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Alex Jones Debunked

9,269 Views | 56 Replies

Alex Jones Debunked 2010-10-28 16:27:38

These days, it seems conspiracy nuts are everywhere.

You know they're stupid. You know they're paranoid. But you can't specifically debunk them, right? You haven't learned enough about their claims to debunk them? So, they say you're oblivious. They say you're a sheep.

Well, I have come across some excellent videos debunking conspiracy retard Alex Jones.

Whenever conspiracy people come to you, show them these videos:

26 Alex Jones Lies - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMLwyUhRj 1s

Alex Jones Censorship Exposed - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV55ttSca zE

31 Jones and Icke Lies - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_z1DSD5x mg

Alex Jones' Lies - All 17 of Them! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAVBhmtU4 Tk

Money grabbing assholes - Alex Jones and David Icke - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnz7sZGES KM

Alex Jones Predicts Staged Terror Attack in October-November 2010 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHggwnUOH jA

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-10-28 16:40:54

everyone knows alex jones and David icke are frauds.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-10-28 16:50:02

I wish everyone did know. But if you search the BBS, you'll see some people who are brainwashed, some who just don't know how to argue their way out of it, and some who say, "oh, that sounds interesting".

Most cannot see Jones as a liar who runs a conspiracy business.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-10-28 17:41:52

At 10/28/10 04:50 PM, Anti-Oblivious wrote: I wish everyone did know. But if you search the BBS, you'll see some people who are brainwashed, some who just don't know how to argue their way out of it, and some who say, "oh, that sounds interesting".

Most cannot see Jones as a liar who runs a conspiracy business.

The problem with Alex Jones, is that he mixes facts with speculation...
So while he does tell the truth sometimes, he also passes of far fetch theories as fact as well.

And people believe him without doing proper research, or looking up his references...

Watch Shark Black HERE Watch CoolJaw HERE

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-10-28 19:40:03

At 10/28/10 05:41 PM, Celx-Requin wrote:
At 10/28/10 04:50 PM, Anti-Oblivious wrote: I wish everyone did know. But if you search the BBS, you'll see some people who are brainwashed, some who just don't know how to argue their way out of it, and some who say, "oh, that sounds interesting".

Most cannot see Jones as a liar who runs a conspiracy business.
The problem with Alex Jones, is that he mixes facts with speculation...
So while he does tell the truth sometimes, he also passes of far fetch theories as fact as well.

:And people believe him without doing proper research, or looking up his references...

Yeah, that last line pretty much covers everything.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-10-28 20:03:34

At 10/28/10 04:40 PM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: everyone knows alex jones and David icke are frauds.

I'd be careful if I was you, David Icke's n-


Alex Jones Debunked

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-10-28 20:26:50

Sorry to double post, but I think people like David Icke are payed to say stupid shit - Icke is the cultural source, wether we recognize it or not, of our "Oh crazy conspiracy theorist" attitude. He touches on globalism, about EMF and chemitrails and chemical interference with the body - he then adds some crazy shit about gigantic wealthy Jew Lizards running the planet. It's like watching an athlete jump a hurdle and see his legs fall off. It's surreal - he had a perfectly sucessful life as a sports presenter on tv and then he flips the lid and hasn't come down since.

It's in the same way that people now associate Feminism with bra-burning and misandric spinsters because of the outspoken nature of some people like Valerie Solanas. Except no one paid that crazy bitch to do shit, although she did nearly kill Andy Warhol.

But then there are people like Alex Jones who are simply just making a living on saying things they probably don't beleive themselves - it's just entertainment, folks. It's as close to fantasy merging with real life you can find for adults. Just, don't feel obliged to debunk em all. It's not bad to have these discourses open.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-01 05:15:23

One of my favorite documentaries is Zeitgeist. It breaks down the flaws of Christianity, the flaws in what the 9/11 commission said, then pieces it all together to show how Americans are propagated and controlled by the government. Granted, it's to be taken with a grain of salt, but it definitely made me think, which not a lot of films do.

A couple years after, a friend of mine referred me to a documentary called "The Obama Deception." He said it pretty much picked up where Zeitgeist left off. I was intrigued and checked it out. It literally added nothing new the Zeitgeist perspective of America. "The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express." That is a direct quote taken from the movie Zeitgeist. Everything else was just basketball players and celebrities high as fuck talking about "It's the corporations man."

The only new footage or idea that was brought up was in a clusterfuck of film that was the hotel scene. They filmed a fire alarm going off, and they took some pictures of some cars driving into the hotel. With this overwhelming evidence, they claimed that at the hotel there was a meeting between the Bilderburg Group, (meanwhile, at the legion of dooooom!), an elitist group of men who control all aspects of government and shrewdly take away our freedoms and happiness because fuck it, and that the fire alarm was "an obvious attempt to drive us (Alex Jones and his other no-name colleagues) out."

Then there's the advertisements every 10 seconds when you watch the movie on youtube. Buy the HD DVD and spread the word of the Obama Deception today! Or we could show them the video on youtube which is far more conveniant, fuckbag. It's a weak ass attempt at making money by this Alex Jones fellow, and anyone with half a brain can see it. He's a douche sandwich.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-02 01:06:05

The troublesome thing is the number of Canadians who believe in him and Icke. Icke is also fucking racist towards lizard people.


Fuck Ayn Rand

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-05 23:03:55

Come on now, when these nuts post about aliens, and mutant cities under airports and such you KNOW they're fake.

At 4/22/09 12:38 AM, MultiCanimefan wrote: Raped by hongkong. NEXT.

Yeah, that was one champion of a post, wasn't it? -Zerok

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-06 03:44:32

At 11/2/10 01:00 AM, RightWingGamer wrote: We already have a thread like this. Why not use it?

Have you ever read the rule about "backseat modding"? Why not take a couple moments and read it again? The mods will decide what threads we need and don't need thank you muchly :)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-09 18:11:01

Haters gonna hate.

Alex Jones is a reliable source, he may not be 100% right about issues but he does give very good boil downs. This is why you do your own research instead of totally discrediting Alex Jones.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-09 22:37:03

At 11/9/10 10:13 PM, RightWingGamer wrote:
At 11/9/10 06:11 PM, fuSEEk wrote: Haters gonna hate.

Alex Jones is a reliable source, he may not be 100% right about issues but he does give very good boil downs. This is why you do your own research instead of totally discrediting Alex Jones.
The research is what discredits Alex Jones. Nothing he ever says has any sort of merit or backing.

Even though he cites his sources? You don't have to agree with his interpretation but he isn't just spewing out a bunch of bullshit all the time.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-09 22:50:10

At 11/9/10 10:46 PM, RightWingGamer wrote: THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOING! So what if he cites his sources. That doesn't automatically mean his sources are valid! I could find a source that says the Earth is flat, that doesn't make it true.

He cites mainstream sources, I guess you haven't really looked into Alex Jones much.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-09 23:10:48

At 11/9/10 10:50 PM, fuSEEk wrote:
At 11/9/10 10:46 PM, RightWingGamer wrote: THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOING! So what if he cites his sources. That doesn't automatically mean his sources are valid! I could find a source that says the Earth is flat, that doesn't make it true.
He cites mainstream sources, I guess you haven't really looked into Alex Jones much.

Last I heard, that guy was pro lizard people, "vaccines are mind control drugs" and 9/11 termite demolition.
If you don't know that about him, maybe you should look into Alex Jones yourself.... : O

Or maybe you do agree that George Bush is a Lizard man.

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-09 23:26:15

At 11/9/10 11:10 PM, poxpower wrote:
At 11/9/10 10:50 PM, fuSEEk wrote:
At 11/9/10 10:46 PM, RightWingGamer wrote: THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOING! So what if he cites his sources. That doesn't automatically mean his sources are valid! I could find a source that says the Earth is flat, that doesn't make it true.
He cites mainstream sources, I guess you haven't really looked into Alex Jones much.
Last I heard, that guy was pro lizard people, "vaccines are mind control drugs" and 9/11 termite demolition.
If you don't know that about him, maybe you should look into Alex Jones yourself.... : O

Or maybe you do agree that George Bush is a Lizard man.

Well you're wrong about the pro lizard people thing. Vaccines are known to have all sorts of nasty things in them such as mercury, never heard him state that they were mind control drugs. 9/11 termite demolition? You mean nano-thermite? That exothermic substance found in nano-particles at ground zero?

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-09 23:51:58

At 11/9/10 11:39 PM, RightWingGamer wrote:
At 11/9/10 11:26 PM, fuSEEk wrote: Well you're wrong about the pro lizard people thing. Vaccines are known to have all sorts of nasty things in them such as mercury,
Yes, but soooooooooo little that only a retard would think it can hurt you

Yep, retards think a 10-fold increase in convulsions in children and almost immediate deaths occurring can hurt you.

never heard him state that they were mind control drugs.
Never heard him say they weren't, either.

9/11 termite demolition? You mean nano-thermite? That exothermic substance found in nano-particles at ground zero?
They didn't find thermite, they found the individual components that MAKE thermite, which are all common materials used in making these buildings.

Yes yes, you're correct. That doesn't explain the collapse of WTC 7 or the free-fall speeds, though.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-09 23:58:58

Wait, I need to correct myself. They did actually find thermite, but the researchers can only speculate whether this thermite was used for melting steel bars or demolition.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 00:22:28

At 11/10/10 12:04 AM, RightWingGamer wrote:
At 11/9/10 11:51 PM, fuSEEk wrote:
At 11/9/10 11:39 PM, RightWingGamer wrote:
At 11/9/10 11:26 PM, fuSEEk wrote: Well you're wrong about the pro lizard people thing. Vaccines are known to have all sorts of nasty things in them such as mercury,
Yes, but soooooooooo little that only a retard would think it can hurt you
Yep, retards think a 10-fold increase in convulsions in children and almost immediate deaths occurring can hurt you.
Has that ever happened (because of a vaccine)? EVER?

Well shit son, watch the news once in a while or try googling.

9/11 termite demolition? You mean nano-thermite? That exothermic substance found in nano-particles at ground zero?
They didn't find thermite, they found the individual components that MAKE thermite, which are all common materials used in making these buildings.
Yes yes, you're correct. That doesn't explain the collapse of WTC 7
The speed of the planes, the jet fuel, the full story is all in the NIST report.

or the free-fall speeds, though.
When the plane demolished the supports that held the upper part of the tower in place, gravity turned it into a piledriver, destroying everything beneath it in an instant.

Even though the buildings were designed to be resistant to this particular incident occurring and similar events haven't resulted in the building collapsing in its own footprint? What about the molten steel found at the base of the towers? There's so many holes in the NIST report, they don't even mention WTC 7.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 00:37:25

At 11/9/10 11:58 PM, fuSEEk wrote: Wait, I need to correct myself. They did actually find thermite, but the researchers can only speculate whether this thermite was used for melting steel bars or demolition.

Look, dude, the OVERWHELMING majority of medical experts, studies and experiments carried out around vaccination show that they are safe and effective.
If Alex Jones is right, millions of doctors are wrong. Thousands of papers are fabrications and lies. Thousands of reports and statistics that show that vaccines have eradicated all sorts of diseases are complete lies.

If Alex Jones is right, there's a giant worldwide conspiracy from the medical establishment in every single country on earth and every medical institution to cover-up the "fact" that vaccines are super nefarious and a scam.

Now what's more likely? That Alex Jones, a man with no credentials, no integrity and no authority or expertise on anything is right, or that millions of the world's smartest and most educated people are right on vaccines?

That's just on the face of it, without delving into any of the massive endless piles of evidence.

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 01:32:10

At 11/10/10 12:37 AM, poxpower wrote: Look, dude, the OVERWHELMING majority of medical experts, studies and experiments carried out around vaccination show that they are safe and effective.
If Alex Jones is right, millions of doctors are wrong. Thousands of papers are fabrications and lies. Thousands of reports and statistics that show that vaccines have eradicated all sorts of diseases are complete lies.

Kathleen Sebelius, so-called "Secretary of 'Health and Human Services", has given the "vaccine" manufacturers a free ride on vaccine safety, no independent studies are conducted and they can not be held accountable for any side effects or even death occurring, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

If Alex Jones is right, there's a giant worldwide conspiracy from the medical establishment in every single country on earth and every medical institution to cover-up the "fact" that vaccines are super nefarious and a scam.

Not every country accepts vaccines due to safety concerns.

Now what's more likely? That Alex Jones, a man with no credentials, no integrity and no authority or expertise on anything is right, or that millions of the world's smartest and most educated people are right on vaccines?

Weighing up the evidence, I'd say there's some sort of government cover-up is going on.

That's just on the face of it, without delving into any of the massive endless piles of evidence.


Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 01:49:40

At 11/10/10 01:32 AM, fuSEEk wrote:
Kathleen Sebelius, so-called "Secretary of 'Health and Human Services", has given the "vaccine" manufacturers a free ride on vaccine safety, no independent studies are conducted and they can not be held accountable for any side effects or even death occurring, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Good thing that's a lie.
But feel free to give me a source on that.

Vaccines are tested and have to be approved before widespread usage. Of course, again, you're assuming that every country on the face of the earth who's been using vaccines for the last 100+ years is just "covering it up" and fast-tracking them so the public can be POISONED MWAHAHAH.

Then you also have to ignore all those reports about smallpox, rabies, tetanus, mumps, whooping cought, rubella and so on being almost eradicated only in areas where the vaccinations occur and then also suddenly cropping up again, even in first world countries, when vaccinations stop.


And of course you also have to assume that the millions of doctors on this planet are all brainwashed and none of them dare speak up except for one or two from time to time. But 99.999% of them are just fools!

And not only that but this applies to veterinarians too who somehow haven't noticed that their vaccines are killing all those cats and dogs and just destroying the farming industry.

Anyway, here's how conspiracy theorists argue:

1. Assume a conclusion
2. Look everywhere you can for anything suspicious / unexplained or any crime / unethical behavior that could prove your conclusion.
3. Pretend whatever tiny insignificant and ambiguous thing you have found applies to everyone who disagrees with you.
4. When too much evidence is piled up against you, claim that there's a "cover up" or that it's "lies". That way you can pretend like their evidence is just all lies so you don't have to look at it and you can also pretend like you're ON THE VERGE!!!!111 of uncovering a massive amount of evidence that you just can't get to right now because IT'S BEING COVERED UP!!

In the case of vaccines?
They scour medical journals to see if they can't find any studies that show a negative effect of vaccines, they look through the news for any accident resulting from vaccination and they crack open their rollodex of experts to see if they can't find one or two out of the millions who agree with them.

But they just ignore 99.9% of the data that clearly shows they're wrong and instead latch onto that 0.1% of inconclusive stuff that they spin into some kind of grand revelation.


If Alex Jones is right, there's a giant worldwide conspiracy from the medical establishment in every single country on earth and every medical institution to cover-up the "fact" that vaccines are super nefarious and a scam.
Not every country accepts vaccines due to safety concerns.

Name one.
I can't think of any country that's against vaccination of its people.

All you have is certain vaccines being rejecting in certain instances by certain countries. I don't know where the "no vaccination" country is, and it surely would be a shitty country to live in.

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 02:17:31

Doesn't anyone remember the incident when AJ scared millions of people (according to Bill Cooper) because he falsely claimed that the Russians were preparing to launch nuclear weapons against the USA because of Y2K, an event when for the first time ever, the majority of human beings suddenly became stupider than machines? He's a cowardly bullshit artist.


Fuck Ayn Rand

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 07:26:50

At 11/10/10 01:49 AM, poxpower wrote:
At 11/10/10 01:32 AM, fuSEEk wrote:
Kathleen Sebelius, so-called "Secretary of 'Health and Human Services", has given the "vaccine" manufacturers a free ride on vaccine safety, no independent studies are conducted and they can not be held accountable for any side effects or even death occurring, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Good thing that's a lie.
But feel free to give me a source on that.

:P Heard it somewhere. She definitely pushed untested H1N1 vaccines for the swine flu hoax crowd.

Vaccines are tested and have to be approved before widespread usage. Of course, again, you're assuming that every country on the face of the earth who's been using vaccines for the last 100+ years is just "covering it up" and fast-tracking them so the public can be POISONED MWAHAHAH.

My point exactly. They inject a healthy individual with the same live virus, GMO junk, mercury and formaldehyde in order to prevent the virus from occurring. You don't have a problem with that? The only motherfuckers that catch the virus are those with weak immune systems. All vaccines do is lower the immune system with garbage while preventing the live virus from causing disease, even though vaccinations have still resulted in disease.

Then you also have to ignore all those reports about smallpox, rabies, tetanus, mumps, whooping cought, rubella and so on being almost eradicated only in areas where the vaccinations occur and then also suddenly cropping up again, even in first world countries, when vaccinations stop.


Technological advances, improvements in hygiene and nutrition. Vaccines are no longer necessary, they're soft kill agents now.

And of course you also have to assume that the millions of doctors on this planet are all brainwashed and none of them dare speak up except for one or two from time to time. But 99.999% of them are just fools!

They're asleep or in denial.

Anyway, here's how conspiracy theorists argue:

1. Assume a conclusion
2. Look everywhere you can for anything suspicious / unexplained or any crime / unethical behavior that could prove your conclusion.
3. Pretend whatever tiny insignificant and ambiguous thing you have found applies to everyone who disagrees with you.
4. When too much evidence is piled up against you, claim that there's a "cover up" or that it's "lies". That way you can pretend like their evidence is just all lies so you don't have to look at it and you can also pretend like you're ON THE VERGE!!!!111 of uncovering a massive amount of evidence that you just can't get to right now because IT'S BEING COVERED UP!!!

Nope, a conclusion is never reached because it's covered up so we can only speculate on the evidence.

In the case of vaccines?
They scour medical journals to see if they can't find any studies that show a negative effect of vaccines, they look through the news for any accident resulting from vaccination and they crack open their rollodex of experts to see if they can't find one or two out of the millions who agree with them.

Nope, it's not necessary to do this.

But they just ignore 99.9% of the data that clearly shows they're wrong and instead latch onto that 0.1% of inconclusive stuff that they spin into some kind of grand revelation.

Prove it.


If Alex Jones is right, there's a giant worldwide conspiracy from the medical establishment in every single country on earth and every medical institution to cover-up the "fact" that vaccines are super nefarious and a scam.
Not every country accepts vaccines due to safety concerns.
Name one.
I can't think of any country that's against vaccination of its people.

All you have is certain vaccines being rejecting in certain instances by certain countries. I don't know where the "no vaccination" country is, and it surely would be a shitty country to live in.

Well, if it were a hygienic and high-tech society, it would be a lovely place to live.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 08:43:36

At 11/10/10 07:26 AM, fuSEEk wrote:
P Heard it somewhere. She definitely pushed untested H1N1 vaccines for the swine flu hoax crowd.

Wow see how much you already shrank your claim? If I hadn't challenged you on this at all, you'd still go around saying how she let vaccine manufacturers get a free pass on whatever they make.

And no one let the swine flue go anywhere untested as far as I've heard. Where are Alex Jones' sources on this?

My point exactly. They inject a healthy individual with the same live virus, GMO junk, mercury and formaldehyde in order to prevent the virus from occurring. You don't have a problem with that?

No, because I"m not a dumbass.
But if you're afraid of Mercury, I hope to God you're never going to eat a tuna sandwich again because that has something like 50 times the dose of mercury found in the worse vaccine you can get.
People who say "we shouldn't get any XXX in us" don't understand the concept of toxicity levels. There is an amount bellow which it wont' do anything.

The only motherfuckers that catch the virus are those with weak immune systems. All vaccines do is lower the immune system with garbage while preventing the live virus from causing disease, even though vaccinations have still resulted in disease.

They don't vaccinate people with already weak immune systems or that have known allergic reactions to vaccines. In fact, those people rely on YOU to be vaccinated so that you don't pass on the disease to them. That's called "herd immunity". Some people are naturally at risk and weaker and a disease like the swine flu ( or the regular flue ) can be fatal to them.
But not to you. You'll just get it, carry it around and pass it on to X number of people until it reaches a person who's vulnerable and they get into trouble.

Technological advances, improvements in hygiene and nutrition. Vaccines are no longer necessary, they're soft kill agents now.

That's bunk, as the recent "anti-vaccine" scare has BROUGHT BACK diseases that were eradicated. In the USA. If your claim was true, you'd expect no change in the rate of disease for mumbs, measles and rubella once fewer people get vaccinated.
But lo and behold, that's not what happened.

They're asleep or in denial.

Or maybe you're just misinformed.

Nope, a conclusion is never reached because it's covered up so we can only speculate on the evidence.

You're lying, you've already made up your mind about vaccination thinking it's bad when the OVERWHELMING majority of evidence says you're wrong.

Why is that? Oh yeah, because of what you keep claiming, that the doctors are "in denial" and there's a "cover up".

You're following the pattern I layed down exactly : O

But they just ignore 99.9% of the data that clearly shows they're wrong and instead latch onto that 0.1% of inconclusive stuff that they spin into some kind of grand revelation.
Prove it.

Prove what? That vaccination works?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_eradi cation
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallpox#Er adication
http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=2 040

and so on and so forth for thousands of pages

Well, if it were a hygienic and high-tech society, it would be a lovely place to live.

Right so your claim that there's countries who "reject vaccines" was just.. what?
A lie?


Now what? Are you going to admit to it?

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 10:28:34

At 11/10/10 08:43 AM, poxpower wrote:
At 11/10/10 07:26 AM, fuSEEk wrote:
P Heard it somewhere. She definitely pushed untested H1N1 vaccines for the swine flu hoax crowd.
Wow see how much you already shrank your claim? If I hadn't challenged you on this at all, you'd still go around saying how she let vaccine manufacturers get a free pass on whatever they make.

No I'm not shrinking my claim, I just cannot provide you with any sources with these backroom dealings.

And no one let the swine flue go anywhere untested as far as I've heard. Where are Alex Jones' sources on this?

My point exactly. They inject a healthy individual with the same live virus, GMO junk, mercury and formaldehyde in order to prevent the virus from occurring. You don't have a problem with that?
No, because I"m not a dumbass.
But if you're afraid of Mercury, I hope to God you're never going to eat a tuna sandwich again because that has something like 50 times the dose of mercury found in the worse vaccine you can get.

Well it doesn't exactly get injected directly into your bloodstream bypassing defences.

People who say "we shouldn't get any XXX in us" don't understand the concept of toxicity levels. There is an amount bellow which it wont' do anything.

Ingested toxicity levels vs injected toxicity levels?

The only motherfuckers that catch the virus are those with weak immune systems. All vaccines do is lower the immune system with garbage while preventing the live virus from causing disease, even though vaccinations have still resulted in disease.
They don't vaccinate people with already weak immune systems or that have known allergic reactions to vaccines. In fact, those people rely on YOU to be vaccinated so that you don't pass on the disease to them. That's called "herd immunity". Some people are naturally at risk and weaker and a disease like the swine flu ( or the regular flue ) can be fatal to them.
But not to you. You'll just get it, carry it around and pass it on to X number of people until it reaches a person who's vulnerable and they get into trouble.

No no, I'm avoiding Alzheimer's, autism, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, disability, retardation and death.

Technological advances, improvements in hygiene and nutrition. Vaccines are no longer necessary, they're soft kill agents now.
That's bunk, as the recent "anti-vaccine" scare has BROUGHT BACK diseases that were eradicated. In the USA. If your claim was true, you'd expect no change in the rate of disease for mumbs, measles and rubella once fewer people get vaccinated.
But lo and behold, that's not what happened.

Yeah man, thank McDonald's for that one. Those diseases were on the rise again even before the anti-vaccine scare.

They're asleep or in denial.
Or maybe you're just misinformed.

Nope, a conclusion is never reached because it's covered up so we can only speculate on the evidence.
You're lying, you've already made up your mind about vaccination thinking it's bad when the OVERWHELMING majority of evidence says you're wrong.

I'm still speculating on whether they're going to they're just going to say fuck it and inject their brain controlling nanochips into everyone, or they've already done this.

Why is that? Oh yeah, because of what you keep claiming, that the doctors are "in denial" and there's a "cover up".

You're following the pattern I layed down exactly : O

You're in denial.

But they just ignore 99.9% of the data that clearly shows they're wrong and instead latch onto that 0.1% of inconclusive stuff that they spin into some kind of grand revelation.
Prove it.
Prove what? That vaccination works?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_eradi cation
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallpox#Er adication
http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=2 040

and so on and so forth for thousands of pages

That's the result of the developments of a hygienic and high-tech society.

Well, if it were a hygienic and high-tech society, it would be a lovely place to live.
Right so your claim that there's countries who "reject vaccines" was just.. what?
A lie?


Now what? Are you going to admit to it?

No, I was meant to say, not every country excepts every vaccine because obviously the UN wouldn't want to compromise its soft kill program.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 11:46:38

At 11/10/10 10:28 AM, fuSEEk wrote:
No I'm not shrinking my claim, I just cannot provide you with any sources with these backroom dealings.

But I thought Alex Jones based his claims on REAL SOURCES from THE MAINSTREAM!!

Well it doesn't exactly get injected directly into your bloodstream bypassing defences.

The mercury you get from eating fish does end up in your bloodstream and repeated eating of that fish will accumulate the mercury.
You'd need to get vaccinated a retarded amount of times to match the same levels of mercury you'll get from eating a tuna sandwich every week.

And that's ignoring the fact that most vaccines don't contain any mercury anymore and that when they did remove it from them, there was no difference in patients.

Ingested toxicity levels vs injected toxicity levels?

Well let's take a look at numbers.
Thimerasol is about 50% mercury and the general dose contained in the vaccines that did contain it was 2 to 3 micrograms.

So that's 1.5 micrograms of mercury at most.
http://www.immunizationinfo.org/issues/t himerosal-mercury/mercury-vaccines

now how much does fish have?
http://www.fda.gov/food/foodsafety/produ ct-specificinformation/seafood/foodborne pathogenscontaminants/methylmercury/ucm1 15644.htm

Tuna has, at most, 0.8 parts per million mercury. Let's half it to 0.4.
So that's 0.4 micrograms for each gram of tuna. A portion would be around 150 grams, let's say. That means that your tuna has 150x04. micrograms of mercury in it, which is 60 micrograms. That's 40 times more than a vaccine.
The absorption rate for this compound is 95%
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/con taminants/mercur/q35-q42-eng.php

And it accumulates in your body over weeks and months.

No no, I'm avoiding Alzheimer's, autism, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, disability, retardation and death.


Yeah man, thank McDonald's for that one. Those diseases were on the rise again even before the anti-vaccine scare.

No, they weren't.
http://www.health.gov.au/internet/immuni se/publishing.nsf/Content/Handbook-mumps
http://www.scienceprogress.org/2008/08/v accine-exemptions-drive-measles-rates-to -12-year-high/

People are dying because of Alex Jone's retarded bullshit.

I'm still speculating on whether they're going to they're just going to say fuck it and inject their brain controlling nanochips into everyone, or they've already done this.

Yeah... nanochips.. sure

That's the result of the developments of a hygienic and high-tech society.

Perhaps you should look into the history of polio
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poliomyelit is

Claiming this is basically not understanding how a vaccine works and what it does.
People who get vaccinated against tetanus or rabies and then get exposed to rabies DON'T GET IT. What is that? If vaccines don't work and the drop in rates of all these diseases are just related to sanitation, why does this happen?

No, I was meant to say, not every country excepts every vaccine because obviously the UN wouldn't want to compromise its soft kill program.

What point are you trying to make here? This is insane.
So you're claiming that some countries are RESISTING vaccines because they're "in the know" but they're NOT resisting ALL vaccines because they're "part of it"??

Pick one

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 13:14:35

At 11/10/10 11:46 AM, poxpower wrote:
At 11/10/10 10:28 AM, fuSEEk wrote:
No I'm not shrinking my claim, I just cannot provide you with any sources with these backroom dealings.
But I thought Alex Jones based his claims on REAL SOURCES from THE MAINSTREAM!!

Who said anything about Alex Jones?

You'd need to get vaccinated a retarded amount of times to match the same levels of mercury you'll get from eating a tuna sandwich every week.

Think you're a little off there.

And that's ignoring the fact that most vaccines don't contain any mercury anymore and that when they did remove it from them, there was no difference in patients.

Ingested toxicity levels vs injected toxicity levels?
Well let's take a look at numbers.
Thimerasol is about 50% mercury and the general dose contained in the vaccines that did contain it was 2 to 3 micrograms.

So that's 1.5 micrograms of mercury at most.
http://www.immunizationinfo.org/issues/t himerosal-mercury/mercury-vaccines


now how much does fish have?
http://www.fda.gov/food/foodsafety/produ ct-specificinformation/seafood/foodborne pathogenscontaminants/methylmercury/ucm1 15644.htm

You'd use the FDA as a credible source?

And it accumulates in your body over weeks and months.

Organic vs inorganic mercury? I'm a bit lazy.

Yeah man, thank McDonald's for that one. Those diseases were on the rise again even before the anti-vaccine scare.
No, they weren't.
http://www.health.gov.au/internet/immuni se/publishing.nsf/Content/Handbook-mumps
http://www.scienceprogress.org/2008/08/v accine-exemptions-drive-measles-rates-to -12-year-high/

Something to do with the nanochips.

People are dying because of Alex Jone's retarded bullshit.

Prove it.

Claiming this is basically not understanding how a vaccine works and what it does.
People who get vaccinated against tetanus or rabies and then get exposed to rabies DON'T GET IT. What is that? If vaccines don't work and the drop in rates of all these diseases are just related to sanitation, why does this happen?

I think I've got it. The nanochips can encode viruses into the body and deactivate them once the patient is sterile.

What point are you trying to make here? This is insane.
So you're claiming that some countries are RESISTING vaccines because they're "in the know" but they're NOT resisting ALL vaccines because they're "part of it"??

Pick one

They're in the know and they're a part of it, of course.

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 13:30:18

At 11/10/10 01:14 PM, fuSEEk wrote:
Who said anything about Alex Jones?

You did;
"He cites mainstream sources, I guess you haven't really looked into Alex Jones much."

So that's 1.5 micrograms of mercury at most.
http://www.immunizationinfo.org/issues/t himerosal-mercury/mercury-vaccines

Ok you're done.

BBS Signature

Response to Alex Jones Debunked 2010-11-10 13:55:18

At 11/10/10 01:30 PM, poxpower wrote:
At 11/10/10 01:14 PM, fuSEEk wrote:
Who said anything about Alex Jones?
You did;
"He cites mainstream sources, I guess you haven't really looked into Alex Jones much."

Oh right, maybe you should try debunking that guy instead.

So that's 1.5 micrograms of mercury at most.
http://www.immunizationinfo.org/issues/t himerosal-mercury/mercury-vaccines
Ok you're done.

Thank god.