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The real Legend of Zelda

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The real Legend of Zelda 2010-12-02 16:58:53

I wanna know if the chapter 4 of the real legend of zelda is online, and where i can see it, thanks

Response to The real Legend of Zelda 2010-12-02 17:28:32

Probably not, or otherwise Granfaloon would've most likely uploaded it already.

Apparently he stated on the 6th of July this year that The Real Legend 4 is about 25% finished. His latest news blog also mentions that he might have more time to work on animations from then on (the 5th of July).

Hard to say when it will be finished. You could try to send him a message and hope for a reply.

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Response to The real Legend of Zelda 2010-12-02 18:02:46

how i can send him a messages, where i can find him??

Response to The real Legend of Zelda 2010-12-02 19:39:15

At 12/2/10 06:02 PM, dark87angel wrote: how i can send him a messages, where i can find him??

Go to his account and click the "Send a Private Message (PM)" link on his userpage.

He probably gets a lot of these though, so don't expect a quick reply or a reply at all.

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