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Book needs trailer.

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Book needs trailer. 2010-02-18 17:45:47

Hey people!

Chris here. One of the authors of Dead Meat an online serial novel. I'm in search of a Team of animators/artists, programers, sound editors and voices for the job. Everyone will obviously get fill credit in the animation and on the site for a job well done. I will be directing the short which should be at least 45 second long containing stills and or animations of actual scenes in the book. I'm looking to colaberate with some of you great newgrounds artists. Your imput on the project will definately be taken seriously. On that note here's a summary of the book with snippits of reviews.

Dead Meat, sponsored by Permiter Press, chronicles the journey of two survivors--Gavin and Benny--as the town of River's Edge falls to pieces around them. The destruction of River's Edge begins with an influx of rodents and "rabies" cases leading to a quarantine of the city. Those who remain in town are attacked and fed upon by packs of the living dead. Labeling the infected residents "bees" for their tendency to travel in swarms, Gavin and Benny must do their best to survive the chaos in River's Edge while making their way north in search of sanctuary. No one knows what waits outside River's Edge, but Gavin and Benny know that to survive, they must escape.

"So about the actual blog. Any joe-schmo can write us a zombie fiction that is nothing more than over processed Romero references vomited through a high school literacy level filled with nothing more than blood, guts, and death. However, it takes REAL talent to give us a zombie tale that is intriguing, entertaining, and ultimately...REAL." - Day of the woman

"I've seen a good number of zombie movies in my day and the story going on in this blog is 100 times better and more well thought out than the lot of them. While most zombie tales follow the same conventions and rules that we've all seen and tend to revel in the exciting and fun gore that a zombie outbreak provides, Dead Meat keeps the violence realistic and dare I say even tragic." - Freddy in Space

"Dead Meat is a contrast from other stories that I have read, it has all of the action and often the gore but it focuses more on the emotions and the collapse of the survivors, it's raw and unrelenting. The sense of realism thrusts you into a truly captivating story as if you were reading the memoirs of 2 survivors fighting a battle that until now had only existed in books and movies." - Revenant Magazine

"As you know, anything that has to do with zombies should have plenty of gore and Dead Meat hasn't disappointed in that department. The Williams brothers don't hold back in their descriptions and while not over the top, I think they do a pretty good job of giving us enough things to wince at." - Arcon Citadel

We will soon be finishing the book and we plan on publishing it. If you are interested, I suggest you read or atleast skim the book which can befound at www.deadmeatnovel.com. Send samples of your work to contactdeadmeat@yahoo.com. Serious inquires only please.

Response to Book needs trailer. 2010-02-18 17:53:50

Art and animationstyle will be fleshed out when a group is formed. As of now think dark and gritty.

Response to Book needs trailer. 2010-02-18 18:52:25

Would the trailer be the part that is on the front page? Or will it be something special you wrote?

Response to Book needs trailer. 2010-02-18 20:25:51

The part in the post is a summary of the whole book. I should have an actual trailer script soon.

Response to Book needs trailer. 2010-02-18 20:49:24

At 2/18/10 08:25 PM, iamkatieholmes wrote: The part in the post is a summary of the whole book. I should have an actual trailer script soon.

Okay. While you get the script together, i'll knock up some random shit

Response to Book needs trailer. 2010-02-20 21:47:23

anyone else up for it?

Response to Book needs trailer. 2010-02-21 20:45:20

If you buy me cs4 I'll do it! Kidding. I got MX though so the art looks crappy.
Can't programe.
My only flash subbmission ( made in like an hour ) is here

Anyway, I can animate better but I can't think of any scripts, so, this sounds good.

Response to Book needs trailer. 2010-02-23 06:24:29

got anything you can show that you've done lately?