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So... what do I do? 2010-11-30 20:39:03

If I see a submission in the flash portal that I want to blow my whistle on, the reason being that it is spam, what link do I click? Stolen, malicious, or unsuitable?
I think one of the links should have "spam" as an example of a reason you should click the link (along with the other reasons like rascist or harcore porn slideshow)

"lol what the fuck that's the best grammar nazi I've ever seen"-Sause, referring to me

"learn to suck some good dick. itll come in handy." -Luis on living in San Francisco

Response to So... what do I do? 2010-11-30 20:45:45

Well, I would read the FAQ and go to the Whistle Status, or Review Guidelines part. If you're still not sure, try looking around the FAQ or around Newgrounds to find an answer. But your best bet is still the FAQ.

Response to So... what do I do? 2010-11-30 20:46:00

You don't whistle spam. In fact, spam is an option for people to label their flash submissions and there is a day called Clock Day where people submit 100s and 100s of spam submissions and they all pass with good scores.

The thing with spam is that some is funny and some is stupid. Just ignore the stupid ones since they'll probably never be seen ever again. It's not hurting anyone if you don't give it the attention.