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An End Brings A New Beginning

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An End Brings A New Beginning 2011-01-20 02:53:40

So tonight, I decided to dabble into writing a fictitious story. I actually have had this story in my head for a few weeks. I thought I should write it down. It isn't based off of anything. Just pure creation.

It's also a gay themed story, but I promise that it doesn't get nasty or anything. It's a bit of a long read, just to warn you. I also have this posted on my Tumblr account if you wish to share it with others. Here's the link to the Tumblr post.

I looked at him. Then he looked at me. At that moment, it was perfectly clear. There was a price we both had to pay for avoiding our attraction to each other. A price that we had already payed, but not in full. But finally, we had made it to the point where we were both able to acknowledge what we had done, and we put it behind us. But still, we were both going our own separate ways. This was our new fate. A new fate full of new destinies.

I didn't tear up. Looking down at the somewhat clean tile floor laid out around us, I looked up at him for what will probably be the last time for a very long time. "Thank you for everything." After hearing these words, he hesitated, and he wasn't sure if he understood. "For what?" He asked. "I'm alive because of you. I know who I am because of you." "I was wanting to say the same thing."

I then looked at the clock on the wall. "Jesus, look at the time. You're going to be late for your flight if you don't go now." "Yeah, I better get going." "So, I guess I'll see you soon?" I asked him jokingly. "We'll see each other someday," he told me. "But I will try to not be too long."

Then it hit me. This could be the last time I ever see him for quite a while. It could be years. Hell, it could even be a decade. A tear ran down my cheek. He embraced me. "I love you, best friend." "I love you too."

I then released him from my arms. "Bye...for now." He picked up his bags from the floor, and I hesitated a moment. "See ya." Then he smiled at me, turned around, and headed off to the corridor to security, and disappeared into a crowd of people.

I stood there for a few seconds, stunned in a somewhat emotional state. I kept hoping he would come back out of the crowd. But life isn't like that. I knew that now. I also didn't want him to do that. I wiped the right side of my face, took a deep breath, and then I turned around and walked away.

He then turned around and looked back once more, and saw me walking away. That's when it hit him. He put his head down for a moment, trying to fight the feelings, trying to hold it back. A security officer then called out. "Next in line." He then looked up, and saw it was his turn. He hesitated for a moment. A moment passed, and he arced his neck back up, acknowledged the security officer, and moved toward the checkpoint.

As I walked toward the exit, I saw a familiar figure entering the door, the light blocking out any distinguishing features. The familiar figure then saw me, and ran toward me and called out my name. I was confused. As I got closer, I recognized him, and I was taken by surprise. He stopped a few feet in front of me, and looked at me for a moment. "I thought you were leaving with him." "No. I was saying goodbye." Then he hesitated. "So you don't love him?" "Of course I love him. Just not romantically. Not anymore." A brief pause followed.


As he exited his flight, he came down past security to collect his luggage. There was his boyfriend. He still looked the same and everything. This kind of put a sour taste in his mouth. He began to fear that the months of rehab might have done nothing. But the fact was that he was there. He wouldn't have been there if the circumstances had been the same as they were months ago.

They exchanged words. An apology from his boyfriend being among them, and his acceptance, and an embrace. Him and his boyfriend walked out, and his boyfriend called out for a taxi. The taxi driver pulled up, and his boyfriend moved to the driver's side, and asked the driver to pop the trunk.

As he put his luggage in the car, he couldn't help but see his boyfriend having a very polite conversation with the female driver. It was a trait he had never seen before in his boyfriend. It was something his boyfriend would have never done months before. His boyfriend had changed, and he could tell. He closed the trunk, and his boyfriend looked up at him. He smiled at his boyfriend. His boyfriend smiled back. Things were going to be all right.


"I came here because...I just wanted to see you one last time," he said to me. "I just wanted to say goodbye." "I'm not going anywhere," I said. "I'm staying right here."

He paused for a few moments. "Do you know how I feel about you?" "Of course I know." I walked closer toward him, and waited a few seconds. "I just couldn't figure out how I felt in return, because I was confused." "Are you still confused?"

I then put my hand on his face. "No. I'm not confused anymore." We embraced, and I kissed him on the cheek. I could hear him quietly sobbing. "I'm sorry."

I then whispered into his ear. "You have nothing to be sorry for. We all do things so we can find out who we are. But now I'm sure who I am and what I want, and it's you." He smiled and let out a breath of relief. I then took his hand, and we walked toward the exit.

Things were going to be all right.

Mr. C (Since June 7th, 2001)

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Response to An End Brings A New Beginning 2011-01-20 16:38:23

This story has great potential, but there are a few problems here.

First, the conversations are tightly packed together in the paragraphs, so it was difficult to remember who said which line. I suggest you do some spacing in-between lines to show one person saying one line and the other person saying another line. It may take up more space, but it will be neater and clearer that way.

Second, I'm aware that the POV (point of view) changed in the middle of the story from the narrator to his boyfriend and back again. However, at some points in the story, it seems as if the narrator is not just speaking of what he is seeing, but of what his boyfriend is also seeing too. If I use literary terms, sometimes it's in first-person view and sometimes it's in third-person omniscient, which gets chaotic. In the future, try to stay focused on ONE view, so the narrator is experiencing the event happening or is witnessing/recounting what happened.

Don't give up! Just watch your grammer and the POVs and you will be okay.

Response to An End Brings A New Beginning 2011-02-02 03:45:44

I was kind of high when I wrote this.

I'll rewrite it when I take college English or some shit.

Mr. C (Since June 7th, 2001)

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