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Wanted: Animator for music video $$

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Looking for an animator for a project, here is the info:

WHO: Animator (flash or any type) who is good at 8-Bit looking animation. Must be able to create completely original nintendo/sega style 80's low bit video gamey animation, including basic cut scenes (think All Your Base style cut scenes mixed in with fake gameplay)

WHAT: This will be for a music project by Toronto artist Volt 9000, and can be heard in the link below. The music video is for the song "American Machine". The musical style is electronic industrial and can be heard at: http://www.myspace.com/volt9000

WHEN: Currently no set time limit, this will be discussed and agreed upon once the person is selected.

COMPENSATION: The current commission pay offered for this is $200. The artist will have quite a bit of creative input to the project and be allow quite a bit of freedom.

APPLY: Post or email links of your videos/portfolio/flash/etc...


Response to Wanted: Animator for music video $$ 2010-03-16 10:15:07

Its a cool song I'll say that. But...I have no experiance with 8-bit looking animations. Don't quite have a pholio to show off right now but...ahh I guess you can check out my flashes.

Music videos:
Musicbot: Harder,Better, Faster
Music Is An Epic Thing

I specialize in Motion Graphics but yea good luck on finding someone ;)

Response to Wanted: Animator for music video $$ 2010-03-16 14:14:37

I may be interested, but what does "quite a bit of freedom" mean.

So do you already have something written down, like a guideline you want everything to look like?

Or are the designs open for free interpretation.

Need a bit more info on that if you may.