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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 22:10:57

At 10/29/11 10:02 PM, RampantMusik wrote: You mean like how Oblivion's map showed you the ENTIRE world - oh no! I can see that there's a lake there? BULLSHIT - I wanted to discover that shit for myself!

That map was vague. This is a 3D detailed map of the the whole world, and you can zoom in.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 22:22:05

No excuses this time, Bethesda.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 22:34:19

At 10/29/11 09:51 PM, Master120 wrote:
At 10/29/11 09:48 PM, RampantMusik wrote:
At 10/29/11 09:34 PM, Master120 wrote: Don't fall for the hype.
And you know all of this for a fact, because you've played the game a month before its release?
Yes, the demo at Quakecon.

Not everything is included in a demo. Because it's a demo.

[PSN/Steam- Airbourne238]

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 22:35:02

At 10/29/11 10:34 PM, POTaTOS wrote:
At 10/29/11 09:51 PM, Master120 wrote:
At 10/29/11 09:48 PM, RampantMusik wrote:
At 10/29/11 09:34 PM, Master120 wrote: Don't fall for the hype.
And you know all of this for a fact, because you've played the game a month before its release?
Yes, the demo at Quakecon.
Not everything is included in a demo. Because it's a demo.

You're right, so I'm scared to find out what else they managed to screw up.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 22:36:21

I'm sorry for the double post, but I really have to say this:

Valjylmyr, you know if something is bad in a previous game, then that doesn't justify it now. Correct?

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 23:30:59

Here's an analysis of the new footage that aired on G4TV. The guy mentions what certain creatures are and what certain areas are. I'm curious to know how he know what the cities are.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 23:36:13

At 10/29/11 11:30 PM, Jolly wrote: I'm curious to know how he know what the cities are.

Nevermind, he mentions near the end of the video that the leaked map showed the city flags on them, and he only knows which city if what based on the flags.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-29 23:38:07

At 10/29/11 10:36 PM, Master120 wrote: things

oh, I get it now! You're one of those fags who think TES died after Morrowind right? Who think consoles are "destroying games and the industry trying to cater to CoD fanboys" right?

I have Morrowind for Xbox I played it and let me tell you it is tedious as fuck with some pointless shit in it. Medium Armor? Useless. Spears? Useless. Throwing Weapons? Horrible. Crossbows? Pointless. Spells that were useless like being able to lock stuff and levitate. Why would I want to Lock anything. Who the fuck is going to be taking my shit but me? The only time I ever used it was to lock characters into doors by accident and then not have a high enough lock pick to bail them out. Morrowind enchanting weapons by myself made the game super easy. Want a really good weapon? Get a Grand Soul gem and with a high enchant, make a really deadly weapon to mow down anyone with.

What they did with Oblivion is assimilated all that useless crap into basic categories or took them out entirely. Having to get good at spears and Crossbows was pointless and time consuming. Save me the trouble of having a fuck ton of useless ass skills to level up just so I can do worth a damn in them. Greater variation isn't always a good thing. It makes the whole game cluttered and uncomfortable to all but the most hard core RPG player.

And that's what you think you are, a super hard core PC master race bullshitter who thinks they define what gaming is. Not everyone wants to sink hours and hours of grinding into an RPG, it would be nice if I level up at blade, I also level at Short AND Long blade. It would be nice if I couldn't find a bunch of medium armor on enemies when I'm only good at Heavy. That's what they did, they made Oblivion a much easier game to handle. At least it's not Fable dumbed down. But it's not exactly tedious anymore. So go fap to some Cliffhangers and get out.

Even as I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil. Semper Fidelis

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 03:49:24

At 10/29/11 09:34 PM, Master120 wrote: Don't fall for the hype.

Well I guess there is no point getting Skyrim now as it is shitty game and I won't enjoy it, thanks for making me steer clear. What the hell was wrong with me for actually liking Skyrim!


Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 05:01:03

At 10/29/11 10:35 PM, Master120 wrote: >Skyrim will be shit

Most of your complaints really can be leveled at Oblivion as well. Hell, some of the shit you mentioned wasn't even in Morrowind anymore, like wearing clothes under armor, right (correct me if I'm wrong)? I know that doesn't make it better, but now is just an odd time to bring up those complaints.

As for quests, the achievement list for Skyrim indicates that there might be some light choices and consequences. A lot of them are "Do X or Y". And they're supposedly keeping the whole Radiant Story shit to a minimum, though I agree that it is stupid. So, I dunno, questing might be improved from Oblivion, especially if the Fallout 3 sidequests are anything to go by (the writing was shit, but they did have a lot of choices, skill checks etc.).

I hate to say it and lose PC elitist cred, but dungeons were better in Oblivion than in Morrowind, and they're looking to improve again in Skyrim, with more puzzles, traps and more varied art design and environments. The Morrowind dungeons were tiny and boring most of the time: they had like 2 big rooms connected by 2 paths. Oblivion improved it by making the dungeons bigger and having more rooms and tunnels and whatnot.

And finally, this is just personal preference, but I like classless systems a lot more. Choosing your class seems really arbitrary and limits gameplay possibilities quite a bit. I love my favourite RPGs, Fallout 1 and Arcanum, because the classless, skill-based system allows for such freeform gameplay (note: I'm not implying Skyrim will be on par with Fallout and Arcanum). Plus, didn't everyone just make their own classes in TES games? So I don't see how taking them away has changed much.

As for the rest of your points, I either agree or just don't feel like refuting them because they're not that important, imo (like the armor slots).

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 06:06:59

The game looks bloody gorejess, i love how more clearly defined the characters are from the last game.
But think i speak for many when i say, that what we fear the most is a reappearance of the great enemy of action RPGs.


\/ An awesome in game pic to be sure, but just how much of the action will we be allowed to participate in?
and will we be able to to engage it this epic fight our own terms? fishysticks be with us...

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Official Newgrounds Flamewar Adversary System: Stay safe, stay informed!

Xbox live has stolen 33,723 pieces of my soul, GamerTag: RipTideRex

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 06:43:24

Taking on a dragon with that tiny axe should be an achievement.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 06:59:15

At 10/30/11 06:53 AM, Dapper wrote: If I didn't like Fallout 3 and found it way too vast and too packed with stuff to do, should I still get Skyrim?

If you don't like having unending amounts of things to do in a massive landscape (don't really know how to comprehend that), then this probably isn't then game for you.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 08:56:51

lets start this

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 08:57:59

where are we going? No place good.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 08:59:01

y u want to execute me?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 09:01:26

Oh look, we have a visitor...wait....FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 09:07:59

Saw a vid of the intro sequence. Looks quite bad, and drags on just like Oblivion and Fallout 3 did.


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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 11:12:41

I am disappointed in everyone who says they are disappointed.

Skyrim will be amazing.

Shut the fuck up.

You're all complaining about the smallest, most insignificant shit. "Boo hoo, no mounted combat, no classes, they removed some of the more shitty skills" Seriously? Everything they changed is, in my opinion, for the better. Everybody chill.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 11:24:37

At 10/30/11 11:12 AM, hitman1993 wrote: I am disappointed in everyone who says they are disappointed.

Skyrim will be amazing.

Shut the fuck up.

No need for the hostility. It's just that there are some things that sound like they're going to do nothing but hinder the game, like the removal of attributes. I don't want all of my characters to play exactly the same, just with different weapons.

And some of the things they're doing are just pointless. There are perks and weapons that improve the damage of your fists, so why not keep the Hand to Hand skill in? They finally made that skill practical and then they just threw it out.

I've also heard that there's regenerating health. Even if it's as slow as I've heard it is, regen health has no place in an RPG.

It'll hopefully be good, sure, but I really don't like the sound of some of the stuff they've done.

It ain't easy being cheesey.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 11:26:00

At 10/30/11 11:12 AM, hitman1993 wrote: I am disappointed in everyone who says they are disappointed.

Skyrim will be amazing.

Shut the fuck up.

Yes, Sir.

Sorry, Sir.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 11:30:58

Oh shit, they really removed ALL the attributes? *googles* Yup, they did. Okay, THIS is the only thing I'm complaining about.

Honestly though, it really does seem like they're removing a lot of the in depth customization. It feels like I could play half the game as a warrior and then turn him into a mage without any trouble in Skyrim. I don't want that. Still has to be amazing, damn it.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 11:31:40

I thought the leaked video was.....wait for it.........wait for it.........FUCKING AMAZING!!!

I mean if that is how it looks like with the quality downgraded due to the compression then it must looks even more amazing!!

Also the long start I loved. Some didn't like it, but fuck if they don't like it. I loved it.

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 11:46:44

At 10/30/11 11:31 AM, frigi wrote: I thought the leaked video was.....wait for it.........wait for it.........FUCKING AMAZING!!!

I mean if that is how it looks like with the quality downgraded due to the compression then it must looks even more amazing!!

Also the long start I loved. Some didn't like it, but fuck if they don't like it. I loved it.

My problem with is that it gets annoying on repeat playthroughs, especially in Fallout 3. Also, the character creation could've easily been done in the first part of the intro section. The sequence is simply too long, especially considering that it doesn't serve the purpose of you making sure if you made yor character right (in Oblivion and F3 you can change your stats before exiting the first dungeon; no need for that in Skyrim).

And what is it with the praise for the graphics? It looks nice, sure, but it really is nothing incredible. And animation hasn't improved much from Oblivion/F3. Voice acting is as bad as ever as well. You wanna see a pretty RPG? Go play Risen and The Witcher 2.

Skyrim beginning spoilers below

My biggest complaint is the difficulty. In the video, when an Imperial Legion soldier hits the player, it takes away like 5-15% of the player's health, whereas the player can kill said soldier in like 4 hits. At level 1. With the shittiest equipment in the game. Also, I laughed when the NPC said you should try to avoid the bear because fighting it would be dangerous, and the bear was killed in 2 hits. It's just incredibly unbalanced.

Inb4 'just play on a higher difficulty level'. You and I both know it won't be balanced to have you be as fragile, if not moreso, than the enemies. Instead, there will simply be insane HP bloat for enemies.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 12:04:06

At 10/30/11 11:46 AM, idiot-monarch wrote: stuff

Well it seems like a lot about it bothers you. Sucks that you didn't like it. Me, I am very easy going and easily impressed, which is probably why I live a pretty happy life.


Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 13:46:48

At 10/30/11 01:46 PM, Cootie wrote: Where is the video of the intro that you people seem to be talking about? I am confused.

Why bother at this point? 12 days my brothers.

" Let the metal flow " - Chuck Schuldiner

GUITARISTS Awesome sig by Tateos.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 13:50:15

At 10/30/11 01:46 PM, Cootie wrote: Where is the video of the intro that you people seem to be talking about? I am confused.

It keeps being taken down and then re-uploaded on Youtube by various users. I'd share a link, but the videos I saw have been taken down.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 13:55:27

I laughed my ass off at the last couple of pages to this thread.

A man once described hell as a place where there is no reason. Thank you, Feminists, for dragging me into hell.

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Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 15:15:27

At 10/29/11 10:22 PM, Master120 wrote: No excuses this time, Bethesda.

So technically you're reffering to the fact that morrowind has more variation in gameplay?

Response to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2011-10-30 15:26:45

Guys, stop responding to that /v/ maggot Master120. He shouldn't have even been responded to considering he made an effortless copypasta in this thread.