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Recruiting Js Or Php Programmer

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Recruiting Js Or Php Programmer 2010-03-15 11:55:14

Hi i am currently starting a browser mmo which will be a sanbox medieval/fantasy game
We have a team nearly complete, a database soon, and a website soon
I know the following languages html, Xhtml, Javascript and CSS
It will be 2d and sprite animated this is a indie project and my first project
If you know how to use any of theese following languages PHP,MySQL or Javascript very well
Please post here or whisp me your email on newgrounds
I am also looking for a very good sprite animator we have a few already but another is welcome to join
any ideas or suggestions for game name or lore/story is accepted by the team only below
If you want to know more about the game visit this link the top post is the basic features and guide lines i have come up with already
http://www.kongregate.com/forums/8-colla borations/topics/80465-team-wanted-for-b rowser-mmo
Thank you for reading.

Response to Recruiting Js Or Php Programmer 2010-03-15 13:49:54

Oh God, use punctuation; your post would be much easier to read.

Well, you don't have the BA or solo stuff to have a collab thread, so this is locked.

But people are free to go to this guy's Kongregate thread if they want to join ... whatever it was the MMO was about.

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