"I'm not sure..." Charolette said, "Some sort of...thing."
"It's blood isn't blood its something else."

Response to My Canterbury Tale. 2011-01-30 09:38:13

At 1/30/11 07:48 AM, AROSOFTHEDESERT wrote: Tips:
After each character speaks, make a new line. This will make it easier for the reader. (Seriously its hard to read a giant block of text)

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind for the future.


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