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Need a programmer for Pico day :3

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Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-02-24 14:26:13

Hey, anyone wanna make a simplish sorta game for pico day with me?

We'd make it simple and doable with the time, i have a few ideas but we can always brainstorm.

We'd run ads on top of (hopefully) prize money. and split 50/50 :)

Example of my work: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/96aa cbc3edfb3d5ed410e556031c9374

Need a competent coder and not needed but a musician would be cool.



BBS Signature

Response to Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-02-24 16:05:28

Need a competent coder and not needed but a musician would be cool.


I could find you a nice musician and coder if you would like.

PM me if you want.

I am a FAB

BBS Signature

Response to Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-02-24 20:00:27

any takers?


BBS Signature

Response to Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-02-24 22:04:24

Hey man. I hope you got my PM. And you can lock this now :)

I am a FAB

BBS Signature

Response to Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-02-25 10:54:08

I'm In Deffinlty...I Wanna Do A Pico Sumit

Yeah...what he said.

BBS Signature

Response to Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-03-01 17:58:31

right so i still need a decent coder if anyones intersted

gfx example: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/06fb 1a446bb63d93dc01c6f9ba64c296


BBS Signature

Response to Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-03-01 19:42:21

what style of game are you thinking? It looks like a sidescroller from the art, but I don't know for sure, so I'm not going to assume. do you have any other details you can provide, such as time commitment, version of flash, any necessities for the programmer to have etc? I might be interested, but I need a little more detail first.

Response to Need a programmer for Pico day :3 2010-03-05 16:01:47

Hey man, I consider myself a pretty competent coder. The only actionscript i really have to show though is this:

its a pretty simple game that I made for a class.

let me know if you want me to work on your game!

email: bauerlej@hartwick.edu