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Voice Actors Please!

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Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-15 20:06:20

I need about 4+ voice actors to help me in a flash im making called "The Great City Of Mumflepeg". Heres what character i need voicing:

The Mayor: Deep Black voice/ Posh
Head Dick: Any kind of accent
The Only Girl: A female voice, obviously
Captain Half: Strained voice, pain
Ben's Parents: Authoritive, well mannered
The Pilot: Anything goes

Thats about it. If there are any questions about anything, i'll try to answer them ASAP.
No Jokers
No experience required.

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-15 21:19:36

I'll Do it! i might probibly do the Pilot. what would i need to say

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-15 23:05:36

I'd like to give it a shot. anything I can read from?

BBS Signature

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 02:44:52

oooh yes i'll prob go for the mayor...do u have audition lines?

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 02:46:12

At 2/16/10 02:44 AM, liljoey50 wrote: oooh yes i'll prob go for the mayor...do u have audition lines?

can i do more than one voice?

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 06:58:00

i would love to be the head dick i can have a wonderfull english accent

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 10:01:39

I think we need a script, cause i have no idea what to say

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 10:18:32

I'd love to help out. I'm new to this, though. Send some lines, and I'll act my face off.

"I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart."

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 12:30:35

maybe i can do the black man? im white but i have a deep voice!

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 12:31:41

or anything els u want?

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 15:26:19

Ok, I'll answer as many as i can:
tofuductions: I can post a script in about a week
Killa-B: Umm... tricky. Go with anything u want
ForgottenToast: Cool, i'll mark u down.
ughanation: I'll post what I have so far about... friday
liljoey50: Yes of course! Whichever u can do!

Also, I might need some different voices for new characters.

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 17:45:21

I've decided there's only one way to get new characters: Newgrounds
It sounds random/stupid but most of you have good imaginations
I need ideas for 3 useless superheroes of any kind.
Please dont PM me the names, just put them on here

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 19:27:29

like stupid names or just normal made-up ones?

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-16 20:29:49

i would like to try the voice acting for the pilot or the parent

and heres some names for new charactors
1.bartholamew the chicken assasain
2.captain o'flanegan

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-17 03:31:01

II would love to help with some voice acting.

I don't have any voice acting experience, but I do have acting experience, I've been in two different plays Titanic the Musical, and Inspecting Carol, so I believe I could get by with some voice acting for you :)

The Captain I believe I could do with little effort, depending on the scenes he is in and what kind of "pain" he is in, but if it's jsut an over all he's an old salty seadog kind of pain then yes I can do that.

also the Pilot, Anything Goes to me is "Well Geez, Looks like we're gonna crash, so thank yo ufor flying so and so!" all happy go lucky, not listening....but anyway thats how I figure the voice would sound fun and add to the comedy (this is a comedy yea?)

But yea get a script up and I can deffinetly record some lines for an audition :)

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-17 10:19:11

A bit more Q an A
liljoey50: Yeah, just whatever u can think of.
1ryanmacky1: okay when I get the script up, i'll try u out. also, I might use bartholomew the chicken assasin.
Nexoz: Same as above, just wait till friday

Also, thanks for the enthusiasum!

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-17 12:40:27

If anyone wants to voice ben's parents, here is the script for a scene i need:

Dad: Ben, why are'nt you at home
Ben: Fuckin bus runs away before i can chase it
Mom: Ben! Don't use that language?
Ben: What lanuage, the english? HA HA HA!!!
Dad: Ben get in the car.
Ben: I dont have any money!
Dad: Err... thats not relevant
Ben: Hey?
Mom: What?
Ben: Wanna buy some weed???
Dad: What?
Ben: WEED! WEED! WEED! ARGH!!!!!!!!
Mom What are you saying , Ben?
Ben: Are you people retards?!
Dad: Ben!
Ben: (slowly) Smokey smokey, weed! Buy off me!
Dad: Get in the car now!!!

The email address to send it to is kadesmumvskyle@hotmail.com
Send the voices in seperate files (preferably) within a week please!

Response to Voice Actors Please! 2010-02-17 17:53:48

Here's a script I made:

Boring mod: What the flying fuck is this thread about?!

Lameass user: Argh!! Don't hurt me! I'm only writing scripts on-the-fly!

Boring mod: What a load of fucking shit!! Any twat can do that!!!

Lameass user: I know! I should have wrote a script before I looked for people to voice it!

Boring mod: God, I want to hit you! How much animation have you done for this cartoon?!

Lameass user: None whatsoever! I couldn't stop crying in self-pity to do any work!

Boring mod: Well, it's no wonder you have no friends you could have asked first!

Lameass user: Oh woe is me!

Boring mod: Yeah, you shit! I'm gonna lock this thread now, which needs a bit more work before you start looking for voice actors!

Lameass user: P.S. you look like a right tit.

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