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"One shot, two guns" A 1-hit story

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I was standing there, in the middle of a war. I didn't know what to do. I had just 1 9mm with just 1 bullet.

My true name is Max. My codename is Thor, because my characteristhic "attack" was smashing the enemies' heads with a heavy-duty hammer. I joined the army in August 12nd, 1994. Since then my life was pure adrenaline with Sub Machine Guns, Melee fights, Tanks. The army sent me to every single war they have ever had since I joined. They excuse was "you are a tremendous soldiers, and we are impressed on your fighting skills.". I hadn't got any excuse for missing the wars. In fact, I liked them...

Until November 31st, 2003. That war was the most bloody and terrible war that I've ever had in my life. I was in the frontline, so I was in risk of getting easily shot. Fortunately, I just received a shot in my left foot. However, the time went by, and my comrades were dying. The enemy lost the mayority of their soldiers too.

As I said, as the time went by, my comrades were dying. In the end, it was just me, a comrade of mine, and 2 enemy soldiers. My comrade asked me for bullets, since he hadn't got any.

I was standing there, in the middle of a war. I didn't know what to do. I had just 1 9mm with just 1 bullet.

I said "sorry buddy, I just have 1 bullet. Go hide, I'll get rid of these two.". He hid behind a little house (our army used it as a hospital). Then one of the enemies shot. It hit me in the leg. I wasn't able to walk. I shot one of them and hit him right in the head. The other one pointed at me. I threw him my empty 9mm. But that was useless. Then I remembered "MY HAMMER!". I shouted to my buddy to throw the hammer to me. I picked it, and quickly threw it to the soldier. It went right to his head and left him unconscious. I picked his gun, and it had 10 bullets.

I aimed to him and shot.

That was the final end of the war....
Or, at least, that is what I thought.

Just minutes later, I heard my buddy scream. An enemy soldier had shot him. I tried to run to there, but it was too late. My buddy was dead. Then I picked up my hammer and smashed the soldier till his death.

I was lonely in the battlefield. I couldn't get home because of my injury in the leg. i was destinated to die there, alone.

Response to "One shot, two guns" A 1-hit story 2011-01-30 07:54:53

A couple of things. In the sentence "Submachine guns, melee attacks, tanks." Theres no need for capitalization. All three of them are common place things, you would only make them capital if they were THE Submachine Gun etc. Secondly, you use the word war like its a single battle. "The bloodiest war i've ever been in". The correct term should (or could) be battle, fray, or skirmish. Thesarsuses are a great thing to have when writing. I suggest finding one in book form or using an online one, (If they exist)