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Vero's whore for a day!

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Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:07:12

Howdy do guys!
Been wanting to do one of these for a while, and today is the day I'm gonna do it.

I will be drawing your requests for most of today, probably till into the night
ALL REQUESTS MUST BE IN BY 7PM EASTERN TIME (that's 6 hours from now)

mostly copy and pasted from joe's

- All Art Forum rules apply.
- I'll be using my tablet and photoshop like normal
- You can request only one thing at a time, If you don't, I'll skip you
- Unless the thing is getting slow, I won't make two consecutive pics for the same user. If you want more than a drawing, wait in line, please.
- The art will be quite sketchy, 'cause this is an endurance test.
- I'll stop for lunch and supper times, snacks and brief procrastination breaks
- Please be sensible if you want your pic to drawn. Excuse me for the probable following crappiness.
-You guys no what I draw and what I don't draw, I'm not as....comfortable with drawing some things as joe is, and I also have other people in my house, so drawing monster vaginas is a little out of the question, ask for extremely obscene stuff and I will either just skip you, or draw not exactly what you wanted (more tha likely some sort of innuedo)
- And, finally, treat me gently <3

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:08:53

Two sharks in a wrestling match.

Obligatory request.

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:10:52

I had a feeling
And of coarse your the first to post, keepin things real jonny!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:12:15

Draw something from my Art portal submissions.

Preferably the Cyborg dude with the green hair.

I ran. I ran until my muscles burned, and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more.

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:12:17

I was gonna request MOTHA FUCKIN HULK GLOVES but you already did that.
So I'm gonna request that you draw a western gunslinger wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora, holding a magnum.

Indiana Jones AKA Fedora the Explorer!


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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:12:42

At 6/4/10 01:10 PM, M-Vero wrote: I had a feeling
And of coarse your the first to post, keepin things real jonny!

I had to make sure I'd be first to post, I've got work from 3-9, so I'm leaving in an hour.

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:13:11

Draw ashy a congratulatory picture

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:13:49

Dick Cheney punching a nuclear missle.

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:21:17

At 6/4/10 01:08 PM, big-jonny-13 wrote: Two sharks in a wrestling match.
Obligatory request.

Next up dan's green cyborg dude

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:29:46

At 6/4/10 01:12 PM, Danopus wrote: Draw something from my Art portal submissions.

Preferably the Cyborg dude with the green hair.

Done, up next wiverns generic cowboy

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:32:14

draw a kickass werewolf.... :3

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:39:51

At 6/4/10 01:12 PM, Wivernryder wrote: I was gonna request MOTHA FUCKIN HULK GLOVES but you already did that.
So I'm gonna request that you draw a western gunslinger wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora, holding a magnum.
Indiana Jones AKA Fedora the Explorer!

Done, cowboy holding a magnum(ice cream)

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:45:41

Wow, when you said quick sketches, you weren't lying.
I'll list a bunch of things in case this thread gets quiet:
- The Ninja Turtles eating pizza
- The Nostalgia Critic fighting the Angry Video Game Nerd
- The Nostalgia Critic having coffee with the Angry Video Game Nerd
- Jaws fighting Willy (Free Willy)
- Hong Kong Phooey vs Scooby Doo

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:45:51


if you run out of requests, which I suspect you won't but still, do an asiatic warrior in full armor.


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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:49:05

Yeah... I should probably take a little more time on these

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:56:42

A t-rex wearing socks on his feet, oven mits on his hands. And breifs on his head

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 13:58:18

At 6/4/10 01:49 PM, M-Vero wrote: Yeah... I should probably take a little more time on these

Lol, he has a chubby.

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:01:41

At 6/4/10 01:13 PM, DNoack757 wrote: Dick Cheney punching a nuclear missle.

Done, heh, what an angry guy

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:04:23

At 6/4/10 01:49 PM, M-Vero wrote: Yeah... I should probably take a little more time on these

Woh! Did his dick get bigger or does he have testicular cancer?

Dick Cheney looks sooper angry!

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:16:06

At 6/4/10 01:32 PM, LegolaSS wrote: draw a kickass werewolf.... :3

Done, see what I did there?

pee break

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:36:06

At 6/4/10 01:56 PM, Sockembop wrote: A t-rex wearing socks on his feet, oven mits on his hands. And breifs on his head

Done, LUNCH BREAK TIME, get more requests up in this bitch

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:43:11

A butcher knife with maniacal eyes, an evil grin, arms & legs and blood on his blade...holding a small humanoid as a weapon.
(The same way we would hold a butcher knife when we are about to kill someone.)

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:44:50

pots and pans robot :3

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:47:20

At 6/4/10 01:45 PM, big-jonny-13 wrote: Wow, when you said quick sketches, you weren't lying.

Yeah! I was all excited when I saw this thread, but the first... several... drawings were really disappointing. I know what you're capable of ...now I'm just sad :'(

The dino is nice tho :P

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 14:57:38

Sorry about that, yeah, notches will be kicked up after lunch

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 15:02:11

A giant Pickle shooting lazers beams at a town or city with a meow face :3 while a random pedestrian screaming out Pickle-Zilla!!! while running away.

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 15:17:41

ooh I got one... Have your Vero Motif fro, the original post taking it Marcellus Wallace style.

if you know what scene I am talking about then extra cookie for you :P
"I'm pretty fucking far from OK..."

Whiskey | The Old | The New | Portal | updated sig thanks to gumby

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 15:42:30

Pots and pans robot time

Vero's whore for a day!

Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 15:50:53

An armadillo with an inside-out face, snail eyes and intestines for limbs, sitting on a beanbag chair on top of the sun.

I have nothing to say that is at all relevant.

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Response to Vero's whore for a day! 2010-06-04 15:58:00

A gay old time.

- The Run -- Cargo || The Run -- Drop - The Run is an episodic sci-fi story, click the image to go to the Main Page.

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