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Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 12:23:32

Oh, you silly English blokes.
A survery asked ambulance drivers how cool Hitler was out of 10.

"An ambulance service has apologised after staff were asked to rate how "cool" Adolf Hitler was in a questionnaire.

The survey was sent out to 4,000 employees at West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) as part of a £10,000 study to identify what made good leadership.

Respondents were asked to rate how "cool" 10 famous leaders were on a scale of one to five.

Besides Hitler, the list included Gordon Brown, Richard Branson, Winston Churchill and Fabio Capello.

A WMAS spokesman apologised for any offence caused.

He said: "At the end of the day, Hitler galvanised a nation into doing something quite unusual. Dreadful atrocities took place off the back of that.

"The staff involved were not trying to cause any offence to anybody."

The project, called Making Leadership Cool: How Emerging Leaders Wish to be Managed and Supported, is a year-long study being conducted by two members of staff at the ambulance service.

The aim was to identify the key characteristics of good leadership, to allow the organisation and the wider NHS to be more efficient and effective which, in turn, would have a direct and positive impact on improving patient care, WMAS said.

The questionnaire, sent out last month, had so far been completed by "several dozen" members of staff, the spokesman said.

"The project sought to discuss different styles of leadership and the characteristics of leadership to help staff at all levels develop their career," he said.

"In discussing different styles of leadership, a survey which is one small part of the project sought to include an analysis of the dictatorial style.

"With hindsight, it would have been better to have used a different example to illustrate this."

The funding for the project was provided by the West Midlands Strategic Health Authority, he added."

Personally, I give him about a 6. He gives some pretty neat speeches, but that whole genocide thing and him being a terrible military leader kinda turn me off of him.

still cooler than Gordon Brown, though


Why the fuck did I like these forums again


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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 12:24:47

Hitler was the original emo kid.

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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 12:25:14

Hitler was a pretty cool guy. Turned a nation around and doesn't afraid of anything.

First blood! First topic of 2010!

KC Green has just won my heart.

Kogey made a sig, but it was too much for me to handle.

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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 12:28:27

At 5/11/10 12:25 PM, TheRadicalOne wrote: Hitler was a pretty cool guy. Turned a nation around and doesn't afraid of anything.

I think Nazis is a pretty cool guy. Eh burns the Jews and doesn't afraid of the other countries.

BBS Signature

Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 12:56:10

Hitler promotes AIDS


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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 12:57:20

At 5/11/10 12:56 PM, Catoblepas wrote: Hitler promotes AIDS

He looks like some sort of super-powered uber-Hitler or something.


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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 13:07:54

He wasn't very cool, if were to be honest. However I do think that the least cool leader of anyone anyway has to be the honourable, former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 13:10:02

SS doctors were cooler. I mean how often do you get to inject people with household items you find under the sink? And get PAID?

Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 13:25:41

Its so sad that people take offense and think its bad to talk about Hitler. He was amazing one of the greatest rulers the world has ever known, yet everyone just frets over the negative parts. Sigh.

When this post hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious friendship.

Youtube, Twitch: Mostly games

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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 14:31:01

Hitler was very evil, so I'd say -99.

Check out my new song ''Open the Eyes Of My Heart Lord''

3rd place in the weekly 5!

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Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 14:40:32

At 5/11/10 12:23 PM, EvilerBowser1001 wrote: him being a terrible military leader...

Have you ever taken a class on him? Hitler was arguably one of the greatest military leaders of the past few centuries.

It isn't easy to go from living as a poor postcard artist to leading a genocide of not only several groups of people but an entire race.

Lol Hitler.


BBS Signature

Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 15:24:50

At 5/11/10 12:56 PM, Catoblepas wrote: Hitler promotes AIDS


Response to Hitler...cool? 2010-05-11 15:43:16

Pfft, please boy. Eveyone knows Hitler wouldn't have been nothing without the Red Skull.

He killed Peter Parkers parents

He's been killed multiple times and brought back to life.

He was leader of a spy ring

He has super strenght

Plus, he was so evil that Hitler could feel it.

Beat that.


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